/** Appends the key binding to the end of the provided ToolTip */
		static FText AppendKeyBindingToToolTip( const TAttribute<FText> ToolTip, TWeakPtr< const FUICommandInfo> Command )
			TSharedPtr<const FUICommandInfo> CommandPtr = Command.Pin();

			if( CommandPtr.IsValid() && CommandPtr->GetActiveChord()->IsValidChord() )
				FFormatNamedArguments Args;
				Args.Add( TEXT("ToolTipDescription"), ToolTip.Get() );
				Args.Add( TEXT("Keybinding"), CommandPtr->GetInputText() );
				return FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("ToolBar", "ToolTip + Keybinding", "{ToolTipDescription} ({Keybinding})"), Args );
				return ToolTip.Get();
void FMenuBuilder::BeginSection( FName InExtensionHook, const TAttribute< FText >& InHeadingText )
	check(CurrentSectionExtensionHook == NAME_None && !bSectionNeedsToBeApplied);

	ApplyHook(InExtensionHook, EExtensionHook::Before);
	// Do not actually apply the section header, because if this section is ended immediately
	// then nothing ever gets created, preventing empty sections from ever appearing
	bSectionNeedsToBeApplied = true;
	CurrentSectionExtensionHook = InExtensionHook;
	CurrentSectionHeadingText = InHeadingText.Get();

	// Do apply the section beginning if we are in developer "show me all the hooks" mode
	if (FMultiBoxSettings::DisplayMultiboxHooks.Get())

	ApplyHook(InExtensionHook, EExtensionHook::First);
Exemplo n.º 3
TSharedRef< class SToolTip > FDocumentation::CreateToolTip(const TAttribute<FText>& Text, const TSharedPtr<SWidget>& OverrideContent, const FString& Link, const FString& ExcerptName) const
	TSharedPtr< SDocumentationToolTip > DocToolTip;

	if ( !Text.IsBound() && Text.Get().IsEmpty() )
		return SNew( SToolTip );

	if ( OverrideContent.IsValid() )
		SAssignNew( DocToolTip, SDocumentationToolTip )
		.DocumentationLink( Link )
		.ExcerptName( ExcerptName )
		SAssignNew( DocToolTip, SDocumentationToolTip )
		.Text( Text )
		.DocumentationLink( Link )
		.ExcerptName( ExcerptName );
	return SNew( SToolTip )
		.IsInteractive( DocToolTip.ToSharedRef(), &SDocumentationToolTip::IsInteractive )

		// Emulate text-only tool-tip styling that SToolTip uses when no custom content is supplied.  We want documentation tool-tips to 
		// be styled just like text-only tool-tips
		.BorderImage( FCoreStyle::Get().GetBrush("ToolTip.BrightBackground") )
Exemplo n.º 4
		static FText PassThroughAttribute( TAttribute< FString > InString )
			return FText::FromString( InString.Get( TEXT("") ) );
Exemplo n.º 5
		static FString GetPIENotifyText(TAttribute<FGraphAppearanceInfo> Appearance, FString DefaultText)
			FString OverrideText = Appearance.Get().PIENotifyText;
			return OverrideText.Len() ? OverrideText : DefaultText;
 * Builds this MultiBlock widget up from the MultiBlock associated with it
void SToolBarButtonBlock::BuildMultiBlockWidget(const ISlateStyle* StyleSet, const FName& StyleName)
	struct Local
		/** Appends the key binding to the end of the provided ToolTip */
		static FText AppendKeyBindingToToolTip( const TAttribute<FText> ToolTip, TWeakPtr< const FUICommandInfo> Command )
			TSharedPtr<const FUICommandInfo> CommandPtr = Command.Pin();

			if( CommandPtr.IsValid() && CommandPtr->GetActiveChord()->IsValidChord() )
				FFormatNamedArguments Args;
				Args.Add( TEXT("ToolTipDescription"), ToolTip.Get() );
				Args.Add( TEXT("Keybinding"), CommandPtr->GetInputText() );
				return FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("ToolBar", "ToolTip + Keybinding", "{ToolTipDescription} ({Keybinding})"), Args );
				return ToolTip.Get();

	TSharedRef< const FMultiBox > MultiBox( OwnerMultiBoxWidget.Pin()->GetMultiBox() );
	TSharedRef< const FToolBarButtonBlock > ToolBarButtonBlock = StaticCastSharedRef< const FToolBarButtonBlock >( MultiBlock.ToSharedRef() );

	// Allow the block to override the action's label and tool tip string, if desired
	TAttribute<FText> ActualLabel;
	if (ToolBarButtonBlock->LabelOverride.IsSet())
		ActualLabel = ToolBarButtonBlock->LabelOverride;
		ActualLabel = ToolBarButtonBlock->GetAction()->GetLabel();

	// Add this widget to the search list of the multibox
	if (MultiBlock->GetSearchable())
		OwnerMultiBoxWidget.Pin()->AddSearchElement(this->AsWidget(), ActualLabel.Get());

