Exemplo n.º 1
P(GmMaterial) GmUtil::createGmMaterial( Mtl* material, Mtl* bakedmaterial )
	require( material );

	P(GmMaterial) s = new GmMaterial;

	// get name
	static int unnamedCount = 0;
	if ( material->GetName().data() )
		s->name = material->GetName().data();
		s->name = "noname #"+String::valueOf( ++unnamedCount );

	// Standard material (+Diffuse) (+ Reflection)
	if ( material->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID,0) )
		StdMat* stdmat		= static_cast<StdMat*>(material);
	    StdMat* bakedmat	= static_cast<StdMat*>(bakedmaterial);

		// StdMat2?
		StdMat2* stdmat2 = 0;
		if ( stdmat->SupportsShaders() )
			stdmat2 = static_cast<StdMat2*>( stdmat );

		// uniform transparency
		s->opacity = stdmat->GetOpacity(0);

		// self illumination
		s->selfIllum = stdmat->GetSelfIllum(0);

		// two-sided material?
		s->twosided = ( 0 != stdmat->GetTwoSided() );

		// blending mode
		s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_COPY;
		if ( s->opacity < 1.f )
			s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_MULTIPLY;
		if ( stdmat->GetTransparencyType() == TRANSP_ADDITIVE )
			s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_ADD;

		// diffuse color
		s->diffuseColor = toColorf( stdmat->GetDiffuse(0) );

		// specular highlights
		float shinStr = stdmat->GetShinStr(0);
		s->specular = (shinStr > 0.f);
		if ( s->specular )
			float shininess = stdmat->GetShininess(0);
			s->specularExponent = Math::pow( 2.f, shininess*10.f + 2.f );
			s->specularColor = toColorf( stdmat->GetSpecular(0) ) * shinStr;
		if ( bakedmat )
			shinStr = bakedmat->GetShinStr(0);
			s->specular = (shinStr > 0.f);
			if ( s->specular )
				float shininess = bakedmat->GetShininess(0);
				s->specularExponent = Math::pow( 2.f, shininess*10.f + 2.f );
				s->specularColor = toColorf( bakedmat->GetSpecular(0) ) * shinStr;

		// diffuse texture layer
		BitmapTex* tex	= SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_DI );
		if ( tex )
			GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->diffuseLayer;
			setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name );

		// opacity texture layer
		tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_OP );
		if ( tex )
			GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->opacityLayer;
			setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name );

			// check alpha channel validity
			Bitmap* bmp = tex->GetBitmap(0);
			if ( bmp && !bmp->HasAlpha() )
				Debug::printlnError( "Material \"{0}\" opacity map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName() );
				//throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" opacity map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName()) );
			s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_MULTIPLY;

			// check that opacity map is the same as diffuse map
			if ( s->opacityLayer.filename != s->diffuseLayer.filename )
				throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse bitmap needs to be the same in opacity map.(diffuse map is \"{1}\" and opacity map is \"{2}\")", s->name, s->diffuseLayer.filename, s->opacityLayer.filename) );
			if ( s->opacityLayer.coordset != s->diffuseLayer.coordset )
				throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate set needs to be the same in opacity map.", s->name) );
			if ( s->opacityLayer.env != s->diffuseLayer.env )
				throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate generator needs to be the same in opacity map.", s->name) );

		// reflection texture layer
		tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_RL );
		if ( tex )
			GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->reflectionLayer;
			setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name );

		// glossiness (shininess strength, SS) texture layer
		tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SS );
		if ( tex )
			GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->glossinessLayer;
			setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name );

			// check alpha channel validity
			Bitmap* bmp = tex->GetBitmap(0);
			//if ( bmp && !bmp->HasAlpha() )
			//	throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" glossiness map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName()) );
			if ( bmp && !bmp->HasAlpha() )
				Debug::printlnError("Material \"{0}\" glossiness map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName() );

