Exemplo n.º 1
void CrateLoc::Load( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Load one data word from crate/slot/chan address

  if( evdata.GetNumHits(crate,slot,chan) > 0 ) {
    data = evdata.GetData(crate,slot,chan,0);
Exemplo n.º 2
void CrateLocMulti::Load( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Load all decoded hits from crate/slot/chan address

  data = 0;
  for (Int_t i = 0; i < evdata.GetNumHits(crate,slot,chan); ++i) {
    rdata.push_back( evdata.GetData(crate,slot,chan,i) );
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

   if (argc < 2) {
      cout << "You made a mistake... \n" << endl;
      cout << "Usage:   tdecex filename" << endl;
      cout << "  where 'filename' is the CODA file"<<endl;
      cout << "\n... exiting." << endl;
   TString filename = argv[1];
   THaCodaFile datafile;
   if (datafile.codaOpen(filename) != S_SUCCESS) {
        cout << "ERROR:  Cannot open CODA data" << endl;
        cout << "Perhaps you mistyped it" << endl;
        cout << "... exiting." << endl;
   THaEvData *evdata = new THaCodaDecoder();
   THaGenDetTest mydetector;

// Loop over a finite number of events

   int NUMEVT=50000;   
   int ievent;
   for (ievent=0; ievent<NUMEVT; ievent++) {
     if ( ievent > 0 && (
        ( (ievent <= 1000) && ((ievent%100) == 0) ) ||
        ( (ievent > 1000) && ((ievent%1000) == 0) ) ) )
              cout << "\n ---- Event " << ievent <<endl;
     int status = datafile.codaRead();  
     if ( status != S_SUCCESS ) {
        if ( status == EOF) {
           cout << "This is end of file !" << endl;
           cout << "... exiting " << endl;
           goto Finish;
        } else {
  	   cout << hex << "ERROR: codaRread status = " << status << endl;
     evdata->LoadEvent( datafile.getEvBuffer() );   

   }  //  end of event loop

   cout << "\n Finished processing " << ievent << " events " << endl;
Exemplo n.º 4
Int_t Gmp_Raster::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )

  // clears the event structure
  // loops over all modules defined in the detector map
  // copies raw data into local variables
  // pedestal subtraction is not foreseen for the raster


  UInt_t chancnt = 0;
  Int_t chan = 0;
  Int_t data = 0;
  Int_t k = 0;

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ){
    THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule( i );

    for (Int_t j=0; j< evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot ); j++) {
      chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j);
      if ((chan>=d->lo)&&(chan<=d->hi)) {
	data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, 0 );
	k = chancnt+d->first + chan - d->lo -1;
	if (k<2) {
	  fRawPos(k)= data;
	else if (k<4) {
	  fRawSlope(k-2)= data;
	else {
	  Warning( Here("Decode()"), "Illegal detector channel: %d", k );

  if (fNfired!=4) {
    Warning( Here("Decode()"), "Number of fired Channels out of range. Setting beam position to nominal values");
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
Int_t THaQWEAKHelicityReader::FindWord( const THaEvData& evdata, 
				     const ROCinfo& info )
// find the index of the word we are looking for given a header
// or simply return the index already stored in ROC info (in that case
// the header stored in ROC info needs to be 0 
  Int_t len = evdata.GetRocLength(info.roc);
  if (len <= 4) 
    return -1;

