Exemplo n.º 1
void GetAngles(int verbosity = 3)

  // gSystem->Load("libfun4all.so");
  // gSystem->Load("libsvx.so");

  // Geometry object
  SvxTGeo *geo = new SvxTGeo();
  // Read the par file
  // Make an empty 100x100x100 cm^3 space in the experiment hall.
  geo->MakeTopVolume(200/2, 200/2, 200/2);
  // Place VTX sensors in the volume.

  float sensorwidth[4] = {1.28, 1.28, 3.072, 3.072};

  // --- layer, ladder, and sensor
  for(int h=0; h<4; h++) // layer
      for(int i=0; i<24; i++) // ladder
	  for(int j=0; j<6; j++) // sensor
	      bool B0 = (h == 0 && i < 10 && j < 4);
	      bool B1 = (h == 1 && i < 20 && j < 4);
	      bool B2 = (h == 2 && i < 16 && j < 5);
	      bool B3 = (h == 3 && i < 24 && j < 6);
	      float phi = geo->SensorPhiRad(h,i,j);
	      float radius = geo->SensorRadius(h,i,j);
	      float range = asin(sensorwidth[h]/radius/2.0);
	      //if(verbosity > 1 && j == 0 && (B0||B1||B2||B3)) cout << "layer " << h <<", ladder " << i << ", deltaphi " << deltaphi << endl;
	      if(verbosity > 3 || (verbosity > 2 && j == 0))
		  if(B0) cout << "B0: layer " << h << ", ladder " << i << ", sensor " << j << ", phi angle = " << phi << " +- " << range << endl;
		  if(B1) cout << "B1: layer " << h << ", ladder " << i << ", sensor " << j << ", phi angle = " << phi << " +- " << range << endl;
		  if(B2) cout << "B2: layer " << h << ", ladder " << i << ", sensor " << j << ", phi angle = " << phi << " +- " << range << endl;
		  if(B3) cout << "B3: layer " << h << ", ladder " << i << ", sensor " << j << ", phi angle = " << phi << " +- " << range << endl;
		} // if verbosity
	    } // sensor
	} // ladder
    } // layer

  float RADIUS[4] = {2.63, 5.13, 11.77, 16.69};
  float LENGTH[4] = {22.8, 22.8, 31.8,  38.2};
  int   NOBINS[4] = {16,16,5,6}; // 4,4,5,6 means sensors, 16,16,5,6 means chips for pixels and sensors for strips

  // --- layer, ladder, and sensor
  for(int h=0; h<4; h++)
      int nb = NOBINS[h];
      float r = RADIUS[h];
      float z = LENGTH[h];
      float zmax = z/2.0;
      float zmin = -zmax;
      float thetamax = atan2(r,zmax);
      float thetamin = atan2(r,zmin);
      float etamax = -log(tan(thetamax/2.0));
      float etamin = -log(tan(thetamin/2.0));
      float relthetamax = thetamax - pi/2.0;
      float relthetamin = thetamin - pi/2.0;
      // ---
      float div = (float)nb;
      float zwidth = z/div;
      float zcenter = zwidth/2.0;
      cout << "layer " << h
	   << " eta range is from "   << etamin   << " to " << etamax
	   << " number of z bins is " << nb << " with bin width " << zwidth
	   << endl;
      // ---

      for(int i=0; i<24; i++)
	  for(int j=0; j<16; j++)
	      bool B0 = (h == 0 && i < 10 && j < nb);
	      bool B1 = (h == 1 && i < 20 && j < nb);
	      bool B2 = (h == 2 && i < 16 && j < nb);
	      bool B3 = (h == 3 && i < 24 && j < nb);
	      // ---
	      float zlo = zmin + j*zwidth;
	      float zhi = zmin + (j+1)*zwidth;
	      float zce = zlo + zcenter;
	      // ---
	      float etalo = -log(tan(atan2(r,zlo)/2.0));
	      float etahi = -log(tan(atan2(r,zhi)/2.0));
	      float etace = -log(tan(atan2(r,zce)/2.0));
	      // ---
	      if(j<nb && i==0 && verbosity > 3)
		cout << " for z bin number " << j
		  //<< " center of bin is " << zce
		  //<< " low edge of bin is " << zlo
		  //<< " high edge of bin is " << zhi
		     << " center of bin is " << etace
		     << " low edge of bin is " << etalo
		     << " high edge of bin is " << etahi
		     << endl;


Exemplo n.º 2
void AddLadder()
  SvxTGeo *geo = new SvxTGeo;

  // Make an empty 100x100x100 cm^3 space in the experiment hall.
  geo->MakeTopVolume(200/2, 200/2, 200/2);

  // Place VTX sensors in the volume.

  // Get handles for further manipulation
  TGeoManager *mgr = geo->GeoManager();
  TGeoVolume *top = mgr->GetTopVolume();

  // Add a ladder with new index 20 and the same geometry as B1L9.
  double xyz[3] = {0};
  geo->GetSensorXYZ(1, 9, 0, xyz);
  geo->AddLadder(1, 20, xyz[0], xyz[1], 0., geo->GetLadderPhiTilt(1,9));
  // Now rotate B1L20 by angular difference between B1L9 and B1L8.
  double dphi = geo->SensorPhiRad(1,9,0) - geo->SensorPhiRad(1,8,0);
  geo->RotateLadder(1, 20, 0., 0., dphi);

  // Done building model.
  // Close geometry to check for problems (overlapping boundaries)

  // Press j,k to zoom; u,i to look up/down; h,l to look left, right.
  TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "svx model", 1400, 1000);
