Exemplo n.º 1
void KeyValueStore::handleInsert(StreamSocket& client, const string& buf, Config::ThreadControl& control)
  static const char sucResp  = Protocol::REQ_SUC;
  static const char failResp = Protocol::REQ_FAIL;
  const char* ptr = buf.c_str();

  while(*ptr != '\0' && *ptr != '\r' && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != ' ') ptr++;

  if(*ptr != ' ') {
    printKv("Invalid request");
    client.sendBytes(&failResp, sizeof(failResp));
    return; // Invalid

  string key(buf.substr(0, (ptr - buf.c_str())));
  string data(buf.substr((ptr - buf.c_str()) + 1));

  if(isResponsible(key, control)) {
    printKv("INSERT request received");
    printKv("Received key: "<< key << endl << "Value: "<< data);

    memDB.insert(key, data);

    // Respond to client
    if(data.compare(memDB.lookup(key)) != 0)
      client.sendBytes(&failResp, sizeof(failResp));
      client.sendBytes(&sucResp, sizeof(sucResp));

    KeyValueStore::doReplicate(Protocol::REPL_INS, buf, control);
  } else {
    pair<char, string> resp(KeyValueStore::forwardRequest(Protocol::INSERT, buf, control));
    client.sendBytes(&resp.first, sizeof(resp.first));
Exemplo n.º 2
/** Public thread methods (clients connect here) */
void KeyValueStore::PublicThread::run()
  Thread threads[MAX_CLIENT_THREADS];
  HandleClient threadInst[MAX_CLIENT_THREADS];
  const Config::ServerInformation& info = config.getServerInformation();
  Config::ThreadControl& control = config.getThreadControl();
  int id = 0;
  char full = Protocol::SRV_FULL;
  char conn = Protocol::SRV_CONN;

  ServerSocket server;
  SocketAddress sock(info.address, info.pubPort);
  server.bind(sock, true);

  printKv("Listening for clients on "<< info.address <<":"<< info.pubPort);

  while(control.isLive()) {
    // Simply do thread per client
    StreamSocket client = server.acceptConnection();
    printKv("Received client connection request - waiting for thread to free up");
    // Wait five seconds
    try {
      freeThreads.wait(5000); // This beats busy waiting
    } catch(TimeoutException& notUsed(e)) {
      printKv("Server full - closing connection to client");
      client.sendBytes(&full, sizeof(full));

    // Send success
    client.sendBytes(&conn, sizeof(conn));

    // tryJoin() doesn't work properly in linux, using isRunning() instead
    // actively search for the next available thread
    while(threads[id].isRunning()){ // Try to get an available thread
      id = (id + 1) % MAX_CLIENT_THREADS;
      Thread::sleep(250); // 250ms between each check

    printKv("Serving client");
    threadInst[id] = HandleClient(client, control);

  freeThreads.set(); // Free a thread with semaphore
Exemplo n.º 3
void EchoServer::run()
	Poco::Timespan span(250000);
	char* pBuffer = new char[_bufferSize];
	while (!_stop)
		if (_socket.poll(span, Socket::SELECT_READ))
			StreamSocket ss = _socket.acceptConnection();
				int n = ss.receiveBytes(pBuffer, _bufferSize);
				while (n > 0 && !_stop)
					ss.sendBytes(pBuffer, n);
					n = ss.receiveBytes(pBuffer, _bufferSize);
			catch (Poco::Exception& exc)
				std::cerr << "EchoServer: " << exc.displayText() << std::endl;
	delete pBuffer;
Exemplo n.º 4
void SocketTest::testSelect()
	Timespan timeout(250000);

	EchoServer echoServer;
	StreamSocket ss;
	ss.connect(SocketAddress("localhost", echoServer.port()));

