Exemplo n.º 1
int runStatMultipliers (Stats stats, Stats multipliers) {
    int totalEffect = 0;
    Stats statEffects = mergeStatMaps(stats, multipliers);
    //Sum values in statEffects map
    Stats::const_iterator it;
    for (it = statEffects.begin(); it != statEffects.end(); it++) {
        totalEffect += (*it).second;

    return totalEffect;
Exemplo n.º 2
//Multiply elements of *identical* maps together
Stats mergeStatMaps(Stats mapA, Stats mapB) {
    Stats::const_iterator itA, itB;
    itB = mapB.begin();
    Stats result;

    for (itA = mapA.begin(); itA != mapA.end(); itA++) {
        //Take key from A, and multiply values from A and B.
        result.emplace((*itA).first, (*itA).second * (*itB).second );

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
void writeStatsDebug(FILE* fdebug, const std::string& name, const Stats& stats)
	fprintf(fdebug, name.c_str());
	int pCount=0;
	for( Stats::const_iterator sit = stats.begin();
		sit != stats.end();
		++sit, ++pCount)
		fprintf(fdebug, "[%d] Ave=%4.2f:%4.2f:%4.2f:%4.2f::%4.2f:%4.2f, StDev=%4.2f:%4.2f:%4.2f:%4.2f::%4.2f:%4.2f\n", 
					sit->Ave[2], sit->Ave[3], sit->Ave[4], sit->Ave[5], sit->Ave[0], sit->Ave[1],
					sit->StDev[2], sit->StDev[3], sit->StDev[4], sit->StDev[5], sit->StDev[0], sit->StDev[1]
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Stats data;
    if (argc < 1) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "prof.log" << std::endl;
        return 1;
  std::ifstream myfile (argv[1]);
  if (myfile.is_open())
    while (!myfile.eof()) {
    ProfilingHeader hd;
    myfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&hd), sizeof(hd));
    switch (hd.type) {
     case (ProfilingData_Type_TIMELINE) : {
      ProfilingData_TIMELINE s;
      myfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&s), sizeof(s));
      Stats::iterator it = data.find(s.thisp);
      std::vector<linestat> & v = it->second.lines;
      //std::cout << s.thisp << ":" << s.line_number << "|" << s.local << "," << s.total << std::endl;
     }; break;
     case (ProfilingData_Type_SOURCE) : {
      ProfilingData_SOURCE s;
      myfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&s), sizeof(s));
      char sourceline[s.length+1];
      myfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&sourceline), s.length);
      Stats::iterator it = data.find(s.thisp);
      std::vector<linestat> & v = it->second.lines;
      linestat L;
      L.total_time = 0;
      L.count = 0;
      L.opcode = 0;
      L.dependency = 0;
      if (s.line_number-int(v.size())+1>0) {
      //std::cout << v.size() << s.line_number << std::endl;
      sourceline[s.length] = 0;
      v[s.line_number].code = sourceline;
      v[s.line_number].opcode = s.opcode;
      v[s.line_number].dependency = s.dependency;
      //std::cout << s.thisp << ":" << s.line_number << ": " << sourceline << std::endl;
     }; break;
     case (ProfilingData_Type_NAME) : {
      ProfilingData_NAME s;
      myfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&s), sizeof(s));
      char name[s.length+1];
      myfile.read(name, sizeof(char)*s.length);
      Stats::iterator it = data.find(s.thisp);
      if (it==data.end()) {
        functionstat f;
        f.count = 0;
        f.total_time = 0;
        f.external_time = 0;
        f.overhead_time = 0;
        data[s.thisp] = f;
        it = data.find(s.thisp);
      name[s.length] = 0; // Null-terminated
      functionstat &f = it->second;
      f.name = name;
      f.algorithm_size = s.algorithm_size;
      f.type = s.type;
      //std::cout << name << std::endl;
      //std::cout << "n" << s.numin << "," << s.numout << std::endl;
      for (int i=0;i<s.numin;++i) {
        myfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&f.inputs[i]), sizeof(iostat));
      for (int i=0;i<s.numout;++i) {
        myfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&f.outputs[i]), sizeof(iostat));
     }; break;
     case (ProfilingData_Type_ENTRY) : {
      ProfilingData_ENTRY s;
      myfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&s), sizeof(s));
      Stats::iterator it = data.find(s.thisp);      
      //std::cout << "Entry " << s.thisp << std::endl;
     }; break;
     case (ProfilingData_Type_EXIT) : {
      ProfilingData_EXIT s;
      myfile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&s), sizeof(s));
      Stats::iterator it = data.find(s.thisp);
      it->second.total_time +=s.total;
      //std::cout << "Exit " << s.thisp << ": " << s.total << std::endl;
     }; break;
       std::cerr << "Unknown type in profile header: " << hd.type << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cerr << "Unable to open file" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "== Here comes the stats ==" << std::endl;
  for (Stats::const_iterator it = data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
    const functionstat & f = it->second;
    if (f.count ==0 ) continue;
    std::cout << f.name << ":" << f.count << ":" << f.algorithm_size << ":" << bool(f.type==ProfilingData_FunctionType_MXFunction) << std::endl;
    for (int i=0;i<f.lines.size();++i) {
     const linestat &L = f.lines[i];
     std::cout << " " << i << ":" << L.count << ":" << L.total_time << ":" << L.code;
     if (L.dependency!=0) std::cout << "| call " << L.dependency << std::endl;
  // Calculate external_time and overhead_time
  for (Stats::iterator it = data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
    functionstat & f = it->second;
    if (f.type==ProfilingData_FunctionType_MXFunction) {
      f.overhead_time = f.total_time;
      for (std::vector<linestat>::const_iterator it2 = f.lines.begin();it2!=f.lines.end();++it2) {
        const linestat & l = *it2;
        f.overhead_time-= l.total_time;
        if (l.dependency) {
          f.external_time+= l.total_time;
  std::ofstream report ("prof.html");
  report << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd'>\n<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>\n<head><script src='http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js'></script><script src='http://cpettitt.github.io/project/dagre-d3/v0.1.5/dagre-d3.min.js'></script>";
  report << "<style>"
"svg {"
"    overflow: hidden;"
".node rect {"
"    stroke: #333;"
"    stroke-width: 1.5px;"
"    fill: #fff;"
".edgeLabel rect {"
"    fill: #fff;"
".edgePath {"
"    stroke: #333;"
"    stroke-width: 1.5px;"
"    fill: none;"
".outer {"
"    width: 1024px;"
"    height: 960px;"
"    overflow: auto;"
".inner {"
"    width: 8000px;"
"    height: 6000px;"
"svg {"
"    display: block;"
"    width: 100%;"
"    height: 100%;"
  report << "</head><body>\n";
  report << "<div id='chart3'></div>" << std::endl;