  Int_t i;
  if( info.header == 0 )
    i = info.index;
  else {
    for( i=0; i<len &&
	   (evdata.GetRawData(info.roc, i) & 0xffff000) != info.header;
	 ++i) {}
    i += info.index;
  return (i < len) ? i : -1;
Exemplo n.º 6
Int_t THaScaler::LoadData(const THaEvData& evdata) {
// Load data from THaEvData object.  Return of 0 is ok.
// Note: GetEvBuffer is no faster than evdata.Get...
  static int ldebug = 0;
  static Int_t data[2*SCAL_NUMBANK*SCAL_NUMCHAN+100];
  new_load = kFALSE;
  Int_t nlen = 0;
  if (evstr_type == 1) {  // data in the event stream (physics triggers)
    if (!evdata.IsPhysicsTrigger()) return 0;  
    nlen = evdata.GetRocLength(crate); 
    if (nlen == 0) return 0;
  } else {  // traditional scaler event type 140
    if (evdata.GetEvType() != 140) return 0;   
    nlen = evdata.GetEvLength();
  if (ldebug) cout << "Loading evdata, bank =  "<<bankgroup<<"  "<<evstr_type<<"  "<<crate<<"  "<<evdata.GetEvType()<<"   "<<nlen<<endl;
  Int_t maxlen = sizeof(data)/sizeof(Int_t);
  if (nlen > maxlen) nlen = maxlen;
  for (Int_t i = 0; i < nlen; i++) {
    if (evstr_type == 1) {
      data[i] = evdata.GetRawData(crate, i);
    } else {
      data[i] = evdata.GetRawData(i);
    if (ldebug) {
      cout << "  data["<<i<<"] = "<<data[i]<<"  =0x"<<hex<<data[i]<<dec<<endl;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
Int_t THaBPM::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )

  // clears the event structure
  // loops over all modules defined in the detector map
  // copies raw data into local variables
  // performs pedestal subtraction

  const char* const here = "Decode()";

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ){
    THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule( i );
    for (Int_t j=0; j< evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot ); j++) {
      Int_t chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j);
      if ((chan>=d->lo)&&(chan<=d->hi)) {
	Int_t data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, 0 );
	UInt_t k = d->first + chan - d->lo -1;
	if ((k<NCHAN)&&(fRawSignal(k)==-1)) {
	  fRawSignal(k)= data;
	else {
	  Warning( Here(here), "Illegal detector channel: %d", k );

  if (fNfired!=NCHAN) {
    Warning( Here(here), "Number of fired Channels out of range. "
	     "Setting beam position to nominal values");
  else {

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
void WordLoc::Load( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Load data at header/notoskip position from crate data buffer 

  typedef const UInt_t rawdata_t;

  Int_t roclen = evdata.GetRocLength(crate);
  if( roclen < ntoskip+1 ) return;

  rawdata_t* cratebuf = evdata.GetRawDataBuffer(crate), *endp = cratebuf+roclen;
  assert(cratebuf);  // Must exist if roclen > 0

  // Accelerated search for the header word. Coded explicitly because there
  // is no "memstr" in the standard library.

  //FIXME: Can this be made faster because each header is followed by the offset
  // to the next header?

  // Get the first byte of the header, regardless of byte order
  int h = ((UChar_t*)&header)[0];
  rawdata_t* p = cratebuf;
  while( (p = (rawdata_t*)memchr(p,h,sizeof(rawdata_t)*(endp-p-1)+1)) && 
	 p <= endp-ntoskip-1 ) {
    // The header must be aligned at a word boundary
    int off = (p-cratebuf) & (sizeof(rawdata_t)-1);  // same as % sizeof()
    if( off != 0 ) {
      p += sizeof(rawdata_t)-off;
    // Compare all 4 bytes of the header word
    if( memcmp(p,&header,sizeof(rawdata_t)) == 0 ) {
      // Fetch the requested word (as UInt_t, i.e. 4 bytes)
      // BTW, notoskip == 0 makes no sense since it would fetch the header itself
      data = *(p+ntoskip);
    p += sizeof(rawdata_t);
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

   if (argc < 2) {
      cout << "You made a mistake... \n" << endl;
      cout << "Usage:   epicsd filename" << endl;
      cout << "  where 'filename' is the CODA file"<<endl;
      cout << "\n... exiting." << endl;
   TString filename = argv[1];
   THaCodaFile datafile;
   if (datafile.codaOpen(filename) != S_SUCCESS) {
        cout << "ERROR:  Cannot open CODA data" << endl;
        cout << "Perhaps you mistyped it" << endl;
        cout << "... exiting." << endl;
   THaEvData *evdata = new THaCodaDecoder();

// Loop over a finite number of events

   int NUMEVT=1000000;
   for (int i=0; i<NUMEVT; i++) {

     int status = datafile.codaRead();  
     if ( status != S_SUCCESS ) {
        if ( status == EOF) {
           cout << "This is end of file !" << endl;
           cout << "... exiting " << endl;
        } else {
  	   cout << hex << "ERROR: codaRread status = " << status << endl;

     evdata->LoadEvent( datafile.getEvBuffer() );

     if(evdata->IsEpicsEvent()) {

       cout << "Some epics data --> "<<endl;
       cout << "hac_bcm_average "<<
       cout << "IPM1H04A.XPOS  "<<
       cout << "IPM1H04A.YPOS  "<<


