Exemplo n.º 1
void FirstOrderType1R::computeh(double time, SiconosVector& x, SiconosVector& z, SiconosVector& y)
  assert(_pluginh && "FirstOrderType1R::computeOutput() is not linked to a plugin function");

  ((Type1Ptr)(_pluginh->fPtr))(x.size(), &(x)(0), y.size(), &(y)(0), z.size(), &(z)(0));

Exemplo n.º 2
void FirstOrderType1R::computeg(double time, SiconosVector& lambda, SiconosVector& z, SiconosVector& r)
  assert(_pluging && "FirstOrderType1R::computeInput() is not linked to a plugin function");

  ((Type1Ptr)(_pluging->fPtr))(lambda.size(), &(lambda)(0), r.size(), &(r)(0), z.size(), &(z)(0));

Exemplo n.º 3
void SiconosVector::toBlock(SiconosVector& vOut, unsigned int sizeB, unsigned int startIn, unsigned int startOut) const
  // To copy a subBlock of the vector (from position startIn to startIn+sizeB) into vOut (from pos. startOut to startOut+sizeB).
  // Check dim ...
  assert(startIn < size() && "vector toBlock(v1,v2,...): start position in input vector is out of range.");

  assert(startOut < vOut.size() && "vector toBlock(v1,v2,...): start position in output vector is out of range.");

  assert(startIn + sizeB <= size() && "vector toBlock(v1,v2,...): end position in input vector is out of range.");
  assert(startOut + sizeB <= vOut.size() && "vector toBlock(v1,v2,...): end position in output vector is out of range.");

  unsigned int endOut = startOut + sizeB;
  unsigned int numIn = num();
  unsigned int numOut = vOut.num();

  if (numIn == numOut)
    if (numIn == 1) // vIn / vOut are Dense
      noalias(ublas::subrange(*vOut.dense(), startOut, endOut)) = ublas::subrange(*vect.Dense, startIn, startIn + sizeB);
    else // if(numIn == 4)// vIn / vOut are Sparse
      noalias(ublas::subrange(*vOut.sparse(), startOut, endOut)) = ublas::subrange(*vect.Sparse, startIn, startIn + sizeB);
  else // vIn and vout of different types ...
    if (numIn == 1) // vIn Dense
      noalias(ublas::subrange(*vOut.sparse(), startOut, endOut)) = ublas::subrange(*vect.Dense, startIn, startIn + sizeB);
    else // if(numIn == 4)// vIn Sparse
      noalias(ublas::subrange(*vOut.dense(), startOut, endOut)) = ublas::subrange(*vect.Sparse, startIn, startIn + sizeB);
Exemplo n.º 4
void FirstOrderType1R::computeJachx(double time, SiconosVector& x, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& C)
  assert(_pluginJachx && "FirstOrderType1R::computeJacobianH() failed; not linked to a plug-in function.");

  ((Type1Ptr)(_pluginJachx->fPtr))(x.size(), &(x)(0), C.size(0), C.getArray(), z.size(), &(z)(0));

Exemplo n.º 5
void FirstOrderLinearR::computee(double time, SiconosVector& z, SiconosVector& e)

  if (_plugine->fPtr)
    ((FOVecPtr) _plugine->fPtr)(time, e.size(), &(e)(0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Exemplo n.º 6
void LagrangianCompliantR::computeJachlambda(double time, SiconosVector& q0, SiconosVector& lambda, SiconosVector& z)

  if (_pluginJachlambda->fPtr)
    // get vector lambda of the current interaction
    ((FPtr2)_pluginJachlambda->fPtr)(q0.size(), &(q0)(0), lambda.size(), &(lambda)(0), &(*_jachlambda)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
    // Copy data that might have been changed in the plug-in call.
Exemplo n.º 7
void LagrangianCompliantR::computeh(double time, SiconosVector& q0, SiconosVector& lambda, SiconosVector& z, SiconosVector& y)
  if (_pluginh->fPtr)
    // get vector y of the current interaction

    // Warning: temporary method to have contiguous values in memory, copy of block to simple.
    ((FPtr2)(_pluginh->fPtr))(q0.size(), &(q0)(0), y.size(), &(lambda)(0), &(y)(0), z.size(), &(z)(0));