  report << "<table><thead><tr><th>Id</th><th>#calls</th><th>Internal (s)</th><th>External (s)</th><th>Overhead (s)</th><th>Algorithm size</th><th>#inputs</th><th>#input nz</th><th>#outputs</th><th>#output nz</th></tr></thead>" << std::endl;

  for (Stats::const_iterator it = data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
    const functionstat & f = it->second;
    if (f.count ==0 ) continue;
    int nz_in = 0;
    int nz_out = 0;
    for (int i=0;i<f.inputs.size();++i) {
      nz_in+= f.inputs[i].ndata;
    for (int i=0;i<f.outputs.size();++i) {
      nz_out+= f.outputs[i].ndata;
    report << "<tr><td><a href='#" << it->first << "'>" << f.name << "</a></td><td>" << f.count << "</td><td>"  << f.total_time-f.external_time-f.overhead_time << "</td><td>"  << f.external_time << "</td><td>"  << f.overhead_time << "</td><td>" << f.algorithm_size <<  "</td><td>" << f.inputs.size() <<  "</td><td>" << nz_in <<  "</td><td>" << f.outputs.size() <<  "</td><td>" << nz_out <<  "</td></tr>\n";
  report << "</table>";
  // data
  report << "<script>var functions={";
  for (Stats::const_iterator it = data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
    const functionstat & f = it->second;
    if (f.type== ProfilingData_FunctionType_Other ) continue;

