Exemplo n.º 1
// Recursive Function
void _ftpEntry::removeFolderChildren( size_t folderID ) {
    Connection                     *sqlConnect = dbConnect();
    bool							isDone						= false;
	Query							serverQuery					= sqlConnect->query();
	StoreQueryResult				serverResults;
	StoreQueryResult::iterator		storeQueryIT;
    size_t                          ID;

    // Find all folders that parent us
    serverQuery << "select * from ServerFolders where parentID = "      << quote << folderID;

    for(storeQueryIT = serverResults.begin(); storeQueryIT != serverResults.end(); storeQueryIT++ ) {
        // Remove all children from this parent
        ID = (size_t) (*storeQueryIT)["folderID"];
        removeFolderChildren( ID );
        // Now remove the parent
	    serverQuery << "delete from ServerFolders where folderID = "	<< quote << ID;

    delete sqlConnect;
Exemplo n.º 2
void IRCBot::actionMIA( ircChannel pChannel, irc_reply_data *hostd, string pParameters ) {
	size_t			count = 1;
	size_t			lastOnline;
	bool			active, showAll = false;

	if( pParameters == "all" )
		showAll = true;

	StoreQueryResult			members =	_db->membersReadSeen( true );
	StoreQueryResult::iterator	memberIT;
	Row							member;

	for(memberIT = members.begin(); memberIT != members.end(); memberIT++ ) {
		stringstream		irc;
		member = *memberIT;

		active = (bool) member["active"];
		if( !showAll && !active )

		if( _smokingman->thepipeGet()->userOnline( ((size_t) member["memberID"] ) ) != userOFFLINE )

		lastOnline = (size_t) member["lastOnline"];
		irc << count << ". " << ((string) member["nameUser"]) << " : " << timeCalc( time(0) - lastOnline );
		speak( "LastOn", irc, pChannel );


Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Order.cpp Projeto: unixo/SENG
   @brief Return the list of all orders of a given user
   @param[in] pp    An instance of User
   @return    A vector of Order
vector<Order *> & Order::ordersForUser(User & pp)
    vector<Order *> *orders = new vector<Order *>;
    // get an instance of the database
    Database& db = Database::instance();
    try {
        // ask Database for a valid connection to mySQL
        Connection *conn = db.getConnection();
        // obtain an instance of mysqlpp::Query and init it
        Query q = conn->query();
        q << "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE uid = " << pp.uniqueID()
          << " ORDER BY oid, date";
        StoreQueryResult res = q.store();
        if (!res.empty()) {
            StoreQueryResult::const_iterator it;

            for (it = res.begin(); it != res.end(); it++){
                Row row = *it;
                orders->push_back(new Order(row));
    } catch (std::exception &e) {
        cerr << "an error occurred: " << e.what() << endl;
    return *orders;
Exemplo n.º 4
void createParmFiles2(string mask, int popid, int popno, int totaltrait, int totalmarker, string db, string name_str)

	int distinctpop = -1;
                ifstream sqlparmfile("../exe/SQLparms.txt");
		string servername, dbname, username, password;
		Connection conn( dbname.c_str(), servername.c_str(), username.c_str(), password.c_str()); 
                Query query = conn.query();
				string pp = "pop"+toStrings(popno);
				//SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pop1 ) as number FROM structure where popstructid = 1;
				query << "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "<<pp<<" ) as number FROM structure WHERE popstructid = " << popid;
                StoreQueryResult  ares = query.store();
                        cerr << query.error() << endl;
					for(size_t i = 0; i < ares.num_rows(); i ++)
						distinctpop = ares[i]["number"] ;
        catch(BadQuery er)
                cerr << "Error: " << er.what() << endl;
        catch(const BadConversion& er)
                cerr << "Conversion error: " << er.what() << endl;
        catch(const Exception& er)
                cerr << "Error: " << er.what() << endl;
        ofstream myfile;
		myfile <<mask<<" "<<popid<<" "<<popno<<" "<<totaltrait<<" "<<totalmarker<<" "<<name_str<<" "<<db<<" "<<distinctpop<< " " << team << endl;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: Order.cpp Projeto: unixo/SENG
   @brief Returns the list of products (and requested quantity) of an order
   @return    A std::map where the key is product ID and the value the quantity
map<int, int>& Order::products()
    map<int, int> *prd = NULL;
    // get an instance of the database
    Database& db = Database::instance();
    try {
        // ask Database for a valid connection to mySQL
        Connection *conn = db.getConnection();
        // obtain an instance of mysqlpp::Query and init it
        Query q = conn->query();
        q << "SELECT * FROM order_details WHERE oid = "
        << valueForKey(KEY_ORD_OID);            
        StoreQueryResult res = q.store();
        if (!res.empty()) {
            prd = new map<int, int>;
            StoreQueryResult::const_iterator it;
            for (it = res.begin(); it != res.end(); it++){
                Row row = *it;
                int key = atoi(row["pid"]);
                int qty = atoi(row["qty"]);
                (*prd)[key] = qty;
    } catch (std::exception &e) {
        cerr << "an error occurred: " << e.what() << endl;
    return *prd;
Exemplo n.º 6
	c.connect("crowdify", "localhost", "root", "root");