			// check that glossiness map is the same as diffuse map
			if ( s->glossinessLayer.filename != s->diffuseLayer.filename )
				throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse bitmap needs to be the same in glossiness map.(diffuse map is \"{1}\" and glossiness map is \"{2}\")", s->name, s->diffuseLayer.filename, s->glossinessLayer.filename) );
			if ( s->glossinessLayer.coordset != s->diffuseLayer.coordset )
				throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate set needs to be the same in glossiness map.", s->name) );
			if ( s->glossinessLayer.env != s->diffuseLayer.env )
				throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate generator needs to be the same in glossiness map.", s->name) );

			// check that reflection map has been set
			if ( s->reflectionLayer.filename.length() == 0 )
				throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" glossiness map requires reflection map to be set.", s->name) );

		// bump texture layer
		tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_BU );
		if ( tex )
			GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->bumpLayer;
			setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name );

		// specular color texture layer
		tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SP );
		if ( tex )
			GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->specularColorLayer;
			setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name );

		// specular level texture layer
		tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SH );
		if ( tex )
			GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->specularLevelLayer;
			setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name );

		// lightmap texture layer ( from self-illumination map of baked material )
		tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SI );
		BitmapTex* tex2 = 0;
		if ( bakedmat ) 
			tex2 = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( bakedmat, ID_SI );
		if ( tex || tex2 )
			GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->lightMapLayer;
			if ( tex && !tex2 )
				setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name );
			else if ( tex2 )
				setLayerTex( layer, tex2, s->name );

	return s;
Exemplo n.º 2
void DumpMaterial(IGameMaterial *pGMaxMat)
    m_material *pMat = NULL;

	if (!pGMaxMat->IsMultiType()) // check not a mix material
        pMat = new m_material;

		// set the name of the material...
	    pMat->name = pGMaxMat->GetMaterialName();

		// add the new material to the TOC(Table Of Contants) and set its id...
		pMat->id = ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->AddMaterial(pGMaxMat, pMat);

		Mtl *pMaxMaterial = pGMaxMat->GetMaxMaterial();
		if (pMaxMaterial->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0))
			StdMat *pStandardMaterial = (StdMat*)pMaxMaterial;
			Color col;

			// diffuse color...
			col = pStandardMaterial->GetDiffuse(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());
			pMat->diffuse = Vector4f(col.r, col.g, col.b, 1.f);

			// ambient color...
			col = pStandardMaterial->GetAmbient(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());
			pMat->ambient = Vector4f(col.r, col.g, col.b, 1.f);

			// specular color...
			col = pStandardMaterial->GetSpecular(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());
			pMat->specular = Vector4f(col.r, col.g, col.b, 1.f);

			// emissive color...
			pMat->emission = Vector4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);

			// level of transparency
			pMat->transparent = pStandardMaterial->GetOpacity(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());

			// specular exponent...
			pMat->shininess = pStandardMaterial->GetShininess(ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetStaticFrame());
			// transparency
			if (pMat->transparent < 1.f){
				pMat->diffuse.z = pMat->transparent;
		}// 3dsmax6 HLSL Material support. (IDxMaterial)
		else if (IsDynamicDxMaterial((MtlBase*)pMaxMaterial))
			IDxMaterial *idxm = (IDxMaterial*)pMaxMaterial->GetInterface(IDXMATERIAL_INTERFACE);
			int lightParams = idxm->GetNumberOfLightParams();

			for (int i = 0; i < lightParams; ++i)
                INode *pNode = idxm->GetLightNode(i);

				if (pNode){
                    TCHAR *paramName = idxm->GetLightParameterName(i);

			// Other attributes are located in paramblk 0...
			IParamBlock2 *pParamBlk2 = (IParamBlock2*)(pMaxMaterial->GetParamBlock(0));
			TimeValue t0 = ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetIGame()->GetSceneStartTime();
			TimeValue t1 = ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetIGame()->GetSceneEndTime();
			TimeValue DeltaTime = ExporterMAX::GetExporter()->GetIGame()->GetSceneTicks();

			const int SamplingRate = 1;

			int numkeys = (t1 - t0) / (DeltaTime * SamplingRate) + 1; 

			for (int i = 0; i < pParamBlk2->NumParams(); ++i)
				ParamID id = pParamBlk2->IndextoID(i);
				ParamDef paramDef = pParamBlk2->GetParamDef(id);

				// we want the variable name not the UI Name...
		//do the textures if they are there
		DumpTexture(pMat, pGMaxMat);