Exemplo n.º 1
GrGLvoid* GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE nullGLMapBuffer(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum access) {
    // We just reserve 32MB of RAM for all locks and hope its big enough
    static SkAutoMalloc gBufferData(32 * (1 << 20));
    GrGLuint buf = 0;
    switch (target) {
        case GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER:
            buf = gCurrArrayBuffer;
            buf = gCurrElementArrayBuffer;
    if (buf) {
        *gMappedBuffers.append() = buf;
    return gBufferData.get();
Exemplo n.º 2
SkImageDecoder::Result SkBMPImageDecoder::onDecode(SkStream* stream, SkBitmap* bm, Mode mode) {
    // First read the entire stream, so that all of the data can be passed to
    // the BmpDecoderHelper.

    // Allocated space used to hold the data.
    SkAutoMalloc storage;
    // Byte length of all of the data.
    const size_t length = SkCopyStreamToStorage(&storage, stream);
    if (0 == length) {
        return kFailure;

    const bool justBounds = SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode == mode;
    SkBmpDecoderCallback callback(justBounds);

    // Now decode the BMP into callback's rgb() array [r,g,b, r,g,b, ...]
        image_codec::BmpDecoderHelper helper;
        const int max_pixels = 16383*16383; // max width*height
        if (!helper.DecodeImage((const char*)storage.get(), length,
                                max_pixels, &callback)) {
            return kFailure;

    // we don't need this anymore, so free it now (before we try to allocate
    // the bitmap's pixels) rather than waiting for its destructor

    int width = callback.width();
    int height = callback.height();
    SkColorType colorType = this->getPrefColorType(k32Bit_SrcDepth, false);

    // only accept prefConfig if it makes sense for us
    if (kARGB_4444_SkColorType != colorType && kRGB_565_SkColorType != colorType) {
        colorType = kN32_SkColorType;

    SkScaledBitmapSampler sampler(width, height, getSampleSize());

    bm->setInfo(SkImageInfo::Make(sampler.scaledWidth(), sampler.scaledHeight(),
                                  colorType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType));

    if (justBounds) {
        return kSuccess;

    if (!this->allocPixelRef(bm, NULL)) {
        return kFailure;

    SkAutoLockPixels alp(*bm);

    if (!sampler.begin(bm, SkScaledBitmapSampler::kRGB, *this)) {
        return kFailure;

    const int srcRowBytes = width * 3;
    const int dstHeight = sampler.scaledHeight();
    const uint8_t* srcRow = callback.rgb();

    srcRow += sampler.srcY0() * srcRowBytes;
    for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; y++) {
        srcRow += sampler.srcDY() * srcRowBytes;
    return kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 3
void SkScalerContext::getImage(const SkGlyph& origGlyph) {
    const SkGlyph*  glyph = &origGlyph;
    SkGlyph         tmpGlyph;

    // in case we need to call generateImage on a mask-format that is different
    // (i.e. larger) than what our caller allocated by looking at origGlyph.
    SkAutoMalloc tmpGlyphImageStorage;

    // If we are going to draw-from-path, then we cannot generate color, since
    // the path only makes a mask. This case should have been caught up in
    // generateMetrics().
    SkASSERT(!fGenerateImageFromPath ||
             SkMask::kARGB32_Format != origGlyph.fMaskFormat);

    if (fMaskFilter) {   // restore the prefilter bounds

        // need the original bounds, sans our maskfilter
        SkMaskFilter* mf = fMaskFilter;
        fMaskFilter = nullptr;             // temp disable
        fMaskFilter = mf;               // restore

