Exemplo n.º 1
map<int,vector<double> > RPCChambersCluster::getReconstructedHits(vector<unsigned> vectorOfReferenceChambers, const int & timeWindow,const int & timeReference,bool & isVerticalTrack,map<int,double> & scintilatorsCoordinates,const bool & keepRecoTrack,TFile * fileForRecoTracks,const int & eventNum,const double & correlationFactor, const ESiteFileType & fileType){
  map<int,vector<double> > mapOfHits; //
  // the default value for Chi2goodness is 20 
  //double best_chi2goodnes_value = Chi2goodness+10 ; // this variable is used as reference so that it holds the best chi2 found for a track, so its used only a track with better chi2 to be accepted
  double currentBestCorrFact = -2;
  int lastFitPoint = 0;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < this->getNumberOfChambers() ; i++){
    //cout  << "Chamber is " << i+1 << endl;
  vector<vector<int> > vectorOfClusterNumberCombinations;  
  if (fileType == kIsCERNrawFile ){
    assert(vectorOfReferenceChambers.size() == 3 );
    lastFitPoint = 9;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->getChamberNumber(vectorOfReferenceChambers[0])->getNumberOfClusters() ; i++ ){
      for( int j = 0 ; j < this->getChamberNumber(vectorOfReferenceChambers[1])->getNumberOfClusters() ; j++ ){
	for( int k = 0 ; k < this->getChamberNumber(vectorOfReferenceChambers[vectorOfReferenceChambers.size()-1])->getNumberOfClusters() ; k++ ){
	  vector<int> singleCombination;
	  for (int f = 0 ; f < singleCombination.size() ; f++){	  
	    if(this->getChamberNumber(vectorOfReferenceChambers[f])->getSizeOfCluster(singleCombination.at(f)) > 5 ) continue;	  
	    // don't insert combination if there is too big cluster. 
  if (fileType == kIsBARCrawFile || fileType == kIsGENTrawFile ){
    // add implementation for BARC and Ghent stand . 
    lastFitPoint = 5;
    assert(vectorOfReferenceChambers.size() == 2);
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->getChamberNumber(vectorOfReferenceChambers[0])->getNumberOfClusters() ; i++ ){
      for( int j = 0 ; j < this->getChamberNumber(vectorOfReferenceChambers[1])->getNumberOfClusters() ; j++ ){
	vector<int> singleCombination;
	for (int f = 0 ; f < singleCombination.size() ; f++){
	  if(this->getChamberNumber(vectorOfReferenceChambers[f])->getSizeOfCluster(singleCombination.at(f)) > 5 ) continue;
	  // don't insert combination if there is too big cluster. 
  string topScintToString, botScintToString;
  for (int combinationsVectorElement = 0 ; combinationsVectorElement < vectorOfClusterNumberCombinations.size() ; combinationsVectorElement ++){
    // the partition logic start  here - track could pass more than one partition
    int direction = 0 ; // direction should describe how the partition changes from one reference chamber to another. It 
    vector<int> RefChamberClusterPartition;
    bool positive = false;
    bool negative = false;
    int partitionPenetrated = 1;
    // the Y coordinate is the partition number (1 2 or 3 - A B or C)
    vector<int> clusterNum = vectorOfClusterNumberCombinations.at(combinationsVectorElement);
    for (int ii = 0; ii < clusterNum.size() ; ii++){
    isVerticalTrack = true;
    for ( int ii = 0; ii < RefChamberClusterPartition.size() - 1 ; ii++ ){
      direction = (RefChamberClusterPartition.at(ii) - RefChamberClusterPartition.at(ii+1));
      if (direction != 0) { 
	direction = direction/abs(direction); 
      } // get only the sign ( +1 or -1)
      if (direction && direction == -1)  { positive = true; isVerticalTrack = false; }
      if (direction && direction == 1 )  { negative = true; isVerticalTrack = false; }
    if ( positive && negative ) continue;
    // cannot have a track that goes in both direction
    TH1F * histXZ = new TH1F("fitHistogram","XZ plane",110,0,11);
    histXZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Shelf number");
    histXZ->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Channel number");
    TF1 * fitfunc = new TF1("FitTrack","[0]+x*[1]",0,lastFitPoint+1);
    TGraphErrors * graphXZ = new TGraphErrors();
    graphXZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Shelf number");
    graphXZ->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Channel number");
    graphXZ->SetName("fit graph");
    graphXZ->SetTitle("XZ plane");
    graphXZ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Muon station");
    graphXZ->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Channel number");
    vector<double> coordinates;
    double xCoordinate = 0;
    int yCoordinate = 0;
    int zCoorinate = 0;
    for (int ii=0 ; ii < vectorOfReferenceChambers.size() ; ii++){
      coordinates = this->getChamberNumber(vectorOfReferenceChambers[ii])->getXYCoordinatesOfCluster(clusterNum[ii]);
      xCoordinate = coordinates.at(0);
      yCoordinate = coordinates.at(1);
      zCoorinate = 10*vectorOfReferenceChambers[ii];
      Double_t errorValue = this->getChamberNumber(vectorOfReferenceChambers[ii])->getSizeOfCluster(clusterNum[ii]);
//       histXZ->SetBinContent(zCoorinate,xCoordinate);  
//       histXZ->SetBinError(zCoorinate,errorValue/2);
      //cout << xCoordinate << " " << yCoordinate << endl;
    Double_t params[2];
    //cout << "par1 " << params[0] << " par2 " << params[1] << " chi2 " << fitfunc->GetChisquare() << endl;
    // The resudials - difference between estimated fit value and the middle of the nearest cluster
    int prevReference = 0 , nextReference = 0 , prevReferencePartition = 0 , nextReferencePartition = 0; 
    bool currentChamberIsReference = false;
    int startCounter = 0, endCounter = 0;
    if ( abs(graphXZ->GetCorrelationFactor()) >= correlationFactor && abs(graphXZ->GetCorrelationFactor()) > currentBestCorrFact ) {
      // in case of only one partition, get the partition number of the first reference point
      currentBestCorrFact = abs(graphXZ->GetCorrelationFactor());
      int referenceChambersIncrementor = 0;
      bool negativeChannelNumberIsFound = false;
      // ---------
      for ( int currentChNumber = 0 ; currentChNumber < this->getNumberOfChambers() ; currentChNumber++ ) {
	// check where the chamber is according to the reference chambers
	vector<double> vectorOfpartitionsAndHit;
	double channelNum = fitfunc->Eval(currentChNumber+1);

	/** four cases 1. the chamber is before the first reference 2. the chamber is after the last reference 3. the chamber is between two references 4. the chamber is a reference */
	for(int refCheck = 0 ; refCheck < vectorOfReferenceChambers.size(); refCheck++){
	  // find the surounding references
	  if (currentChNumber+1 == vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(refCheck)){
	    currentChamberIsReference = true;
	  if ( vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(refCheck) > currentChNumber+1 && refCheck == 0 ){
	    // its before the first reference chamber
	    nextReference = vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(refCheck);
	    nextReferencePartition = this->getChamberNumber(nextReference)->getXYCoordinatesOfCluster(clusterNum[refCheck]).at(1);
	  if ( vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(refCheck) < currentChNumber+1 && refCheck == vectorOfReferenceChambers.size() - 1 ){
	    // its after the last chamber
	    prevReference = vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(refCheck);
	    prevReferencePartition = this->getChamberNumber(prevReference)->getXYCoordinatesOfCluster(clusterNum[refCheck]).at(1);
	  if ( vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(refCheck) < currentChNumber+1 && vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(refCheck+1) > currentChNumber+1 ){
	    // its between two references
	    prevReference = vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(refCheck) ;
	    nextReference = vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(refCheck+1);
	    prevReferencePartition = this->getChamberNumber(prevReference)->getXYCoordinatesOfCluster(clusterNum[refCheck]).at(1);
	    nextReferencePartition = this->getChamberNumber(nextReference)->getXYCoordinatesOfCluster(clusterNum[refCheck+1]).at(1);
