Exemplo n.º 1
/*static*/ void ConfigManager::LoadTiny( const SimpleString& TinyString )
	ConfigParser::ParseTiny( MemoryStream( const_cast< char* >( TinyString.CStr() ), TinyString.Length() + 1 ) );
Exemplo n.º 2
void ConfigParser::Parse( const IDataStream& Stream )
	Array< SToken >	Tokens;
	SToken			Token;
	Token.m_TokenType						= SToken::ET_Name;
	char			StrMark					= 0;	// Stores the character (either ' or ") that opened a string
	SToken			MacroToken;
	List<int>		ArrayCounters;
	Array<char>		CounterCharArray;
	int				LineCount				= 1;

		char c = Stream.ReadInt8();

		// Skip the UTF-8 byte order mark if present.
		if( UTF8_BOM_0 == static_cast<byte>( c ) )
			CHECK( UTF8_BOM_1 == static_cast<byte>( Stream.ReadInt8() ) );
			CHECK( UTF8_BOM_2 == static_cast<byte>( Stream.ReadInt8() ) );
			c = Stream.ReadInt8();

		if( Stream.EOS() )
			if( Token.m_TokenString.Empty() )
				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_None;
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ] );
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( '\0' );
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s: %s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ], Token.m_TokenString.GetData() );


		if( c == '&' )
			if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Name )
				// Increment the current counter and add it to the current name.
				ASSERT( ArrayCounters.Size() > 0 );
				List<int>::Iterator CounterIter = ArrayCounters.Back();
				( *CounterIter )++;
				SimpleString CounterString = SimpleString::PrintF( "%d", *CounterIter );
				CounterString.FillArray( CounterCharArray );
				Token.m_TokenString.Append( CounterCharArray );
			else if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_None )
				// Add a new counter
				// Push a counter token that will be replaced with the count int later.
				ArrayCounters.PushBack( -1 );
				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_Counter;
			else if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_String )
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( c );
				WARNDESC( "Unexpected character '&' in token." );
		else if( c == '^' )
			if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Name )
				// Add the current counter to the current name.
				ASSERT( ArrayCounters.Size() > 0 );
				List<int>::Iterator CounterIter = ArrayCounters.Back();
				ASSERT( ( *CounterIter ) >= 0 );
				SimpleString CounterString = SimpleString::PrintF( "%d", *CounterIter );
				CounterString.FillArray( CounterCharArray );
				Token.m_TokenString.Append( CounterCharArray );
			else if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_String )
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( c );
				WARNDESC( "Unexpected character '^' in token." );
		else if( c == ' ' || c == '\t' )
			switch( Token.m_TokenType )
			case SToken::ET_None:
			case SToken::ET_Equals:
				// Ignore whitespace
			case SToken::ET_Name:
			case SToken::ET_Context:
			case SToken::ET_Macro:
				if( Token.m_TokenString.Empty() )
					// If the name is empty, ignore whitespace (before the name)
					// Close current token, push it, and expect an equals

					// If we're closing a macro, save it as such
					if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Macro )
						MacroToken = Token;

					Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( '\0' );
					Tokens.PushBack( Token );
					DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s: %s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ], Token.m_TokenString.GetData() );

					if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Name )
						Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_Equals;
					else if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Context || Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Macro )
						Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_Name;
			case SToken::ET_Bool:
			case SToken::ET_Int:
			case SToken::ET_Float:
				// Close current token, push it, and expect nothing
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( '\0' );
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s: %s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ], Token.m_TokenString.GetData() );

				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_None;
			case SToken::ET_String:
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( c );
				WARNDESC( "Unexpected token" );
		else if( c == '=' )
			switch( Token.m_TokenType )
			case SToken::ET_Name:
				// Close current token, push it and an equals
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( '\0' );
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s: %s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ], Token.m_TokenString.GetData() );

				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_Equals;
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ] );
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );

				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_None;
			case SToken::ET_Equals:
				// Already expecting =, just push it
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ] );

				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_None;
			case SToken::ET_String:
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( c );
				WARNDESC( "Unexpected token" );
		else if( c == '#' )
			// # starts a comment

			// Allow # inside a string
			if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_String )
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( c );
				c = Stream.ReadInt8();
				if( c == '!' )	// #! and !# indicate the start and end of block comments
					while( !Stream.EOS() )
						if( Stream.ReadInt8() == '!' && Stream.ReadInt8() == '#' )
					// Read to end of line
					while( c != '\n' && c!= '\v' && !Stream.EOS() )	// Vertical tab stupidity again
						c = Stream.ReadInt8();

					// Change the context because we're on a new line
					Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_Name;

		else if( c == '\\' && Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_String )
			// Escape sequence, intended to insert linebreaks (and maybe other things in the future)
			// Config string escape sequences are not the same as C++ escape sequences. They can be
			// \\, \n, \?, \", or \xx (where x are hex digits, to specify any character by hex).

			char next = Stream.ReadInt8();
			if( next == 'n' )
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( '\n' );
			else if( next == '\"' )
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( '\"' );
			else if( next == '\\' )
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( '\\' );
			else if( next == 'x' )
				char Hex = 0;
				for( uint HexIndex = 0; HexIndex < 2; ++HexIndex )
					next = Stream.ReadInt8();
					ASSERT( IsHex( next ) );
					Hex = ( Hex << 4 ) | GetHex( next );
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( Hex );
			else if( next == 'u' )
				// First, extract a unicode code point (e.g. \u00d7 for U+00D7)
				// NOTE: This only support the first Unicode plane, and is strict about
				// using four characters, so \ud7 is not a valid substitute for \u00d7.
				unicode_t CodePoint = 0;
				for( uint UnicodeIndex = 0; UnicodeIndex < 4; ++UnicodeIndex )
					next = Stream.ReadInt8();
					ASSERT( IsHex( next ) );
					CodePoint = ( CodePoint << 4 ) | GetHex( next );