        // we need the prefilter bounds to be <= filter bounds
        SkASSERT(tmpGlyph.fWidth <= origGlyph.fWidth);
        SkASSERT(tmpGlyph.fHeight <= origGlyph.fHeight);

        if (tmpGlyph.fMaskFormat == origGlyph.fMaskFormat) {
            tmpGlyph.fImage = origGlyph.fImage;
        } else {
            tmpGlyph.fImage = tmpGlyphImageStorage.get();
        glyph = &tmpGlyph;

    if (fGenerateImageFromPath) {
        SkPath      devPath, fillPath;
        SkMatrix    fillToDevMatrix;
        SkMask      mask;

        this->internalGetPath(*glyph, &fillPath, &devPath, &fillToDevMatrix);

        if (fRasterizer) {
            mask.fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
            sk_bzero(glyph->fImage, mask.computeImageSize());

            if (!fRasterizer->rasterize(fillPath, fillToDevMatrix, nullptr,
                                        fMaskFilter, &mask,
                                        SkMask::kJustRenderImage_CreateMode)) {
            if (fPreBlend.isApplicable()) {
                applyLUTToA8Mask(mask, fPreBlend.fG);
        } else {
            SkASSERT(SkMask::kARGB32_Format != mask.fFormat);
            generateMask(mask, devPath, fPreBlend);
    } else {

    if (fMaskFilter) {
        SkMask      srcM, dstM;
        SkMatrix    matrix;

        // the src glyph image shouldn't be 3D
        SkASSERT(SkMask::k3D_Format != glyph->fMaskFormat);

        SkAutoSMalloc<32*32> a8storage;
        if (SkMask::kARGB32_Format == srcM.fFormat) {
            // now we need to extract the alpha-channel from the glyph's image
            // and copy it into a temp buffer, and then point srcM at that temp.
            srcM.fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
            srcM.fRowBytes = SkAlign4(srcM.fBounds.width());
            size_t size = srcM.computeImageSize();
            srcM.fImage = (uint8_t*)a8storage.get();
                          (const SkPMColor*)glyph->fImage, glyph->rowBytes());


        if (fMaskFilter->filterMask(&dstM, srcM, matrix, nullptr)) {
            int width = SkFastMin32(origGlyph.fWidth, dstM.fBounds.width());
            int height = SkFastMin32(origGlyph.fHeight, dstM.fBounds.height());
            int dstRB = origGlyph.rowBytes();
            int srcRB = dstM.fRowBytes;

            const uint8_t* src = (const uint8_t*)dstM.fImage;
            uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*)origGlyph.fImage;

            if (SkMask::k3D_Format == dstM.fFormat) {
                // we have to copy 3 times as much
                height *= 3;

            // clean out our glyph, since it may be larger than dstM
            //sk_bzero(dst, height * dstRB);

            while (--height >= 0) {
                memcpy(dst, src, width);
                src += srcRB;
                dst += dstRB;

            if (fPreBlendForFilter.isApplicable()) {
                applyLUTToA8Mask(srcM, fPreBlendForFilter.fG);
Exemplo n.º 4
static GrTexture* load_yuv_texture(GrContext* ctx, const GrUniqueKey& optionalKey,
                                   const SkBitmap& bm, const GrSurfaceDesc& desc) {
    // Subsets are not supported, the whole pixelRef is loaded when using YUV decoding
    SkPixelRef* pixelRef = bm.pixelRef();
    if ((NULL == pixelRef) || 
        (pixelRef->info().width()  != bm.info().width()) ||
        (pixelRef->info().height() != bm.info().height())) {
        return NULL;

    const bool useCache = optionalKey.isValid();
    SkYUVPlanesCache::Info yuvInfo;
    SkAutoTUnref<SkCachedData> cachedData;
    SkAutoMalloc storage;
    if (useCache) {
        cachedData.reset(SkYUVPlanesCache::FindAndRef(pixelRef->getGenerationID(), &yuvInfo));

    void* planes[3];
    if (cachedData.get()) {
        planes[0] = (void*)cachedData->data();
        planes[1] = (uint8_t*)planes[0] + yuvInfo.fSizeInMemory[0];
        planes[2] = (uint8_t*)planes[1] + yuvInfo.fSizeInMemory[1];
    } else {
        // Fetch yuv plane sizes for memory allocation. Here, width and height can be
        // rounded up to JPEG block size and be larger than the image's width and height.
        if (!pixelRef->getYUV8Planes(yuvInfo.fSize, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
            return NULL;