	Socket::SocketList readList;
	Socket::SocketList writeList;
	Socket::SocketList exceptList;

	assert (Socket::select(readList, writeList, exceptList, timeout) == 0);
	assert (readList.empty());
	assert (writeList.empty());
	assert (exceptList.empty());
	ss.sendBytes("hello", 5);

	ss.poll(timeout, Socket::SELECT_READ);

	assert (Socket::select(readList, writeList, exceptList, timeout) == 2);
	assert (!readList.empty());
	assert (!writeList.empty());
	assert (exceptList.empty());

	char buffer[256];
	int n = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
	assert (n == 5);
	assert (std::string(buffer, n) == "hello");
Exemplo n.º 5
void KeyValueStore::insertMovieDB(StreamSocket& client, const string& buf, Config::ThreadControl& control, bool forward)
  vector<string> tmp;
  string title(KeyValueStore::extractQuotes(buf));

  vector<string> tokens(KeyValueStore::tokenize(title));
  for(vector<string>::iterator it = tokens.begin() ; it != tokens.end(); ++it) {
    if(!forward || isResponsible(*it, control)) {
      map<string, vector<string> >::iterator itt = movieDB.rawLookup(*it);
      if(itt == movieDB.rawEnd()) {
    //    printKv("Insert movie");
        movieDB.rawInsert(*it, tmp);
      } else {
      //  printKv("Updated movie");
    } else {
      printKv("Forwarding movie");
      pair<char, string> resp(KeyValueStore::forwardRequest(Protocol::INS_MOVIE, buf, control));
      client.sendBytes(&resp.first, sizeof(resp.first));
Exemplo n.º 6
void EchoServer::run()
    pi::Timespan span(250000);
    while (!_stop)
        if (_socket.poll(span, Socket::SELECT_READ))
            StreamSocket ss = _socket.acceptConnection();
                char buffer[256];
                int n = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
                while (n > 0 && !_stop)
                    ss.sendBytes(buffer, n);
                    n = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
            catch (pi::Exception& exc)
                std::cerr << "EchoServer: " << exc.displayText() << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 7
void HTTPTestServer::run()
	Poco::Timespan span(250000);
	while (!_stop)
		if (_socket.poll(span, Socket::SELECT_READ))
			StreamSocket ss = _socket.acceptConnection();
				char buffer[256];
				int n = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
				while (n > 0 && !_stop)
					_lastRequest.append(buffer, n);
					if (!requestComplete())
						n = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
						n = 0;
				std::string response = handleRequest();
				ss.sendBytes(response.data(), (int) response.size());
			catch (Poco::Exception& exc)
				std::cerr << "HTTPTestServer: " << exc.displayText() << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 8
void KeyValueStore::sendRequest(StreamSocket& sock, const pair<char, string>& req)
  unsigned contentLength = req.second.size();
  unsigned rem = contentLength;
  unsigned totalSent = 0;

  sock.sendBytes(&req.first, sizeof(req.first));
  sock.sendBytes(&contentLength, sizeof(contentLength));
  const char* msg = req.second.c_str();

  while((totalSent += sock.sendBytes(msg, rem)) != contentLength) {
    msg = req.second.c_str() + totalSent;
    rem = contentLength - totalSent;
Exemplo n.º 9
void KeyValueStore::handleLookup(StreamSocket& client, const string& buf, Config::ThreadControl& control)
  static const char noLookup = Protocol::LOOKUP_NO;
  static const char scLookup = Protocol::LOOKUP_SUC;

  if(isResponsible(buf, control)) {
    string str(memDB.lookup(buf));
    printKv("LOOKUP request received");

    if(!str.empty()) {
      printKv("Handling LOOKUP");
      unsigned contentLength = str.size();
      client.sendBytes(&scLookup, sizeof(scLookup)); // Respond
      client.sendBytes(&contentLength, sizeof(contentLength)); // How much info
      client.sendBytes(str.c_str(), contentLength);
    } else {
      client.sendBytes(&noLookup, sizeof(noLookup));
  } else {
    printKv("Forwarding LOOKUP");
    pair<char, string> resp(KeyValueStore::forwardRequest(Protocol::LOOKUP, buf, control));
    client.sendBytes(&resp.first, sizeof(resp.first));
    if(resp.first != Protocol::LOOKUP_NO && resp.first != Protocol::REQ_FAIL) {
      unsigned size = resp.second.size();
      client.sendBytes(&size, sizeof(size));
      client.sendBytes(resp.second.c_str(), size);
Exemplo n.º 10
void SocketTest::testFIFOBuffer()
	Buffer<char> b(5);
	b[0] = 'h';
	b[1] = 'e';
	b[2] = 'l';
	b[3] = 'l';
	b[4] = 'o';