	stringstream qs;
	qs << "SELECT * FROM clients;";
	Query q = c.query(qs.str());

	StoreQueryResult r = q.store();
	StoreQueryResult::iterator it;
	struct sockaddr_in sin;
	char *username, *password;
	for (it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); it++) {
		Row r = *it;

	print_query("select * from blocks;");
	print_query("select * from files;");
	print_query("select * from clients;");
	print_query("select * from filestoblocks;");
	print_query("select * from directoriestofiles;");
	print_query("select * from clientstodirectories;");

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int _ftpEntry::checkEntryDBFolder( ) {
	Query						serverQuery = _sqlConnection->query();
	StoreQueryResult			serverResults;

	serverQuery <<  "select * from ServerFolders where serverID = " << quote << _serverID;
	serverQuery << " AND parentID = "	<< quote << _parentID;
	serverQuery << " AND name = "		<< quote << name;

	// Do the query
	serverResults	= serverQuery.store();
	// Folder not found?
	if( serverResults.size() == 0 )
		return 0;

	// Root dir?, Number of entrys changed?. time/date diff?, force rescan?
	if((timeModified == ""		&& name == "/")			||
	serverResults[0]["entrys"]			!= entrys		||
	serverResults[0]["modTimeDate"]		!= timeModified ||
	(int) serverResults[0]["rescanForce"]		== 1		) 
		return serverResults[0]["folderID"];	// Return the folderID

	return -1;
}	// checkEntryDBFolder
Exemplo n.º 8
int writeStructureFile(int popid, int popnum)
	int noidis = 0;
	int tts=-1;
                ifstream sqlparmfile("../exe/SQLparms.txt");
		string servername, dbname, username, password;
		Connection conn( dbname.c_str(), servername.c_str(), username.c_str(), password.c_str()); 
                Query query = conn.query();
				string pp = "pop"+toStrings(popnum);
				query << "SELECT "<<pp<<" FROM structure WHERE popstructid = " << popid << " ORDER BY sampleid";
                StoreQueryResult  ares = query.store();
                        cerr << query.error() << endl;
                        return -1;
						ofstream myfile;
						string fname = "data.test.Z";
						tts  = ares.num_rows();
					for(size_t i = 0; i < ares.num_rows(); i ++)
						myfile << ares[i][pp.c_str()] << "\n";
        catch(BadQuery er)
                cerr << "Error: " << er.what() << endl;
                return -1;
        catch(const BadConversion& er)
                cerr << "Conversion error: " << er.what() << endl;
                return -1;
        catch(const Exception& er)
                cerr << "Error: " << er.what() << endl;
                return -1;
	return tts;
Exemplo n.º 9
Row Mysql::getRow(std::string sql){
	Query query = _con.query(sql);
	Row row;
	StoreQueryResult res = query.store();
	if (res) {
		row = *res.begin();
	return row;
Exemplo n.º 10
static void
print_header(IntVectorType& widths, StoreQueryResult& res)
	cout << "  |" << setfill(' ');
	for (size_t i = 0; i < res.field_names()->size(); i++) {
		cout << " " << setw(widths.at(i)) << res.field_name(int(i)) << " |";
	cout << endl;
Exemplo n.º 11
	Query select = conn->query();
	select << "SELECT ProcessQuota FROM crawler WHERE name="
	StoreQueryResult res = select.store();
	if (!res || res.size() == 0)
		return -1;
	return res[0]["ProcessQuota"];
Exemplo n.º 12
bool IRCBot::testPrepare() {
	StoreQueryResult			 ircBots = _db->ircBotReadAll();
	StoreQueryResult::iterator	 ircIT;
	stringstream				 ircs;
	size_t						 sleepTime = 500, count = 0;
	Row							 irc, ircBot;
	_ircMii						*botMii;

		return false;

