Exemplo n.º 1
void replay(Int_t runnumber=0,Int_t all=0,sReplaySetUp ReplaySetUp=DefaultReplay)
    //general replay script
    //for detector or physics replay, please use replay_det or physics reply 

    Int_t ReplayMode=ReplaySetUp.ReplayMode;
    char* OutFileFormat=ReplaySetUp.OutFileFormat;
    Int_t DefReplayNum=ReplaySetUp.DefReplayNum;

    cout<<"replay: Init analyzer ..."<<endl;
    THaAnalyzer* analyzer = THaAnalyzer::GetInstance();
    if( analyzer ) {
    } else {
        analyzer = new THaAnalyzer;

    // step 1: add detectors
    THaBigBite* pB=0;
    if (ReplayMode&(kReplayBigBiteTp+kReplayBigBiteMWDC+kReplayBigBiteOther))
        cout<<"replay: Adding BigBite ..."<<endl;
        pB=new THaBigBite("BB","BigBite"); 

    if ((ReplayMode&kReplayPhysics)&&(ReplayMode&kReplayBigBiteMWDC)){
        cout<<"replay: Adding BigBite Golden Track ..."<<endl;
        gHaPhysics->Add( new THaGoldenTrack(
            "Golden (First) track for BigBite", 

    if (ReplayMode&(kReplayBigBiteTp))
        pB->AddDetector(new THaTriggerPlane("tp","Trigger Plane",pB));

    if (ReplayMode&(kReplayBigBiteMWDC))
        pB->AddDetector(new TreeSearch::MWDC("mwdc","MWDC",pB));

    if (ReplayMode&(kReplayBigBiteOther))
        pB->MountOptics(new THaOpticsAnalytical("optics","BigBite Optics Child Class",pB,"B"));

    /*if (ReplayMode&(kReplayBeam))
    cout<<"replay: Adding Beam ..."<<endl;

    THaApparatus* B = new THaIdealBeam("B","Idea Beam, for Test Only");
    gHaApps->Add( B );


    if (ReplayMode&(kReplayDecData))
        cout<<"replay: Adding Decoder Data ..."<<endl;
        gHaApps->Add(new THaDecData("DL","Misc. Decoder Data"));

    if (ReplayMode&(kReplayHRSL))
        THaApparatus* B = new THaIdealBeam("B","Idea Beam, for Test Only");
        gHaApps->Add( B );

        cout<<"replay: Adding L-arm Helicity"<< endl;
        B->AddDetector( new THaADCHelicity("adchel.L","Beam helicity L-arm") );
        B->AddDetector( new THaADCHelicity("adchel2.L","Beam helicity-2 L-arm") );
        //B->AddDetector( new THaG0Helicity("g0hel.L","Left arm G0 helicity") );	

        cout<<"replay: Adding UnRastered and Rastered Beam ..."<<endl;
        gHaApps->Add(new THaUnRasteredBeam("urb","Unrastered beam"));
        gHaApps->Add(new THaRasteredBeam("rb","Rastered Beam"));

        cout<<"replay: Adding Decoder Data ..."<<endl;
        gHaApps->Add(new THaDecData("DL","Misc. Decoder Data"));

        cout<<"replay: Adding HRS-L ..."<<endl;
        THaApparatus* HRSL = new THaHRS("L","Left HRS");
        gHaApps->Add( HRSL );

        // add detectors that are not in the default config
        HRSL->AddDetector( new THaCherenkov("cer", "Gas Cherenkov counter" ));
        HRSL->AddDetector( new THaShower("prl1", "Pre-shower pion rej." ));
        HRSL->AddDetector( new THaShower("prl2", "Show pion rej." ));

        cout<<"replay: adding Physics modules ..."<<endl;

        gHaPhysics->Add( new THaGoldenTrack("L.gold","Golden track for LHRS", "L") );

        THaPhysicsModule *Rpt_l = new THaReactionPoint(
            "ReactPt_L","Reaction vertex for Left","L","B");
        gHaPhysics->Add( Rpt_l );

        // Correct for using an Extended target
        // This needs information about the Point of interaction (hence a THaVertexModule)
        THaPhysicsModule* TgC_l = new THaExtTarCor("ExTgtCor_L",
            "Corrected for extended target, HRS-L",
        gHaPhysics->Add( TgC_l );