	FIFOBuffer f(5, true);

	f.readable += delegate(this, &SocketTest::onReadable);
	f.writable += delegate(this, &SocketTest::onWritable);

	assert(0 == _notToReadable);
	assert(0 == _readableToNot);
	assert(0 == _notToWritable);
	assert(0 == _writableToNot);
	assert(1 == _notToReadable);
	assert(0 == _readableToNot);
	assert(0 == _notToWritable);
	assert(1 == _writableToNot);

	EchoServer echoServer;
	StreamSocket ss;
	ss.connect(SocketAddress("localhost", echoServer.port()));
	int n = ss.sendBytes(f);
	assert (n == 5);
	assert(1 == _notToReadable);
	assert(1 == _readableToNot);
	assert(1 == _notToWritable);
	assert(1 == _writableToNot);
	assert (f.isEmpty());

	n = ss.receiveBytes(f);
	assert (n == 5);
	assert(2 == _notToReadable);
	assert(1 == _readableToNot);
	assert(1 == _notToWritable);
	assert(2 == _writableToNot);

	assert (f[0] == 'h');
	assert (f[1] == 'e');
	assert (f[2] == 'l');
	assert (f[3] == 'l');
	assert (f[4] == 'o');

	f.readable -= delegate(this, &SocketTest::onReadable);
	f.writable -= delegate(this, &SocketTest::onWritable);

Exemplo n.º 11
void KeyValueStore::handleRemove(StreamSocket& client, const string& buf, Config::ThreadControl& control)
  static const char sucResp  = Protocol::REQ_SUC;
  static const char failResp = Protocol::REQ_FAIL;

  printKv("REMOVE request received");

  if(isResponsible(buf, control)) {

      client.sendBytes(&sucResp, sizeof(sucResp));
      client.sendBytes(&failResp, sizeof(failResp));

    KeyValueStore::doReplicate(Protocol::REPL_REM, buf, control, control.getMachineCount());
  } else {
    pair<char, string> resp(KeyValueStore::forwardRequest(Protocol::REMOVE, buf, control));
    client.sendBytes(&resp.first, sizeof(resp.first));
Exemplo n.º 12
void SocketTest::testEcho()
	EchoServer echoServer;
	StreamSocket ss;
	ss.connect(SocketAddress("localhost", echoServer.port()));
	int n = ss.sendBytes("hello", 5);
	assert (n == 5);
	char buffer[256];
	n = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
	assert (n == 5);
	assert (std::string(buffer, n) == "hello");
Exemplo n.º 13
void SocketTest::testAvailable()
	EchoServer echoServer;
	StreamSocket ss;
	ss.connect(SocketAddress("localhost", echoServer.port()));
	Timespan timeout(1000000);
	ss.sendBytes("hello", 5);
	char buffer[256];
	assert (ss.poll(timeout, Socket::SELECT_READ));
	int av = ss.available();
	assert (av > 0 && av <= 5);
	int n = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
	assert (n == 5);
	assert (std::string(buffer, n) == "hello");
Exemplo n.º 14
int main()
	StreamSocket sock;
	SocketAddress addr("");
	const char* data="GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: xa.us.to\r\n\r\n";
	const int bs=4096;
	char* buf=new char[bs];
	int br;
Exemplo n.º 15
void CSimpleSocket::test(){
    using namespace Poco;
    using namespace Poco::Net;
    StreamSocket sk;
    bool connected = false;
        sk.connect(SocketAddress("s1.goyou.cn", 80), Timespan(6, 0));
        connected = true;
    }catch(Poco::Exception& exp){
        std::cout << exp.displayText() << std::endl;
    if (connected) {
            UInt8 buffer[2048] = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n\r\n";
            int nSendLen = strlen((char*)buffer);
            int nHasSendLen = 0;
            while (nHasSendLen != nSendLen) {
                int nLen = sk.sendBytes(buffer+nHasSendLen, nSendLen-nHasSendLen);
                nHasSendLen += nLen;
            int nRecvLen = 0;
            do {
                Socket::SocketList readList, writeList, expList;
                Socket::select(readList, writeList, expList, Timespan(3, 0));