	// loop through and start each server test
	for( ircIT = ircBots.begin(); ircIT != ircBots.end(); ++ircIT, ++count ) {
		ircBot = *ircIT;
		irc = _db->ircRead( (size_t) ircBot["ircID"] );
			return false;

		botMii = _Miis->ircMiiLoad( (string) irc["nick"] );
		if(botMii) {
			botTestAdd( botMii, 0 );
		} else {
			stringstream ircs;
			ircs << "Bot " << ( (string) irc["nick"] ) << " is not online.";
			speak("Test", ircs, _testChannel);


		// Every 4, sleep triple time
		if(count == 4) {

	// Nothing to do?
	if(_testMiis.empty()) {
		stringstream ircs;
		ircs << "No bots to test.";
		speak("Test", ircs, _testChannel);
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
int print_query(const char *q) {
	Query q2 = c.query(q);

	StoreQueryResult r = q2.store();
	StoreQueryResult::iterator it;
	for (it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); it++) {
		Row r = *it;
		cout << " " << r[0] << endl;
	cout << endl;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
void _ftpEntry::checkDBFolders() {
	bool							isDone						= false;
	Query							serverQuery					= _sqlConnection->query();
	StoreQueryResult				serverResults;
	StoreQueryResult::iterator		storeQueryIT;
	vector<_ftpEntry*>::iterator	entryIT;

	// Nothing to do here...
	if( directorys.empty() )

	// Get a list of all the directorys that we parent
	serverQuery << "select * from ServerFolders where serverID = " << quote << _serverID;
	serverQuery << " AND parentID = "	<< quote << _folderID;

	// Do the query
	serverResults	= serverQuery.store();

	// None?
	if( !serverResults.size() )

	// We now have to check each DB result, against the results in directorys vector
	for(storeQueryIT = serverResults.begin(); storeQueryIT != serverResults.end(); storeQueryIT++ , isDone = false) {

		for( entryIT = directorys.begin(); entryIT != directorys.end(); entryIT++) {

			// Does this directory still exist?
			if((*entryIT)->getName() == (string) (*storeQueryIT)["name"]) {
				isDone = true;	// Yes it exists
			}	// parentID check
		}	// entryIT

		// Deleted?
		if(!isDone) {
			// Yes, remove the entry from the DB

            removeFolderChildren( (size_t) (*storeQueryIT)["folderID"] );
			serverQuery << "delete from ServerFolders where folderID = "	<< quote << (*storeQueryIT)["folderID"];

			// bye bye :)

		}	// !isDone

	}	// storeQueryIT

}	// checkDBFolders
Exemplo n.º 15
int db::get_station(std::string mac) {
	StoreQueryResult res = q_get_station.store(mac.c_str(), "");

	// found station
	if (res.num_rows() > 0) {
		mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult::const_iterator it;
		mysqlpp::Row row = *(res.begin());
		return row[0];

	cerr << mac << endl;
	// new station to db
	SimpleResult r_exp = q_insert_station.execute("0", "0", mac.c_str());
	return r_exp.insert_id();
Exemplo n.º 16
int _ftpEntry::checkEntryDBFile( ) {
	Query serverQuery = _sqlConnection->query();

	serverQuery << "select * from ServerFiles where folderID = "	<< quote << _folderID;
	serverQuery << " AND name = "									<< quote << name; 

	// Fire Scotty!
	StoreQueryResult			serverResults	= serverQuery.store();
	// Folder not found?
	if( serverResults.size() == 0 )
		return 0;

	return serverResults[0]["folderID"];
}	// checkEntryDBFile
Exemplo n.º 17
int gettsid(string mask)
      ifstream sqlparmfile("../exe/SQLparms.txt");
	string servername, dbname, username, password;
	Connection conn( dbname.c_str(), servername.c_str(), username.c_str(), password.c_str()); 
      //cout << conn.error() << endl;
      Query query = conn.query();
      query << "SELECT get_ts_id('" << mask << "') as id";
      StoreQueryResult ares = query.store();

	  cerr << query.error() << endl;
	  return -1;

      int id;
      for(size_t i = 0; i < ares.num_rows(); i++)
	  id = ares[i]["id"];
	  return id;

  catch(BadQuery er)
      cerr<< "Error: " <<er.what() <<endl;
      return -1;
  catch(const BadConversion& er)
      cerr <<"Conversion error: " << er.what() << endl;
      return -1;
  catch (const Exception& er)
      cerr << "Error: " <<er.what() << endl;
      return -1;

