// addXAxis - add X axis information
unsigned int addXAxis(SEXP data, SEXP dataNames, unsigned int j, TH1* hist)
  int n = hist->GetNbinsX();
  TAxis* axis = hist->GetXaxis();
  // Determine breaks--
  // Add to list
  SEXP breaks = addNumericVector(data, dataNames, j++, n+1, "breaks");

  // Get information
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
    NUMERIC_POINTER(breaks)[i] = axis->GetBinLowEdge(i+1);

  // Add the high edge
  NUMERIC_POINTER(breaks)[n] = axis->GetBinUpEdge(n);

  // Determine mids--
  SEXP mids = addNumericVector(data, dataNames, j++, n, "mids");

  // Get information
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
    NUMERIC_POINTER(mids)[i] = axis->GetBinCenter(i+1);

  // Get name of axis
  SEXP xname = addCharVector(data, dataNames, j++, 1, "xname");
  SET_STRING_ELT( xname, 0, mkChar( axis->GetTitle() ) );
  // Done
  return j;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /** comapre axis for equalitiy
  * check whether the cass histogram axis and the root histogram axis are the
  * same. Test for number of bins, low and high ends and the title of the axis.
  * @return true when both axis are the same
  * @param ca the axis of the cass histogram
  * @param ra the axis of the root histogram
  * @author Lutz Foucar
 bool operator== (const cass::Result<float>::axe_t &ca, const TAxis &ra)
   return (static_cast<int>(ca.nBins) == ra.GetNbins() &&
           fabs(ca.low - ra.GetXmin()) <  sqrt(numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) &&
           fabs(ca.up  - ra.GetXmax())  <  sqrt(numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) &&
           ca.title == ra.GetTitle());
Exemplo n.º 3
void drawsparse_draw(THnSparse* h)
   // Draw a THnSparse using TParallelCoord, creating a temporary TTree.

   TTree* tree = toTree(h);

   TString whatToDraw;
   TIter iLeaf(tree->GetListOfLeaves());
   const TLeaf* leaf = 0;
   while ((leaf = (const TLeaf*)iLeaf())) {
      if (whatToDraw.Length())
         whatToDraw += ":";
      whatToDraw += leaf->GetName();
   tree->Draw(whatToDraw, "", "para");
   TParallelCoord* parallelCoord = (TParallelCoord*)gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject("ParaCoord");

   TIter iVar(parallelCoord->GetVarList());
   TParallelCoordVar* var = 0;
   for (Int_t d = 0;(var = (TParallelCoordVar*) iVar()) && d < h->GetNdimensions(); ++d) {
      TAxis* axis = h->GetAxis(d);
      var->SetCurrentLimits(axis->GetXmin(), axis->GetXmax());
   var->SetTitle("bin content");
Exemplo n.º 4
// Calculate efficiency and clone+scale Function.
TH1F *Signal_Hist(TH1F* tightH, Double_t Sigma,   Double_t Lumi,     Int_t AnzahlEvents,Bool_t EJet, Double_t &Efficiency, Bool_t withError)
  TH1F *SignalH;
  char NewName[500], NewTitle[500], NewHist[1000];

//Effizienz: N_gesamt=sigma * Lumi;  N_Schnitt=N_nachSchnitten/N_vorallenschnitten

 printf("Efficiency Signal: %f\n",Efficiency );


    TAxis *xaxis = tightH ->GetXaxis();
    TAxis *yaxis = tightH->GetYaxis();

    Int_t Nbins=tightH->GetNbinsX();
//    Double_t firstbinx= xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(1);
//    Double_t lastbin= xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binzahl);
    const char* xTitle=xaxis->GetTitle();
    const char* yTitle=yaxis->GetTitle();
    sprintf(NewTitle,"%s - Signal-Histogram",xTitle);
    sprintf(NewHist,"%s;%s;%s",NewTitle, xTitle ,yTitle);

    Double_t scale=1./(tightH->Integral())*Efficiency;

        for(Int_t i=0;i<Nbins;i++)
            Double_t BinError=TMath::Sqrt(SignalH->GetBinContent(i+1));

    return SignalH;
Exemplo n.º 5
inline TH1D* hGeV2TeV(TH1D* hGeV)
	const Int_t    nbins = hGeV->GetNbinsX();
	Double_t bins[nbins+1];
	TAxis* xaxis = (TAxis*)hGeV->GetXaxis();
	TAxis* yaxis = (TAxis*)hGeV->GetYaxis();

	for(int i=0 ; i<nbins ; i++)
		bins[i] = xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(i+1)/1000.;
		cout << "|" << bins[i];
	bins[nbins] = xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(nbins)/1000.;
	cout << "|" << bins[nbins] << "|" << endl;

	TString name   = (TString)hGeV->GetName();
	TString title  = (TString)hGeV->GetTitle();
	TString xtitle = (TString)xaxis->GetTitle();
	TString ytitle = (TString)yaxis->GetTitle();

	TH1D* hTeV = new TH1D(name+"_TeV",title+";"+xtitle+";"+ytitle, nbins,bins);
	for(Int_t b=0 ; b<=nbins+1 ; b++) hTeV->SetBinContent(b, hGeV->GetBinContent(b));
	return hTeV;
Exemplo n.º 6
TH1F *QCD_MatrixMethod_qcdhist(TH1F *looseH, TH1F *tightH, TH1F*epsqcd_hist, Double_t EpsSig, Double_t EpsSigErr,Bool_t makeGlobal, Double_t *NQCD_glob,  Double_t *NQCD_glob_err, Bool_t witherror)
  printf("we use the histo method for qcd determination!\n");
  Double_t EpsQCD=0.0;
  Double_t EpsQCDErr=0.0;
  Int_t binhelp=0;
  TH1F *QCDH(0);
  char NewName[500], NewTitle[500], NewHist[1000];