                nRecvLen = 0;
                if (readList.size()) {
                    nRecvLen = sk.receiveBytes(buffer, 1024);
                    std::cout << nSendLen << " -- " << nRecvLen << std::endl;
                    buffer[nRecvLen] = 0;
                    std::cout << buffer << std::endl;
            } while (nRecvLen>0);
        }catch(Poco::Exception& exp){
            std::cout <<exp.displayText() << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 16
void regTest2()
	tracef("reg test 2 begin: reg send data.");
	StreamSocket ss;
	SocketAddress sa("", 13333);
	ss.connect(sa, Timespan(3, 0));
	DynamicStruct ds;
	ds["type"] = "request";
	ds["action"] = "server.register";
	DynamicStruct param;
	param["token"] = "1234567890";
	param["uuid"] = "SC000000001";
	ds["param"] = param;

	ss.sendBytes(ds.toString().c_str(), ds.toString().length());
	tracef("reg data send: %s.", ds.toString().c_str());
	tracef("socket closed.");
	tracef("register test 2 finished.\n");
Exemplo n.º 17
void regTest3()
	tracef("reg test 3 begin: reg send and receive data, register fail");
	StreamSocket ss;
	SocketAddress sa("", 13333);
	ss.connect(sa, Timespan(3, 0));
	DynamicStruct ds;
	ds["type"] = "request";
	ds["action"] = "server.register";
	DynamicStruct param;
	param["token"] = "1234567890";
	param["uuid"] = "SC000000001";
	ds["param"] = param;

	ss.sendBytes(ds.toString().c_str(), ds.toString().length());
	tracef("reg data send: %s.", ds.toString().c_str());
	char buf[1024] = {0, };
	ss.receiveBytes(buf, 1024);
	tracef("receive bytes: %s.", buf);
	tracef("socket closed.");
	tracef("register test 3 finished.\n");
Exemplo n.º 18
void SocketTest::testPoll()
	EchoServer echoServer;
	StreamSocket ss;
	ss.connect(SocketAddress("localhost", echoServer.port()));
	Stopwatch sw;
	Timespan timeout(1000000);
	assert (!ss.poll(timeout, Socket::SELECT_READ));
	assert (sw.elapsed() >= 900000);
	assert (ss.poll(timeout, Socket::SELECT_WRITE));
	assert (sw.elapsed() < 100000);
	ss.sendBytes("hello", 5);
	char buffer[256];
	assert (ss.poll(timeout, Socket::SELECT_READ));
	assert (sw.elapsed() < 100000);
	int n = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
	assert (n == 5);
	assert (std::string(buffer, n) == "hello");
Exemplo n.º 19
void LocalSocketTest::testSocketsPerformance()
	Timestamp::TimeDiff local = 0, net = 0;
	std::size_t initBufSize = 1;
	std::size_t initReps = 1;
	bool noDelay[2] = { true, false };

	std::cout << std::endl << "OS Name:         " << Environment::osName() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "OS Version:      " << Environment::osVersion() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "OS Architecture: " << Environment::osArchitecture() << std::endl;

	for (int d = 0; d < 2; ++d)
		double locData = 0.0, locTime = 0.0, netData = 0.0, netTime = 0.0;
		std::ostringstream os;
		os << Environment::osName() << '-' 
			<< Environment::osVersion() << '-' 
			<< Environment::osArchitecture() << "-TCP";
		if (noDelay[d]) os << "-nodelay";
		os << ".csv";
		File f(os.str());
		if (f.exists()) f.remove();
		FileOutputStream fos(os.str());

