void DoEvolutions( const TString &sim, Int_t time, Int_t Nbins=1, const TString &options="") { #ifdef __CINT__ gSystem->Load("libptools.so"); #endif PGlobals::Initialize(); // Palettes! gROOT->Macro("PPalettes.C"); TString opt = options; // cout << "options = " << opt << endl; // Load PData PData *pData = PData::Get(sim.Data()); pData->LoadFileNames(time); if(!pData->IsInit()) return; Bool_t CYL = kFALSE; if(sim.Contains("cyl")) { CYL = kTRUE; opt += "cyl"; } Bool_t ThreeD = kFALSE; if(sim.Contains("3D")) ThreeD = kTRUE; // Some plasma constants Double_t n0 = pData->GetPlasmaDensity(); Double_t kp = pData->GetPlasmaK(); Double_t skindepth = 1.0; if(kp!=0.0) skindepth = 1/kp; Double_t E0 = pData->GetPlasmaE0(); // Some initial beam properties: Float_t Ebeam = pData->GetBeamEnergy() * PUnits::MeV; Float_t gamma = pData->GetBeamGamma(); Float_t vbeam = pData->GetBeamVelocity(); Double_t rms0 = pData->GetBeamRmsY() * kp; if(CYL) rms0 = pData->GetBeamRmsR() * kp; // Time in OU Float_t Time = pData->GetRealTime(); // z start of the plasma in normalized units. Float_t zStartPlasma = pData->GetPlasmaStart() * kp; // z start of the beam in normalized units. Float_t zStartBeam = pData->GetBeamStart() * kp; if(opt.Contains("center")) { Time -= zStartPlasma; if(opt.Contains("comov")) // Centers on the head of the beam. Time += zStartBeam; } // Beam charge 2D and 1D histogram (on-axis) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ TH2F *hDen2D = NULL; if(pData->GetChargeFileName(1)) { char hName[24]; sprintf(hName,"hDen2D"); hDen2D = (TH2F*) gROOT->FindObject(hName); if(hDen2D) { delete hDen2D; hDen2D = NULL; } if(!ThreeD) hDen2D = pData->GetCharge(1,opt); else hDen2D = pData->GetCharge2DSliceZY(1,-1,1,opt+"avg"); hDen2D->SetName(hName); hDen2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hDen2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hDen2D->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); if(opt.Contains("comov")) hDen2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); else hDen2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); if(CYL) hDen2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}r"); else hDen2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}y"); hDen2D->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("n_{b}/n_{0}"); } // Define ranges from the charge 2D histogram: // Binning for 2D histograms: // We get this values from the 2D density histogram. Int_t x1Nbin = hDen2D->GetNbinsX(); Float_t x1Range = (hDen2D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - hDen2D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()); Float_t x1Mid = (hDen2D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() + hDen2D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin())/2.; Float_t x1Min = hDen2D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Float_t x1Max = hDen2D->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); Int_t x2Nbin = hDen2D->GetNbinsY(); Float_t x2Range = (hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() - hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin()); Float_t x2Mid = (hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() + hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin())/2.; Float_t x2Min = x2Mid - x2Range/2; Float_t x2Max = x2Mid + x2Range/2; if(Nbins==0) { Nbins = TMath::Nint(rms0 / hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1)) ; // cout << Form(" Rms0 = %6.2f Dx = %6.2f Nbins = %4i .", // rms0, hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1), Nbins) << endl; } // Slice width