   }  //  end of event loop

Exemplo n.º 10
Int_t THaVDC::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Decode data from VDC planes

  // Save current event number for diagnostics
  fEvNum = evdata.GetEvNum();
  if( fDebug>1 ) {
    cout << "=========================================\n";
    cout << "Event: " << fEvNum << endl;


  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

   int debug=0;
   if (argc > 1) debug=1;

// CODA file "snippet.dat" is a disk file of CODA data.  
   THaCodaFile datafile;   //     We could also open the data using a 
                        //     different constructor:                   
                        //     THaCodaFile datafile("snippet.dat");

   TString filename("snippet.dat");
   if (datafile.codaOpen(filename) != S_SUCCESS) {
        cout << "ERROR:  Cannot open CODA data" << endl;
   THaEvData *evdata = new THaCodaDecoder();

// Loop over events
   int NUMEVT=100;
   int ievent;
   for (ievent=0; ievent<NUMEVT; ievent++) {

     int status = datafile.codaRead();  
     if ( status != S_SUCCESS ) {
        if ( status == EOF) {
           cout << "This is normal end of file.  Goodbye !" << endl;
        } else {
  	   cout << hex << "ERROR: codaRread status = " << status << endl;
        goto Finish;

// load_evbuffer() must be called each event before you access evdata contents.
// If you use the version of load_evbuffer() shown here, 
// evdata uses its private crate map (recommended).
// Alternatively you could use load_evbuffer(int* evbuffer, haCrateMap& map)
     evdata->LoadEvent( datafile.getEvBuffer() );   

     cout << "\nEvent type   " << dec << evdata->GetEvType() << endl;
     cout << "Event number " << evdata->GetEvNum()  << endl;
     cout << "Event length " << evdata->GetEvLength() << endl;
     if (evdata->IsPhysicsTrigger() ) { // triggers 1-14
        cout << "Physics trigger " << endl;
     if(evdata->IsScalerEvent()) cout << "Scaler `event' " << endl;

// Now we want data from a particular crate and slot.
// E.g. crates are 1,2,3,13,14,15 (roc numbers), Slots are 1,2,3... 
// This is like what one might do in a detector decode() routine.

      int crate = 1;    // for example
      int slot = 24;

//  Here are raw 32-bit CODA words for this crate and slot
      cout << "Raw Data Dump for crate "<<dec<<crate<<" slot "<<slot<<endl; 
      int hit;
      for(hit=0; hit<evdata->GetNumRaw(crate,slot); hit++) {
        cout<<dec<<"raw["<<hit<<"] =   ";
// You can alternatively let evdata print out the contents of a crate and slot:

      if (evdata->IsPhysicsTrigger()) {
// Below are interpreted data, device types are ADC, TDC, or scaler.
// One needs to know the channel number within the device
        int channel = 7;    // for example
        cout << "Device type = ";
        cout << evdata->DevType(crate,slot) << endl;
        for (hit=0; hit<evdata->GetNumHits(crate,slot,channel); hit++) {
	   cout << "Channel " <<dec<<channel<<" hit # "<<hit<<"  ";
           cout << "data = " << evdata->GetData(crate,slot,channel,hit)<<endl;
// Helicity data
        cout << "Helicity on left spectrometer "<<evdata->GetHelicity("left")<<endl;
        cout << "Helicity on right spectrometer "<<evdata->GetHelicity("right")<<endl;
        cout << "Helicity "<<evdata->GetHelicity()<<endl;

// Scalers:  Although the getData methods works if you happen
// to know what crate & slot contain scaler data, here is
// another way to get scalers directly from evdata

      for (slot=0; slot<5; slot++) {
        cout << "\n scaler slot -> " << dec << slot << endl;; 
        for (int chan=0; chan<16; chan++) {
	  cout << "Scaler chan " <<  chan << "  ";
          cout << evdata->GetScaler("left",slot,chan);
          cout << "  "  << evdata->GetScaler(7,slot,chan) << endl;

   }  //  end of event loop

   cout<<"\nAll done; processed "<<dec<<ievent<<" events"<<endl;
Exemplo n.º 12
Int_t THaVDCPlane::Decode( const THaEvData& evData )
  // Converts the raw data into hit information
  // Logical wire numbers a defined by the detector map. Wire number 0
  // corresponds to the first defined channel, etc.