		for (std::size_t repetitions = initReps;
				repetitions <= 100000;
				repetitions *= 10)
			for (std::size_t bufSize = initBufSize; bufSize < 20000; bufSize *= 2)
				char* pBuf = new char[bufSize];
					SocketAddress sas("/tmp/poco.server.tcp.sock");
					EchoServer echoServer(sas, bufSize);
					SocketAddress sac("/tmp/poco.client.tcp.sock");
					StreamSocket ss(sas, &sac);
					int recv = 0, sent = 0;
					Stopwatch sw; int i = 0;
					for (; i < repetitions; ++i)
						sent = 0; recv = 0; local = 0;

							int s;
							s = ss.sendBytes(pBuf + sent, bufSize - sent);
							local += sw.elapsed();
							sent += s;
						} while (sent < bufSize);

							int r;
							r = ss.receiveBytes(pBuf + recv, bufSize - recv);
							local += sw.elapsed();
							recv += r;
						} while (recv < bufSize);

						locData += sent;
						locData += recv;
						locTime += local;

						poco_assert (sent == bufSize && recv == bufSize);
					std::cout << "Local TCP socket, " << i << " repetitions, " << bufSize << " bytes, " 
						<< local << " [us]." << std::endl;

					SocketAddress sa("localhost", 12345);
					EchoServer echoServer(sa, bufSize);
					StreamSocket ss;
					ss.connect(SocketAddress(sa.host(), echoServer.port()));
					if (noDelay[d]) ss.setNoDelay(true);
					int recv = 0, sent = 0;
					Stopwatch sw; int i = 0; 
					for (; i < repetitions; ++i)
						sent = 0; recv = 0; net = 0;
							int s;
							s = ss.sendBytes(pBuf + sent, bufSize - sent);
							net += sw.elapsed();
							sent += s;
						} while (sent < bufSize);

							int r;
							r = ss.receiveBytes(pBuf + recv, bufSize - recv);
							net += sw.elapsed();
							recv += r;
						} while (recv < bufSize);

						netData += sent;
						netData += recv;
						netTime += net;

						poco_assert (sent == bufSize && recv == bufSize);
					std::cout << "Network TCP socket, " << i << " repetitions, " << bufSize << " bytes, " 
						<< net << " [us]." << std::endl;
					fos << i << ',' << bufSize << ',';
				delete pBuf;

				double ratio = ((double) net) / ((double) local);
				double diff = ((double) net) - ((double) local);
				std::cout << "Ratio: " << ratio << "(" << diff / 1000.0 << "[us/msg]" << std::endl;

				fos << ratio << std::endl;
		poco_assert (locData == netData);

		double locDTR = ((locData / (locTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000;
		double netDTR = ((netData / (netTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000;

		std::cout << (d ? "NO DELAY" : "DELAY") << std::endl
			<< "=================================" << std::endl
			<< "Local DTR: " << ((locData / (locTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000 << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl
			<< "Network DTR: " << ((netData / (netTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000 << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl
			<< "Local sockets speedup: " << ((locDTR / netDTR) * 100) - 100 << '%' << std::endl
			<< "=================================" << std::endl;
		fos << "=================================" << std::endl
			<< "Local DTR: " << ((locData / (locTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000 << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl
			<< "Network DTR: " << ((netData / (netTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000 << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl
			<< "Local sockets speedup: " << ((locDTR / netDTR) * 100) - 100 << '%' << std::endl
			<< "=================================" << std::endl;