        // Allocate the memory for YUV
        size_t totalSize(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
            yuvInfo.fRowBytes[i] = yuvInfo.fSize[i].fWidth;
            yuvInfo.fSizeInMemory[i] = yuvInfo.fRowBytes[i] * yuvInfo.fSize[i].fHeight;
            totalSize += yuvInfo.fSizeInMemory[i];
        if (useCache) {
            planes[0] = cachedData->writable_data();
        } else {
            planes[0] = storage.get();
        planes[1] = (uint8_t*)planes[0] + yuvInfo.fSizeInMemory[0];
        planes[2] = (uint8_t*)planes[1] + yuvInfo.fSizeInMemory[1];

        // Get the YUV planes and update plane sizes to actual image size
        if (!pixelRef->getYUV8Planes(yuvInfo.fSize, planes, yuvInfo.fRowBytes,
                                     &yuvInfo.fColorSpace)) {
            return NULL;

        if (useCache) {
            // Decoding is done, cache the resulting YUV planes
            SkYUVPlanesCache::Add(pixelRef->getGenerationID(), cachedData, &yuvInfo);

    GrSurfaceDesc yuvDesc;
    yuvDesc.fConfig = kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig;
    SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> yuvTextures[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        yuvDesc.fWidth  = yuvInfo.fSize[i].fWidth;
        yuvDesc.fHeight = yuvInfo.fSize[i].fHeight;
        bool needsExactTexture =
            (yuvDesc.fWidth  != yuvInfo.fSize[0].fWidth) ||
            (yuvDesc.fHeight != yuvInfo.fSize[0].fHeight);
        if (needsExactTexture) {
            yuvTextures[i].reset(ctx->textureProvider()->createTexture(yuvDesc, true));
        } else {
        if (!yuvTextures[i] ||
            !yuvTextures[i]->writePixels(0, 0, yuvDesc.fWidth, yuvDesc.fHeight,
                                         yuvDesc.fConfig, planes[i], yuvInfo.fRowBytes[i])) {
            return NULL;

    GrSurfaceDesc rtDesc = desc;
    rtDesc.fFlags = rtDesc.fFlags | kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;

    GrTexture* result = create_texture_for_bmp(ctx, optionalKey, rtDesc, pixelRef, NULL, 0);
    if (!result) {
        return NULL;

    GrRenderTarget* renderTarget = result->asRenderTarget();

    GrPaint paint;
        yuvToRgbProcessor(GrYUVtoRGBEffect::Create(paint.getProcessorDataManager(), yuvTextures[0],
                                                   yuvTextures[1], yuvTextures[2],
                                                   yuvInfo.fSize, yuvInfo.fColorSpace));
    SkRect r = SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(yuvInfo.fSize[0].fWidth),

    GrDrawContext* drawContext = ctx->drawContext();
    if (!drawContext) {
        return NULL;

    drawContext->drawRect(renderTarget, GrClip::WideOpen(), paint, SkMatrix::I(), r);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
DEF_TEST(BitmapCopy, reporter) {
    static const bool isExtracted[] = {
        false, true

    for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gPairs); i++) {
        SkBitmap srcOpaque, srcPremul;
        setup_src_bitmaps(&srcOpaque, &srcPremul, gPairs[i].fColorType);

        for (size_t j = 0; j < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gPairs); j++) {
            SkBitmap dst;

            bool success = srcPremul.copyTo(&dst, gPairs[j].fColorType);
            bool expected = gPairs[i].fValid[j] != '0';
            if (success != expected) {
                ERRORF(reporter, "SkBitmap::copyTo from %s to %s. expected %s "
                       "returned %s", gColorTypeName[i], gColorTypeName[j],
                       boolStr(expected), boolStr(success));