  TAxis *xaxis = looseH ->GetXaxis();
  TAxis *yaxis = looseH->GetYaxis();
  Int_t Nbins=looseH->GetNbinsX();
  Double_t firstbinx= xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(1);
  Double_t lastbin= xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(Nbins);

  const char* xTitle=xaxis->GetTitle();
  const char* yTitle=yaxis->GetTitle();

  sprintf(NewTitle,"%s - QCD-Histogramm",xTitle);
  sprintf(NewHist,"%s;%s;%s",NewTitle, xTitle ,yTitle);
// for global: number of QCD-Background alltogether
    Double_t NQCD_all=0.0, NQCD_all_Error=0.0 ;
    // The same idea as in QCD_MatrixMethod but this time assume Loose,
    // Tight and EpsilonQCD are histograms with several bins (instead of
    // scalar values). Thus calculate NQCD_all as a sum of corresponding
    // values per bin.
    for(Int_t i=0;i<Nbins;i++)

	if(i<12) //just to have not too crappy values

	Double_t NQCD_all_help=(EpsSig*looseH->GetBinContent(i+1)- tightH->GetBinContent(i+1))/(EpsSig -  EpsQCD);
	//	if(NQCD_all_help>0.0)
	Double_t N1=looseH->GetBinContent(i+1) - tightH->GetBinContent(i+1);
	//          Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(N1);
	Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(pow(looseH->GetBinError(i+1),2.0) - pow(tightH->GetBinError(i+1),2.0));
	Double_t N2=tightH->GetBinContent(i+1);
	//          Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(N2);
	Double_t N2Error=tightH->GetBinError(i+1);
	Double_t NtQEpsSig=EpsQCD*(N2 - EpsQCD* (N1 + N2))/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);
	Double_t NtQEpsQCD=EpsSig*(EpsSig*(N1+N2) - N2 )/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);
	Double_t NtQN1=EpsQCD*EpsSig/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);
	Double_t NtQN2=EpsQCD*(EpsSig-1)/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);
	Double_t binContentErrorSquare=pow(NtQEpsSig,2)*pow(EpsSigErr,2) + pow(NtQEpsQCD,2)*pow(EpsQCDErr,2) + pow(NtQN1,2)*pow(N1Error,2) + pow(NtQN2,2)* pow(N2Error,2);
	Double_t binContentError=TMath::Sqrt(binContentErrorSquare);
	//  	if(NQCD_all_help>0.0)
	//   printf("Anzahl QCD gesamt:%f, Fehler dieser Anzahl:%f\n\n",NQCD_gesamt,NQCD_gesamt_Error);
      // End loop over bins

    // End for global
    if(makeGlobal && NQCD_glob)
	return QCDH;

    QCDH=new TH1F(NewName,NewHist,Nbins,firstbinx, lastbin);

    for(Int_t i=0;i<Nbins;i++)
	if(i<12) //just to have not too crappy values
        Double_t binContentloose=looseH->GetBinContent(i+1);
        Double_t binContenttight=tightH->GetBinContent(i+1);
        Double_t NQCD=(EpsSig*binContentloose - binContenttight)/(EpsSig -  EpsQCD);
        Double_t binContent=EpsQCD*NQCD;
	//  QCDEffizienz+= binContent;
        if(binContent <0.0)
	// printf("QCDEffizienz:%f\n",QCDEffizienz);
            Double_t N1=binContentloose - binContenttight;
	    //          Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(N1);
            Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(looseH->GetBinError(i+1) - tightH->GetBinError(i+1));
            Double_t N2=binContenttight;
	    //          Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(N2);
            Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(tightH->GetBinError(i+1));
            Double_t NtQEpsSig=EpsQCD*(N2 - EpsQCD* (N1 + N2))/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);
            Double_t NtQEpsQCD=EpsSig*(EpsSig*(N1+N2) - N2 )/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);
            Double_t NtQN1=EpsQCD*EpsSig/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);
            Double_t NtQN2=EpsQCD*(EpsSig-1)/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);
            Double_t binContentErrorSquare=pow(NtQEpsSig,2)*pow(EpsSigErr,2) + pow(NtQEpsQCD,2)*pow(EpsQCDErr,2) + pow(NtQN1,2)*pow(N1Error,2) + pow(NtQN2,2)* pow(N2Error,2);
            Double_t binContentError=TMath::Sqrt(binContentErrorSquare);
    return QCDH;

Exemplo n.º 7
TH1F *QCD_MatrixMethod(TH1F *looseH, TH1F *tightH, Double_t EpsQCD, Double_t EpsSig,  Double_t EpsQCDErr, Double_t EpsSigErr,Bool_t makeGlobal, Double_t *NQCD_glob,  Double_t *NQCD_glob_err, Bool_t witherror,Double_t *NW_glob, Double_t *NW_glob_err)

  TH1F *QCDH(0);
  char NewName[500], NewTitle[500], NewHist[1000];

  TAxis *xaxis = looseH ->GetXaxis();
  TAxis *yaxis = looseH->GetYaxis();
  Int_t Nbins=looseH->GetNbinsX();
  Double_t firstbinx= xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(1);
  Double_t lastbin= xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(Nbins);
  const char* xTitle=xaxis->GetTitle();
  const char* yTitle=yaxis->GetTitle();
  sprintf(NewTitle,"%s - QCD-Histogramm",xTitle);
  sprintf(NewHist,"%s;%s;%s",NewTitle, xTitle ,yTitle);
// for global: number of QCD-Background alltogether
    Double_t NQCD_all=0.0, NQCD_all_Error=0.0 ;
    Double_t NW_all=0.0, NW_all_Error=0.0 ;
    // Functions with one bin only that would count how many loose or tight
    // events are there.
    TH1F *qcd_all_loose=new TH1F(hn(),"total number of QCD events",1,0.0,1.0);
    TH1F *qcd_all_tight=new TH1F(hn(),"total number of QCD events",1,0.0,1.0);

    // Count events
    for(Int_t i=0;i<=Nbins;i++)
        Double_t binContentloose=looseH->GetBinContent(i+1);
        Double_t binContenttight=tightH->GetBinContent(i+1);

    for(Int_t i=0;i<1;i++)
	NQCD_all=(EpsSig*qcd_all_loose->GetBinContent(i+1)- qcd_all_tight->GetBinContent(i+1))/(EpsSig -  EpsQCD);
	Double_t N1=qcd_all_loose->GetBinContent(i+1) - qcd_all_tight->GetBinContent(i+1);
	//          Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(N1);
	//	Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(pow(qcd_all_loose->GetBinError(i+1),2.0) - pow(qcd_all_tight->GetBinError(i+1),2.0));
	Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(N1);

