Exemplo n.º 1
SoXipAnnotation::updateEnumerationPosition( SoSFVec3f& position )
	if( mIsViewInitialized && point.getNum() >= 2 )
		const SbVec3f& p0 = point[0];
		const SbVec3f& p1 = point[1];
		SbVec3f u = SbVec3f( 1, 0, 0 );
		SbVec3f v = p1 - p0;
		SbVec3f normal = mViewVolume.getPlane(0).getNormal();

		double a = angleBetweenVectors( u, v, normal );
		bool pos_cos = cos(a) > 0;
		bool pos_sin = sin(a) > 0;

		mEnumerationText->justification.setValue( pos_cos ? SoXipText2::LEFT : SoXipText2::RIGHT );
		mEnumerationText->vAlignment.setValue( pos_sin ? SoXipText2::TOP : SoXipText2::BOTTOM );

		SbVec3f offset = projectScreenOffsetToWorld( SbVec2s( 5, 5 ) );
		SbVec3f middle;
		middle[0] = (  pos_cos ? offset[0] : -offset[0] ) + ( p0[0] + p1[0] ) / 2.;
		middle[1] = ( !pos_sin ? offset[1] : -offset[1] ) + ( p0[1] + p1[1] ) / 2.;
		middle[2] = ( p0[2] + p1[2] ) / 2.;

		position.setValue( middle );
Exemplo n.º 2
SoXipAnnotation::updateAnnotationPosition( SoSFVec3f& position )
	if( mIsViewInitialized && point.getNum() == 2 )
		SbVec3f screenPt[2];
		mViewVolume.projectToScreen( point[0], screenPt[0] );
		mViewVolume.projectToScreen( point[1], screenPt[1] );

		if( screenPt[0][0] < screenPt[1][0] )
			mAnnotation->justification.setValue( SoXipText2::LEFT );
			position.setValue( point[1] + projectScreenOffsetToWorld( SbVec2s( 5, 0 ) ) );
			mAnnotation->justification.setValue( SoXipText2::RIGHT );
			position.setValue( point[1] - projectScreenOffsetToWorld( SbVec2s( 5, 0 ) ) );

		mAnnotation->vAlignment.setValue( SoXipText2::TOP );
Exemplo n.º 3
//	Called whenever the tracking sensor fires.
//  Use: static private
//  Uwe Woessner
InvFullViewer::trackingSensorCB(void *p, SoSensor *)
    InvFullViewer *v = (InvFullViewer *)p;
    MouseRecordType record;
    PolhemusRecord p_record;
    float P, Y, R;
    float dP, dY, dR;
    float dpx, dpy, dpz;
    // static float angle = 0;
    static float tdpx = 0;
    static float tdpy = 0;
    static float tdpz = 0;
    static int out_of_range_flag = 0;
    // static float tdP=0;
    // static float tdY=0;
    // static float tdR=0;

    // SoCamera *camera = InvViewer::viewer->getCamera();

    // grab one valid record
    if (v->trackingDevice < 3) // Logitech on port 1 or 2
        get_record(v->trackingFd, &record);
        // out of range
        if ((record.buttons & 0x20) && (!out_of_range_flag))
            out_of_range_flag = 1;
        else if (out_of_range_flag)
            out_of_range_flag = 0;

// move the camera position by the translation amount
// in the forward direction.
// we will ignore 'y' motion since this is the walk viewer.
// first, orient the tracker data to our camera orientation.

// first update the position according to current position and tracker position
#define TFACT 0.05

        // get current transform
        SoSFVec3f translation;
        // scale position and create relative position
        dpx = (record.x - tdpx) * TFACT;
        dpy = (record.y - tdpy) * TFACT;
        dpz = (record.z - tdpz) * TFACT;
        // printf("%f %f, %f\n",dpx,dpy,dpz);
        // set error boundary
        if ((fabs(dpx) > 10.0) || (fabs(dpy) > 10.0) || (fabs(dpz) > 10.0))
            cerr << "You moved to fast!\n";
            // save values
            tdpx = record.x;
            tdpy = record.y;
            tdpz = record.z;
            return; // maybe the tracker track is not correct
        // save values
        tdpx = record.x;
        tdpy = record.y;
        tdpz = record.z;