				// Then convert the two-byte code point to UTF-8.
				Array<unicode_t> CodePointArray;
				CodePointArray.PushBack( CodePoint );
				const SimpleString UTF8String = SimpleString::SetUTF8( CodePointArray );

				for( uint CharIndex = 0; CharIndex < UTF8String.Length(); ++CharIndex )
					const char NextChar = UTF8String.GetChar( CharIndex );
					Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( NextChar );
				PRINTF( "Unrecognized escape sequence \\%c at line %d\n", next, LineCount );
				WARNDESC( "Unrecognized escape sequence" );
		else if( c == 0x0d )
			// DOS linebreak is 0D 0A, so ignore and expect \n to follow
		else if( c == '\0' )
			// Don't know how these are getting in either, but ignore them
		else if( c == '\n' || c == '\v' )
			if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Macro )
				MacroToken = Token;

			// Dunno how vertical tabs are getting in, but treat them as linebreaks
			if( Token.m_TokenString.Empty() )
				if( Token.m_TokenType != SToken::ET_Counter )
					Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_None;
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ] );

				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_Name;
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( '\0' );
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s: %s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ], Token.m_TokenString.GetData() );

				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_Name;

		else if( c == '[' )
			if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_String )
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( c );
				// We should only ever open a context when we're expecting a name
				ASSERT( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Name );
				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_Context;

				// Opening a new context, clear the macro token.
				MacroToken = SToken();
		else if( c == ']' )
			// If we've already closed the context, ignore; else, push token
			if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_String )
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( c );
				ASSERT( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Context );
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( '\0' );
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s: %s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ], Token.m_TokenString.GetData() );
		else if( c == '@' )
			if( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_String )
				Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( c );
				// We should only ever declare or insert a macro when we're expecting a name
				ASSERT( Token.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Name );
				c = Stream.ReadInt8();
				if( c == '@' )
					// @@... means we're inserting the current macro into a name

					// Make sure there is a current macro. If this fails, a macro probably
					// wasn't opened in the current context.
					ASSERT( MacroToken.m_TokenString.Size() > 0 );

					const uint MacroLength = MacroToken.m_TokenString.Size();
					for( uint MacroIndex = 0; MacroIndex < MacroLength; ++MacroIndex )
						Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( MacroToken.m_TokenString[ MacroIndex ] );
					// @... means we're declaring a new macro
					Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_Macro;
					if( c == ' ' || c == '\t' )
						// Ignore whitespace at the front of macro
						Token.m_TokenString.PushBack( c );
			bool ClosedString = false;
			InnerParse( c, StrMark, Token.m_TokenString, LineCount, Token.m_TokenType, &ClosedString );
			if( ClosedString )
				Tokens.PushBack( Token );
				DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s: %s\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ Token.m_TokenType ], Token.m_TokenString.GetData() );
				Token.m_TokenType = SToken::ET_None;

	SimpleString Context = "";

	// Tokens are made, now create config vars
	for( uint i = 0; i < Tokens.Size(); ++i )
		SToken& NameToken = Tokens[i];
		SimpleString Name = "";
		const char* ValueString = NULL;
		if( NameToken.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Name )
			Name = NameToken.m_TokenString.GetData();
			ASSERT( Tokens[ i + 1 ].m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Equals );

			SToken& ValueToken = Tokens[ i + 2 ];
			ValueString = ValueToken.m_TokenString.GetData();

			if( Context != "" )
				CATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s:", Context.CStr() );
			CATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "%s: %s: %s\n", Name.CStr(), SToken::m_TokenNames[ ValueToken.m_TokenType ], ValueString );

			switch( ValueToken.m_TokenType )
			case SToken::ET_Bool:
					// Just use the first character to determine truth
					bool Value = false;
					char first = ValueString[0];
					if( first == 't' || first == 'T' )
						Value = true;
					ConfigManager::SetBool( Name, Value, Context );
			case SToken::ET_Int:
					int Value = atoi( ValueString );
					ConfigManager::SetInt( Name, Value, Context );
			case SToken::ET_Counter:
					List<int>::Iterator NextCounterIter = ArrayCounters.Front();
					( *NextCounterIter )++;	// Add one to the last value we incremented, and that's the total for this array
					ConfigManager::SetInt( Name, *NextCounterIter, Context );
			case SToken::ET_Float:
					float Value = (float)atof( ValueString );
					ConfigManager::SetFloat( Name, Value, Context );
			case SToken::ET_String:
					// Make a permanent copy of the string
					uint Length = (uint)strlen( ValueString );
					char* pString = new char[ Length + 1];
					memcpy_s( pString, Length + 1, ValueString, Length );
					pString[ Length ] = '\0';
					StringManager::AddString( StringManager::ESL_Permanent, pString );

					ConfigManager::SetString( Name, pString, Context );

				WARNDESC( "Unexpected token" );

			i += 2;
		else if( NameToken.m_TokenType == SToken::ET_Context )
			Context = NameToken.m_TokenString.GetData();
			//CATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "Pushed context %s\n", Context.CStr() );
			DEBUGCATPRINTF( "Core", 2, "Skipped unexpected token %s (expected ET_Name)\n", SToken::m_TokenNames[ NameToken.m_TokenType ] );

	// Clean up
	for( uint i = 0; i < Tokens.Size(); ++i )