	Double_t N2=qcd_all_tight->GetBinContent(i+1);
	//          Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(N2);
	//	Double_t N2Error=qcd_all_tight->GetBinError(i+1);
	Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(N2);

	Double_t NtQEpsSig=EpsQCD*(N2 - EpsQCD* (N1 + N2))/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);
	Double_t NtQEpsQCD=EpsSig*(EpsSig*(N1+N2) - N2 )/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);

	Double_t NtQN1=EpsQCD*EpsSig/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);
	Double_t NtQN2=EpsQCD*(EpsSig-1)/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);

	Double_t binContentErrorSquare=pow(NtQEpsSig,2)*pow(EpsSigErr,2) + pow(NtQEpsQCD,2)*pow(EpsQCDErr,2) + pow(NtQN1,2)*pow(N1Error,2) + pow(NtQN2,2)* pow(N2Error,2);
	Double_t binContentError=TMath::Sqrt(binContentErrorSquare);
	//	printf("N1: %f N2: %f\n", N1, N2);
	//	printf("NtQEpsSig: %f NtQEpsQCD:%f %f %f %f\n", NtQEpsSig, NtQEpsQCD, N2 - EpsQCD* (N1 + N2), EpsSig*(N1+N2) - N2 , pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2));
	//	printf("the bin error: %f where value is %f\n",  binContentError, NQCD_all);
	//	printf("the single contributions: %f %f %f %f\n", pow(NtQEpsSig,2)*pow(EpsSigErr,2),pow(NtQEpsQCD,2)*pow(EpsQCDErr,2), pow(NtQN1,2)*pow(N1Error,2),  pow(NtQN2,2)* pow(N2Error,2));
	//   printf("Anzahl QCD gesamt:%f, Fehler dieser Anzahl:%f\n\n",NQCD_gesamt,NQCD_gesamt_Error);
    // End for global
    if(makeGlobal && NQCD_glob)
	//set the NQCD value to 0 if it's smaller
	if(NQCD_all < 0.0) NQCD_all=0.0;


    for(Int_t i=0;i<1;i++)
	NW_all=( qcd_all_tight->GetBinContent(i+1) - EpsQCD * qcd_all_loose->GetBinContent(i+1))/(EpsSig -  EpsQCD);

	Double_t N1=qcd_all_loose->GetBinContent(i+1) - qcd_all_tight->GetBinContent(i+1);
	//          Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(N1);
	//	Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(pow(qcd_all_loose->GetBinError(i+1),2.0) - pow(qcd_all_tight->GetBinError(i+1),2.0));
	Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(N1);

	Double_t N2=qcd_all_tight->GetBinContent(i+1);
	//          Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(N2);
	//	Double_t N2Error=qcd_all_tight->GetBinError(i+1);
	Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(N2);

	Double_t NtWEpsSig=EpsQCD*(N2 - EpsQCD* (N1 + N2))/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);
	Double_t NtWEpsQCD=EpsSig*(EpsSig*(N1+N2) - N2 )/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);

	Double_t NtWN1=EpsQCD*EpsSig/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);
	Double_t NtWN2=EpsSig*(1-EpsQCD)/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);

	Double_t binContentErrorSquare=pow(NtWEpsSig,2)*pow(EpsSigErr,2) + pow(NtWEpsQCD,2)*pow(EpsQCDErr,2) + pow(NtWN1,2)*pow(N1Error,2) + pow(NtWN2,2)* pow(N2Error,2);
	Double_t binContentError=TMath::Sqrt(binContentErrorSquare);
	//	printf("N1: %f N2: %f\n", N1, N2);
	//	printf("NtQEpsSig: %f NtQEpsQCD:%f %f %f %f\n", NtQEpsSig, NtQEpsQCD, N2 - EpsQCD* (N1 + N2), EpsSig*(N1+N2) - N2 , pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2));
	//	printf("the bin error: %f where value is %f\n",  binContentError, NQCD_all);
	//	printf("the single contributions: %f %f %f %f\n", pow(NtQEpsSig,2)*pow(EpsSigErr,2),pow(NtQEpsQCD,2)*pow(EpsQCDErr,2), pow(NtQN1,2)*pow(N1Error,2),  pow(NtQN2,2)* pow(N2Error,2));
	//   printf("Anzahl QCD gesamt:%f, Fehler dieser Anzahl:%f\n\n",NQCD_gesamt,NQCD_gesamt_Error);
    // End for global
    if(makeGlobal && NW_glob)
	//set the NQCD value to 0 if it's smaller
	if(NW_all < 0.0) NW_all=0.0;
	return QCDH;

    if(makeGlobal && NQCD_glob)
	return QCDH;

    // Create QCDH histogram
    QCDH=new TH1F(NewName,NewHist,Nbins,firstbinx, lastbin);

    for(Int_t i=0;i<Nbins;i++)
        Double_t binContentloose=looseH->GetBinContent(i+1);
        Double_t binContenttight=tightH->GetBinContent(i+1);
        Double_t NQCD=(EpsSig*binContentloose - binContenttight)/(EpsSig -  EpsQCD);
        Double_t binContent=EpsQCD*NQCD;
	//  QCDEffizienz+= binContent;
        if(binContent <0.0)
	// printf("QCDEffizienz:%f\n",QCDEffizienz);
            Double_t N1=binContentloose - binContenttight;
	    //          Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(N1);
	    //      Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(looseH->GetBinError(i+1) - tightH->GetBinError(i+1));
	    Double_t N1Error=TMath::Sqrt(N1);
            Double_t N2=binContenttight;
	    //          Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(N2);
	    //  Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(tightH->GetBinError(i+1));
	    Double_t N2Error=TMath::Sqrt(N2);
            Double_t NtQEpsSig=EpsQCD*(N2 - EpsQCD* (N1 + N2))/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);
            Double_t NtQEpsQCD=EpsSig*(EpsSig*(N1+N2) - N2 )/pow((EpsSig - EpsQCD),2);
            Double_t NtQN1=EpsQCD*EpsSig/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);
            Double_t NtQN2=EpsQCD*(EpsSig-1)/(EpsSig - EpsQCD);
            Double_t binContentErrorSquare=pow(NtQEpsSig,2)*pow(EpsSigErr,2) + pow(NtQEpsQCD,2)*pow(EpsQCDErr,2) + pow(NtQN1,2)*pow(N1Error,2) + pow(NtQN2,2)* pow(N2Error,2);
            Double_t binContentError=TMath::Sqrt(binContentErrorSquare);
    return QCDH;