        // printf("r: %f  %f %f %f\n",dpx,dpy,dpz,record.xr,record.yr,record.zr,record.ar);
        translation.setValue(dpx, dpy, dpz);
        v->camera->position.setValue(v->camera->position.getValue() + translation.getValue());

        // now the rotations

        // little correction
        P = (record.pitch + 20.0) * M_PI / 180.0;
        Y = (record.yaw) * M_PI / 180.0;
        R = (record.roll) * M_PI / 180.0;

#define RFACT 2.0
        // scale rotation (better not)
        dP = P * (RFACT);
        dY = Y * (RFACT);
        dR = R * (RFACT / 2.0);

        float ra = cos(dR / 2) * cos(dP / 2) * cos(dY / 2) + sin(dR / 2) * sin(dP / 2) * sin(dY / 2);
        float rx = cos(dR / 2) * sin(dP / 2) * cos(dY / 2) + sin(dR / 2) * cos(dP / 2) * sin(dY / 2);
        float ry = cos(dR / 2) * cos(dP / 2) * sin(dY / 2) + sin(dR / 2) * sin(dP / 2) * cos(dY / 2);
        float rz = sin(dR / 2) * cos(dP / 2) * cos(dY / 2) + cos(dR / 2) * sin(dP / 2) * sin(dY / 2);

        v->camera->orientation.setValue(rx, ry, rz, ra);
    else // Fastrak is in the house (port 3 or 4)
        fastrackGetSingleRecord(v->trackingFd, &p_record);
        SoSFVec3f translation;
        // scale position and create relative position
        dpx = (p_record.x - tdpx) * TFACT;
        dpy = (p_record.y - tdpy) * TFACT;
        dpz = (p_record.z - tdpz) * TFACT;
        // save values
        tdpx = p_record.x;
        tdpy = p_record.y;
        tdpz = p_record.z;

        // printf("r: %f  %f %f %f\n",p_record.q1,p_record.q2,p_record.q3,p_record.w);
        translation.setValue(dpx, dpy, dpz);
        v->camera->position.setValue(v->camera->position.getValue() + translation.getValue());

        // v->camera->orientation.setValue(p_record.q1,p_record.q2,p_record.q3,(float)(2*facos(p_record.w)));
Exemplo n.º 4
void ComponentHeliostatField::CreateHeliostatZones( std::vector< Point3D >  heliostatCenterList, TSeparatorKit* parentNode,
		TTrackerFactory* heliostatTrackerFactory,
		Point3D aimingPoint,
		TSeparatorKit* heliostatComponentNode,
		int eje )

	SoType separatorType = SoType::fromName( SbName ( "TSeparatorKit" ) );

	SoNodeKitListPart* heliostatsNodePartList = static_cast< SoNodeKitListPart* >( parentNode->getPart( "childList", true ) );
	if( !heliostatsNodePartList ) return;

	int nHeliostatCenters = ( int ) heliostatCenterList.size();
	if( nHeliostatCenters < 8 )

		for( int nHeliostat = 0; nHeliostat < nHeliostatCenters; nHeliostat++ )

			//TSeparatorKit* heliostatSeparator = new TSeparatorKit;
			TSeparatorKit* heliostatSeparator = static_cast< TSeparatorKit* > ( separatorType.createInstance() );
			QString heliostatName = QString( QLatin1String( "Heliostat%1" ) ).arg( QString::number( nHeliostat ) );
			heliostatSeparator->setName( heliostatName.toStdString().c_str() );
			SoTransform* nodeTransform = dynamic_cast< SoTransform* >( heliostatSeparator->getPart( "transform", true ) );
			nodeTransform->translation.setValue( heliostatCenterList[nHeliostat].x,
					heliostatCenterList[nHeliostat].z );

			SoNodeKitListPart*  heliostatPartList = static_cast< SoNodeKitListPart* >( heliostatSeparator->getPart( "childList", true ) );
			if( !heliostatPartList ) return;