limits. Int_t FirstyBin = 0; Int_t LastyBin = 0; if(!CYL) { FirstyBin = hDen2D->GetNbinsY()/2 + 1 - Nbins; LastyBin = hDen2D->GetNbinsY()/2 + Nbins; } else { FirstyBin = 1; LastyBin = Nbins; } // OUTPUT ROOT FILE WITH THE PLOTS: TString filename = Form("./%s/Plots/Evolutions/Evolutions-%s.root",sim.Data(),sim.Data()); TFile * ifile = (TFile*) gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(filename); // if doesn't exist the directory should be created if (!ifile) { TString f = filename; TString dir2 = f.Remove( f.Last( '/' ), f.Length() - f.Last( '/' ) ); TString dir1 = f.Remove( f.Last( '/' ), f.Length() - f.Last( '/' ) ); gSystem->mkdir( dir1 ); gSystem->mkdir( dir2 ); ifile = new TFile(filename,"UPDATE"); } // Charge 1D histogram on axis TH1F *hDen1D = NULL; if(pData->GetChargeFileName(1)) { TString opth1 = opt; opth1 += "avg"; char hName[24]; sprintf(hName,"hDen1D"); hDen1D = (TH1F*) gROOT->FindObject(hName); if(hDen1D) delete hDen1D; if(ThreeD) { hDen1D = pData->GetH1SliceZ3D(pData->GetChargeFileName(1)->c_str(),"charge",-1,Nbins,-1,Nbins,opth1.Data()); } else if(CYL) { // Cylindrical: The first bin with r>0 is actually the number 1 (not the 0). hDen1D = pData->GetH1SliceZ(pData->GetChargeFileName(1)->c_str(),"charge",1,Nbins,opth1.Data()); } else { // 2D cartesian hDen1D = pData->GetH1SliceZ(pData->GetChargeFileName(1)->c_str(),"charge",-1,Nbins,opth1.Data()); } hDen1D->SetName(hName); if(opt.Contains("comov")) hDen1D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); else hDen1D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); hDen1D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("n_{b}/n_{0}"); } // On-axis beam density vs \zeta vs time! _________________________________ TH2F *hDen1DvsTime = NULL; if(hDen1D) { char hName[24]; sprintf(hName,"hDen1DvsTime"); TH2F *hDen1DvsTimeOld = (TH2F*) ifile->Get(hName); Int_t nBins = 1; Float_t edge0 = Time-0.5; Float_t edge1 = Time+0.5; if(hDen1DvsTimeOld!=NULL) { nBins = hDen1DvsTimeOld->GetNbinsX()+1; Float_t binwidth = (Time - hDen1DvsTimeOld->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1))/(nBins-1); edge0 = hDen1DvsTimeOld->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) - binwidth/2.; edge1 = Time + binwidth/2.; } hDen1DvsTime = new TH2F("temp","",nBins,edge0,edge1, hDen1D->GetNbinsX(), hDen1D->GetBinLowEdge(1), hDen1D->GetBinLowEdge(hDen1D->GetNbinsX()+1)); for(Int_t ix=1;ix<hDen1DvsTime->GetNbinsX();ix++) { for(Int_t iy=1;iy<hDen1DvsTime->GetNbinsY();iy++) { hDen1DvsTime->SetBinContent(ix,iy,hDen1DvsTimeOld->GetBinContent(ix,iy)); } } delete hDen1DvsTimeOld; // Fill last bin with the newest values. for(Int_t iy=1;iy<=hDen1D->GetNbinsX();iy++) { hDen1DvsTime->SetBinContent(nBins,iy,hDen1D->GetBinContent(iy)); } hDen1DvsTime->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("n_{b}/n_{0}"); hDen1DvsTime->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); hDen1DvsTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); hDen1DvsTime->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); hDen1DvsTime->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hDen1DvsTime->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hDen1DvsTime->SetName(hName); // Change the range of z axis Float_t Denmax = hDen1DvsTime->GetMaximum(); hDen1DvsTime->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,Denmax); hDen1DvsTime->Write(hName,TObject::kOverwrite); } // RMS (vs z) of the beam's charge distribution: TProfile *hDen2Dprof = NULL; TH1F *hRms = NULL; Double_t axisPos = x2Mid; if(hDen2D) { TString pname = hDen2D->GetName(); pname += "_pfx"; hDen2Dprof = (TProfile*) gROOT->FindObject(pname.Data()); if(hDen2Dprof) { delete hDen2Dprof; hDen2Dprof = NULL; } hDen2Dprof = hDen2D->ProfileX("_pfx",1,-1,"s"); hRms = (TH1F*) gROOT->FindObject("hRms"); if(hRms) delete hRms; hRms = new TH1F("hRms","",x1Nbin,x1Min,x1Max); if(CYL) axisPos = 0.0; for(Int_t j=0;j<hRms->GetNbinsX();j++) { Double_t rms = 0; Double_t total = 0; for(Int_t k=1;k<=x2Nbin;k++) { Double_t value = hDen2D->GetBinContent(j,k); Double_t radius = hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(k) - axisPos; if(CYL) { rms += radius*radius*radius*value; total += radius*value; } else { rms += radius*radius*value; total += value; } // cout << Form(" (%i,%i) -> radius = %7.4f , density = %7.4f",j,k,radius,value) << endl; } rms /= total; rms = sqrt(rms); hRms->SetBinContent(j,rms); } hRms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); if(opt.Contains("comov")) hRms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); hRms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#LTr#GT_{rms}"); } // Transverse charge RMS vs \zeta vs time! _________________________________ TH2F *hRmsvsTime = NULL; if(hRms) { char hName[24]; sprintf(hName,"hRmsvsTime"); TH2F *hRmsvsTimeOld = (TH2F*) ifile->Get(hName); Int_t nBins = 1; Float_t edge0 = Time-0.5; Float_t edge1 = Time+0.5; if(hRmsvsTimeOld!=NULL) { nBins = hRmsvsTimeOld->GetNbinsX()+1; Float_t binwidth = (Time - hRmsvsTimeOld->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1))/(nBins-1); edge0 = hRmsvsTimeOld->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) - binwidth/2.; edge1 = Time + binwidth/2.; } hRmsvsTime = new TH2F("temp","",nBins,edge0,edge1, hRms->GetNbinsX(), hRms->GetBinLowEdge(1), hRms->GetBinLowEdge(hRms->GetNbinsX()+1)); for(Int_t ix=1;ix<hRmsvsTime->GetNbinsX();ix++) { for(Int_t iy=1;iy<hRmsvsTime->GetNbinsY();iy++) { hRmsvsTime->SetBinContent(ix,iy,hRmsvsTimeOld->GetBinContent(ix,iy)); } } delete hRmsvsTimeOld; // Fill last bin with the newest values. for(Int_t iy=1;iy<=hRms->GetNbinsX();iy++) { hRmsvsTime->SetBinContent(nBins,iy,hRms->GetBinContent(iy)); } hRmsvsTime->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("#LTr#GT_{rms}"); hRmsvsTime->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); hRmsvsTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); hRmsvsTime->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); hRmsvsTime->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hRmsvsTime->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hRmsvsTime->SetName(hName); // Change the range of z axis Float_t Rmsmax = hRmsvsTime->GetMaximum(); hRmsvsTime->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,Rmsmax); hRmsvsTime->Write(hName,TObject::kOverwrite); } // INTEGRATED Beam's Charge: // Total charge vs time : TGraph *gQvsTime = NULL; if(hDen2D) { Double_t Q = 0; for(Int_t i=1;i<=x1Nbin;i++) { for(Int_t j=1;j<=x2Nbin;j++) { Double_t value = hDen2D->GetBinContent(i,j); if(CYL) { Double_t radius = hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j); Q += radius * value; // cout << Form(" (%i,%i) -> radius = %7.4f , value = %7.4f",i,j,radius,value) << endl; } else { Q += value; } } } Double_t xbinsize = hDen2D->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); Double_t ybinsize = hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); Q *= xbinsize * ybinsize; if(!CYL && !ThreeD) { Q *= TMath::Sqrt(2*TMath::Pi()) * rms0; } else if(CYL) { Q *= 2*TMath::Pi(); } if(opt.Contains("units")) { Double_t dV = skindepth * skindepth * skindepth; Q *= n0 * dV; Q *= (PConst::ElectronCharge/PUnits::picocoulomb); cout << Form(" Integrated charge = %8i pC", TMath::Nint(Q)) << endl; } else { cout << Form(" Integrated charge = %8.4f n0 * kp^-3",Q) << endl; } Int_t nPoints = 0; char gName[32]; sprintf(gName,"gQvsTime"); gQvsTime = (TGraph*) ifile->Get(gName); if(gQvsTime==NULL) { gQvsTime = new TGraph(); gQvsTime->SetName(gName); nPoints = 0; // Some cosmetics at creation time: gQvsTime->SetLineWidth(3); gQvsTime->SetLineColor(PGlobals::fieldLine); gQvsTime->SetMarkerStyle(20); gQvsTime->SetMarkerSize(0.4); gQvsTime->SetMarkerColor(PGlobals::fieldLine); gQvsTime->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("charge [n_{0}/k_{p}^{3}]"); gQvsTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); } else { nPoints = gQvsTime->GetN(); } gQvsTime->Set(nPoints+1); gQvsTime->SetPoint(nPoints,Time,Q); gQvsTime->Write(gName,TObject::kOverwrite); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Longitudinal phasespace Int_t gNbin = 100; // Float_t gMin = 80; // Float_t gMax = 120; Float_t gMin = 43.07 - 1.2; Float_t gMax = 43.07 + 1.2; TH2F *hGvsZ = NULL; if(pData->GetRawFileName(1)) { char hName[24]; sprintf(hName,"hGvsZ"); hGvsZ = (TH2F*) gROOT->FindObject(hName); if(hGvsZ) { delete hGvsZ; hGvsZ = NULL; } hGvsZ = new TH2F(hName,"",x1Nbin,x1Min,x1Max,gNbin,gMin,gMax); pData->GetH2Raw(pData->GetRawFileName(1)->c_str(),"x1","gamma",hGvsZ,opt); hGvsZ->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hGvsZ->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hGvsZ->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); hGvsZ->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#gamma"); if(opt.Contains("comov")) { hGvsZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); hGvsZ->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("dN/d#zetad#gamma [a.u.]"); } else { hGvsZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); hGvsZ->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("dN/dzd#gamma [a.u.]"); } } else { cout << Form("--> No RAW data file is present for species 1") << endl; } TH2F *hGvsTime = NULL; TProfile *hGvsZprof = NULL; TGraphErrors *gGvsZ = NULL; if(hGvsZ) { TString pname = hGvsZ->GetName(); pname += "_pfx"; hGvsZprof = (TProfile*) gROOT->FindObject(pname.Data()); if(hGvsZprof) delete hGvsZprof; hGvsZprof = hGvsZ->ProfileX("_pfx",1,-1,"s"); gGvsZ = (TGraphErrors*) gROOT->FindObject("gGvsZ"); if(gGvsZ) delete gGvsZ; Int_t Npoints = hGvsZprof->GetNbinsX(); Double_t *x = new Double_t[Npoints]; Double_t *y = new Double_t[Npoints]; Double_t *ex = new Double_t[Npoints]; Double_t *ey = new Double_t[Npoints]; for(Int_t j=0;j<Npoints;j++) { x[j] = hGvsZprof->GetBinCenter(j); y[j] = hGvsZprof->GetBinContent(j); ex[j] = 0; ey[j] = hGvsZprof->GetBinError(j); } gGvsZ = new TGraphErrors(Npoints,x,y,ex,ey); gGvsZ->SetName("gGvsZ"); // PGlobals::SetH1Style((TH1*)gGvsZ,1); PGlobals::SetGraphStyle(gGvsZ,1); if(opt.Contains("comov")) gGvsZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); else gGvsZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); gGvsZ->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#LT#gamma#GT [MeV]"); char hName[24]; sprintf(hName,"hGvsTime"); TH2F *hGvsTimeOld = (TH2F*) ifile->Get(hName); Int_t nBins = 1; Float_t edge0 = Time-0.5; Float_t edge1 = Time+0.5; if(hGvsTimeOld!