Exemplo n.º 1
// Wait for a subprocess and test the status code for the following
// conditions of 'expected_status':
//   1. 'None' = Anything but '0'.
//   2. 'Some' = the value of 'expected_status'.
// Returns Nothing if the resulting status code matches the
// expectation otherwise a Failure with the output of the subprocess.
// TODO(jmlvanre): Turn this into a generally useful abstraction for
// gtest where we can have a more straigtforward 'expected_status'.
Future<Nothing> await_subprocess(
    const Subprocess& subprocess,
    const Option<int>& expected_status = None())
  // Dup the pipe fd of the subprocess so we can read the output if
  // needed.
  int out = dup(subprocess.out().get());

  // Once we get the status of the process.
  return subprocess.status()
    .then([=](const Option<int>& status) -> Future<Nothing> {
      // If the status is not set, fail out.
      if (status.isNone()) {
        return Failure("Subprocess status is none");

      // If the status is not what we expect then fail out with the
      // output of the subprocess. The failure message will include
      // the assertion failures of the subprocess.
      if ((expected_status.isSome() && status.get() != expected_status.get()) ||
          (expected_status.isNone() && status.get() == 0)) {
        return io::read(out)
          .then([](const string& output) -> Future<Nothing> {
            return Failure("\n[++++++++++] Subprocess output.\n" + output +

      // If the subprocess ran successfully then return nothing.
      return Nothing();
    }).onAny([=]() {
Exemplo n.º 2
static Future<Nothing> _checkError(const string& cmd, const Subprocess& s)
  Option<int> status = s.status().get();
  if (status.isNone()) {
    return Failure("No status found for '" + cmd + "'");

  if (status.get() != 0) {
    // TODO(tnachen): Consider returning stdout as well.
    return io::read(s.err().get())
      .then(lambda::bind(failure<Nothing>, cmd, status.get(), lambda::_1));

  return Nothing();
Exemplo n.º 3
Future<Version> Docker::_version(const string& cmd, const Subprocess& s)
  const Option<int>& status = s.status().get();
  if (status.isNone() || status.get() != 0) {
    string msg = "Failed to execute '" + cmd + "': ";
    if (status.isSome()) {
      msg += WSTRINGIFY(status.get());
    } else {
      msg += "unknown exit status";
    return Failure(msg);


  return io::read(s.out().get())
    .then(lambda::bind(&Docker::__version, lambda::_1));
Exemplo n.º 4
// Returns a failure if no status or non-zero status returned from
// subprocess.
static Future<Nothing> checkError(const string& cmd, const Subprocess& s)
  return s.status()
    .then(lambda::bind(_checkError, cmd, s));