Exemplo n.º 8
void Subtraction(TString  hname,
		   TString  xtitle,
		   Int_t    ngroup       = -1,
		   Int_t    precision    = 1,
		   TString  units        = "NULL",
		   Double_t xmin         = -999,
		   Double_t xmax         =  999,
		   Bool_t   moveOverflow = true)
  TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas(hname, hname, 800, 800);

  TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.0, 1, 1.0);

  pad1->SetTopMargin   (0.08);

  // pad1


  TH1F* hist[nProcesses];

  for (UInt_t ip=0; ip<nProcesses; ip++) {

    hist[ip] = (TH1F*)input[ip]->Get(hname);
    hist[ip]->SetName(hname + process[ip]);

    if (moveOverflow) MoveOverflowBins  (hist[ip], xmin, xmax);
    else              ZeroOutOfRangeBins(hist[ip], xmin, xmax);

	if (ngroup > 0) hist[ip]->Rebin(ngroup);

	if (_dataDriven && ip == iWW)    hist[ip]->Scale(WWScale[_njet]);
	if (_dataDriven && ip == iDY)    hist[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[_njet]);
	if (_dataDriven && ip == iDYtau) hist[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[_njet]);


  // Data subtraction for Top background estimation
  TH1F* subData = (TH1F*)hist[iData]->Clone("subData");
  for (UInt_t ip=0; ip<nProcesses; ip++) {
	  if (ip == itt) continue;
	  if (ip == itW) continue;
	  if (ip == iData ) continue;
  Double_t subData_Yield = subData->Integral();

  // Top background
  TH1F* Top = (TH1F*)hist[itt]->Clone("Top");
  Double_t Top_Yield = Top->Integral();

  // Axis labels
  TAxis* xaxis = subData->GetXaxis();
  TAxis* yaxis = subData->GetYaxis();

  TString ytitle = Form("entries / %s.%df", "%", precision);

  yaxis->SetTitle(Form(ytitle.Data(), subData->GetBinWidth(0)));

  if (!units.Contains("NULL")) {
    xaxis->SetTitle(Form("%s [%s]", xaxis->GetTitle(), units.Data()));
    yaxis->SetTitle(Form("%s %s",   yaxis->GetTitle(), units.Data()));

  // Draw
  xaxis->SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax);

  Top->Draw("hist same");

  // Adjust scale
  Float_t theMax   = GetMaximumIncludingErrors(subData, xmin, xmax);
  Float_t theMaxMC = GetMaximumIncludingErrors(Top,       xmin, xmax);

  if (theMaxMC > theMax) theMax = theMaxMC;

  if (pad1->GetLogy()) {

    theMax = TMath::Power(10, TMath::Log10(theMax) + 2.7);

  else theMax *= 1.55;


  // Legend
  Double_t x0      = 0.720; 
  Double_t y0      = 0.834; 
  Double_t yoffset = 0.048;
  Double_t delta   = yoffset + 0.001;
  Double_t ndelta  = 0;

  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, subData, Form(" Data Subtraction (MC without Top) (%.0f)", Yield(subData)), "l", 0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, Top,     Form(" Top (%.0f)",  Yield(Top)),     "l", 0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;

  // Additional titles
  //TString channelLabel = "ee/#mu#mu/e#mu/#mue";
  TString channelLabel = "";

  //if (_channel == "EE")   channelLabel = "ee";
  //if (_channel == "MuMu") channelLabel = "#mu#mu";
  //if (_channel == "EMu")  channelLabel = "e#mu";
  //if (_channel == "MuE")  channelLabel = "#mue";
  //if (_channel == "SF")   channelLabel = "ee/#mu#mu";
  //if (_channel == "OF")   channelLabel = "e#mu/#mue";

  channelLabel += Form(" %d", _njet);

  if (_njet == 0) channelLabel += "-jets";
  if (_njet == 1) channelLabel += "-jet";
  if (_njet >= 2) channelLabel += "-jets";

  DrawTLatex(0.185, 0.975, 0.05, 13, channelLabel.Data(),"");
  DrawTLatex(0.940, 0.983, 0.05, 33, Form("L = %.1f fb^{-1}", _luminosity/1e3),"");
  if (Top_Yield!=0){ 
	  cout << "subData_Yield = "<<subData_Yield<<", Top_Yield = "<<Top_Yield<<", Ratio = "<< subData_Yield/Top_Yield <<endl;
	  TLatex *tex3 = new TLatex(0.250, 0.75, "Scale Factor");
	  TLatex *tex4 = new TLatex(0.250, 0.7, Form("%.0f / %.0f = %3.3f",subData_Yield ,Top_Yield ,subData_Yield/Top_Yield));

  // Save
  //SetAxis(subData, "", subData->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(),                  0.05, 1.6);


  TString suffixLogy = (_setLogy) ? "_Log" : "_Lin";

Exemplo n.º 9
// DrawHistogram
void DrawHistogram(TString  hname,
		   TString  xtitle,
		   Int_t    ngroup       = -1,
		   Int_t    precision    = 1,
		   TString  units        = "NULL",
		   Double_t xmin         = -999,
		   Double_t xmax         =  999,
		   Bool_t   moveOverflow = true)
  //TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas(hname, hname, 550, 720);
  TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas(hname, hname, 800, 800);

  TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0);
  TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0.0, 1, 0.3); 

  pad1->SetTopMargin   (0.08);
  pad2->SetTopMargin   (0.08);

  // pad1


  THStack* hstack = new THStack(hname, hname);

  TH1F* hist[nProcesses];