=NULL) { nBins = hGvsTimeOld->GetNbinsX()+1; Float_t binwidth = (Time - hGvsTimeOld->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1))/(nBins-1); edge0 = hGvsTimeOld->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) - binwidth/2.; edge1 = Time + binwidth/2.; } hGvsTime = new TH2F("temp","",nBins,edge0,edge1, hGvsZprof->GetNbinsX(), hGvsZprof->GetBinLowEdge(1), hGvsZprof->GetBinLowEdge(hGvsZprof->GetNbinsX()+1)); for(Int_t ix=1;ix<hGvsTime->GetNbinsX();ix++) { for(Int_t iy=1;iy<hGvsTime->GetNbinsY();iy++) { hGvsTime->SetBinContent(ix,iy,hGvsTimeOld->GetBinContent(ix,iy)); } } delete hGvsTimeOld; // Fill last bin with the newest values. for(Int_t iy=1;iy<=hGvsZprof->GetNbinsX();iy++) { hGvsTime->SetBinContent(nBins,iy,hGvsZprof->GetBinContent(iy)); } hGvsTime->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("#LT#gamma#GT"); hGvsTime->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); hGvsTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); hGvsTime->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); hGvsTime->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hGvsTime->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hGvsTime->SetName(hName); // Change the range of z axis Float_t Gmax = hGvsTime->GetMaximum(); Float_t Gmin = hGvsTime->GetMinimum(); hGvsTime->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(Gmin,Gmax); hGvsTime->Write(hName,TObject::kOverwrite); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EM fields on - axis : TString opth1 = opt; opth1 += "avg"; // Get electric fields const Int_t Nfields = 2; TH1F **hE1D = new TH1F*[Nfields]; for(Int_t i=0;i<Nfields;i++) { hE1D[i] = NULL; if(!pData->GetEfieldFileName(i)) continue; char nam[3]; sprintf(nam,"e%i",i+1); if(ThreeD) { if(i==0) hE1D[i] = pData->GetH1SliceZ3D(pData->GetEfieldFileName(i)->c_str(),nam,-1,Nbins,-1,Nbins,opth1.Data()); else hE1D[i] = pData->GetH1SliceZ3D(pData->GetEfieldFileName(i)->c_str(),nam,-Nbins,Nbins,-Nbins,Nbins,opth1.Data()); } else if(CYL) { // Cylindrical: The first bin with r>0 is actually the number 1 (not the 0). if(i==0) hE1D[i] = pData->GetH1SliceZ(pData->GetEfieldFileName(i)->c_str(),nam,1,Nbins,opth1.Data()); else hE1D[i] = pData->GetH1SliceZ(pData->GetEfieldFileName(i)->c_str(),nam,1,Nbins,opth1.Data()); } else { // 2D cartesian if(i==0) hE1D[i] = pData->GetH1SliceZ(pData->GetEfieldFileName(i)->c_str(),nam,-1,Nbins,opth1.Data()); else hE1D[i] = pData->GetH1SliceZ(pData->GetEfieldFileName(i)->c_str(),nam,-Nbins,Nbins,opth1.Data()); } char hName[24]; sprintf(hName,"hE_%i_%i",i,time); hE1D[i]->SetName(hName); if(opt.Contains("comov")) hE1D[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); else hE1D[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); if(i==0) hE1D[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("E_{z}/E_{0}"); else if(i==1) hE1D[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("E_{y}/E_{0}"); else if(i==2) hE1D[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("E_{x}/E_{0}"); hE1D[i]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hE1D[i]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); } // Calculate wave positions: // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate the crossings and the extremes of the Electric fields Float_t Ecross[Nfields][100] = {{0.0}}; Float_t Eextr[Nfields][100] = {{0.0}}; Int_t Ncross[Nfields] = {0}; for(Int_t i=0;i<Nfields;i++) { Ncross[i] = 0; if(!hE1D[i]) continue; // Only smooths the focusing if flag activated.. if(i>0 && opt.Contains("smooth")) { // cout << " Smoothing fields on axis..." << endl; hE1D[i]->Smooth(10); } Float_t maxZeta = zStartBeam; if(opt.Contains("center")) maxZeta -= zStartBeam; for(Int_t ip=hE1D[i]->GetNbinsX();ip>1;ip--) { Float_t Z2 = hE1D[i]->GetBinCenter(ip-1); if(Z2 > maxZeta) continue; Float_t E1 = hE1D[i]->GetBinContent(ip); Float_t E2 = hE1D[i]->GetBinContent(ip-1); Float_t Z1 = hE1D[i]->GetBinCenter(ip); // cout << Form("Z1 = %6.4f Z2 = %6.4f E1 = %6.4f E2 = %6.4f", Z1, Z2, E1, E2) << endl; if(E1*E2 >= 0) { // No change of sign means we are in a side of the zero axis. if(fabs(E2)>fabs(Eextr[i][Ncross[i]])) { Eextr[i][Ncross[i]] = E2; } } if(E1*E2 < 0) { // change of sign means a crossing! // The next crossing has to be far enough from the previous one: Float_t zcross = -E1 * ( (Z2-Z1)/(E2-E1) ) + Z1; if(Ncross[i]>0 && fabs(Ecross[i][Ncross[i]-1]-zcross)<TMath::PiOver2() ) continue; // cout << " CROSS! " << endl; // add the point Ecross[i][Ncross[i]] = zcross; Ncross[i]++; } } cout << " -> Number of crossings for field " << i << " : " << Ncross[i] << endl; for(Int_t ic=0;ic<Ncross[i];ic++) { // cout << Form(" %2i: zeta = %6.4f E = %6.4f", ic, Ecross[i][ic], Eextr[i][ic]) << endl; } hE1D[i]->SetLineColor(kRed); hE1D[i]->Write(hE1D[i]->GetName(),TObject::kOverwrite); } // Get the Graphs and histos from file Int_t nPoints = 0; TGraph ***gEcross = new TGraph**[Nfields]; TGraph ***gEextr = new TGraph**[Nfields]; TH2F **hEvsTime = new TH2F*[Nfields]; for(Int_t i=0;i<Nfields;i++) { char hName[24]; sprintf(hName,"hEvsTime_%i",i); TH2F *hEvsTimeOld = (TH2F*) ifile->Get(hName); Int_t nBins = 1; Float_t edge0 = Time-0.5; Float_t edge1 = Time+0.5; if(hEvsTimeOld!=NULL) { nBins = hEvsTimeOld->GetNbinsX()+1; Float_t binwidth = (Time - hEvsTimeOld->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1))/(nBins-1); edge0 = hEvsTimeOld->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) - binwidth/2.; edge1 = Time + binwidth/2.; } hEvsTime[i] = new TH2F("temp","",nBins,edge0,edge1, hE1D[i]->GetNbinsX(), hE1D[i]->GetBinLowEdge(1), hE1D[i]->GetBinLowEdge(hE1D[i]->GetNbinsX()+1)); for(Int_t ix=1;ix<hEvsTime[i]->GetNbinsX();ix++) { for(Int_t iy=1;iy<hEvsTime[i]->GetNbinsY();iy++) { hEvsTime[i]->SetBinContent(ix,iy,hEvsTimeOld->GetBinContent(ix,iy)); } } delete hEvsTimeOld; // Fill last bin with the newest values. for(Int_t iy=1;iy<=hE1D[i]->GetNbinsX();iy++) { hEvsTime[i]->SetBinContent(nBins,iy,hE1D[i]->GetBinContent(iy)); } if(i==0) hEvsTime[i]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("E_{z}/E_{0}"); else if(i==1) hEvsTime[i]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("E_{y}/E_{0}"); else if(i==2) hEvsTime[i]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("E_{x}/E_{0}"); hEvsTime[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta"); hEvsTime[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); hEvsTime[i]->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); hEvsTime[i]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hEvsTime[i]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hEvsTime[i]->SetName(hName); // Change the range of z axis for the fields to be symmetric. Float_t Emax = hEvsTime[i]->GetMaximum(); Float_t Emin = hEvsTime[i]->GetMinimum(); if(Emax > TMath::Abs(Emin)) Emin = -Emax; else Emax = -Emin; hEvsTime[i]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(Emin,Emax); hEvsTime[i]->Write(hName,TObject::kOverwrite); // --- gEcross[i] = new TGraph*[Ncross[i]]; gEextr[i] = new TGraph*[Ncross[i]]; char gName[24]; Int_t ifail = 0; for(Int_t ic=0;ic<Ncross[i];ic++) { sprintf(gName,"gEcross_%i_%i",i,ic); gEcross[i][ic] = (TGraph*) ifile->Get(gName); if(gEcross[i][ic]==NULL) { gEcross[i][ic] = new TGraph(); gEcross[i][ic]->SetName(gName); nPoints = 0; // Some cosmetics at creation time: if(i==1) gEcross[i][ic]->SetLineStyle(2); else