TBool CRefTestAgentManager::RecognizeFileL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8& aFileMimeType, TDes8& aContentMimeType) const
	TBool result = EFalse;
	// Check filename extension
	TPtrC extension(aFileName.Right(KRtaExtensionContent().Length()));
	if(extension.CompareF(KRtaExtensionContent) == 0)
		// It's a content file ready for applications to read
		CRefTestAgentArchive::GetDefaultMimeTypeFromHeaderL(aBuffer, aContentMimeType);
		result = ETrue;	
		if(extension.CompareF(KRtaExtensionContentRights) == 0)
			// It's a content and rights file ready for the supplier API
			result = ETrue;
			if(extension.CompareF(KRtaExtensionRights) == 0)
				// It's a content and rights file ready for the supplier API
				result = ETrue;
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
void CApaDRMRecognizer::DoRecognizeL( const TDesC& aName, const TDesC8& aBuffer )
    if ( aBuffer.Size() < 3)

    // Recognize device key chain
    if ( aName.Length() > 3 && aName.Right(4).CompareF(_L(".dkc")) == 0)
        iConfidence = ECertain;
        iDataType = TDataType( _L8("application/x-device-key-chain") );

    // Recognize ROAP Trigger
    if ( RecognizeRoapTrigger( aBuffer ) )

    // Recognize DCFv2
    if ( RecognizeODF( aBuffer ) )
    // Recognize DCFv1
    TUint8 version = aBuffer[0];
    TUint8 contentTypeLen = aBuffer[1];
    TUint8 contentURILen = aBuffer[2];

    if ( contentTypeLen < KMinContentTypeLen || contentURILen == 0 )
    if ( version != KDCFVersionSupported )

    // Too little data received
    if ( aBuffer.Size() < ( contentTypeLen + KDCFHeaderLength ) )

    TPtrC8 mimeType = aBuffer.Mid( KDCFHeaderLength, contentTypeLen );
    if ( mimeType.Locate( '/' ) != KErrNotFound )
        iConfidence = ECertain;
        iDataType=TDataType( mimeType );

Counts the number of substrings (separated by KSubStringSeparators) in the text. 
Needed for correct memory allocations.
TInt CResourceLoader::GetSubStringCount(const TDesC& aText)
    TInt subCount = 0;
    TInt i = 0;

    while (i < aText.Length())
        TPtrC remainder = aText.Right(aText.Length() - i);
        TInt nextKey = remainder.Locate(KSubStringSeparator);
        i += nextKey;

        // Always increase subcount, as a string without any separators counts as one substring.
        // However, if string length is zero, then there are no substrings.

        if (nextKey != KErrNotFound && i < aText.Length() - 1)
            i++; // skip separator

    return subCount;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::CombineURILC()
// Combines address and port to URI 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::CombineURILC( const TDesC& aAddr, const TDesC& aPort, HBufC*& aRealURI )
	TInt offset = 0;
	TInt i = 0;
	if( aAddr.Find( KNSmlDsProvisioningHTTP ) == 0 )
		offset = KNSmlDsProvisioningHTTP().Length();
	else if( aAddr.Find( KNSmlDsProvisioningHTTPS ) == 0 )
		offset = KNSmlDsProvisioningHTTPS().Length();
	// after skipping double slashes seek next single slash
	for( i = offset; i < aAddr.Length(); i++ )
		if( aAddr[i] == KNSmlDMUriSeparator )
	aRealURI = HBufC::NewLC( aAddr.Length() + aPort.Length() + 1 );
	TPtr uriPtr = aRealURI->Des();