Exemplo n.º 20
int testOption(char option, const string userId = "", const string passwd = "", const string filename = "")
	Buffer	buffer;
	int code = option;

	int len = 0;
	int totalLen = 0;

	buffer.append((const char*)&code, 1);
	totalLen = totalLen + 1;
	len = userId.length();
	buffer.append((const char*)&len, 4);
	totalLen = totalLen + 4 + len;

	if (code == addUser || code == updateUser)
		len = passwd.length();
		buffer.append((const char*)&len, 4);
		totalLen = totalLen + 4 + len;

		std::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary | std::ifstream::in);
		if (ifs.is_open())
			if (ifs.good())
				ifs.seekg(0, ifs.end);
				len = ifs.tellg();
				ifs.seekg(0, ifs.beg);
				unsigned char bin[FINGER_LEN] = { 0 };
				buffer.append((const char*)&len, 4);
				ifs.read((char*)bin, len);
				buffer.append((const char*)bin, len);
				totalLen = totalLen + 4 + len;
			cout << "finger file " << filename << " is not OK!" << endl;
			return -2;
	Buffer sendBuf;
	sendBuf.append((const char*)&totalLen, 4);

	int sendLen = sendBuf.readableBytes();

	ss.sendBytes(sendBuf.retrieveAllAsString().c_str(), sendLen);

	char buf[2048] = { 0 };
	int n = ss.receiveBytes(buf, sizeof(buf));
	std::copy((char*)buf, (char*)(buf + 4), (char*)&totalLen);
	std::copy((char*)(buf + 4), (char*)(buf + 5), &code);

	cout << "totalLen: " << totalLen << ", code: " << (int)code << endl;

	if (option == queryUserInfo)
		int useridlen = 0;
		int lenPlus = 5;
		std::copy((char*) (buf + lenPlus), (char*) (buf + lenPlus + 4), (char*) &useridlen);
		string userid;
		lenPlus = 9;
		std::copy((char*) (buf + lenPlus), (char*) (buf + lenPlus + useridlen), &(*userid.begin()));

		int passwdlen = 0;
		lenPlus = 5 + 4 + useridlen;
		std::copy((char*) (buf + lenPlus), (char*) (buf + lenPlus + 4), (char*) &passwdlen);
		string passwd;
		lenPlus = 5 + 4 + useridlen + 4;
		std::copy((char*) (buf + lenPlus), (char*) (buf + lenPlus + passwdlen), &(*passwd.begin()));

		int fingerLen = 0;
		lenPlus = 5 + 4 + useridlen + 4 + passwdlen;
		std::copy((char*) (buf + lenPlus), (char*) (buf + lenPlus + 4), (char*) &fingerLen);
		char finger[2048] = {0};
		lenPlus = 5 + 4 + useridlen + 4 + passwdlen + 4; 
		std::copy((char*) (buf + lenPlus), (char*) (buf + lenPlus + fingerLen), (char*) finger);

		cout << "useridlen: " << useridlen << ", userid: " << userid << ", passwdlen: " << passwdlen << ", passwd: " << passwd << ", fingerLen" << fingerLen << endl;

		unsigned char bin[FINGER_LEN] = { 0 };
		std::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary | std::ifstream::in);
		if (ifs.is_open())
			if (ifs.good())
				ifs.seekg(0, ifs.end);
				len = ifs.tellg();
				ifs.seekg(0, ifs.beg);

				ifs.read((char*) bin, len);

		if (memcmp(bin, finger, fingerLen ) == 0)
			cout << "finger data ok!" << endl;
	else if (option == queryAllUserInfo)
		int userLen1 = 0;
		std::copy((char*) (buf + 5), (char*) (buf + 9), (char*)&userLen1);
		char user1[32] = {0};
		std::copy((char*) (buf + 9), (char*) (buf + 9 + userLen1), user1);

		int userLen2 = 0;
		std::copy((char*) (buf + 9 + userLen1), (char*) (buf + 13 + userLen1), (char*) &userLen2);
		char user2[32] = {0};
		std::copy((char*) (buf + 13 + userLen1), (char*) (buf + 13 + userLen1 + userLen2), user2);