gEcross[i][ic]->SetLineStyle(1); gEcross[i][ic]->SetLineWidth(1); gEcross[i][ic]->SetLineColor(kGray+1); gEcross[i][ic]->SetMarkerStyle(20); gEcross[i][ic]->SetMarkerSize(0.4); gEcross[i][ic]->SetMarkerColor(kGray+1); gEcross[i][ic]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}#zeta]"); gEcross[i][ic]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); } else { nPoints = gEcross[i][ic]->GetN(); } // Check the new crossings respect the previous ones: // Double_t t,zeta; // if(nPoints>0) { // gEcross[i][ic]->GetPoint(nPoints-1,t,zeta); // if(fabs(zeta-Ecross[i][ic+ifail])>TMath::Pi()) { // ic--; // ifail++; // continue; // } // } gEcross[i][ic]->Set(nPoints+1); gEcross[i][ic]->SetPoint(nPoints,Time,Ecross[i][ic+ifail]); gEcross[i][ic]->Write(gName,TObject::kOverwrite); // if(ic==Ncross[i]-1) continue; sprintf(gName,"gEextr_%i_%i",i,ic); gEextr[i][ic] = (TGraph*) ifile->Get(gName); if(gEextr[i][ic]==NULL) { gEextr[i][ic] = new TGraph(); gEextr[i][ic]->SetName(gName); nPoints = 0; // Some cosmetics at creation time: if(i==0) { gEextr[i][ic]->SetLineWidth(3); gEextr[i][ic]->SetLineColor(PGlobals::fieldLine); gEextr[i][ic]->SetMarkerStyle(20); gEextr[i][ic]->SetMarkerSize(0.4); gEextr[i][ic]->SetMarkerColor(PGlobals::fieldLine); gEextr[i][ic]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("E_{z}/E_{0}"); gEextr[i][ic]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); } else if(i==1) { gEextr[i][ic]->SetLineWidth(1); gEextr[i][ic]->SetLineColor(kGray+2); gEextr[i][ic]->SetMarkerStyle(20); gEextr[i][ic]->SetMarkerSize(0.4); gEextr[i][ic]->SetMarkerColor(kGray+2); gEextr[i][ic]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("E_{y}/E_{0}"); gEextr[i][ic]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k_{p}z"); } } else { nPoints = gEextr[i][ic]->GetN(); } gEextr[i][ic]->Set(nPoints+1); gEextr[i][ic]->SetPoint(nPoints,Time,Eextr[i][ic]); gEextr[i][ic]->Write(gName,TObject::kOverwrite); } } ifile->Close(); }
/// /// Find an interpolated x value near a certain bin position of a histogram that is the /// best estimate for h(x)=y. Interpolates by means of fitting a second grade polynomial /// to up to five adjacent points. Because that's giving us two solutions, we use the central /// value and knowledge about if it is supposed to be an upper or lower boundary to pick /// one. /// /// \param h - the histogram to be interpolated /// \param i - interpolate around this bin. Must be a bin such that i and i+1 are above and below val /// \param y - the y position we want to find the interpolated x for /// \param central - Central value of the solution we're trying to get the CL interval for. /// \param upper - Set to true if we're computing an upper interval boundary. /// \param val - Return value: interpolated x position /// \param err - Return value: estimated interpolation error /// \return true, if inpterpolation was performed, false, if conditions were not met /// bool CLIntervalMaker::interpolatePol2fit(const TH1F* h, int i, float y, float central, bool upper, float &val, float &err) const { // cout << "CLIntervalMaker::interpolatePol2fit(): i=" << i << " y=" << y << " central=" << central << endl; // check if too close to border so we don't have enough bins to fit if ( !