Exemplo n.º 1
// Fix the inner type of containers (that is, make it work smoothly with AddSymbol)
// by prefixing it with the module except for well-known types like STL/Qt types
static inline std::string fixInnerType(std::string type,
                                       const SymbolGroupValue &container)
    std::string stripped
        = SymbolGroupValue::stripConst(SymbolGroupValue::stripClassPrefixes(type));

    // Unfortunately the cdb can not handle the vc exclusiv 64 bit integer
    // "__int64" but works fine with "int64", so we have to strip down "__"
    const size_t __int64pos = stripped.find("__int64");
    if (__int64pos != std::string::npos)
        stripped.erase(__int64pos, 2);

    const KnownType kt = knownType(stripped, 0);
    // Resolve types unless they are POD or pointers to POD (that is, qualify 'Foo' and 'Foo*')
    const bool needResolve = kt == KT_Unknown || kt ==  KT_PointerType || !(kt & KT_POD_Type);
    const std::string fixed = needResolve ?
                SymbolGroupValue::resolveType(stripped, container.context(), container.module()) :
    if (SymbolGroupValue::verbose) {
        DebugPrint dp;
        dp << "fixInnerType (resolved=" << needResolve << ") '" << type << "' [";
        formatKnownTypeFlags(dp, kt);
        dp << "] -> '" << fixed <<"'\n";
    return fixed;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Return size from an STL vector (last/first iterators).
static inline int msvcStdVectorSize(const SymbolGroupValue &v)
    const ULONG64 firstPtr = v.readPointerValueFromAncestor("_Myfirst");
    const ULONG64 lastPtr = v.readPointerValueFromAncestor("_Mylast");
    if (!firstPtr || lastPtr < firstPtr)
        return -1;
    const std::vector<std::string> innerTypes = v.innerTypes();
    if (innerTypes.empty())
        return -1;
    const std::string innerType = fixInnerType(SymbolGroupValue::stripPointerType(innerTypes[0]), v);
    const size_t size = SymbolGroupValue::sizeOf(innerType.c_str());
    if (size == 0)
        return -1;
    if (lastPtr == firstPtr)
        return 0;
    // Subtract the pointers: We need to do the pointer arithmetics ourselves
    // as we get char *pointers.
    return static_cast<int>((lastPtr - firstPtr) / size);
Exemplo n.º 3
// Fix the inner type of containers (that is, make it work smoothly with AddSymbol)
// by prefixing it with the module except for well-known types like STL/Qt types
static inline std::string fixInnerType(std::string type,
                                       const SymbolGroupValue &container)
    const std::string stripped
        = SymbolGroupValue::stripConst(SymbolGroupValue::stripClassPrefixes(type));
    const KnownType kt = knownType(stripped, 0);
    // Resolve types unless they are POD or pointers to POD (that is, qualify 'Foo' and 'Foo*')
    const bool needResolve = kt == KT_Unknown || kt ==  KT_PointerType || !(kt & KT_POD_Type);
    const std::string fixed = needResolve ?
                SymbolGroupValue::resolveType(stripped, container.context(), container.module()) :
    if (SymbolGroupValue::verbose) {
        DebugPrint dp;
        dp << "fixInnerType (resolved=" << needResolve << ") '" << type << "' [";
        formatKnownTypeFlags(dp, kt);
        dp << "] -> '" << fixed <<"'\n";
    return fixed;