SladranAI(Creature* pCreature) : MoonScriptCreatureAI(pCreature) { mInstance = GetInstanceScript(); SpellDesc* sdPoisonNova = AddSpell(POISON_NOVA, Target_Self, 10, 3.5f, 16); sdPoisonNova->AddAnnouncement("Slad'ran begins to cast Poison Nova!"); AddSpell(POWERFUL_BITE, Target_Current, 25, 0, 6); AddSpell(VENOM_BOLT, Target_RandomPlayerNotCurrent, 18, 1.5f, 8); AddEmote(Event_OnCombatStart, "Drakkari gonna kill anybody who trespass on these lands!", Text_Yell, 14443); AddEmote(Event_OnTargetDied, "Ye not breathin'! Good.", Text_Yell, 14446); AddEmote(Event_OnTargetDied, "You scared now?", Text_Yell, 14447); AddEmote(Event_OnTargetDied, "I'll eat you next, mon!" , Text_Yell, 14448); AddEmote(Event_OnDied, "I sssee now... Ssscourge wasss not... our greatessst enemy...", Text_Yell, 14449); }
DalliahTheDoomsayerAI(Creature* pCreature) : MoonScriptBossAI(pCreature) { AddSpell(GIFT_OF_THE_DOOMSAYER, Target_Current, 8.0f, 0.0f, -1); SpellDesc* WhirlTemp = AddSpell(WHIRLWIND, Target_Self, 15.0f, 0.0f, -1); WhirlTemp->AddEmote("Reap the Whirlwind!", Text_Yell, 11089); WhirlTemp->AddEmote("I'll cut you to peices!", Text_Yell, 11090); SpellDesc* HealTemp = AddSpell(HEAL, Target_Self, 8.0f, 0, -1); HealTemp->AddEmote("That is much better.", Text_Yell, 11091); HealTemp->AddEmote("Ah, just what I needed.", Text_Yell, 11092); if (IsHeroic()) AddSpell(SHADOW_WAVE, Target_Current, 8.0f, 0, -1); }
HarbringerSkyrissAI(Creature* pCreature) : MoonScriptBossAI(pCreature) { AddSpell(MIND_REND, Target_Current, 15.0f, 0, -1); SpellDesc* Fear = AddSpell(FEAR, Target_Current, 8.0f, 0, -1); Fear->AddEmote("Flee in terror!", Text_Yell, 11129); Fear->AddEmote("I will show you horrors undreamed of.", Text_Yell, 11130); SpellDesc* Domination = AddSpell(DOMINATION, Target_Current, 6.0f, 0, -1); Domination->AddEmote("You will do my bidding, weakling.", Text_Yell, 11127); Domination->AddEmote("Your will is no longer your own.", Text_Yell, 11128); Illusion66 = AddSpell(SUMMON_ILLUSION_66, Target_Self, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, false, "", Text_Yell, 11131); Illusion66->mEnabled = false; Illusion33 = AddSpell(SUMMON_ILLUSION_33, Target_Self, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, false, "", Text_Yell, 11131); Illusion33->mEnabled = false; IllusionCount = 0; }
OmorTheUnscarredAI(Creature* pCreature) : MoonScriptCreatureAI(pCreature) { SpellDesc* pShield = AddSpell(OMOR_DEMONIC_SHIELD, Target_Self, 30, 0, 25); pShield->mEnabled = false; SpellDesc* pSummon = AddSpell(OMOR_SUMMON_FIENDISH_HOUND, Target_Self, 8, 1, 20); pSummon->AddEmote("Achor-she-ki! Feast my pet! Eat your fill!", Text_Yell, 10277); AddSpell(OMOR_SHADOW_WHIP, Target_RandomPlayer, 10, 0, 30); if (_unit->GetMapMgr()->iInstanceMode != MODE_HEROIC) { AddSpell(OMOR_SHADOW_BOLT, Target_RandomPlayer, 8, 3, 15, 10, 60, true); SpellDesc* pAura = AddSpell(OMOR_TREACHEROUS_AURA, Target_RandomPlayer, 8, 2, 35, 0, 60, true); pAura->AddEmote("A-Kreesh!", Text_Yell, 10278); } else { AddSpell(OMOR_SHADOW_BOLT2, Target_RandomPlayer, 8, 3, 15, 10, 60, true); SpellDesc* pAura = AddSpell(OMOR_BANE_OF_TREACHERY, Target_RandomPlayer, 8, 2, 35, 0, 60, true); pAura->AddEmote("A-Kreesh!", Text_Yell, 10278); } }