	TAttribute<FText> ActualToolTip;
	if (ToolBarButtonBlock->ToolTipOverride.IsSet())
		ActualToolTip = ToolBarButtonBlock->ToolTipOverride;
		ActualToolTip = ToolBarButtonBlock->GetAction()->GetDescription();

	// If a key is bound to the command, append it to the tooltip text.
	TWeakPtr<const FUICommandInfo> Action = ToolBarButtonBlock->GetAction();
	ActualToolTip = TAttribute< FText >::Create( TAttribute< FText >::FGetter::CreateStatic( &Local::AppendKeyBindingToToolTip, ActualToolTip, Action ) );
	// If we were supplied an image than go ahead and use that, otherwise we use a null widget
	TSharedRef< SWidget > IconWidget =
		SNew( SImage )
		.Visibility( this, &SToolBarButtonBlock::GetIconVisibility, false )	
		.Image( this, &SToolBarButtonBlock::GetIconBrush );
	TSharedRef< SWidget > SmallIconWidget =
		SNew( SImage )
		.Visibility( this, &SToolBarButtonBlock::GetIconVisibility, true )	
		.Image( this, &SToolBarButtonBlock::GetSmallIconBrush );

	// Create the content for our button
	TSharedRef< SWidget > ButtonContent =


		+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
			SNew( SVerticalBox )

			// Icon image
			+ SVerticalBox::Slot()
			.HAlign( HAlign_Center )	// Center the icon horizontally, so that large labels don't stretch out the artwork
			+ SVerticalBox::Slot().AutoHeight()
			.HAlign( HAlign_Center )

			// Label text
			+ SVerticalBox::Slot().AutoHeight()
			.HAlign( HAlign_Center )	// Center the label text horizontally
				SNew( STextBlock )
					.Visibility( LabelVisibility )
					.Text( ActualLabel )
					.TextStyle( StyleSet, ISlateStyle::Join( StyleName, ".Label" ) )	// Smaller font for tool tip labels
					.ShadowOffset( FVector2D::UnitVector )

	EMultiBlockLocation::Type BlockLocation = GetMultiBlockLocation();
	// What type of UI should we create for this block?
	EUserInterfaceActionType::Type UserInterfaceType = ToolBarButtonBlock->UserInterfaceActionType;
	if ( Action.IsValid() )
		// If we have a UICommand, then this is specified in the command.
		UserInterfaceType = Action.Pin()->GetUserInterfaceType();
	if( UserInterfaceType == EUserInterfaceActionType::Button )
		FName BlockStyle = EMultiBlockLocation::ToName(ISlateStyle::Join( StyleName, ".Button" ), BlockLocation);
			// Create a button
			SNew( SButton )

				// Use the tool bar item style for this button
				.ButtonStyle( StyleSet, BlockStyle )

				.ForegroundColor( FSlateColor::UseForeground() )


				// Bind the button's "on clicked" event to our object's method for this
				.OnClicked( this, &SToolBarButtonBlock::OnClicked )

				// Pass along the block's tool-tip string
				.ToolTip( FMultiBoxSettings::ToolTipConstructor.Execute( ActualToolTip, nullptr, Action.Pin() ) )
	else if( ensure( UserInterfaceType == EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton || UserInterfaceType == EUserInterfaceActionType::RadioButton ) )
		FName BlockStyle = EMultiBlockLocation::ToName(ISlateStyle::Join( StyleName, ".ToggleButton" ), BlockLocation);
		FName CheckboxStyle = ISlateStyle::Join( StyleName, ".SToolBarButtonBlock.CheckBox.Padding" );

			// Create a check box
			SNew( SCheckBox )

				// Use the tool bar style for this check box
				.Style( StyleSet, BlockStyle )

				// User will have set the focusable attribute for the block, honor it
				.IsFocusable( bIsFocusable )

				// Pass along the block's tool-tip string
				.ToolTip( FMultiBoxSettings::ToolTipConstructor.Execute( ActualToolTip, nullptr, Action.Pin() ) )

				// Bind the button's "on checked" event to our object's method for this
				.OnCheckStateChanged( this, &SToolBarButtonBlock::OnCheckStateChanged )

				// Bind the check box's "checked" state to our user interface action
				.IsChecked( this, &SToolBarButtonBlock::OnIsChecked )

				.Padding( StyleSet->GetMargin(CheckboxStyle) )
	ChildSlot.Padding(StyleSet->GetMargin(ISlateStyle::Join( StyleName, ".SToolBarButtonBlock.Padding" )));

	// Bind our widget's enabled state to whether or not our action can execute
	SetEnabled( TAttribute< bool >( this, &SToolBarButtonBlock::IsEnabled ) );

	// Bind our widget's visible state to whether or not the button should be visible
	SetVisibility( TAttribute<EVisibility>(this, &SToolBarButtonBlock::GetBlockVisibility) );
void SAssetSearchBox::SetText(const TAttribute< FText >& InNewText)
    PreCommittedText = InNewText.Get();