		cout << "user1: " << user1 << ", user2" << user2 << endl;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
void regTest5()
	tracef("reg test 5 begin:reg twice");
	Context::Ptr pContext = new Context(Context::TLSV1_CLIENT_USE, "", Context::VERIFY_NONE);
	SecureStreamSocket sss(pContext);
	SocketAddress sa("", 12222);
	sss.connect(sa, Timespan(3, 0));
	DynamicStruct ds;
	ds["type"] = "request";
	ds["action"] = "server.token";
	Timestamp t;
	UInt64 tms = t.epochMicroseconds();
	char tms_str[32];
	snprintf(tms_str, 31, "%llu", tms);
	std::string key = "alpha2015";
	key += tms_str;
	MD5Engine md5;
	const DigestEngine::Digest& digest = md5.digest();
	std::string md5key = DigestEngine::digestToHex(digest);
	DynamicStruct param;
	param["key"] = md5key;
	param["timestamp"] = tms_str;
	param["dev_name"] = "lock3";
	param["dev_type"] = "sc-01";
	param["uuid"] = "SC00000003";
	ds["param"] = param;

	tracef("data send: %s.", ds.toString().c_str());
	sss.sendBytes(ds.toString().c_str(), ds.toString().length());

	char buf[1024] = {0, };
	sss.receiveBytes(buf, 1024);

	JSON::Parser parser;
	Dynamic::Var var = parser.parse(buf);
	JSON::Object::Ptr pObj = var.extract<JSON::Object::Ptr>();
	DynamicStruct ds_recv = *pObj;
	std::string token = ds_recv["param"]["token"];

	DynamicStruct ds_reg;
	ds_reg["type"] = "request";
	ds_reg["action"] = "server.register";
	DynamicStruct param_reg;
	param_reg["token"] = token;
	param_reg["uuid"] = "SC00000003";
	ds_reg["param"] = param_reg;

	StreamSocket ss;
	SocketAddress sa2("", 13333);
	ss.connect(sa2, Timespan(3, 0));

	ss.sendBytes(ds_reg.toString().c_str(), ds_reg.toString().length());
	tracef("reg data send: %s.", ds_reg.toString().c_str());
	memset(buf, 0, 1024);
	ss.receiveBytes(buf, 1024);
	tracef("receive bytes: %s.", buf);

	StreamSocket ss2;
	ss2.connect(sa2, Timespan(3, 0));
	tracef("reg data send again: %s.", ds_reg.toString().c_str());
	ss2.sendBytes(ds_reg.toString().c_str(), ds_reg.toString().length());
	memset(buf, 0, 1024);
	ss2.receiveBytes(buf, 1024);
	tracef("recv data: %s.", buf);
	tracef("reg test 5 finished.");
Exemplo n.º 22
void KeyValueStore::handleLookupMovie(StreamSocket& client, const string& buf, Config::ThreadControl& control)
  static const char suc  = Protocol::LOOKUP_SUC;
  static const char no   = Protocol::LOOKUP_NO;
  static const char done = Protocol::MLOOKUP_DONE;
  string ret;
  unsigned sent = 0;
  const char* msg = NULL;
  map<string, bool> isSent;

  printKv("Received movie lookup request");

  if(isResponsible(buf, control)) {
    map<string, vector<string> >::iterator it = movieDB.rawLookup(buf);
    printKv("Hi, I'm a server and I am serving this request: " << buf);
    if(it == movieDB.rawEnd()) {
      client.sendBytes(&no, sizeof(no));
    } else {
      vector<string>::iterator vit = it->second.begin();
      for(; vit != it->second.end(); ++vit) {
        if(!isSent[*vit]) {
          isSent[*vit] = true;
      client.sendBytes(&suc, sizeof(suc));
      unsigned length = ret.size();
      unsigned rem = length;
      unsigned totalSent = 0;
      client.sendBytes(&length, sizeof(length));
      msg = ret.c_str();
      while((totalSent += client.sendBytes(msg, rem)) != length) {
        msg = ret.c_str() + totalSent;
        rem = length - totalSent;
        printKv("Remaining: "<< rem);
      //client.sendBytes(&done, sizeof(done));
      printKv("Done sending");
  } else {
    //vector<pair<char, string> > resps(KeyValueStore::forwardRequest(Protocol::LUP_MOVIE, buf, control));
    pair<char, string> resps(KeyValueStore::forwardRequest(Protocol::LUP_MOVIE, buf, control));

