Exemplo n.º 1
void MergeComplexHistogramFile( const Char_t *TargetName=0, const Char_t *inputFilesPattern=0) 
  if (TargetName && TargetName[0] && inputFilesPattern && inputFilesPattern[0] ) {
    printf(" An experimental version of macro.\n");
    TStopwatch time;
    Int_t fileCounter = 0;
    Int_t dirCounter = 0;
    Int_t treeCounter = 0;
    Int_t histogramCounter = 0;
     // Create the output file
     TFile *outFile = TFile::Open(TargetName,"RECREATE");
     TDirectory *outDir = outFile;
     TDirIter listOfFiles(inputFilesPattern);
     const char *fileName = 0;
     while ( (fileName =  listOfFiles.NextFile() ) ) {
        Int_t currentDirDepth = 0;
        StFileIter file(fileName);
        TObject *obj = 0;
        while ( (obj = *file) ) {
           Int_t depth = file.GetDepth();
           while (depth < currentDirDepth) {
                outDir = outDir->GetMotherDir();
           if ( obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class()) ) {
              // descendant of TH1 -> merge it
              // printf("Merging histogram: %s\n",obj->GetName() ); 
//              std::cout << "Merging histogram " << obj->GetName() << std::endl;
              TH1 *h1 = (TH1*)obj;
              TH1 *dstHistogram = 0;
              // Check whether we found the new histogram
              if ( (dstHistogram = (TH1 *)outDir->FindObject(h1->GetName()))) {
                 // Accumulate  the  histogram
                  delete h1;  // Optional, to reduce the memory consumption
              } else {
                // First time - move the histogram
                printf(" The new Histogram found: %s \n", h1->GetName() );
           } else  if ( obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class()) ) {
              // descendant of TTree  -> merge it
              // printf("Merging Tree %p:%s\n",obj, obj->GetName() ); 
              TTree *tree = (TTree*)obj;
              TTree *dstTree = 0;
              // Check whether we found the new histogram
              if ( (dstTree = (TTree *)outDir->FindObject(tree->GetName()))) {
                   // printf("Merging %p:%s with the existing Tree %p:%s\n"
                   //       ,tree,tree->GetName(),dstTree, dstTree->GetName() ); 
                  // Merge  the  tree
                  TList *nextTree = new TList(); nextTree->Add(tree); 
                  delete tree;  // Optional, to reduce the memory consumption
                  delete nextTree;
              } else {
                // First time - move the TTree
                TDirectory *saveDir = 0;
                if (outDir != gDirectory) {
                   saveDir = gDirectory;
                TList *nextTree = new TList(); nextTree->Add(tree);               
                dstTree = TTree::MergeTrees(nextTree);
                if (saveDir) saveDir->cd();
                // printf(" The new TTree found: %p:%s \n",tree, tree->GetName() );
                // printf(" Create the destination Tree %p:%s\n\n",dstTree, dstTree->GetName() );
                delete tree;  // Optional, to reduce the memory consumption
                delete nextTree;
           } else if ( obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TDirectory::Class()) ) {
               printf("The input sub-TDirectory object: %s depth=%d\n",obj->GetName(), depth); 
               TDirectory *d =  (TDirectory *)outDir->FindObject(obj->GetName());
               if (!d) {
                  d = outDir->mkdir(obj->GetName());
                  printf("The new TDirectory object: %s depth=%d\n",d->GetPathStatic(), depth); 
               if (d) {
                  outDir = d;                  
                  printf("The output sub-TDirectory object: %s depth=%d\n",outDir->GetPathStatic(), depth); 

           } else {
              printf("I have no idea how to merge the %s objects of the %s class. Skipping .... \n",obj->GetName(), obj->ClassName() ); 
     printf("\n Finishing  . . . \n");
     outFile->Write();  // this creates a second copy of the TTree ???
     delete outFile;
     if (fileCounter)      printf(" Total files merged: %d \n", fileCounter);
     if (dirCounter)       printf(" Total TDirectory objects merged: %d \n", dirCounter);
     if (histogramCounter) printf(" Total histograms merged: %d \n", histogramCounter);
     if (treeCounter)      printf(" Total TTree\'s merged: %d \n",treeCounter);
     if (dirCounter || treeCounter) printf(" You have used the experimental version of the program. Please check the output file\n");
  } else {
     printf("\nUsage: root MergeHistogramFile.C(\"DestinationFileName\",\"InputFilesPattern\")\n");     
     printf("------        where InputFilesPattern  ::= <regexp_pattern_for_the_input_files>|@indirect_file_list\n");
     printf("                    indirect_file_list ::= a text file with the list of the files\n");
     printf("                    indirect_file_list can be create by the shell command:\n");
     printf("                         ls -1 *.root>indirect_file_list \n\n");