  // TODO: Support "reversed" detector map modules a la MWDC

  if (!evData.IsPhysicsTrigger()) return -1;

  // the event's T0-shift, due to the trigger-type
  // only an issue when adding in un-retimed trigger types
  Double_t evtT0=0;
  if ( fglTrg && fglTrg->Decode(evData)==kOK ) evtT0 = fglTrg->TimeOffset();

  Int_t nextHit = 0;

  bool only_fastest_hit = false, no_negative = false;
  if( fVDC ) {
    // If true, add only the first (earliest) hit for each wire
    only_fastest_hit = fVDC->TestBit(THaVDC::kOnlyFastest);
    // If true, ignore negative drift times completely
    no_negative      = fVDC->TestBit(THaVDC::kIgnoreNegDrift);

  // Loop over all detector modules for this wire plane
  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++) {
    THaDetMap::Module * d = fDetMap->GetModule(i);

    // Get number of channels with hits
    Int_t nChan = evData.GetNumChan(d->crate, d->slot);
    for (Int_t chNdx = 0; chNdx < nChan; chNdx++) {
      // Use channel index to loop through channels that have hits

      Int_t chan = evData.GetNextChan(d->crate, d->slot, chNdx);
      if (chan < d->lo || chan > d->hi)
	continue; //Not part of this detector

      // Wire numbers and channels go in the same order ...
      Int_t wireNum  = d->first + chan - d->lo;
      THaVDCWire* wire = GetWire(wireNum);
      if( !wire || wire->GetFlag() != 0 ) continue;

      // Get number of hits for this channel and loop through hits
      Int_t nHits = evData.GetNumHits(d->crate, d->slot, chan);

      Int_t max_data = -1;
      Double_t toff = wire->GetTOffset();

      for (Int_t hit = 0; hit < nHits; hit++) {

	// Now get the TDC data for this hit
	Int_t data = evData.GetData(d->crate, d->slot, chan, hit);

	// Convert the TDC value to the drift time.
	// Being perfectionist, we apply a 1/2 channel correction to the raw
	// TDC data to compensate for the fact that the TDC truncates, not
	// rounds, the data.
	Double_t xdata = static_cast<Double_t>(data) + 0.5;
	Double_t time = fTDCRes * (toff - xdata) - evtT0;

	// If requested, ignore hits with negative drift times
	// (due to noise or miscalibration). Use with care.
	// If only fastest hit requested, find maximum TDC value and record the
	// hit after the hit loop is done (see below).
	// Otherwise just record all hits.
	if( !no_negative || time > 0.0 ) {
	  if( only_fastest_hit ) {
	    if( data > max_data )
	      max_data = data;
	  } else
	    new( (*fHits)[nextHit++] )  THaVDCHit( wire, data, time );

    // Count all hits and wires with hits
    //    fNWiresHit++;

      } // End hit loop

      // If we are only interested in the hit with the largest TDC value
      // (shortest drift time), it is recorded here.
      if( only_fastest_hit && max_data>0 ) {
	Double_t xdata = static_cast<Double_t>(max_data) + 0.5;
	Double_t time = fTDCRes * (toff - xdata) - evtT0;
	new( (*fHits)[nextHit++] ) THaVDCHit( wire, max_data, time );
    } // End channel index loop
  } // End slot loop

  // Sort the hits in order of increasing wire number and (for the same wire
  // number) increasing time (NOT rawtime)


  if ( fDebug > 3 ) {
    printf("\nVDC %s:\n",GetPrefix());
    int ncol=4;
    for (int i=0; i<ncol; i++) {
      printf("     Wire    TDC  ");

    for (int i=0; i<(nextHit+ncol-1)/ncol; i++ ) {
      for (int c=0; c<ncol; c++) {
	int ind = c*nextHit/ncol+i;
	if (ind < nextHit) {
	  THaVDCHit* hit = static_cast<THaVDCHit*>(fHits->At(ind));
	  printf("     %3d    %5d ",hit->GetWireNum(),hit->GetRawTime());
	} else {
	  //	  printf("\n");

  return 0;