#if 0
    vector<pair<char, string> >::iterator it = resps.begin();
    for(; it != resps.end() ; ++it) {
      if(it->first == Protocol::LOOKUP_SUC) {
        client.sendBytes(&it->first, sizeof(it->first));
        unsigned length = it->second.size();
        client.sendBytes(&length, sizeof(length));
        client.sendBytes(it->second.c_str(), length);
      } else {
        client.sendBytes(&it->first, sizeof(it->first));
        if(it->first == Protocol::LOOKUP_NO)
        else if(it->first == Protocol::MLOOKUP_DONE)
    string str(resps.second);
    unsigned length = str.size();
    unsigned rem = length;
    unsigned totalSent = 0;
    const char* msg = str.c_str();

    client.sendBytes(&resps.first, sizeof(resps.first));

    if(resps.first == Protocol::LOOKUP_SUC) {
      client.sendBytes(&length, sizeof(length));
      while((totalSent += client.sendBytes(msg, rem)) != length) {
        msg = str.c_str() + totalSent;
        rem = length - totalSent;
        printKv("Remaining: "<< rem);
  printKv("MovieDB size: "<< movieDB.size());
Exemplo n.º 23
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	if (argc > 1)
		serverAddr = string(argv[1]);
	if (argc > 2)
		port = atoi(argv[2]);
	if (argc > 3)
		filename = argv[3];

	Buffer	buffer;

	int len = 0;
	int totalLen = 0;

	char  code = validateUser;

	buffer.append((const char*)&code, 1);
	totalLen = totalLen + 1;

	std::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary | std::ifstream::in);
	if (ifs.is_open())
		if (ifs.good())
			ifs.seekg(0, ifs.end);
			len = ifs.tellg();
			ifs.seekg(0, ifs.beg);

			buffer.append((const char*)&len, 4);
			unsigned char bin[FINGER_LEN] = { 0 };
			ifs.read((char*)bin, len);
			buffer.append((const char*)bin, len);
			totalLen = totalLen + 4 + len;
		cout << "finger file " << filename << " is not OK!" << endl;
		return -2;

	Buffer sendBuf;
	sendBuf.append((const char*)&totalLen, 4);

	int sendLen = sendBuf.readableBytes();
	StreamSocket ss;
		ss.connect(SocketAddress(serverAddr, port));
	catch (Poco::Exception& exc)
		cerr << "Connect server failed, err: " << exc.displayText() << endl;
		return -1;

	ss.sendBytes(sendBuf.retrieveAllAsString().c_str(), sendLen);

	char buf[FINGER_LEN] = { 0 };
	int n = ss.receiveBytes(buf, sizeof(buf));

	std::copy(buf, buf + 4, (char*)&totalLen);
	std::copy(buf + 4, buf + 5, &code);
	if (code == 0)
		char *p = buf;
		p += 5;

		char tmp[32] = { 0 };

		int nameIdLen = 0;
		std::copy(p, (char*)(p + 4), (char*)&nameIdLen);
		p += 4;

		string nameId;
		std::copy(p, (char*)(p + nameIdLen), nameId.begin());
		p += nameIdLen;

		memset(tmp, 0, 32);
		int passwdLen = 0;
		std::copy(p, p + 4, (char*)&passwdLen);
		p += 4;

		string passwd;
		std::copy(p, (char*)(p + passwdLen), passwd.begin());

		cout << "nameId: " << nameId << ", passwd: " << passwd << endl;

	cout << "totalLen: " << totalLen << ", code: " << (int)code << endl;
	//char c(' ');

	//while (c != 'q' && c != 'Q')
	//	cout << "Press q then enter to quit: \n";
	//	cin >> c;
	return 0;