    report << it->first  << ": {name:" << '"' << f.name << '"' << "}," << std::endl;
  report << "};" << std::endl;
  report << "var functioncalls=[";
  for (Stats::const_iterator it = data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
    const functionstat & f = it->second;
    if (f.type== ProfilingData_FunctionType_Other ) continue;
    std::map<long,int> callmap;
    for (int i=0;i<f.lines.size();++i) {
      if (f.lines[i].dependency!=0) {
        Stats::iterator itd = data.find(f.lines[i].dependency);
        if (itd->second.type== ProfilingData_FunctionType_Other ) continue;
        std::map<long,int>::iterator it = callmap.find(f.lines[i].dependency);
        if (it==callmap.end()) {
          callmap[f.lines[i].dependency] = f.lines[i].count;
        } else {
          it->second += f.lines[i].count;
    for (std::map<long,int>::iterator it2=callmap.begin();it2!=callmap.end();++it2) {
      report << " {source:" << it->first << ", target:" << it2->first << "," << "ncalls:" << it2->second << "},";
  report << "];\n</script>\n";
  std::vector<int> type_binning_ncalls(casadi::NUM_BUILT_IN_OPS);
  std::vector<double> type_binning_time(casadi::NUM_BUILT_IN_OPS);
  for (Stats::const_iterator it = data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
    const functionstat & f = it->second;
    if (f.type==ProfilingData_FunctionType_MXFunction) {
      for (int i=0;i<f.lines.size();++i) {
        const linestat &L = f.lines[i];

  report << "<div class='outer'><div class='inner'><svg>"
"    <g transform='translate(20,20)'/>"
  report << "<script>"
"var g = new dagreD3.Digraph();"
"Object.keys(functions).forEach(function(key) {"
"g.addNode(   key.toString(), { label: functions[key].name });"
"functioncalls.forEach(function(link) {"
"g.addEdge(null, link.source.toString(),   link.target.toString(), { label: link.ncalls.toString() });"
"g=g.filterNodes(function(u) { return g.neighbors(u).length >0 });"
"var layout = dagreD3.layout()"
"                    .nodeSep(20)"
"                    .rankDir('LR');"
"var renderer = new dagreD3.Renderer();"
"renderer.layout(layout).run(g, d3.select('svg g'));"
  report << "<table><thead><tr><th>Operation code</th><th>Operation</th><th>total (s)</th><th>ncalls</th></tr></thead>\n";
  for (int i=0;i<casadi::NUM_BUILT_IN_OPS;++i) {
    report << "<tr><td>" << i << "</td><td>";
    report << "</td><td>" << type_binning_time[i] << "</td><td>" << type_binning_ncalls[i] <<  "</td><td>";
  report << "</table>";
  for (Stats::const_iterator it = data.begin();it!=data.end();++it) {
    const functionstat & f = it->second;
    if (f.count ==0 ) continue;
    report << "<a name='" << it->first << "'><h2>" << f.name << "</h2></a><dl><dt>#calls</dt><dd>" << f.count << "</dd><dt>Algorithm size</dt><dd>" << f.algorithm_size << "</dd><dt>Total (s)</dt><dd>" << f.total_time << "</dd>" << std::endl;
    report << "<dt>Inputs</dt><dd><table><thead><tr><td>i</td><td>rows</td><td>cols</td><td>nonzeros</td></tr></thead>" << std::endl;
    for (int i=0;i<f.inputs.size();++i) {
      report << "<tr><td>" << i << "</td><td>" << f.inputs[i].nrow << "</td><td>" << f.inputs[i].ncol <<  "</td><td>" << f.inputs[i].ndata << "</td></tr>" << std::endl;
    report << "</table></dd>" << std::endl;
    report << "<dt>Outputs</dt><dd><table><thead><tr><td>i</td><td>rows</td><td>cols</td><td>nonzeros</td></tr></thead>" << std::endl;
    for (int i=0;i<f.outputs.size();++i) {
      report << "<tr><td>" << i << "</td><td>" << f.outputs[i].nrow << "</td><td>" << f.outputs[i].ncol <<  "</td><td>" << f.outputs[i].ndata << "</td></tr>" << std::endl;
    report << "</table></dd>" << std::endl;
    report << "</dl>\n";