            bool canSucceed = srcPremul.canCopyTo(gPairs[j].fColorType);
            if (success != canSucceed) {
                ERRORF(reporter, "SkBitmap::copyTo from %s to %s. returned %s "
                       "canCopyTo %s", gColorTypeName[i], gColorTypeName[j],
                       boolStr(success), boolStr(canSucceed));

            if (success) {
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.width() == dst.width());
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.height() == dst.height());
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.colorType() == gPairs[j].fColorType);
                test_isOpaque(reporter, srcOpaque, srcPremul, dst.colorType());
                if (srcPremul.colorType() == dst.colorType()) {
                    SkAutoLockPixels srcLock(srcPremul);
                    SkAutoLockPixels dstLock(dst);
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.readyToDraw());
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.readyToDraw());
                    const char* srcP = (const char*)srcPremul.getAddr(0, 0);
                    const char* dstP = (const char*)dst.getAddr(0, 0);
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcP != dstP);
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !memcmp(srcP, dstP,
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.getGenerationID() == dst.getGenerationID());
                } else {
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, srcPremul.getGenerationID() != dst.getGenerationID());
            } else {
                // dst should be unchanged from its initial state
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.colorType() == kUnknown_SkColorType);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.width() == 0);
                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dst.height() == 0);
        } // for (size_t j = ...

        // Tests for getSafeSize(), getSafeSize64(), copyPixelsTo(),
        // copyPixelsFrom().
        for (size_t copyCase = 0; copyCase < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(isExtracted);
             ++copyCase) {
            // Test copying to/from external buffer.
            // Note: the tests below have hard-coded values ---
            //       Please take care if modifying.

            // Tests for getSafeSize64().
            // Test with a very large configuration without pixel buffer
            // attached.
            SkBitmap tstSafeSize;
            tstSafeSize.setConfig(SkImageInfo::Make(100000000U, 100000000U,
            int64_t safeSize = tstSafeSize.computeSafeSize64();
            if (safeSize < 0) {
                ERRORF(reporter, "getSafeSize64() negative: %s",
            bool sizeFail = false;
            // Compare against hand-computed values.
            switch (gPairs[i].fColorType) {
                case kUnknown_SkColorType:

                case kAlpha_8_SkColorType:
                case kIndex_8_SkColorType:
                    if (safeSize != 0x2386F26FC10000LL) {
                        sizeFail = true;

                case kRGB_565_SkColorType:
                case kARGB_4444_SkColorType:
                    if (safeSize != 0x470DE4DF820000LL) {
                        sizeFail = true;

                case kN32_SkColorType:
                    if (safeSize != 0x8E1BC9BF040000LL) {
                        sizeFail = true;

            if (sizeFail) {
                ERRORF(reporter, "computeSafeSize64() wrong size: %s",

            int subW = 2;
            int subH = 2;

            // Create bitmap to act as source for copies and subsets.
            SkBitmap src, subset;
            SkColorTable* ct = NULL;
            if (kIndex_8_SkColorType == src.colorType()) {
                ct = init_ctable(kPremul_SkAlphaType);

            if (isExtracted[copyCase]) { // A larger image to extract from.
                src.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(2 * subW + 1, subH,
            } else { // Tests expect a 2x2 bitmap, so make smaller.
                src.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(subW, subH,

            // Either copy src or extract into 'subset', which is used
            // for subsequent calls to copyPixelsTo/From.
            bool srcReady = false;
            // Test relies on older behavior that extractSubset will fail on
            // kUnknown_SkColorType
            if (kUnknown_SkColorType != src.colorType() &&
                isExtracted[copyCase]) {
                // The extractedSubset() test case allows us to test copy-
                // ing when src and dst mave possibly different strides.
                SkIRect r;
                r.set(1, 0, 1 + subW, subH); // 2x2 extracted bitmap

                srcReady = src.extractSubset(&subset, r);
            } else {
                srcReady = src.copyTo(&subset);