			//TSeparatorKit* heliostatTrackerNode= new TSeparatorKit;
			TSeparatorKit* heliostatTrackerNode = static_cast< TSeparatorKit* > ( separatorType.createInstance() );
			heliostatPartList->addChild( heliostatTrackerNode );
			heliostatTrackerNode->setName( "HeliostatTrackerNode" );
			SoNodeKitListPart*  heliostaTrackerNodetPartList = static_cast< SoNodeKitListPart* >( heliostatTrackerNode->getPart( "childList", true ) );
			if( !heliostaTrackerNodetPartList ) return;

			TTracker* tracker = heliostatTrackerFactory->CreateTTracker();
			heliostatTrackerNode->setPart( "tracker", tracker );
			SoSFVec3f* aimingPointField = dynamic_cast< SoSFVec3f* > ( tracker->getField ( "aimingPoint" ) );
			if( aimingPointField )	aimingPointField->setValue( SbVec3f( aimingPoint.x, aimingPoint.y, aimingPoint.z ) );

			if( heliostatComponentNode )	heliostaTrackerNodetPartList->addChild( heliostatComponentNode );

		//TSeparatorKit* heliostatSeparator1 = new TSeparatorKit;
		TSeparatorKit* heliostatSeparator1 = static_cast< TSeparatorKit* > ( separatorType.createInstance() );
		QString heliostatName1 = QString( QLatin1String( "DivisionPor%1_1" ) ).arg( ( eje == 3 )? QString( 'Z' ): QString( 'X' ) );
		heliostatSeparator1->setName( heliostatName1.toStdString().c_str() );

		//TSeparatorKit* heliostatSeparator2 = new TSeparatorKit;
		TSeparatorKit* heliostatSeparator2 = static_cast< TSeparatorKit* > ( separatorType.createInstance() );
		QString heliostatName2 = QString( QLatin1String( "DivisionPor%1_2" ) ).arg( ( eje == 3 )? QString( 'Z' ): QString( 'X' ) );
		heliostatSeparator2->setName( heliostatName2.toStdString().c_str() );

		if( fabs( eje - 3 ) < 0.001 )
			std::sort( heliostatCenterList.begin(), heliostatCenterList.end(), comparePuntosPorZ );

			std::vector< Point3D >::iterator it;

			double zMin = heliostatCenterList[0].z;
			double zMax = heliostatCenterList[nHeliostatCenters-1].z;

			double splitPoint = zMin + ( 0.5 * ( zMax - zMin ) );
			std::vector< Point3D > hCenterListPart1;
			double position = 0;
			while( ( position < heliostatCenterList.size() )
					&& ( heliostatCenterList[position].z < splitPoint ) )
				hCenterListPart1.push_back( heliostatCenterList[position] );

			std::vector< Point3D > hCenterListPart2;
			while( position < heliostatCenterList.size() )
				hCenterListPart2.push_back( heliostatCenterList[position] );
			CreateHeliostatZones( hCenterListPart1, heliostatSeparator1, heliostatTrackerFactory, aimingPoint, heliostatComponentNode, 1 );
			CreateHeliostatZones( hCenterListPart2, heliostatSeparator2, heliostatTrackerFactory, aimingPoint, heliostatComponentNode, 1 );

			std::sort( heliostatCenterList.begin(), heliostatCenterList.end(), comparePuntosPorX );
			double xMin = heliostatCenterList[0].x;
			double xMax = heliostatCenterList[nHeliostatCenters-1].x;

			double splitPoint = xMin + ( 0.5 * ( xMax - xMin ) );
			std::vector< Point3D > hCenterListPart1;
			double position = 0;
			while( ( position < heliostatCenterList.size() )
					&& ( heliostatCenterList[position].x < splitPoint ) )
				hCenterListPart1.push_back( heliostatCenterList[position] );

			std::vector< Point3D > hCenterListPart2;
			while( position < heliostatCenterList.size() )
				hCenterListPart2.push_back( heliostatCenterList[position] );
			CreateHeliostatZones( hCenterListPart1, heliostatSeparator1, heliostatTrackerFactory, aimingPoint, heliostatComponentNode, 3 );
			CreateHeliostatZones( hCenterListPart2, heliostatSeparator2, heliostatTrackerFactory, aimingPoint, heliostatComponentNode, 3 );