        // add scalers
        THaScalerGroup* LeftScalers = new THaScalerGroup("Left");
        // Enable scalers


    if (ReplayMode&(kReplayHRSR))
        THaApparatus* B = new THaIdealBeam("B","Idea Beam, for Test Only");
        gHaApps->Add( B );

        cout<<"replay: Adding R-arm Helicity"<< endl;
        B->AddDetector(new THaADCHelicity("adchel.R","Beam helicity R-arm"));
        //B->AddDetector( new THaG0Helicity("g0hel.R","Right arm G0 helicity") );

        cout<<"replay: Adding UnRastered and Rastered Beam ..."<<endl;
        gHaApps->Add(new THaUnRasteredBeam("Rurb","Unrastered beam"));
        gHaApps->Add(new THaRasteredBeam("Rrb","Rastered Beam"));

        cout<<"replay: Adding Decoder Data ..."<<endl;
        gHaApps->Add(new THaDecData("D","Misc. Decoder Data"));
        cout<<"replay: Adding HRS-R ..."<<endl;
        THaApparatus* HRSR = new THaHRS("R","Right HRS");
        gHaApps->Add( HRSR );

        // add detectors that are not in the default config
        HRSR->AddDetector( new THaCherenkov("cer", "Gas Cherenkov counter" ));
        HRSR->AddDetector( new THaShower("ps", "Pre-shower" ));
        HRSR->AddDetector( new THaShower("sh", "Shower" ));

        cout<<"replay: adding Physics modules ..."<<endl;

        gHaPhysics->Add( new THaGoldenTrack("R.gold","Golden track for RHRS", "R") );

        THaPhysicsModule *Rpt_r = new THaReactionPoint(
            "ReactPt_R","Reaction vertex for Left","R","B");
        gHaPhysics->Add( Rpt_r );

        // Correct for using an Extended target
        // This needs information about the Point of interaction 
        //(hence a THaVertexModule)
        THaPhysicsModule* TgC_r = new THaExtTarCor("ExTgtCor_R",
            "Corrected for extended target, HRS-R",
        gHaPhysics->Add( TgC_r );

        // add scalers
        THaScalerGroup* RightScalers = new THaScalerGroup("Right");
        // Enable scalers

    //Step 1.5: load Physics modules
    if (ReplayMode&(kReplayPhysics))

        //The CORRECTED Electron kinematics
        THaPrimaryKine *PriKine=new THaPrimaryKine(
            "PriKine","kinematics of scattering of the primary (beam) particle",

        if (ReplayMode&(kReplayBigBiteTp+kReplayBigBiteMWDC+kReplayBigBiteOther)){
            THaSecondaryKine *SecKine=new THaSecondaryKine(
                "SecKine","kinematics of scattering of the primary (beam) particle",


    if (ReplayMode&(kReplayPhysicsHRSR))
        //The CORRECTED Electron kinematics
        THaPrimaryKine *PriKine_r=new THaPrimaryKine(
            "PriKine_r","kinematics of scattering of the primary (beam) particle",

        //THaSecondaryKine *SecKine_r=new THaSecondaryKine(
        //    "SecKine_r","kinematics of scattering of the primary (beam) particle",
        //    "R","PriKine_r",.938272029);


    // step 2: setup run information

    int nrun, nev;
    int found = 0;
    const char** path = 0;
    char filename[300],buf[300];  
    FILE *fd;

    while( found==0 ) {
        if (runnumber<=0)
            cout << "\nreplay: Please enter a Run Number (-1 to exit):";
            cin >> nrun;
            fgets(buf,300,stdin);//get the extra '\n' from stdin
            if( nrun<=0 ) break;
Exemplo n.º 2
void replay_asym(Int_t runnumber=0,Int_t all=0,Int_t fstEvt=0,Bool_t QuietRun = kTRUE)

  //   Beams

  cout<<"replay: Adding Idea Beam"<< endl;

  THaApparatus* B = new THaIdealBeam("B","Idea Beam, for Test Only");
  gHaApps->Add( B );
  cout<<"replay: Adding L-arm Helicity"<< endl;
  B->AddDetector( new THaADCHelicity("adchel.L","Beam helicity L-arm") );
  B->AddDetector( new THaADCHelicity("adchel2.L","Beam helicity-2 L-arm") );
  B->AddDetector( new THaG0Helicity("g0hel.L","Left arm G0 helicity") );	
    cout<<"replay: Adding UnRastered and Rastered Beam ..."<<endl;
  gHaApps->Add(new THaUnRasteredBeam("urb","Unrastered beam"));
//   gHaApps->Add(new THaRasteredBeam("rb","Rastered Beam"));