Exemplo n.º 8
void LagrangianCompliantR::computeJachq(double time, SiconosVector& q0, SiconosVector& lambda, SiconosVector& z)

  if (_pluginJachq->fPtr)
    // Warning: temporary method to have contiguous values in memory, copy of block to simple.
    // get vector lambda of the current interaction
    ((FPtr2)(_pluginJachq->fPtr))(q0.size(), &(q0)(0), lambda.size(), &(lambda)(0), &(*_jachq)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
    // Copy data that might have been changed in the plug-in call.
Exemplo n.º 9
void LagrangianRheonomousR::computeh(double time, SiconosVector& q, SiconosVector& z, SiconosVector& y)
  DEBUG_PRINT(" LagrangianRheonomousR::computeh(double time,Interaction& inter, SP::BlockVector q, SP::BlockVector z)");
  if (_pluginh)
    // arg= time. Unused in this function but required for interface.
    if (_pluginh->fPtr)
      ((FPtr4)(_pluginh->fPtr))(q.size(), &(q)(0), time, y.size(),  &(y)(0), z.size(), &(z)(0));

Exemplo n.º 10
void LagrangianRheonomousR::computehDot(double time, SiconosVector& q, SiconosVector& z)
  if (_pluginhDot && _pluginhDot->fPtr)
    ((FPtr4)(_pluginhDot->fPtr))(q.size(), &(q)(0), time, _hDot->size(),  &(*_hDot)(0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Exemplo n.º 11
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeB(double time, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& B)
  if (_pluginJacglambda->fPtr)
    ((FOMatPtr1) _pluginJacglambda->fPtr)(time, B.size(0), B.size(1), &(B)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Exemplo n.º 12
void SiconosVector::setVector(unsigned int , const SiconosVector& newV)
  if (newV.size() != size())
    SiconosVectorException::selfThrow("SiconosVector::setVector(num,v), unconsistent sizes.");

  *this = newV ;
Exemplo n.º 13
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeD(double time, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& D)
  if (_pluginJachlambda->fPtr)
    ((FOMatPtr1)(_pluginJachlambda->fPtr))(time, D.size(0), D.size(1), &(D)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Exemplo n.º 14
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeC(double time, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& C)
  if (_pluginJachx->fPtr)
    ((FOMatPtr1)(_pluginJachx->fPtr))(time, C.size(0), C.size(1), &(C)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
void ControlLinearAdditionalTermsED::addSmoothTerms(DynamicalSystemsGraph& DSG0, const DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor& dsgVD, const double t, SiconosVector& xdot)
    // check whether we have a system with a control input
    if (DSG0.u.hasKey(dsgVD))
        if (DSG0.B.hasKey(dsgVD))
            prod(DSG0.B.getRef(dsgVD), DSG0.u.getRef(dsgVD), xdot, false); // xdot += B*u
        else if (DSG0.pluginU.hasKey(dsgVD))
            DynamicalSystem& ds = *DSG0.bundle(dsgVD);
            SiconosVector& u = DSG0.u.getRef(dsgVD);
            SiconosVector& tmpXdot = DSG0.tmpXdot.getRef(dsgVD);
            ((AdditionalTermsEDfctU)DSG0.pluginU.getRef(dsgVD).fPtr)(t, xdot.size(), ds.getx().getArray(), u.size(), u.getArray(), tmpXdot.getArray(), ds.getz().size(), ds.getz().getArray());
            xdot += tmpXdot; // xdot += g(x, u)
            RuntimeException::selfThrow("ControlLinearAdditionalTermsED :: input u but no B nor pluginU");
    // check whether the DynamicalSystem is an Observer
    if (DSG0.e.hasKey(dsgVD))
        prod(*DSG0.L[dsgVD], *DSG0.e[dsgVD], xdot, false); // xdot += -L*e
Exemplo n.º 16
void SimpleMatrix::SolveByLeastSquares(SiconosVector &B)
  if (B.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::SolveByLeastSquares(SiconosVector &B) failed. Not yet implemented for V being a BlockVector.");

  DenseMat tmpB(B.size(), 1);
  ublas::column(tmpB, 0) = *(B.dense()); // Conversion of vector to matrix. Temporary solution.
  int info = 0;

  info += lapack::gels(*mat.Dense, tmpB, lapack::optimal_workspace());
  info += lapack::gels(*mat.Dense, tmpB, lapack::minimal_workspace());
  if (info != 0)
    std::cout << "info = " << info << std::endl;
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::SolveByLeastSquares failed.");
    noalias(*(B.dense())) = ublas::column(tmpB, 0);