  //Save histograms to root file
  TFile* outfile;
  //TString fname = Form("files/%s_%djet.root", hname.Data(),_njet);
  TString fname = "files/0jet_"+hname+".root";
  if(_njet==1) fname = "files/1jet_"+hname+".root";
  outfile = new TFile(fname, "create");
  TH1F* data;
  TH1F* top;
  TH1F* tW;
  TH1F* WW;
  TH1F* WZ;
  TH1F* ZZ;
  TH1F* Wg;
  TH1F* WgSMu;
  TH1F* WgSEl;
  TH1F* Wjets;
  TH1F* Zjets;
  TH1F* DYtau;
  TH1F* Zgamma;
  TH1F* ggH;

  for (UInt_t ip=0; ip<nProcesses; ip++) {

    hist[ip] = (TH1F*)input[ip]->Get(hname);
    hist[ip]->SetName(hname + process[ip]);

    if(ip == iData)   data   = (TH1F*)hist[iData]->Clone("Data");     //data   -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == itt)     top    = (TH1F*)hist[itt]->Clone("top");        //top    -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == itW)     tW     = (TH1F*)hist[itW]->Clone("tW");         //tW     -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iWW)     WW     = (TH1F*)hist[iWW]->Clone("WW");         //WW     -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iWZ)     WZ     = (TH1F*)hist[iWZ]->Clone("WZ");   //VV     -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iZZ)     ZZ     = (TH1F*)hist[iZZ]->Clone("ZZ");         //ZZ     -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iWg)     Wg     = (TH1F*)hist[iWg]->Clone("Wg");         //Wg     -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iWgSMu){
      WgSMu  = (TH1F*)hist[iWgSMu]->Clone("WgSMu");         //WgSMu     -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iWgSEl){
      WgSEl  = (TH1F*)hist[iWgSEl]->Clone("WgSEl");         //WgSel     -> Sumw2();
      hist[iWgSEl]->Scale(1.5);         //WgSel     -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iWj)     Wjets  = (TH1F*)hist[iWj]->Clone("W+jets");     //Wjets  -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iDY)     Zjets  = (TH1F*)hist[iDY]->Clone("Z+jets");     //Zjets  -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iDYtau)  DYtau  = (TH1F*)hist[iDYtau]->Clone("DYtau");   //DYtau  -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iZgamma) Zgamma = (TH1F*)hist[iZgamma]->Clone("Zgamma"); //Zgamma -> Sumw2();
    if(ip == iH125)   ggH    = (TH1F*)hist[iH125]->Clone("ggH");      //ggH    -> Sumw2();
    if (moveOverflow) MoveOverflowBins  (hist[ip], xmin, xmax);
    else              ZeroOutOfRangeBins(hist[ip], xmin, xmax);

    if (ngroup > 0) hist[ip]->Rebin(ngroup);

    if (ip == iWg) {
    if (ip == iData) {
    else {

      if (_dataDriven && ip == itt)    hist[ip]->Scale(ttScale[_njet]);
      if (_dataDriven && ip == itW)    hist[ip]->Scale(tWScale[_njet]);
      if (_dataDriven && ip == iWW)    hist[ip]->Scale(WWScale[_njet]);
      if (_dataDriven && ip == iDY)    hist[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[_njet]);
      if (_dataDriven && ip == iDYtau) hist[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[_njet]);

      if( ip != iZZ ) hstack->Add(hist[ip]);//TODO something wrong with ZZ

  if (_dataDriven)
  top  ->Add(tW);
  //VV   ->Add(ZZ);
  //VV   ->Add(Wg);  

  data  -> Write();
  top   -> Write();
  WW    -> Write();
  //VV    -> Write();
  //Wjets -> Write();
  //Zjets -> Write();
  ggH   -> Write();

  // All MC
  TH1F* allmc = (TH1F*)hist[iData]->Clone("allmc");

  allmc->SetFillColor  (kGray+2);
  allmc->SetFillStyle  (   3345);
  allmc->SetLineColor  (kGray+2);
  allmc->SetMarkerSize (      0);

  for (UInt_t ibin=1; ibin<=allmc->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {

    Double_t binValue = 0;
    Double_t binError = 0;

    for (UInt_t ip=0; ip<nProcesses; ip++) {

      if (ip == iData) continue;
      if (ip == iZZ) continue;

      Double_t binContent = hist[ip]->GetBinContent(ibin);
      binValue += binContent;
      binError += (hist[ip]->GetBinError(ibin) * hist[ip]->GetBinError(ibin));

      //We need to calculate systematic uncertainty for ggH case
//      if (_dataDriven)
//	binError += (systError[ip]*binContent * systError[ip]*binContent);
    binError = sqrt(binError);

    allmc->SetBinContent(ibin, binValue);
    allmc->SetBinError  (ibin, binError);

  // Axis labels
  TAxis* xaxis = hist[iData]->GetXaxis();
  TAxis* yaxis = hist[iData]->GetYaxis();

  TString ytitle = Form("entries / %s.%df", "%", precision);

  yaxis->SetTitle(Form(ytitle.Data(), hist[iData]->GetBinWidth(0)));

  if (!units.Contains("NULL")) {
    xaxis->SetTitle(Form("%s [%s]", xaxis->GetTitle(), units.Data()));
    yaxis->SetTitle(Form("%s %s",   yaxis->GetTitle(), units.Data()));

  // Draw
  xaxis->SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax);

  hstack     ->Draw("hist,same");
  allmc      ->Draw("e2,same");

  // Adjust scale
  Float_t theMax   = GetMaximumIncludingErrors(hist[iData], xmin, xmax);
  Float_t theMaxMC = GetMaximumIncludingErrors(allmc,       xmin, xmax);

  if (theMaxMC > theMax) theMax = theMaxMC;

  if (pad1->GetLogy()) {

    theMax = TMath::Power(10, TMath::Log10(theMax) + 2.7);

  else theMax *= 1.55;


  // Legend
  Double_t x0      = 0.720; 
  Double_t y0      = 0.834; 
  Double_t yoffset = 0.048;
  Double_t delta   = yoffset + 0.001;
  Double_t ndelta  = 0;

  Double_t YieldTop   = Yield(hist[itt]) + Yield(hist[itW]);
  Double_t YieldWZ    = Yield(hist[iWZ]);
  Double_t YieldVV    = Yield(hist[iWZ]) + Yield(hist[iZZ]) + Yield(hist[iWg]);
  //Double_t YieldZJets = Yield(hist[iDY]) + Yield(hist[iDYtau]);
  Double_t YieldZJets = Yield(hist[iDY]) + Yield(hist[iDYtau]) + Yield(hist[iZgamma]);