  //   LHRS

  cout<<"replay: Adding HRS-L ..."<<endl;
  THaApparatus* HRSL = new THaHRS("L","Left HRS");
  gHaApps->Add( HRSL );
  // add L detectors that are not in the default config
  HRSL->AddDetector( new THaCherenkov("cer", "Gas Cherenkov counter" ));
  HRSL->AddDetector( new THaCherenkov("a1", "A1 Cherenkov counter" ));
  HRSL->AddDetector( new THaShower("prl1", "Pre-shower pion rej." ));
  HRSL->AddDetector( new THaShower("prl2", "Show pion rej." ));

  //cout<<"replay: adding RICH detector ..."<<endl;
  //HRSL->AddDetector( new THaRICH("rich","The RICH")); 

  cout<<"replay: adding LHRS track modules ..."<<endl;

  THaPhysicsModule *Rpt_l = new THaReactionPoint("ReactPt_L","Reaction vertex for Left","L","B");
  gHaPhysics->Add( Rpt_l );

  // Correct for using an Extended target
  // This needs information about the Point of interaction (hence a THaVertexModule)
  THaPhysicsModule* TgC_l = new THaExtTarCor("ExTgtCor_L","Corrected for extended target, HRS-L","L","ReactPt_L");
  gHaPhysics->Add( TgC_l );

  //   Bigbite

  cout<<"replay: adding BigBite ..."<<endl;
  //Add BigBite 
  THaBigBite* pB=new THaBigBite("BB","BigBite"); 
  //THaBBTotalShower* ts=new THaBBTotalShower("ts","BigBite total shower");
  pB->AddDetector(new TreeSearch::MWDC("mwdc","MWDC",pB));
  pB->AddDetector( new THaScintPlaneDet( "s", "BB Scintillator",pB ));
  pB->AddDetector( new THaScintPlaneDet( "sum", "BB Total sum",pB));
  pB->AddDetector( new THaScintPlaneDet( "psum", "BB Preshower sum",pB));
  pB->AddDetector( new THaBBTotalShower( "ts", "BB Total shower",pB));

  cout<<"replay: adding LHRS track modules ..."<<endl;
  pB->MountOptics(new THaOpticsE06010("optics","BigBite Optics Child Class",pB,"urb"));

  //   Physics

  cout<<"replay: adding Physics modules ..."<<endl;
  THaPrimaryKine *PriKine=new THaPrimaryKine("PriKine","kinematics of scattering of electron to BB","BB","urb",.939565);

  THaSecondaryKine *SecKinePion=new THaSecondaryKine(
                "SecKinePion","secondary kinematics of scattering pi into HRS",
                "ExTgtCor_L","PriKine", .13957018);

  //   Other Modules

  cout<<"replay: Adding Target ..."<<endl;
  THaHe3Target* pT=new THaHe3Target("he3","Hall A Polarized he3 target");
  THaSecondaryKine *SecKineHe3=new THaSecondaryKine(
		  "SecKineHe3","Calculate angles of polarized he3 VS electron scattering",
	"he3","PriKine", 0);

  cout<<"replay: Adding Decoder Data ..."<<endl;
  gHaApps->Add(new THaDecData("DL","Misc. Decoder Data"));

  //   Scalars
  // add scalers
  gHaScalers->Add(new THaScalerGroup("Left"));
  gHaScalers->Add(new THaScalerGroup("bbite"));
  gHaScalers->Add(new THaScalerGroup("evLeft"));
  gHaScalers->Add(new THaScalerGroup("evbbite"));

  //   BB Norm Ana
  char buff[1000]="";
  cout<<"replay: Adding BBNormAna & saving result to "<<buff<<endl;
  BBNormAna* norm = new BBNormAna("N","Normalization Analysis",buff,8); 
  //   Do replay
  THaAnalyzer* analyzer = THaAnalyzer::GetInstance();
  if( !analyzer ) {
  analyzer = new THaAnalyzer;

	    runnumber,            //run #
	    all,                  //-1=replay all;0=ask for a number
	    -1,                   //defaut replay event num
	    "%s/e06010_asym_%d.root", //output file format
	    "replay_asym.odef",    	//out define
	    "replay_asym.cdef",    	//empty cut define
	    kTRUE,                 	//replay scalar?
	    fstEvt,					//First Event To Replay
		QuietRun				//whether ask user for inputs