    if (f.type==ProfilingData_FunctionType_MXFunction || f.type==ProfilingData_FunctionType_Other) {
      report << "<table><thead><tr><th>Codeline</th><th>total (ms)</th><th>ncalls</th><th>souce</th></tr></thead>\n";
      int total = f.lines.size();
      if (total>10000) total = 10000;
      for (int i=0;i<total;++i) {
       const linestat &L = f.lines[i];
       //if (L.dependency!=0) std::cout << "| call " << L.dependency << std::endl;
       report << "<tr><td>" << i << "</td><td>" << L.total_time*1000 << "</td><td>" << L.count <<  "</td><td>";
       if (L.dependency==0) {
         report << L.code << "</td></tr>" << std::endl;
       } else {
         report << "<a href='#"<< L.dependency << "'>" << L.code << "</a></td></tr>" << std::endl;
      report << "</table>";
      if (f.lines.size()>10000) {
        report << "<p>Clipped " << f.lines.size() << " lines</p>" << std::endl;

  report << "</body></html>";
Exemplo n.º 5
void main_loop()

  while (true)
    unsigned int maxLen = 4;
    // Reset all counters
    for (auto& ov: objectMap)

    qi::os::msleep(interval * 1000);

    Stats stats;
    // Fetch stats from monitored objects and fill stats
    for(ObjectMap::value_type& ov: objectMap)
      qi::ObjectStatistics os = ov.second.call<qi::ObjectStatistics>("stats");
      const std::string& serviceName = ov.first;
      for(qi::ObjectStatistics::value_type& s: os)
        if (s.first == 83)
          continue; // hide clearstats
        std::string name = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(s.first);
        if (!numeric)
          qi::MetaObject mo = ov.second.metaObject();
          qi::MetaMethod* m = mo.method(s.first);
          if (m)
            name = m->name();
            qi::MetaSignal* sig = mo.signal(s.first);
            if (sig)
              name = sig->name();
              name = name + "(??" ")"; // trigraph protect mode on
        maxLen = std::max(maxLen, (unsigned int)name.size());
        stats.push_back(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(serviceName, name), s.second));
    if (!full)
      maxLen = std::min(maxLen, 25u);
    // Now, sort
    std::sort(stats.begin(), stats.end(), StatCompare());
    // display
    std::cout << "MODULE" << std::string(maxLen + 2 - 6, ' ')
     << "METHOD" << std::string((full?maxServiceLength:17) + 2 - 6, ' ')
     << "  %CPU  " << "COUNT         "
     << "USER" << std::string(6*3 - 2, ' ')
     << "SYS " << std::string(6*3 - 2, ' ')
     << "WALL"
     << std::endl;
    for(const Stat& s: stats)
      const qi::MethodStatistics& ms = s.second;
      std::string serviceName = s.first.first;
      std::string methodName = s.first.second;
      if (!full && serviceName.size() > 17)
        serviceName = serviceName.substr(0, 14) + "...";
      if (!full && methodName.size() > 25)
        methodName = methodName.substr(0, 22) + "...";
      std::string spacing(maxLen + 2 - methodName.size(), ' ');
      std::string spacing2((full?maxServiceLength:17) + 2 - serviceName.size(), ' ');

      std::cout << serviceName << spacing2 << methodName << spacing
        << std::setw(6) << (((ms.user().cumulatedValue() + ms.system().cumulatedValue()) * 100) / interval) << "% "
        << std::setw(3)
        << ms.count() << "x  "
        << us(ms.user().cumulatedValue() / (float)ms.count()) << ' ' << us(ms.user().minValue()) << ' ' << us(ms.user().maxValue())
        << "   "
        << us(ms.system().cumulatedValue() / (float)ms.count()) << ' ' << us(ms.system().minValue()) << ' ' << us(ms.system().maxValue())
        << "   "
        << us(ms.wall().cumulatedValue() / (float)ms.count()) << ' ' << us(ms.wall().minValue()) << ' ' << us(ms.wall().maxValue())
        << "   "
        << std::endl;