	uriPtr.Copy( aAddr.Ptr(), i );
	uriPtr.Append( KNSmlDMColon );
	uriPtr.Append( aPort );
	uriPtr.Append( aAddr.Right( aAddr.Length() - i ) );
	return KErrNone;
TInt CSwisExpressionEnvironment::ParsePackageUid(const TDesC& aUidString, TUid& aUid)
	// Check that the UID string matches the format
	if(aUidString.MatchF(KVersionUidFormat) != 0)
		return KErrNotFound;
	 *  Convert the string into a TUint32 representation and check that
	 *  the string is a valid hexadecimal value
	TLex lexUid(aUidString.Right(8));
	TUint32 uidValue = 0;
	if(lexUid.Val(uidValue,EHex) == KErrNone && lexUid.Eos())
		aUid.iUid = uidValue;
		return KErrNone; 
	// Return an error if the UID value is not parsed correctly
	return KErrNotFound;
Exemplo n.º 6
static TBuf<20> ExtractInt(const TDesC& aBuf, TInt& aExtractedInt)
	TBuf<20> buf = aBuf.Right(aBuf.Length() - aBuf.Locate(':')-1);
	TBuf<5> handle;
	handle = buf.Left(buf.Locate(':'));
	aExtractedInt = Str2Int(handle);
	return buf;
EXPORT_C TInt AknPhoneNumberTextUtils::CharsThatFitOnRight(
    const TDesC& aText, 
    TInt aLineWidth, 
    const CFont& aFont )
    // Current candidate text for fitting text
    TPtrC currentText(aText); 

    // These two variables are converged by this algorithm until they differ by one
    // Set max chars to be total length + 1, for the sake of the algorithm
    TInt minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit( aText.Length() + 1 );
    TInt maxCharsFromRightThatFit(0); // must start at 0

    // some incidentally used lengths 
    TInt currentLength(0);      // arbitrary init value
    TInt charsThatFitOnLeft(0); // arbitrary init value
    TInt newLength(0);          // arbitrary init value

    while ( (minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit - maxCharsFromRightThatFit) != 1 )
        // At the top of the loop, all state is held by currentText itself, and the two 
        // maxCharsXXX variables.
        currentLength = currentText.Length();
        charsThatFitOnLeft = aFont.TextCount( currentText, aLineWidth);  

        if ( charsThatFitOnLeft == currentLength ) // Does this text fit ?
            maxCharsFromRightThatFit = Max( maxCharsFromRightThatFit, charsThatFitOnLeft );

            // If this text cannot be made any bigger, and still fit, then bail out
            if ( (maxCharsFromRightThatFit + 1) >= minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit )
                // We can exit the loop now. Just fall out and the while test will handle it.
            else // if this string did fit, and it might have been too small, try making it bigger
                // we know this is still be < minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit
                newLength = maxCharsFromRightThatFit + 1; 
        else // currentText does not fit. Repeat loop 
            // we know that this many characters did not fit on the line
            minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit = Min( minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit, currentLength );

            // Try using the number that fit on the left as the number we will fit on the right.
            newLength = charsThatFitOnLeft;


    return maxCharsFromRightThatFit;
Exemplo n.º 8
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ThumbnailPath
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool ThumbnailPath( const TDesC& aFullPath )

    TInt len( KImagesThumbnailPath().Length() );
    if ( aFullPath.Length() >= len &&
        !aFullPath.Right( len ).CompareF( KImagesThumbnailPath ) )
        return ETrue;
    return EFalse;
Exemplo n.º 9
TInt CRtaServer::CheckPermittedFileName(const TDesC& aFileName)
	TInt err = KErrNone;
	if(aFileName.Length() >= KRightsDatabaseFileName().Length())
		TPtrC rightsDb = aFileName.Right(KRightsDatabaseFileName().Length());
		if(rightsDb.CompareF(KRightsDatabaseFileName()) == 0)
			err = KErrPermissionDenied;	
	if(err == KErrNone && aFileName.Length() >= KContentExtension().Length())
		TPtrC ext = aFileName.Right(KContentExtension().Length());
		if(ext.CompareF(KContentExtension()) != 0)
			err = KErrNotSupported;	
	return err;
Exemplo n.º 10
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// RecognizerEx::DoRecognizeL()
// Recognizes the file by name and/or head buffer
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CApaRecognizerEx::DoRecognizeL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC8& /*aBuffer*/)
    // To keep code simple, we only check file name extension
    if (aName.Length()>KRecRtFileExtensionsMightBeValid)
        if (aName.Right(KRecRtFileExtensionsMightBeValid).CompareF(KExtension1)==0)
            iConfidence=ECertain;   // is certainly something totally new
TBool CRefTestAgentManager::IsRecognizedL(const TDesC& aUri, TContentShareMode /*aShareMode*/) const
	TBool result = EFalse;
	// Check that the file has content only, otherwise it should
	// be put through the supplier API before it can be used
	TPtrC extension(aUri.Right(KRtaExtensionContent().Length()));
	if(extension.CompareF(KRtaExtensionContent) == 0)
		result = ETrue;
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 12
Returns the hash code(s) to use when matching the supplied phone number.  If the
number supplied has more actual phone digits (i.e. not including spaces) than
KLowerSevenDigits, a second hash is generated to hold the remaining most
significant phone digits.  Extracts DTMF digits from the phone number if a
parser is available, otherwise just removes the non-digit characters.