Exemplo n.º 13
Int_t THaQWEAKHelicityReader::ReadData( const THaEvData& evdata ) 
  // Obtain the present data from the event for QWEAK helicity mode.

  static const char* here = "THaQWEAKHelicityReader::ReadData";

  //  std::cout<<" kHel, kTime, kRing="<< kHel<<" "<<kTime<<" "<<kRing<<endl;
  //     for (int jk=0; jk<3; jk++)
  //     {
  //       std::cout<<" which="<<jk
  // 	       <<" roc="<<fROCinfo[jk].roc
  // 	       <<" header="<<fROCinfo[jk].header
  // 	       <<" index="<<fROCinfo[jk].index 
  // 	       <<endl;
  //     }
  //  std::cout<<" fHaveROCs="<<fHaveROCs<<endl;
  if( !fHaveROCs ) {
    ::Error( here, "ROC data (detector map) not properly set up." );
    return -1;
  Int_t hroc = fROCinfo[kHel].roc;
  Int_t len = evdata.GetRocLength(hroc);
  if (len <= 4) 
    return -1;

  Int_t ihel = FindWord( evdata, fROCinfo[kHel] );
  if (ihel < 0) {
    ::Error( here , "Cannot find helicity" );
    return -1;
  Int_t data = evdata.GetRawData( hroc, ihel );  
  fPatternTir =(data & 0x20)>>5;
  fHelicityTir=(data & 0x10)>>4;
  fTSettleTir =(data & 0x40)>>6;
  len = evdata.GetRocLength(hroc);
  if (len <= 4) 
      ::Error( here, "length of roc event not matching expection ");
      return -1;
  Int_t itime = FindWord (evdata, fROCinfo[kTime] );
  if (itime < 0) {
    ::Error( here, "Cannot find timestamp" );
    return -1;
  fTimeStampTir=static_cast<UInt_t> (evdata.GetRawData( hroc, itime ));  
  // Invert the gate polarity if requested
  //  if( fNegGate )
  //  fGate = !fGate;
  len = evdata.GetRocLength(hroc);
  if (len <= 4) 
      ::Error( here, "length of roc event not matching expection (message 2)");
      //  std::cout<<" len ="<<len<<endl;
      //      std::cout<<"kRING="<<kRing<<" hroc="<<hroc<<endl;
      return -1;
  Int_t index=0;
  while (index < len && fIRing == 0) 
      Int_t header=evdata.GetRawData(hroc,index++);
      if ((header & 0xffff0000) == 0xfb1b0000) 
	  fIRing = header & 0x3ff;
  //  std::cout<<" fIRing ="<<fIRing<<" index="<<index<<endl;

      ::Error( here, "Ring depth to large ");
      return -1;
  for(int i=0;i<fIRing; i++)
      fHelicityRing[i]=(data & 0x1);
      fPatternRing[i]= (data & 0x10)>>4;

  //    Print();

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
void RoclenLoc::Load( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Get event length for this crate

  data = evdata.GetRocLength(crate);
Exemplo n.º 15
void THaDebugModule::PrintEvNum( const THaEvData& evdata ) const
    // Print current event number
    cout << "======>>>>>> Event " << (UInt_t)evdata.GetEvNum() << endl;
Exemplo n.º 16
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

   int i,iev,evnum,trig,iskip,status;
   Int_t clkp, clkm, lastclkp, lastclkm;
   Float_t sum,asy;
   TString filename = "run.dat";
   char bank[100] = "EvLeft";  // Event stream, Left HRS
   cout << "Analyzing CODA file  "<<filename<<endl;   
   cout << "Bank = "<<bank<<endl<<flush;

   evnum = 10000000;
   if (argc > 1) evnum = atoi(argv[1]);

   THaScaler *scaler = new THaScaler(bank);

   if (scaler->Init("1-10-2004") == -1) {  
      cout << "Error initializing scaler "<<endl;
      return 1;

   THaCodaData *coda = new THaCodaFile(filename);
   THaEvData *evdata = new THaCodaDecoder();