	// end of partition possibilities
	  if (nextReference && prevReference == 0){
	    if (positive){
	      prevReferencePartition = 1;      
	      prevReferencePartition = this->getChamberNumber(1)->getClones();      
	  if (prevReferencePartition && nextReferencePartition == 0){
	    if (positive){
	      nextReferencePartition = this->getChamberNumber(1)->getClones();      
	      nextReferencePartition = 1;      
	  if (partitionPenetrated == 1 ){
	    prevReferencePartition = yCoordinate;
	    nextReferencePartition = yCoordinate;    
	    int firstRef = vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(0);
	    int lastRef = vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(vectorOfReferenceChambers.size() - 1);
	    int ccham =  currentChNumber+1;
	    if(! (lastRef > ccham && firstRef < ccham) ){
	      // all partitions are possible, chambers are out of the reference scope
	      prevReferencePartition = this->getChamberNumber(1)->getClones(); 
	      nextReferencePartition = 1; // 3 in case of ecap chamber      
	  if (positive){ startCounter = prevReferencePartition; endCounter = nextReferencePartition; }
	  else { startCounter = nextReferencePartition ; endCounter = prevReferencePartition ; }
	  for (int currentCounter = startCounter ; currentCounter <= endCounter; currentCounter ++ ){
	    assert(currentCounter > 0 && currentCounter < 4);
	  referenceChambersIncrementor ++;
	prevReference = 0 ; nextReference = 0 ; prevReferencePartition = 0 ; nextReferencePartition = 0; currentChamberIsReference = false;
	//cout << "Chamber " << l+1 << " " <<  coordinates.at(1) << " " << fitfunc->Eval(l+1) << " " << endl;
	int channelNumberToStore = channelNum;
	if (channelNumberToStore < 96/this->getChamberNumber(1)->getClones()){
	  channelNumberToStore += 1;
	} // add one to represent the fired channel, or none if the channel is on the right border
	vectorOfpartitionsAndHit.push_back(channelNumberToStore); // the last element is the number of the channel
	// Debug lines
	cout << "Chamber is " << currentChNumber+1 << " partitions " ;
	for (int thesize = 0 ; thesize < vectorOfpartitionsAndHit.size() - 1; thesize++){
	  cout << vectorOfpartitionsAndHit.at(thesize) << " " ;
	cout << "channel " << vectorOfpartitionsAndHit.at(vectorOfpartitionsAndHit.size()-1) << endl;
	mapOfHits[currentChNumber+1] = vectorOfpartitionsAndHit;
      // ---------- scintilators coordinates estimate
      for (int scintNum = 0 ; scintNum < 31 ; scintNum++){
	if(this->getTriggerObjectNumber(1)->getChannel(scintNum+1)->hasHit() && vectorOfClusterNumberCombinations.size() == 1 ) {
	  if (scintNum < 10) { scintilatorsCoordinates[scintNum+1] = graphXZ->Eval(0); topScintToString = boost::lexical_cast<string>(scintNum+1); }
	  else { scintilatorsCoordinates[scintNum+1] = graphXZ->Eval(lastFitPoint+1); botScintToString = boost::lexical_cast<string>(scintNum+1); }
    // get only vertical tracks from the A partition if there are only two scint hits
    if (keepRecoTrack && isVerticalTrack && !mapOfHits.empty() && scintilatorsCoordinates.size() == 2){
      string partition;
      if (mapOfHits.find(vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(0))->second.at(0) == 1) partition = "A";
      else if (mapOfHits.find(vectorOfReferenceChambers.at(0))->second.at(0) == 2) partition = "B";
      else partition = "C";
      graphXZ->SetTitle(("Correlation factor is "+boost::lexical_cast<string>(graphXZ->GetCorrelationFactor()) + " trigger channels top: " + topScintToString + " bottom: " + botScintToString ).c_str());
      if(abs(graphXZ->GetCorrelationFactor()) >= correlationFactor) {
	string scintCombination="_"+topScintToString+"_"+botScintToString+"_"+partition;
	TDirectory * dir = fileForRecoTracks->GetDirectory(scintCombination.c_str(),true);
	if(!dir) {  
	  fileForRecoTracks->mkdir(scintCombination.c_str()) ;
	//cout << fileForRecoTracks->GetPath() << endl;
      else{ fileForRecoTracks->cd("") ; fileForRecoTracks->cd("badTracks") ; }
  return mapOfHits;