@param aText Descriptor containing contacts phone number field.
@param aLowerMatchlength Number of least significant phone digits to use.
@param aUpperMatchLength Number of most significant phone digits to use.

@return The hash code(s) to use when matching the supplied phone number.
CPplCommAddrTable::TMatch CPplCommAddrTable::CreatePhoneMatchNumberL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aLowerMatchLength, TInt aUpperMatchLength)
	__ASSERT_DEBUG( ((aLowerMatchLength == KLowerSevenDigits) && (aUpperMatchLength > 0) )		// upper 8 digits
					|| ((aLowerMatchLength <= KLowerSevenDigits) && (aUpperMatchLength == 0) ),	// lower 7 digits
					User::Leave(KErrNotSupported) );

	const TInt KBufLength = KCntMaxTextFieldLength+1;
	TBuf<KBufLength> buf;

	CContactPhoneNumberParser* parser = iProperties.ContactPhoneParserL().Parser();

	if (parser)
		if(aText.Length() <= KBufLength)
			buf = aText;
			buf = aText.Right(KBufLength);

	TMatch phoneNumber;

	if (buf.Length() == 0)
		return phoneNumber;

	// Generate a hash for the upper digits only if the phone number string is
	// large enough and more than 7 digits are to be matched.
	TInt phoneNumberlength = buf.Length();
	if ( (phoneNumberlength > KLowerSevenDigits) && (aUpperMatchLength > 0) )
		TPtrC upperPart = buf.Left(phoneNumberlength - KLowerSevenDigits);
		phoneNumber.iUpperDigits = TMatch::CreateHashL(upperPart,
			aUpperMatchLength, phoneNumber.iNumUpperDigits);

	// Generate a hash of the lower digits.
	phoneNumber.iLowerSevenDigits = TMatch::CreateHashL(buf, aLowerMatchLength, phoneNumber.iNumLowerDigits);

	return phoneNumber;
Exemplo n.º 13
void CTNonNativeRec::DoRecognizeL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC8&)

	// Compare if the file extension is known
	if (aName.Length() < 5)
    	iDataType = TDataType(KNullDesC8); 	
    	iConfidence = ENotRecognized;

	if (aName.Right(5).CompareF(KLitMimeExtensionNnt1) == 0)
		iDataType = TDataType(KLit8_DataType_Gif);
		iConfidence = ECertain;
	else if (aName.Right(5).CompareF(KLitMimeExtensionNnt2) == 0)
		iDataType = TDataType(KLit8_DataType_Html);
		iConfidence = ECertain;
	else if (aName.Right(5).CompareF(KLitMimeExtensionNnt3) == 0)
		iDataType = TDataType(KLit8_DataType_Vcard);
		iConfidence = ECertain;
	else if (aName.Right(5).CompareF(KLitMimeExtensionNnt4) == 0)
		iDataType = TDataType(KLit8_DataType_plainText);
		iConfidence = ECertain;
    	iDataType = TDataType(KNullDesC8); 	
    	iConfidence = ENotRecognized;
TTime CTestImpExvCardSuiteStepBase::FormatDateTime(const TDesC& aParamString)
	// Format of buffer to construct a TTime is YYYYMMDD:HHMMSS (15 characters).
	// TTime uses zero-based values for month and day - which is confusing for scripting.
	// In our script, we use actual month and day numbers to make things simpler so we
	// must modify the string here to take account of this.
	TBuf<32> buf;
	TInt m, d;

	buf.Copy(aParamString.Left(4));		// The year
	TLex lexMonth = aParamString.Mid(4, 2);
	TLex lexDay = aParamString.Mid(6, 2);
	buf.AppendFormat(_L("%02d%02d"), m - 1, d - 1);	// The month and day

	return TTime(buf);
Exemplo n.º 15
Y-Browser will use this function to recognize file data