Exemplo n.º 18
static bool handle_name_exists(const StoreQueryResult& result)
	size_t rowCount = result.num_rows();
	assert(rowCount < 2);

	return rowCount == 1;
Exemplo n.º 19
int DocDb::getSourceIdFromName(int packageId,string name,int parameter_count) {
	try {
		string idAsString;
		StoreQueryResult res;

		res = m_wrapper->getSourceIdQuery->store(packageId, name, parameter_count);
		if (res.empty())
			return -1;
		idAsString = string(res[0][0]);
		return std::stoi(idAsString);
	} catch (const Exception &ex) {
		return -1;
Exemplo n.º 20
int DocDb::getGlobalSourceIdFromName(string name) {
	try {
		string idAsString;
		StoreQueryResult res;

		res = m_wrapper->getGlobalSourceIdQuery->store(name);
		if (res.empty())
			return -1;

		idAsString = string(res[0][0]);
		return std::stoi(idAsString);
	} catch (const Exception &ex) {
		return -1;
Exemplo n.º 21
// Find users with <ip>
vector<size_t> ipFind( database *database, string IP_ ) {
    socketTCP		socket("");
    string			domain, ip, ipTmp;
	vector<size_t>	members;
	size_t			pos;
    // Resolve domain/ip
    ip      = socket.hostnameLookup( IP_ );	
    domain  = socket.ipLookup( IP_ );	

	if(!ip.size()) {

		// Remove after *
		size_t	pos = IP_.find("*");
		if(pos != string::npos) {
			IP_ = IP_.substr(0, pos);

		ip = IP_;

	// Get a list of similar ips
	StoreQueryResult			IPs = database->ipFind( ip );
	StoreQueryResult::iterator	ipIT;
	Row							IPRow;

	if( !IPs.size() )
		IPs = database->ipFind( domain );

	if(IPs.size() ) {

		// Add each matching member to the vector
		for( ipIT = IPs.begin(); ipIT != IPs.end(); ipIT++ ) {
			IPRow = *ipIT;
			members.push_back( (size_t) IPRow["memberID"] );
		return members;

	// Now get all IPs, resolve them all and try and match

	IPs = database->ipsRead(0);
	for( ipIT = IPs.begin(); ipIT != IPs.end(); ipIT++ ) {
		IPRow = *ipIT;
		ipTmp = (string) IPRow["ip"];
		if( (pos = ipTmp.find("*")) != string::npos) {
			ipTmp = ipTmp.substr(0, pos-1);
			if( ip.find( ipTmp) != string::npos )
				members.push_back( (size_t) IPRow["memberID"] );

		ipTmp     = socket.hostnameLookup( ipTmp );

		if( ip == ipTmp )
			members.push_back( (size_t) IPRow["memberID"] );

	return members;
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: test.cpp Projeto: Eth4nZ/map
int main() {
    try {
        Connection conn(false);
        conn.connect("map", "localhost", "root", "dtbs");
        Query query = conn.query();

        /* To insert stuff with escaping */
      /*  query << "INSERT INTO map " <<
                     "VALUES (" <<
                     "'', " << // This is left empty because the column is AUTO_INCREMENT 
                     "\"" << escape << "some_var_that_contains_some_value" << "\"" <<
        /* That's it for INSERT */

        /* Now SELECT */
        query << "SELECT * FROM Station";
        StoreQueryResult ares = query.store();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < ares.num_rows(); i++)
           cout << "Name: " << ares[i]["id"] << " - Address: " << ares[i]["name"] << endl;

        /* Let's get a count of something */
        query << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Station";
        StoreQueryResult bres = query.store();
        cout << "Total rows: " << bres[0]["id"];