Exemplo n.º 17
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeF(double time, SiconosVector& z, SimpleMatrix& F)
  if (_pluginf->fPtr)
    ((FOMatPtr1)(_pluginf->fPtr))(time, F.size(0), F.size(1), &(F)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
Exemplo n.º 18
void SimpleMatrix::PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(SiconosVector &B)
  if (B.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(V) failed. Not yet implemented for V being a BlockVector.");

  DenseMat tmpB(B.size(), 1);
  ublas::column(tmpB, 0) = *(B.dense()); // Conversion of vector to matrix. Temporary solution.
  int info;

  if (_num == 1)
    if (!_isPLUFactorized) // call gesv => LU-factorize+solve
      // solve system:
      if (!_ipiv)
        _ipiv.reset(new VInt(size(0)));

      info = lapack::gesv(*mat.Dense, *_ipiv, tmpB);
      _isPLUFactorized = true;

        ublas::matrix<double> COPY(*mat.Dense);
        ublas::vector<double> S(std::max(size(0),size(1)));
        ublas::matrix<double, ublas::column_major> U(size(0),size(1));
        ublas::matrix<double, ublas::column_major> VT(size(0),size(1));

        int ierr = lapack::gesdd(COPY, S, U, VT);
        printf("info = %d, ierr = %d, emax = %f, emin = %f , cond = %f\n",info,ierr,S(0),S(2),S(0)/S(2));
      // B now contains solution:
    else // call getrs: only solve using previous lu-factorization
      info = lapack::getrs(*mat.Dense, *_ipiv, tmpB);
    if (!_isPLUFactorized) // call first PLUFactorizationInPlace
    // and then solve
    inplace_solve(*sparse(), tmpB, ublas::lower_tag());
    inplace_solve(ublas::trans(*sparse()), tmpB, ublas::upper_tag());
    info = 0;
  if (info != 0)
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::PLUForwardBackwardInPlace failed.");
    noalias(*(B.dense())) = ublas::column(tmpB, 0);
Exemplo n.º 19
SiconosVector::SiconosVector(const SiconosVector& v1, const SiconosVector& v2)
  unsigned int size1 = v1.size();
  if (ask<IsDense>(v1) && ask<IsDense>(v2))
    _dense = true;
    vect.Dense = new DenseVect(size1 + v2.size());
  else if (ask<IsSparse>(v1) && ask<IsSparse>(v2))
    _dense = false;
    vect.Sparse = new SparseVect(size1 + v2.size());
    SiconosVectorException::selfThrow("SiconosVector::SiconosVector :: mixed dense and sparse vector detected");
  setBlock(0, v1);
  setBlock(size1, v2);
Exemplo n.º 20
void DynamicalSystem::setR(const SiconosVector& newValue)
  // check dimensions ...
  if (newValue.size() != _n)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("DynamicalSystem::setR - inconsistent sizes between x0 input and n - Maybe you forget to set n?");

  if (_r)
    *_r = newValue;

    _r.reset(new SiconosVector(newValue));
Exemplo n.º 21
void LagrangianRheonomousR::computeJachq(double time,  SiconosVector& q, SiconosVector& z)
  // Note that second input arg is useless.
  if (_pluginJachq->fPtr)
    // Warning: temporary method to have contiguous values in
    // memory, copy of block to simple.
    ((FPtr4)(_pluginJachq->fPtr))(q.size(), &(q)(0), time, _jachq->size(0), &(*_jachq)(0, 0), z.size(), &(z)(0));
    // Copy data that might have been changed in the plug-in call.
  // else nothing.
Exemplo n.º 22
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeg(double time, SiconosVector& lambda, SiconosVector& z, BlockVector& r)
  if (_pluginJacglambda->fPtr)
    if (!_B)
      _B.reset(new SimpleMatrix(r.size(),lambda.size()));
    computeB(time, z, *_B);

  prod(*_B, lambda, r, false);

Exemplo n.º 23
// Copy
SiconosVector::SiconosVector(const SiconosVector &svect) : std11::enable_shared_from_this<SiconosVector>()
  if (ask<IsDense>(svect)) // dense
    _dense = true;
    vect.Dense = new DenseVect(svect.size());
    noalias(*vect.Dense) = (*svect.dense());
    // std::copy((vect.Dense)->begin(), (vect.Dense)->end(), (svect.dense())->begin());
  else //sparse
    _dense = false;
    vect.Sparse = new SparseVect(svect.size());
    noalias(*vect.Sparse) = (*svect.sparse());
    //std::copy((vect.Sparse)->begin(), (vect.Sparse)->end(), (svect.sparse())->begin());