( 2 <= i && i <= h->GetNbinsX()-1 ) ) return false; // check if all necessary bins are on the same side. They are not always, // if e.g. in a plugin there's statistical fluctuations if ( binsOnSameSide(i-1, y) && binsOnSameSide(i, y) ){ //cout << "CLIntervalMaker::interpolatePol2fit() : ERROR : bins i-1, i, and i+1 on same side of y" << endl; return false; } // create a TGraph that we can fit TGraph *g = new TGraph(3); g->SetPoint(0, h->GetBinCenter(i-1), h->GetBinContent(i-1)); g->SetPoint(1, h->GetBinCenter(i), h->GetBinContent(i)); g->SetPoint(2, h->GetBinCenter(i+1), h->GetBinContent(i+1)); // see if we can add a 4th and 5th point: if ( 3 <= i && i <= h->GetNbinsX()-2 ){ // add a point to the beginning if ( (h->GetBinContent(i-2) < h->GetBinContent(i-1) && h->GetBinContent(i-1) < h->GetBinContent(i)) || (h->GetBinContent(i-2) > h->GetBinContent(i-1) && h->GetBinContent(i-1) > h->GetBinContent(i)) ){ TGraph *gNew = new TGraph(g->GetN()+1); gNew->SetPoint(0, h->GetBinCenter(i-2), h->GetBinContent(i-2)); Double_t pointx, pointy; for ( int i=0; i<g->GetN(); i++ ){ g->GetPoint(i, pointx, pointy); gNew->SetPoint(i+1, pointx, pointy); } delete g; g = gNew; } // add a point to the end if ( (h->GetBinContent(i+2) < h->GetBinContent(i+1) && h->GetBinContent(i+1) < h->GetBinContent(i)) || (h->GetBinContent(i+2) > h->GetBinContent(i+1) && h->GetBinContent(i+1) > h->GetBinContent(i)) ){ g->Set(g->GetN()+1); g->SetPoint(g->GetN()-1, h->GetBinCenter(i+2), h->GetBinContent(i+2)); } } // debug: show fitted 1-CL histogram // if ( y<0.1 ) // // if ( methodName == TString("Plugin") && y<0.1 ) // { // // TString debugTitle = methodName + Form(" y=%.2f ",y); // // debugTitle += upper?Form("%f upper",central):Form("%f lower",central); // TString debugTitle = "honk"; // TCanvas *c = newNoWarnTCanvas(getUniqueRootName(), debugTitle); // g->SetMarkerStyle(3); // g->SetHistogram(const_cast<TH1F*>(h)); // const_cast<TH1F*>(h)->Draw(); // g->DrawClone("p"); // } // fit TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", "pol2", h->GetBinCenter(i-2), h->GetBinCenter(i+2)); g->Fit("f1", "q"); // fit linear to get decent start parameters g->Fit("f1", "qf+"); // refit with minuit to get more correct errors (TGraph fit errors bug) float p[3], e[3]; for ( int ii=0; ii<3; ii++ ){ p[ii] = f1->GetParameter(ii); e[ii] = f1->GetParError(ii); } // get solution by solving the pol2 for x float sol0 = pq(p[0], p[1], p[2], y, 0); float sol1 = pq(p[0], p[1], p[2], y, 1); // decide which of both solutions to use based on the position of // the central value // \todo we probably don't need the central value to decide which solution // to use. Just take the one closest to the original bin! Can't think of a // situation where this should fail. So we don't need the central value in // this method at all, to be removed. int useSol = 0; //if ( (sol0<central && sol1>central) || (sol1<central && sol0>central) ){ //if ( upper ){ //if ( sol0<sol1 ) useSol = 1; //else useSol = 0; //} //else{ //if ( sol0<sol1 ) useSol = 0; //else useSol = 1; //} //} //else{ if ( fabs(h->GetBinCenter(i)-sol0) < fabs(h->GetBinCenter(i)-sol1) ) useSol = 0; else useSol = 1; //} if ( useSol==0 ) val = sol0; else val = sol1; // try error propagation: sth is wrong in the formulae // float err0 = TMath::Max(sq(val-pq(p[0]+e[0], p[1], p[2], y, useSol)), sq(val-pq(p[0]-e[0], p[1], p[2], y, useSol))); // float err1 = TMath::Max(sq(val-pq(p[0], p[1]+e[1], p[2], y, useSol)), sq(val-pq(p[0], p[1]-e[1], p[2], y, useSol))); // float err2 = TMath::Max(sq(val-pq(p[0], p[1], p[2]+e[2], y, useSol)), sq(val-pq(p[0], p[1], p[2]-e[2], y, useSol))); // err = sqrt(err0+err1+err2); // printf("%f %f %f\n", val, pq(p[0]+e[0], p[1], p[2], y, useSol), pq(p[0]-e[0], p[1], p[2], y, useSol)); // printf("%f %f %f\n", val, pq(p[0], p[1]+e[1], p[2], y, useSol), pq(p[0], p[1]-e[1], p[2], y, useSol)); // printf("%f %f %f\n", val, pq(p[0], p[1], p[2]+e[2], y, useSol), pq(p[0], p[1], p[2]-e[2], y, useSol)); err = 0.0; delete g; return true; }