            // Not all configurations will generate a valid 'subset'.
            if (srcReady) {

                // Allocate our target buffer 'buf' for all copies.
                // To simplify verifying correctness of copies attach
                // buf to a SkBitmap, but copies are done using the
                // raw buffer pointer.
                const size_t bufSize = subH *
                    SkColorTypeMinRowBytes(src.colorType(), subW) * 2;
                SkAutoMalloc autoBuf (bufSize);
                uint8_t* buf = static_cast<uint8_t*>(autoBuf.get());

                SkBitmap bufBm; // Attach buf to this bitmap.
                bool successExpected;

                // Set up values for each pixel being copied.
                Coordinates coords(subW * subH);
                for (int x = 0; x < subW; ++x)
                    for (int y = 0; y < subH; ++y)
                        int index = y * subW + x;
                        SkASSERT(index < coords.length);
                        coords[index]->fX = x;
                        coords[index]->fY = y;

                writeCoordPixels(subset, coords);

                // Test #1 ////////////////////////////////////////////

                const SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(subW, subH,
                // Before/after comparisons easier if we attach buf
                // to an appropriately configured SkBitmap.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                // Config with stride greater than src but that fits in buf.
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, info.minRowBytes() * 2);
                successExpected = false;
                // Then attempt to copy with a stride that is too large
                // to fit in the buffer.
                    subset.copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, bufBm.rowBytes() * 3)
                    == successExpected);

                if (successExpected)
                    reportCopyVerification(subset, bufBm, coords,
                        "copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, 1.5*maxRowBytes)",

                // Test #2 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // This test should always succeed, but in the case
                // of extracted bitmaps only because we handle the
                // issue of getSafeSize(). Without getSafeSize()
                // buffer overrun/read would occur.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, subset.rowBytes());
                successExpected = subset.getSafeSize() <= bufSize;
                    subset.copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize) ==
                if (successExpected)
                    reportCopyVerification(subset, bufBm, coords,
                    "copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize)", reporter);

                // Test #3 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // Copy with different stride between src and dst.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, subset.rowBytes()+1);
                successExpected = true; // Should always work.
                        subset.copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize,
                            subset.rowBytes()+1) == successExpected);
                if (successExpected)
                    reportCopyVerification(subset, bufBm, coords,
                    "copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, rowBytes+1)", reporter);

                // Test #4 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // Test copy with stride too small.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, info.minRowBytes());
                successExpected = false;
                // Request copy with stride too small.
                    subset.copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, bufBm.rowBytes()-1)
                        == successExpected);
                if (successExpected)
                    reportCopyVerification(subset, bufBm, coords,
                    "copyPixelsTo(buf, bufSize, rowBytes()-1)", reporter);

#if 0   // copyPixelsFrom is gone
                // Test #5 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // Tests the case where the source stride is too small
                // for the source configuration.
                memset(buf, 0xFF, bufSize);
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, info.minRowBytes());
                writeCoordPixels(bufBm, coords);
                    subset.copyPixelsFrom(buf, bufSize, 1) == false);

                // Test #6 ///////////////////////////////////////////
                // Tests basic copy from an external buffer to the bitmap.
                // If the bitmap is "extracted", this also tests the case
                // where the source stride is different from the dest.
                // stride.
                // We've made the buffer large enough to always succeed.
                bufBm.installPixels(info, buf, info.minRowBytes());
                writeCoordPixels(bufBm, coords);
                    subset.copyPixelsFrom(buf, bufSize, bufBm.rowBytes()) ==
                reportCopyVerification(bufBm, subset, coords,
                    "copyPixelsFrom(buf, bufSize)",

                // Test #7 ////////////////////////////////////////////
                // Tests the case where the source buffer is too small
                // for the transfer.
                    subset.copyPixelsFrom(buf, 1, subset.rowBytes()) ==