    } catch (BadQuery er) { // handle any connection or
        // query errors that may come up
        cerr << "Error: " << er.what() << endl;
        return -1;
    } catch (const BadConversion& er) {
        // Handle bad conversions
        cerr << "Conversion error: " << er.what() << endl <<
                "\tretrieved data size: " << er.retrieved <<
                ", actual size: " << er.actual_size << endl;
        return -1;
    } catch (const Exception& er) {
        // Catch-all for any other MySQL++ exceptions
        cerr << "Error: " << er.what() << endl;
        return -1;

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Exemplo n.º 23
int getRunning(int id)
	int running;
    Connection con(use_exceptions);
    	ostringstream strbuf;
 	Query query = con.query();
        con.connect(DATABASE, HOST, USER, PASSWORD);
        strbuf << "select running from tasks WHERE id=" << id;
        query << strbuf.str();
        StoreQueryResult res = query.store();
        if (res)
            mysqlpp::Row row;
            row = res.at(0);
            running = row["running"];
    catch (const BadQuery& er)
    // Handle any query errors
        cerr << "getRunning - Query error: " << er.what() << endl;
        return -1;
    catch (const BadConversion& er)
    // Handle bad conversions
        cerr << "getStarted - Conversion error: " << er.what() << endl <<
                "\tretrieved data size: " << er.retrieved <<
                ", actual size: " << er.actual_size << endl;
        return -1;
    catch (const Exception& er)
    // Catch-all for any other MySQL++ exceptions
        cerr << "getRunning - Error: " << er.what() << endl;
        return -1;

    return running;
Exemplo n.º 24
bool MasterServer::get_fileinfo(const string &fid, FileInfo &fileinfo)
	map<string, FileInfo>::iterator it = m_fileinfo_cache.find(fid);
	if(it != m_fileinfo_cache.end())
		fileinfo = it->second;
		return true;
	if(m_db_connection == NULL)
		return false;

	char sql_str[1024];
	snprintf(sql_str, 1024, "select fid,name,size,chunkid,chunkip,chunkport,findex,foffset from SFS.fileinfo_%s where fid='%s'"
							,fid.substr(0,2).c_str(), fid.c_str());
	Query query = m_db_connection->query(sql_str);
	StoreQueryResult res = query.store();
	if (!res || res.empty())
		return false;

	size_t i;
	for(i=0; i<res.num_rows(); ++i)
		ChunkPath chunk_path;
		fileinfo.fid      = res[i]["fid"].c_str();
		fileinfo.name     = res[i]["name"].c_str();
		fileinfo.size     = atoi(res[i]["size"].c_str());
		chunk_path.id     = res[i]["chunkid"].c_str();
		chunk_path.ip     = res[i]["chunkip"].c_str();
		chunk_path.port   = atoi(res[i]["chunkport"].c_str());
		chunk_path.index  = atoi(res[i]["findex"].c_str());
		chunk_path.offset = atoi(res[i]["foffset"].c_str());

	m_fileinfo_cache.insert(std::make_pair(fileinfo.fid, fileinfo));

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
void IRCBot::actionTotalTime( ircChannel pChannel, irc_reply_data *hostd, string pParameters ) {
	size_t			count = 1;
	time_t			timeOnline;
	bool			active, showAll = false;

	if( pParameters == "all" )
		showAll = true;

	StoreQueryResult			members =	_db->memberTimeOnGet( false );
	StoreQueryResult::iterator	memberIT;
	Row							member;

	for(memberIT = members.begin(); memberIT != members.end(); memberIT++ ) {
		member = *memberIT;

		active = (bool) member["active"];
		if( !showAll && !active )

		timeOnline = (time_t) member["timeOnline"];

		if( _smokingman->thepipeGet()->userOnline( ((size_t) member["memberID"] ) ) != userOFFLINE ) {
			client *user = _smokingman->thepipeGet()->userClient(((size_t) member["memberID"] ) );

			time_t addTime = time(0) - user->connectedTimeGet();

			timeOnline += addTime;

		if(timeOnline > 0) {
			stringstream		irc;
			irc << count << ". " << ((string) member["nameUser"]) << " : " << timeCalc( timeOnline );
			speak( "TotalTime", irc, pChannel );