NOTE: This is non-leaving functions, thus do not use leaving code
or you have to use TRAP to trap the leaves..
void CYBRecognizer1::RecognizeFile(CYBRecognitionResult& aResult,const TDesC& aFileName,const TDesC8& aBuffer)
	// better to be sure that the pointer is actually non-NULL
	// before using it to avoif KERN-EXEC 3 happening							
	// first we say that its not recognized by us...
	aResult.iConfidence = CYBRecognitionResult::ERecNotRecognized;
	_LIT(KtxZipExtension	,".zip");
	// filenames can actually be shorter 
	// than normal extension lenght, thus it needs to be checked
	if(aFileName.Length() > 4)
		TBuf<4> ZipExt;
		// the extension can be in any case
		// thus we copy it to be in lower case 
		// to make the identification easier
		//this recognizer only recognize extensions
		// but you could also use aBuffer data to recognize the file
		if(ZipExt == KtxZipExtension)
			aResult.iConfidence = CYBRecognitionResult::ERecProbable;

			// incase it was constructed before
			// we better delete it to avoid memory leak..
			// I think this might change in future editions...
			delete aResult.iIdString;
			aResult.iIdString = NULL;
			aResult.iIdString = KtxType().Alloc();// non leaving !!!
Exemplo n.º 16
EXPORT_C TBool CMDXMLDocument::SetDocTypeTagL(const TDesC& aDocTypeTag)
// @param replacement tag, this must be complete, starting <!DOCTYPE and finishing >
// @return ETrue if operation succeeds, EFalse if formal parameter does not 
// begin with <!DOCTYPE or does not end with an angle bracket
// @leave can Leave due to OOM
	TBool returnValue = EFalse;

	// if correct tag frame
	if(aDocTypeTag.Left(TPtrC(KXMLDocumentTypes).Length()) == KXMLDocumentTypes
			&& aDocTypeTag.Right(TPtrC(KXMLEndTag).Length()) == KXMLEndTag)
		delete iDocTypeTag;
		iDocTypeTag = NULL;
		iDocTypeTag = aDocTypeTag.AllocL();
		returnValue = ETrue;

	return returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 17
EXPORT_C TBool CMDXMLDocument::SetVersionTagL(const TDesC& aVersionTag)
// @param replacement tag, this must be complete, starting <?xml and finishing >
// @return ETrue if operation succeeds, EFalse if formal parameter does not 
// begin with <?xml or does not end with an >
// @leave can Leave due to OOM
	TBool returnValue = EFalse;

	// if correct tag frame
	if(aVersionTag.Left(TPtrC(KXMLVersion).Length()) == KXMLVersion
			&& aVersionTag.Right(TPtrC(KXMLEndTag).Length()) == KXMLEndTag)
		delete iVersionTag;
		iVersionTag = NULL;
		iVersionTag = aVersionTag.AllocL();
		returnValue = ETrue;

	return returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 18
TInt ParseCopy(const TDesC& aString)
	TBuf<256> aOld;
	TBuf<256> aNew;
	TInt found;
	TInt err = -1;
	found = aString.Find(KParseCopyString);

	__LOGSTR1("found parsered statement: %d",found);

	if(found != KErrNotFound)
	aOld = aString.Left(found);
	aNew = aString.Right(aString.Length()-(found+3));


	err = Copy(aOld,aNew);
	return err;
* Try Decode image
void CAknsSrvWallpaperCache::TryDecodeImageL( RFs& aRFs,const TDesC& aFileName )
    if ( CachedImage( aFileName ) )
    _LIT( KSvgFileExt, ".svg" );
    TBool isSvgFormat = (aFileName.Right(4).CompareF( KSvgFileExt ) == 0);
    if ( !isSvgFormat )
        CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
        CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
            TSize(4000,4000) );
        delete bitmap;
        delete mask;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Returns the hash code(s) to use when matching the supplied phone number.  If the
 * number supplied has more actual phone digits (i.e. not including spaces) than
 * KLowerSevenDigits, a second hash is generated to hold the remaining most
 * significant phone digits. Removes the non-digit characters.