  // Note FP: using constructor + noalias = (or std::copy) is more
  // efficient than a call to ublas::vector copy constructor, this for
  // large or small vectors.
Exemplo n.º 24
void private_addprod(const SiconosMatrix& A, unsigned startRow, unsigned int startCol, const SiconosVector& x, SiconosVector& y)
  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");
  assert(!A.isBlock() && "private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for block matrix.");

  // we take a submatrix subA of A, starting from row startRow to row (startRow+sizeY) and between columns startCol and (startCol+sizeX).
  // Then computation of y = subA*x + y.
  unsigned int numA = A.getNum();
  unsigned int numY = y.getNum();
  unsigned int numX = x.getNum();
  unsigned int sizeX = x.size();
  unsigned int sizeY = y.size();

  assert(numX == numY && "private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for x and y of different types.");

  if (numY == 1 && numX == 1)

    assert(y.dense() != x.dense());

    if (numA == 1)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.dense(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else if (numA == 2)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.triang(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else if (numA == 3)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.sym(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else if (numA == 4)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.sparse(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else //if(numA==5)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.banded(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
  else // x and y sparse
    if (numA == 4)
      *y.sparse() += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.sparse(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.sparse());
      SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for x, y  sparse and A not sparse.");
Exemplo n.º 25
void DynamicalSystem::setRhs(const SiconosVector& newValue)
  // Warning: this only sets the value of x[1]

  // check dimensions ...
  if (newValue.size() != _n)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("DynamicalSystem::setRhs - inconsistent sizes between x input and n - Maybe you forget to set n?");

  if (! _x[1])
    _x[1].reset(new SiconosVector(newValue));
    *(_x[1]) = newValue;
Exemplo n.º 26
void DynamicalSystem::setz(const SiconosVector& newValue)
  if (_z)
    if (newValue.size() != _z->size())
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("DynamicalSystem::setz - inconsistent sizes between input and existing z - To change z size use setzPtr.");
    *_z = newValue;
    _z.reset(new SiconosVector(newValue));
Exemplo n.º 27
void DynamicalSystem::setX(const SiconosVector& newValue)
  // Warning: this only sets the value of x[0]
  // We suppose that both x and (*x)[0] are properly allocated.

  // check dimensions ...
  if (newValue.size() != _n)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("DynamicalSystem::setX - inconsistent sizes between x input and n - Maybe you forget to set n?");

  if (! _x[0])
    _x[0].reset(new SiconosVector(newValue));
    *(_x[0]) = newValue;
Exemplo n.º 28
void DynamicalSystem::setX0(const SiconosVector& newValue)
  // check dimensions ...
  if (newValue.size() != _n)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("DynamicalSystem::setX0 - inconsistent sizes between x0 input and n - Maybe you forget to set n?");

  if (_x0)
    *_x0 = newValue;

    _x0.reset(new SiconosVector(newValue));
  _normRef = _x0->norm2() + 1;
Exemplo n.º 29
void SiconosVector::subBlock(unsigned int index, const SiconosVector& vIn)
  // Add vIn from the current vector, starting from position "index".
  // vIn may be a BlockVector.

  //  if ( num != 1 ) SiconosVectorException::selfThrow("SiconosVector::subBlock : vector should be dense");

  unsigned int end = vIn.size();
  if ((index + end) > size()) SiconosVectorException::selfThrow("SiconosVector::subBlock : invalid ranges");

  unsigned int numVin = vIn.num();
  if (numVin != num()) SiconosVectorException::selfThrow("SiconosVector::subBlock : inconsistent types.");

  if (_dense)
    noalias(ublas::subrange(*vect.Dense, index, index + end)) -= *vIn.dense();
    noalias(ublas::subrange(*vect.Sparse, index, index + end)) -= *vIn.sparse();
Exemplo n.º 30
void SiconosVector::setBlock(unsigned int index, const SiconosVector& vIn)
  // Set current vector elements, starting from position "index", to the values of vector vIn

  // Exceptions ...
  assert(&vIn != this && "SiconosVector::this->setBlock(pos,vIn): vIn = this.");

  assert(index < size() && "SiconosVector::setBlock : invalid ranges");

  unsigned int end = vIn.size() + index;
  assert(end <= size() && "SiconosVector::setBlock : invalid ranges");

  assert (vIn.num() == num() && "SiconosVector::setBlock: inconsistent types.");

  if (_dense)
    noalias(ublas::subrange(*vect.Dense, index, end)) = *vIn.dense();
    noalias(ublas::subrange(*vect.Sparse, index, end)) = *vIn.sparse();