  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iData],  Form(" data (%.0f)", Yield(hist[iData])), "lp", 0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  //DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[itt],    Form(" tt (%.0f)",  Yield(hist[itt])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  //DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[itW],    Form(" tW (%.0f)",  Yield(hist[itW])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  //DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, allmc,        Form(" all (%.0f)",  Yield(allmc)),       "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iWW],    Form(" WW (%.0f)",   Yield(hist[iWW])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iWZ],    Form(" WZ (%.0f)",   Yield(hist[iWZ])),  "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iWg],    Form(" Wg (%.0f)",    Yield(hist[iWg])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iWgSMu], Form(" Wg*Mu (%.0f)",    Yield(hist[iWgSMu])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iWgSEl], Form(" Wg*El (%.0f)",    Yield(hist[iWgSEl])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iWj],    Form(" W+jets (%.0f)",Yield(hist[iWj])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iZZ],    Form(" ZZ (%.0f)",    Yield(hist[iZZ])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;

  ndelta = 0;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iDY],    Form(" DY (%.0f)",    Yield(hist[iDY])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iDYtau], Form(" DYtau (%.0f)", Yield(hist[iDYtau])),"f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iZgamma],Form(" Zg (%.0f)",   Yield(hist[iZgamma])),"f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  //DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iDY],   Form(" Z+jets (%.0f)", YieldZJets),         "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  //DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iH125], Form(" Higgs (%.0f)",  Yield(hist[iH125])), "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iH125],  Form(" ggH (%.0f)",  Yield(hist[iH125])), "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[itt],  Form(" tt (%.0f)",  Yield(hist[itt])), "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[itW],  Form(" tW (%.0f)",  Yield(hist[itW])), "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;

  // Additional titles
  //TString channelLabel = "ee/#mu#mu/e#mu/#mue";
  TString channelLabel = "";

  //if (_channel == "EE")   channelLabel = "ee";
  //if (_channel == "MuMu") channelLabel = "#mu#mu";
  //if (_channel == "EMu")  channelLabel = "e#mu";
  //if (_channel == "MuE")  channelLabel = "#mue";
  //if (_channel == "SF")   channelLabel = "ee/#mu#mu";
  //if (_channel == "OF")   channelLabel = "e#mu/#mue";

  channelLabel += Form(" %d", _njet);

  if (_njet == 0) channelLabel += "-jets";
  if (_njet == 1) channelLabel += "-jet";
  if (_njet >= 2) channelLabel += "-jets";

  double nBin;
  double binWidth;
  nBin = allmc->GetSize();
  nBin -=2;
  binWidth = allmc->GetBinWidth(2);

  int Z1bin=70/binWidth;
  int Z2bin=110/binWidth;

  cout<<"number of bin: "<<nBin<<endl;
  cout<<"Z bin1: "<<Z1bin<<" Z bin2: "<<Z2bin<<endl;
  double nMcZ, nDataZ;
  nMcZ   = allmc->Integral(Z1bin,Z2bin);
  nDataZ = hist[iData]->Integral(Z1bin,Z2bin);
  double effiCorr;
  cout<<"efficiency correction factor: "<<effiCorr<<endl;
  double nMcGstar, nDataGstar, nMcGamma;
  nMcGstar   = hist[iWgSMu]->Integral(1,2);
  nMcGamma   = hist[iWg]->Integral(1,2);
  //nMcGstar   = allmc->Integral(1,2);
  nMcGstar *= effiCorr;
  nMcGamma *= effiCorr;
  nDataGstar = hist[iData]->Integral(1,2);
  double Kfactor;
  double KfactorErr;
  nDataGstar -= nMcGamma;
  Kfactor = nDataGstar/nMcGstar;
  KfactorErr =Kfactor* TMath::Sqrt(nDataGstar/nDataGstar/nDataGstar + nMcGstar/nMcGstar/nMcGstar);
  KfactorErr += 0.1;
  cout<<"Kfactor: "<<Kfactor<<"+"<<KfactorErr<<endl;

  //DrawTLatex(0.185, 0.975, 0.05, 13, channelLabel.Data(),"");
  DrawTLatex(0.940, 0.983, 0.05, 33, Form("L = %.1f fb^{-1}", _luminosity/1e3),"");
  DrawTLatex(0.45, 0.48, 0.04, 13, Form("K factor (Data/Wg*) = %.2f #pm %.2f", Kfactor, KfactorErr ),"");
  DrawTLatex(0.45, 0.43, 0.04, 13, Form("0< InvM(#mu^{+}#mu^{-}) <4 GeV"),"");

  // pad2
  TH1F* ratio       = (TH1F*)hist[iData]->Clone("ratio");
  TH1F* uncertainty = (TH1F*)allmc->Clone("uncertainty");
  for (UInt_t ibin=1; ibin<=ratio->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {

    Double_t mcValue = allmc->GetBinContent(ibin);
    Double_t mcError = allmc->GetBinError  (ibin);
    Double_t dtValue = ratio->GetBinContent(ibin);
    Double_t dtError = ratio->GetBinError  (ibin);

    Double_t ratioValue       = (mcValue > 0) ? dtValue/mcValue : 0.0;
    Double_t ratioError       = (mcValue > 0) ? dtError/mcValue : 0.0;
    Double_t uncertaintyError = (mcValue > 0) ? mcError/mcValue : 0.0;

    ratio->SetBinContent(ibin, ratioValue);
    ratio->SetBinError  (ibin, ratioError);

    uncertainty->SetBinContent(ibin, 1.0);
    uncertainty->SetBinError  (ibin, uncertaintyError);

  TAxis* uaxis = (TAxis*)uncertainty->GetXaxis();
  uaxis->SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax);
  ratio      ->Draw("ep,same");

  uncertainty->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 2.5);

  // Save
  pad2->cd(); SetAxis(uncertainty, hist[iData]->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), "data / prediction", 0.10, 0.8);
  pad1->cd(); SetAxis(hist[iData], "", hist[iData]->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(),                  0.05, 1.6);


  TString suffixLogy = (_setLogy) ? "_Log" : "_Lin";