 * \param text Descriptor containing contacts phone number field.
 * \param lowerMatchlength Number of least significant phone digits to use.
 * \param upperMatchLength Number of most significant phone digits to use.
 * \param error Qt error code.
 * \return The hash code(s) to use when matching the supplied phone number.
CntFilterDetail::TMatch CntFilterDetail::createPhoneMatchNumber(
                                            const TDesC& text, 
                                            TInt lowerMatchLength, 
                                            TInt upperMatchLength,
                                            QContactManager::Error* error)
    const TInt KBufLength = KCntMaxTextFieldLength+1;
    TBuf<KBufLength> buf;
    if (text.Length() <= KBufLength) {
        buf = text;
    else {
        buf = text.Right(KBufLength);
    TMatch phoneNumber;
    if (buf.Length() == 0) {
        *error = QContactManager::BadArgumentError;
        return phoneNumber;
    // Generate a hash for the upper digits only if the phone number string is
    // large enough and more than 7 digits are to be matched.
    TInt phoneNumberlength = buf.Length();
    if ((phoneNumberlength > KLowerSevenDigits) && (upperMatchLength > 0)) {
        TPtrC upperPart = buf.Left(phoneNumberlength - KLowerSevenDigits);
        phoneNumber.iUpperDigits = TMatch::createHash(upperPart,
            upperMatchLength, phoneNumber.iNumUpperDigits);
    // Generate a hash of the lower digits.
    phoneNumber.iLowerSevenDigits = TMatch::createHash(buf, 
            lowerMatchLength, phoneNumber.iNumLowerDigits);
    return phoneNumber;
Search algorithm for searching e-mail addresses

@param aText Text that will be parsed
@return ETrue if any EMail items were found else returns EFalse
@leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
@panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position 
and/or length is out of the document's range.
TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchMailAddressL( const TDesC& aText )
    TInt searchStart = 0;
    TInt searchResult = 0;
    const TInt end = aText.Length(); // end of document

        TPtrC segment = aText.Right( end - searchStart );
        searchResult = segment.LocateF('@');

        if (searchResult != KErrNotFound)
            { // @ found
            // There should be valid characters (not a period) before and after the @ character
            if ( searchResult == 0 // first char
                || (searchResult >= segment.Length() - 1) // last char 
                || !(IsValidEmailChar(segment[searchResult - 1])) 
                || !(IsValidEmailHostChar(segment[searchResult + 1]))
                || segment[searchResult - 1] == '.' 
                || segment[searchResult + 1] == '.'
                searchStart += searchResult + 1;

            TBool wasPeriod = EFalse; // To prevent sequential periods
            // Get TLex from the pointer to get a better API for parsing
            TLexMark startPos;
            TLexMark endPos;
            TLex token = segment;
            // Go to searchResult and un-get until the beginning of e-mail address is reached
            token.Inc( searchResult );
                if ( token.Peek() == '.' )
                    { // If it was a period
                    if (wasPeriod)	// and if the former was also -> break
                    else	// else mark that this one was a period
                        wasPeriod = ETrue;
                    wasPeriod = EFalse;
            while (token.Offset() > 0 && IsValidEmailChar(token.Peek()));
            if (token.Offset() != 0 || !IsValidEmailChar(token.Peek()))

            // Get rid of periods from the start of address
            // Does it have to start with a number or char(abc...).
            // If it does, the loop should check that it gets rid of all special chars also.
            while (token.Peek() == '.')

            token.Mark( startPos ); // Mark the beginning of address
            wasPeriod = EFalse;
            do	// Go forward until a nonvalid character
                if ( token.Peek() == '.' )
                    { // If it was a period
                    if ( wasPeriod )	// and if the former was also -> break
                    else	// else mark that this one was a period
                        wasPeriod = ETrue;
                    wasPeriod = EFalse;
            while ( !token.Eos() && IsValidEmailHostChar( token.Peek() ) );
            // If address ends with a period take it away
            if (token.Peek() != '.')

            token.Mark( endPos ); // Mark the beginning of address

            // Append the found string to the array
            __ASSERT_DEBUG( searchStart + token.MarkedOffset( startPos ) 
                            + token.MarkedOffset( endPos ) 
                            - token.MarkedOffset( startPos ) <= aText.Length(), 
                            Panic(ETulPanicDescriptorLength) );
            AddItemL( searchStart + token.MarkedOffset( startPos ), 
                      token.MarkedOffset( endPos ) - token.MarkedOffset( startPos ), 
            searchStart += token.MarkedOffset( endPos ) + 1;
    while ( searchResult != KErrNotFound && searchStart < end );

    return (iFoundItems->Count() > 0);
Finds the keystring from the source string and replaces it with the
replacement string. The formated string is stored in the destination
TInt CResourceLoader::Formater(TDes& aDest, const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aSubs, TBidiText::TDirectionality aDirectionality)    
    // substitute string must not contain KSubStringSeparator, 
    // or results will be unpredictable 
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aSubs.Locate(KSubStringSeparator) == KErrNotFound, 
        User::Panic(KPanicCategory, EInvalidSubstitute));

    TInt keylength(aKey.Length());

    //aDest must be empty.