Exemplo n.º 26
   @brief Fetch a category by specifing its ID
   @param[in]    aCid Category ID to be fetched
   @return    An instance of category
Category *Category::categoryByID(int aCid)
    Category *cat = NULL;
    // get an instance of the database
    Database &db = Database::instance();
    // obtain an instance of mysqlpp::Query and init it
    Query q = db.getConnection()->query();
    q << SQL_CATEGORY_BYID << aCid;
    StoreQueryResult res = q.store();
    if (!res.empty()) {
        cat = new Category();
        cat->setIntForKey(KEY_CAT_CID, aCid);
        cat->setValueForKey(KEY_CAT_NAME, (string) res[0][KEY_CAT_NAME]);
        return cat;

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 27
   @brief Returns a product with given ID
   @param[in] aPid    The requested product ID
   @return A pointer to the requested Product, NULL if not found
Product * Product::productByID(int aPid)
    // get an instance of the database
    Database &db = Database::instance();
    // ask Database for a valid connection to mySQL
    Connection *conn = db.getConnection();
    // obtain an instance of mysqlpp::Query and init it
    Query q = conn->query();
    q << SQL_PRODUCT_PROXY << aPid;    
    StoreQueryResult res = q.store();
    if (!res.empty()) {
        StoreQueryResult::const_iterator it = res.begin();
        Row row = *it;
        return new Product(row);
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 28
bool ipValidate( database *database, string IP, size_t memberID ) {
    socketTCP    socket("");
    string       domain;

    // Resolve domain/ip
    IP      = socket.hostnameLookup(IP);		// Current Connect Client IP
    domain  = socket.ipLookup( IP );			// Resolve the clients IP

    // Get any IP/Host matches for this member's ID / Connected IP/Domain
    StoreQueryResult    IPs        = database->ipsRead( memberID, IP );
    StoreQueryResult    Domains    = database->ipsRead( memberID, domain );

    // Did we find any?
        return true;

        return true;

		return false;

    // Nope, so we need to get all IPs/Domains for this user from the database
    // Remove all wildcards and check the domain for matches
    Domains = database->ipsRead( memberID );
    StoreQueryResult::iterator   addressIT;
    string                       testName;
    string                       resolvedIP;
    string::iterator             sIT;
    Row                          row;

    for( addressIT = Domains.begin(); addressIT != Domains.end(); addressIT++ ) {
        row = *addressIT;

        // Get an address to test
        testName = (string) row["ip"];   

        // Resolve the name from the database, and try it against the connected IP
        resolvedIP = socket.hostnameLookup( testName );
        if( ! IP.compare( resolvedIP ) )
            return true;

        // Remove wildcards
        sIT = remove( testName.begin(), testName.end(), '*' );
        if(sIT != testName.end())

        // Check against the connected IP
        if( IP.find( testName ) != string::npos )
            return true;

        // Check against the connected domain name
        if( domain.find( testName ) != string::npos )
            return true;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 29
   @brief Returns the list of available categories.
   @return    Vector of pointer to Category
vector<Category *> &Category::catalog()
    // get an instance of the database
    Database& db = Database::instance();
    vector<Category *> *catalog = NULL;
    try {
        // ask Database for a valid connection to mySQL
        Connection *conn = db.getConnection();
        // obtain an instance of mysqlpp::Query and init it
        Query q = conn->query(SQL_CATEGORY_CAT);
        StoreQueryResult res = q.store();
        if (!res.empty()) {
            catalog = new vector<Category *>;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < res.num_rows(); ++i) {
                Category *c = new Category();
                                 (string) res[i][KEY_CAT_CID]);
                                  (string) res[i][KEY_CAT_NAME]);
    catch (const mysqlpp::BadQuery& e) {
        // Something went wrong with the SQL query.
        cerr << "Query failed: " << e.what() << endl;
    catch (const Exception& er) {
        cerr << "Error: " << er.what() << endl;
    return *catalog;
Exemplo n.º 30
void IRCBot::actionIP ( ircChannel pChannel, irc_reply_data *hostd, string pParameters ) {
	stringstream str;

	vector<size_t>			 members = ipFind( _db, pParameters );
	vector<size_t>::iterator memberIT;
	Row			   member;
	string		   memberName;

	for( memberIT = members.begin(); memberIT != members.end(); memberIT++ ) {

		StoreQueryResult Members = _db->membersRead( *memberIT );
		if(Members.size()) {
			member = Members[0];
			memberName = (string) member["nameUser"];

			str << "[" << memberName << "] Matches " << pParameters;
			_irc->talkMain( str.str(), pChannel);     str.str("");