Exemplo n.º 10
// DrawHistogram
void DrawHistogram(TString  hname,
		   TString  xtitle,
		   Int_t    ngroup       = -1,
		   Int_t    precision    = 1,
		   TString  units        = "NULL",
		   Double_t xmin         = -999,
		   Double_t xmax         =  999,
		   Bool_t   moveOverflow = true)
  //TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas(hname, hname, 550, 720);
  TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas(hname, hname, 800, 800);

  TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0);
  TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0.0, 1, 0.3); 

  pad1->SetTopMargin   (0.08);
  pad2->SetTopMargin   (0.08);

  // pad1


  THStack* hstack = new THStack(hname, hname);

  TH1F* hist[nProcesses];
  TH1F* hist_0[nProcesses]; // 0-jet
  TH1F* hist_1[nProcesses]; // 1-jet

  for (UInt_t ip=0; ip<nProcesses; ip++) {
    if( _njet == 10 ){
      hist_0[ip] = (TH1F*)input_0[ip]->Get(hname);
      hist_1[ip] = (TH1F*)input_1[ip]->Get(hname);
      //hist[ip] = (TH1F*)input[ip]->Get(hname);
      //hist[ip]->SetName(hname + process[ip]);

    if (moveOverflow){
      if(_njet ==10){
	MoveOverflowBins  (hist_0[ip], xmin, xmax);
	MoveOverflowBins  (hist_1[ip], xmin, xmax);
	//MoveOverflowBins  (hist[ip], xmin, xmax);
      if(_njet == 10){
	ZeroOutOfRangeBins(hist_0[ip], xmin, xmax);
	ZeroOutOfRangeBins(hist_1[ip], xmin, xmax);
	//ZeroOutOfRangeBins(hist[ip], xmin, xmax);

    if (ngroup > 0){
      if(_njet == 10){
   // Add 0, 1 jet 
    if (ip == iData) {
      if(_njet == 10 ){
	hist[ip] = (TH1F*)hist_0[ip]->Clone(hname+process[ip]);
    else {
      if(_njet == 10){

        if (_dataDriven && ip == itt)    hist_0[ip]->Scale(ttScale[0]);
        if (_dataDriven && ip == itW)    hist_0[ip]->Scale(tWScale[0]);
        if (_dataDriven && ip == iWW)    hist_0[ip]->Scale(WWScale[0]);
        if (_dataDriven && ip == iDY)    hist_0[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[0]);
        if (_dataDriven && ip == iDYtau) hist_0[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[0]);

        if (_dataDriven && ip == itt)    hist_1[ip]->Scale(ttScale[1]);
        if (_dataDriven && ip == itW)    hist_1[ip]->Scale(tWScale[1]);
        if (_dataDriven && ip == iWW)    hist_1[ip]->Scale(WWScale[1]);
        if (_dataDriven && ip == iDY)    hist_1[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[1]);
        if (_dataDriven && ip == iDYtau) hist_1[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[1]);

	hist[ip] = (TH1F*)hist_0[ip]->Clone(hname+process[ip]);


        //if (_dataDriven && ip == itt)    hist[ip]->Scale(ttScale[_njet]);
        //if (_dataDriven && ip == itW)    hist[ip]->Scale(tWScale[_njet]);
        //if (_dataDriven && ip == iWW)    hist[ip]->Scale(WWScale[_njet]);
        //if (_dataDriven && ip == iDY)    hist[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[_njet]);
        //if (_dataDriven && ip == iDYtau) hist[ip]->Scale(ZjScale[_njet]);

  //Save histograms to root file to draw paper style plots
  //TFile* outfile;
  //TString fname = Form("files/%s_%djet.root", hname.Data(),_njet);
  //TString fname = "files/0jet_"+hname+".root";
  //if(_njet==1) fname = "files/1jet_"+hname+".root";
  //if(_njet==10) fname = "files/10jet_"+hname+".root";
  //outfile = new TFile(fname, "create");
  //if(ip == iData)   TH1F* data     = (TH1F*)hist[iData]->Clone("Data");     //data   -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == itt)     TH1F* top      = (TH1F*)hist[itt]->Clone("top");        //top    -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == itW)     TH1F* tW       = (TH1F*)hist[itW]->Clone("tW");         //tW     -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == iWW)     TH1F* WW       = (TH1F*)hist[iWW]->Clone("WW");         //WW     -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == iWZ)     TH1F* VVandVVV = (TH1F*)hist[iWZ]->Clone("VVandVVV");   //VV     -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == iZZ)     TH1F* ZZ       = (TH1F*)hist[iZZ]->Clone("ZZ");         //ZZ     -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == iWg)     TH1F* Wg       = (TH1F*)hist[iWg]->Clone("Wg");         //Wg     -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == iWj)     TH1F* Wjets    = (TH1F*)hist[iWj]->Clone("W+jets");     //Wjets  -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == iDY)     TH1F* Zjets    = (TH1F*)hist[iDY]->Clone("Z+jets");     //Zjets  -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == iDYtau)  TH1F* DYtau    = (TH1F*)hist[iDYtau]->Clone("DYtau");   //DYtau  -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == iZgamma) TH1F* Zgamma   = (TH1F*)hist[iZgamma]->Clone("Zgamma"); //Zgamma -> Sumw2();
  //if(ip == iH125)   TH1F* ggH      = (TH1F*)hist[iH125]->Clone("ggH");      //ggH    -> Sumw2();
  //top      -> Add(tW);
  //VVandVVV -> Add(ZZ);
  //VVandVVV -> Add(Wg);  
  //Zjets    -> Add(DYtau);
  //Zjets    -> Add(Zgamma);
  //data     -> Write();
  //top      -> Write();
  //WW       -> Write();
  //VVandVVV -> Write();
  //Wjets    -> Write();
  //Zjets    -> Write();
  //ggH      -> Write();
  //outfile -> Close();
  //Draw paper style plots
  //Use LatinoPlotTools.
  //As input root file, use above saved root file "outfile"
  //Run the following executable file:

  // All MC
  TH1F* allmc = (TH1F*)hist[iData]->Clone("allmc");

  allmc->SetFillColor  (kGray+2);
  allmc->SetFillStyle  (   3345);
  allmc->SetLineColor  (kGray+2);
  allmc->SetMarkerSize (      0);

  for (UInt_t ibin=1; ibin<=allmc->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {

    Double_t binValue = 0;
    Double_t binError = 0;

    for (UInt_t ip=0; ip<nProcesses; ip++) {

      if (ip == iData) continue;

      Double_t binContent = hist[ip]->GetBinContent(ibin);
      binValue += binContent;
      binError += (hist[ip]->GetBinError(ibin) * hist[ip]->GetBinError(ibin));

      //We need to calculate systematic uncertainty for ggH case
//      if (_dataDriven)
//	binError += (systError[ip]*binContent * systError[ip]*binContent);
    binError = sqrt(binError);

    allmc->SetBinContent(ibin, binValue);
    allmc->SetBinError  (ibin, binError);

  // Axis labels
  TAxis* xaxis = hist[iData]->GetXaxis();
  TAxis* yaxis = hist[iData]->GetYaxis();

  TString ytitle = Form("entries / %s.%df", "%", precision);

  yaxis->SetTitle(Form(ytitle.Data(), hist[iData]->GetBinWidth(0)));

  if (!units.Contains("NULL")) {
    xaxis->SetTitle(Form("%s [%s]", xaxis->GetTitle(), units.Data()));
    yaxis->SetTitle(Form("%s %s",   yaxis->GetTitle(), units.Data()));

  // Draw
  xaxis->SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax);

  hstack     ->Draw("hist,same");
  allmc      ->Draw("e2,same");

  // Adjust scale
  Float_t theMax   = GetMaximumIncludingErrors(hist[iData], xmin, xmax);
  Float_t theMaxMC = GetMaximumIncludingErrors(allmc,       xmin, xmax);

  if (theMaxMC > theMax) theMax = theMaxMC;

  if (pad1->GetLogy()) {

    theMax = TMath::Power(10, TMath::Log10(theMax) + 2.7);

  else theMax *= 1.55;


  // Legend
  Double_t x0      = 0.720; 
  Double_t y0      = 0.834; 
  Double_t yoffset = 0.048;
  Double_t delta   = yoffset + 0.001;
  Double_t ndelta  = 0;

  Double_t YieldTop   = Yield(hist[itt]) + Yield(hist[itW]);
  Double_t YieldVV    = Yield(hist[iWZ]) + Yield(hist[iZZ]) + Yield(hist[iWg]);
  //Double_t YieldZJets = Yield(hist[iDY]) + Yield(hist[iDYtau]);
  Double_t YieldZJets = Yield(hist[iDY]) + Yield(hist[iDYtau]) + Yield(hist[iZgamma]);

  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iData], Form(" data (%.0f)", Yield(hist[iData])), "lp", 0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, allmc,       Form(" all (%.0f)",  Yield(allmc)),       "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iWW],   Form(" WW (%.0f)",   Yield(hist[iWW])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.49, y0 - ndelta, hist[iWZ],   Form(" VV (%.0f)",   YieldVV),            "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;

  ndelta = 0;

  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iDY],   Form(" Z+jets (%.0f)", YieldZJets),         "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iWj],   Form(" W+jets (%.0f)", Yield(hist[iWj])),   "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[itt],   Form(" top (%.0f)",    YieldTop),           "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  //DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iH125], Form(" Higgs (%.0f)",  Yield(hist[iH125])), "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;
  DrawLegend(x0 - 0.23, y0 - ndelta, hist[iH125], Form(" ggH (%.0f)",  Yield(hist[iH125])), "f",  0.03, 0.2, yoffset); ndelta += delta;

  // Additional titles
  //TString channelLabel = "ee/#mu#mu/e#mu/#mue";
  TString channelLabel = "";

  //if (_channel == "EE")   channelLabel = "ee";
  //if (_channel == "MuMu") channelLabel = "#mu#mu";
  //if (_channel == "EMu")  channelLabel = "e#mu";
  //if (_channel == "MuE")  channelLabel = "#mue";
  //if (_channel == "SF")   channelLabel = "ee/#mu#mu";
  //if (_channel == "OF")   channelLabel = "e#mu/#mue";

  if( _njet != 10)
    channelLabel += Form(" %d", _njet);

  if (_njet == 0) channelLabel += "-jets";
  if (_njet == 1) channelLabel += "-jet";
  if (_njet >= 2 && _njet!= 10) channelLabel += "-jets";
  if ( _njet== 10) channelLabel += "SS 0+1 jets";

  DrawTLatex(0.185, 0.975, 0.05, 13, channelLabel.Data());
  DrawTLatex(0.940, 0.983, 0.05, 33, Form("L = %.1f fb^{-1}", _luminosity/1e3));

  // pad2
  TH1F* ratio       = hist[iData]->Clone("ratio");
  TH1F* uncertainty = allmc->Clone("uncertainty");
  for (UInt_t ibin=1; ibin<=ratio->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {

    Double_t mcValue = allmc->GetBinContent(ibin);
    Double_t mcError = allmc->GetBinError  (ibin);
    Double_t dtValue = ratio->GetBinContent(ibin);
    Double_t dtError = ratio->GetBinError  (ibin);

    Double_t ratioValue       = (mcValue > 0) ? dtValue/mcValue : 0.0;
    Double_t ratioError       = (mcValue > 0) ? dtError/mcValue : 0.0;
    Double_t uncertaintyError = (mcValue > 0) ? mcError/mcValue : 0.0;

    ratio->SetBinContent(ibin, ratioValue);
    ratio->SetBinError  (ibin, ratioError);

    uncertainty->SetBinContent(ibin, 1.0);
    uncertainty->SetBinError  (ibin, uncertaintyError);

  TAxis* uaxis = (TAxis*)uncertainty->GetXaxis();
  uaxis->SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax);
  ratio      ->Draw("ep,same");

  uncertainty->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 2.5);

  // Save
  pad2->cd(); SetAxis(uncertainty, hist[iData]->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), "data / prediction", 0.10, 0.8);
  pad1->cd(); SetAxis(hist[iData], "", hist[iData]->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(),                  0.05, 1.6);


  TString suffixLogy = (_setLogy) ? "_Log" : "_Lin";