    // offset indicates end of last handled key in source
    TInt offset(0);

    // offset in destination string
    TInt desOffset(0);

    // Substring directionalities are adjusted after all changes are done.
    TBool checkSubstringDirectionalities(EFalse);

    // count is the position in the source from which the substring starts
    TInt count(0);

    // Replaced parameters count
    TInt replaceCount(0);

    while (count != KErrNotFound)
        // desCount is the position of the substring starts in destination.
        TInt desCount(0);

        TPtrC remainder = aSource.Right(aSource.Length() - offset);
        count = remainder.Find(aKey);

        TInt maxSubLength = -1;
        if (count != KErrNotFound)
            desOffset += count;
            offset += count;
            count = offset;
            desCount = desOffset;

            // copy source to destination if first time
            if (aDest.Length() == 0)

            // delete found key from destination
            aDest.Delete(desCount, keylength);

            offset += keylength; // increase offset by key length

            if (count + keylength < (aSource.Length()-1)) // aKey is not at the end of string
                if (aSource[count+keylength] == '[') // Key includes max datalength
                    maxSubLength = 10*(aSource[count+keylength+1]-'0') 
                                   + (aSource[count+keylength+2]-'0');
                    aDest.Delete(desCount,4); // Length information stored->delete from descriptor
                    offset += 4; // increase offset by max sub length indicator
            aDest.Insert(desCount, aSubs);
            desOffset = desCount + aSubs.Length();

            if (maxSubLength > 0 && aSubs.Length() > maxSubLength)
                aDest.Delete(desCount+maxSubLength-1, aSubs.Length()+1-maxSubLength);     
                TText ellipsis(KEllipsis);
                aDest.Insert(desCount+maxSubLength-1, TPtrC(&ellipsis,1));
                desOffset = desCount + maxSubLength;

            TBidiText::TDirectionality subsDir =
                TBidiText::TextDirectionality(aDest.Mid(desCount, desOffset - desCount));

            // If inserted string has different directionality,
            // insert directionality markers so that bidi algorithm works in a desired way.
            if (aDirectionality != subsDir)
                checkSubstringDirectionalities = ETrue;

                TInt freeSpace = aDest.MaxLength() - aDest.Length();

                // Protect the directionality of the inserted string.
                if (freeSpace >= KExtraSpaceForSubStringDirMarkers)
                    TBuf<1> subsMarker;
                    subsMarker.Append(subsDir == TBidiText::ELeftToRight ?
                        KLRMarker : KRLMarker);

                    aDest.Insert(desOffset, subsMarker);
                    aDest.Insert(desCount, subsMarker);
                    desOffset += KExtraSpaceForSubStringDirMarkers;

    // Adjust substring directionality markers if necessary
    // and if there is enough room in destination string
    if (checkSubstringDirectionalities)
        TText mainMarker = (aDirectionality == TBidiText::ELeftToRight ? 
            KLRMarker : KRLMarker);

        TInt freeSpace = aDest.MaxLength() - aDest.Length();

        // If not already done, protect the directionality of the original string
        // and all of the KSubStringSeparator separated substrings.
        if (freeSpace > 0 
            && aDest.Length()
            && aDest[0] != mainMarker 
            && aDest[0] != KSubStringSeparator
            && aDest[0] != KDirNotFound)  
            aDest.Insert(0, TPtrC(&mainMarker, 1));