        } // for (size_t copyCase ...
Exemplo n.º 6
SkImageDecoder::Result SkASTCImageDecoder::onDecode(SkStream* stream, SkBitmap* bm, Mode mode) {
    SkAutoMalloc autoMal;
    const size_t length = SkCopyStreamToStorage(&autoMal, stream);
    if (0 == length) {
        return kFailure;

    unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)autoMal.get();

    // Make sure that the magic header is there...
    SkASSERT(SkEndian_SwapLE32(*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buf))) == kASTCMagicNumber);

    // Advance past the magic header
    buf += 4;

    const int blockDimX = buf[0];
    const int blockDimY = buf[1];
    const int blockDimZ = buf[2];

    if (1 != blockDimZ) {
        // We don't support decoding 3D
        return kFailure;

    // Choose the proper ASTC format
    SkTextureCompressor::Format astcFormat;
    if (4 == blockDimX && 4 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_4x4_Format;
    } else if (5 == blockDimX && 4 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_5x4_Format;
    } else if (5 == blockDimX && 5 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_5x5_Format;
    } else if (6 == blockDimX && 5 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_6x5_Format;
    } else if (6 == blockDimX && 6 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_6x6_Format;
    } else if (8 == blockDimX && 5 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_8x5_Format;
    } else if (8 == blockDimX && 6 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_8x6_Format;
    } else if (8 == blockDimX && 8 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_8x8_Format;
    } else if (10 == blockDimX && 5 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_10x5_Format;
    } else if (10 == blockDimX && 6 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_10x6_Format;
    } else if (10 == blockDimX && 8 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_10x8_Format;
    } else if (10 == blockDimX && 10 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_10x10_Format;
    } else if (12 == blockDimX && 10 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_12x10_Format;
    } else if (12 == blockDimX && 12 == blockDimY) {
        astcFormat = SkTextureCompressor::kASTC_12x12_Format;
    } else {
        // We don't support any other block dimensions..
        return kFailure;

    // Advance buf past the block dimensions
    buf += 3;

    // Read the width/height/depth from the buffer...
    const int width = read_24bit(buf);
    const int height = read_24bit(buf + 3);
    const int depth = read_24bit(buf + 6);

    if (1 != depth) {
        // We don't support decoding 3D.
        return kFailure;

    // Advance the buffer past the image dimensions
    buf += 9;

    // Setup the sampler...
    SkScaledBitmapSampler sampler(width, height, this->getSampleSize());

    // Determine the alpha of the bitmap...
    SkAlphaType alphaType = kOpaque_SkAlphaType;
    if (this->getRequireUnpremultipliedColors()) {
        alphaType = kUnpremul_SkAlphaType;
    } else {
        alphaType = kPremul_SkAlphaType;

    // Set the config...
    bm->setInfo(SkImageInfo::MakeN32(sampler.scaledWidth(), sampler.scaledHeight(), alphaType));

    if (SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode == mode) {
        return kSuccess;

    if (!this->allocPixelRef(bm, NULL)) {
        return kFailure;

    // Lock the pixels, since we're about to write to them...
    SkAutoLockPixels alp(*bm);

    if (!sampler.begin(bm, SkScaledBitmapSampler::kRGBA, *this)) {
        return kFailure;

    // ASTC Data is encoded as RGBA pixels, so we should extract it as such
    int nPixels = width * height;
    SkAutoMalloc outRGBAData(nPixels * 4);
    uint8_t *outRGBADataPtr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(outRGBAData.get());

    // Decode ASTC
    if (!SkTextureCompressor::DecompressBufferFromFormat(
            outRGBADataPtr, width*4, buf, width, height, astcFormat)) {
        return kFailure;

    // Set each of the pixels...
    const int srcRowBytes = width * 4;
    const int dstHeight = sampler.scaledHeight();
    const uint8_t *srcRow = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(outRGBADataPtr);
    srcRow += sampler.srcY0() * srcRowBytes;
    for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; ++y) {
        srcRow += sampler.srcDY() * srcRowBytes;

    return kSuccess;