        // Find and protect KSubStringSeparator separated substrings.
        // Go through string backwards so that any changes will not affect indexes 
        // that are not yet checked.
        TInt j(aDest.Length()-1);
        while (freeSpace > 0 && j >= 0) 
            if (aDest[j] == KSubStringSeparator && j < (aDest.Length() - 1) 
                && aDest[j+1] != mainMarker && aDest[j+1] != KDirNotFound)
                aDest.Insert(j+1, TPtrC(&mainMarker, 1));

    return replaceCount;
Counts the number of parameters in the text. 
Needed for correct memory allocations.
TInt CResourceLoader::GetParamCount(const TDesC& aText, TInt aIndex)
    TInt paramCount(0);
    TInt i(0);
    TBool singleIndex((aIndex < 0) || (aIndex > KNumOfParams) ? EFalse : ETrue);

    while (i < aText.Length())
        TPtrC remainder = aText.Right(aText.Length() - i);
        TInt nextKey = remainder.Locate(KKeyPrefix);
        i += nextKey;

        if (nextKey != KErrNotFound && i < aText.Length() - 1)
            TInt lastCharInKey = i + 1;

            // skip possible key index
            TText t = aText[lastCharInKey];
            TInt foundIndex(-1);
            if (t >= '0' && t <= '9')
                foundIndex = t - '0';

                if (lastCharInKey < aText.Length())
                    t = aText[lastCharInKey];
                    if (t >= '0' && t <= '9')
                        foundIndex *= 10;
                        foundIndex += t - '0';

            // lastCharInKey is now the index of 'N' or 'U' in the key

            if (lastCharInKey < aText.Length())
                // Only count parameter, if index matches
                if (!singleIndex || (foundIndex == aIndex))
                    TText t = aText[lastCharInKey];
                    if (t == 'U' || t == 'N')
                        // found legit key, count it
                        // continue search after index
                        i = lastCharInKey + 1;
                    else if (t == '%')
                        i = lastCharInKey;
                    else    // continue search after index
                        i = lastCharInKey + 1;
                else    // continue search after index
                    i = lastCharInKey + 1;
            else    // end of string encountered - stop
        else     // no key found - stop

    return paramCount;
// CNativeMmsUtility::getByUrlL
// @see header
const QString CNativeMmsUtility::getByUrlL(const TDesC& url)
    qDebug() << " Enter CNativeMmsUtility::getByUrlL";

    CMsvAttachment* targetattachment = NULL;
    TBool found = EFalse;

    //newlc puts it on cleanupstack
    HBufC8* url8bit = HBufC8::NewLC(url.Length());

    CUri16* decodedUri = NULL;
    TUriParser8 parser;

    //get the uri in display format
    if (url.MatchF(KContentIdString) == 0)
        //Remove "cid:" from the beginning
                - KContentIdString().Length() + 1));
    decodedUri = UriUtils::ConvertToDisplayFormL(parser);

    //run through the attachements to check for a match
    TUint count = iattachmanager->AttachmentCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < count && !found; i++)
        CMsvAttachment *attachment = iattachmanager->GetAttachmentInfoL(i);

        //restore mimeheaders from the attachment
        CMsvMimeHeaders* mimeheaders = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewL();

        //check for a match with content-loc and then content-id
        if (resolvedByContentLocL(mimeheaders->ContentLocation(), *decodedUri)
                || resolvedByContentIdL(mimeheaders->ContentId(), *decodedUri))
            targetattachment = CMsvAttachment::NewL(*attachment);
            found = ETrue;

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, attachment); //mimeheaders, attachment

    if (url8bit)

    if (targetattachment)
        qDebug() << " Exit CNativeMmsUtility::getByUrlL";

        return XQConversions::s60DescToQString(targetattachment->FilePath());
        qDebug() << " Exit CNativeMmsUtility::getByUrlL";

        return QString();
Exemplo n.º 25
Utility method used to construct physical path for a given file name

@param aPhysicalFileName in/out paramter; file name to which physical path will be append
@param aSecuredFileName secured file name
void CPplContactsFile::GetPhysicalFileNameL(TDes& aPhysicalFileName, const TDesC& aSecuredFileName)
	GetPhysicalPathL(aPhysicalFileName, aSecuredFileName);
	aPhysicalFileName.Append(aSecuredFileName.Right(aSecuredFileName.Length() - KDriveNameWidth));
Exemplo n.º 26
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ContainsSingleWildCardEnding
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool ContainsSingleWildCardEnding( const TDesC& aString )
    return ( aString.Right( 2 ) == KPreserveAll );