// Pedestals.  Left, Right Arms.  u1,u3,u10,d1,d3,d10
   Float_t bcmpedL[NBCM] = { 188.2, 146.2, 271.6, 37.8, 94.2, 260.2 };
   Float_t bcmpedR[NBCM] = { 53.0, 41.8, 104.1, 0., 101.6, 254.6 };
   Float_t bcmped[NBCM];

   if (strcmp(bank,"EvLeft") == 0) {
     cout << "Using Left Arm BCM pedestals"<<endl;
     for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
       bcmped[i] = bcmpedL[i];
   } else {
     cout << "Using Right Arm BCM pedestals"<<endl;
     for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
       bcmped[i] = bcmpedR[i];

// Initialize root and output
   TROOT scalana("scalroot","Hall A scaler analysis");
   TFile hfile("scaler.root","RECREATE","Scaler data in Hall A");

// Define the ntuple here
//                   0   1  2   3  4   5  6  7   8  9 10 11  12   13   14
   char rawrates[]="time:u1:u3:u10:d1:d3:d10:t1:t2:t3:t4:t5:clkp:clkm:tacc:";
//                      15 16   17  18  19   20  21   22  23  24  25  26
   char asymmetries[]="au1:au3:au10:ad1:ad3:ad10:at1:at2:at3:at4:at5:aclk";
   int nlen = strlen(rawrates) + strlen(asymmetries);
   char *string_ntup = new char[nlen+1];
   TNtuple *ntup = new TNtuple("ascal","Scaler Rates",string_ntup);

   Float_t farray_ntup[27];     // Note, dimension is same as size of string_ntup (i.e. nlen+1)

   status = 0;
   iev = 0;
   iskip = 0;
   lastclkp = 0;
   lastclkm = 0;

   while (status == 0) {

     if(coda) status = coda->codaRead();
     if (status != 0) {
       cout << "coda status nonzero.  assume EOF"<<endl;
       goto quit;

// Dirty trick to average over larger time intervals (depending on 
// SKIPEVENT) to reduce the fluctuations due to clock.  
     if (evdata->GetRocLength(MYROC) > 16) iskip++;
     if (SKIPEVENT != 0 && iskip < SKIPEVENT) continue;
     iskip = 0;


// Not every trigger has new scaler data, so skip if not new.
     if ( !scaler->IsRenewed() ) {
       cout << "not renewed "<<endl<<flush;

     if (iev++ > evnum) goto quit;

// Fill the ntuple here

// Note, we must average the two helicities here to get non-helicity rates
     Double_t time = (scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") + scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock"))/1024;
     farray_ntup[0] = time;
     farray_ntup[1] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u1") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u1"));
     farray_ntup[2] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3"));
     farray_ntup[3] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u10") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u10"));
     farray_ntup[4] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d1") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d1"));
     farray_ntup[5] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d3") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d3"));
     farray_ntup[6] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d10") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d10"));
     for (trig = 1; trig <= 5; trig++) {
       farray_ntup[6+trig] = 0.5*(scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig) + scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig));
     clkp = scaler->GetNormData(1,"clock");
     clkm = scaler->GetNormData(-1,"clock");
     farray_ntup[12] = clkp - lastclkp;
     farray_ntup[13] = clkm - lastclkm;
     lastclkp = clkp;
     lastclkm = clkm;
     farray_ntup[14] = 0.5*(scaler->GetNormRate(1,"TS-accept") + 
     string bcms[] = {"bcm_u1", "bcm_u3", "bcm_u10", "bcm_d1", "bcm_d3", "bcm_d10"};
     for (int ibcm = 0; ibcm < 6; ibcm++ ) {
       sum = scaler->GetBcmRate(1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - bcmped[ibcm]
                  + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - bcmped[ibcm];
       asy = -999;
       if (sum != 0) {
	  asy = (scaler->GetBcmRate(1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - 
                 scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,bcms[ibcm].c_str())) / sum;
       farray_ntup[15+ibcm] = asy;
     for (trig = 1; trig <= 5; trig++) {
       asy = -999;
       if (scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") > BCM_CUT3 && 
           scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3") > BCM_CUT3) {    
           sum = scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") 
              +  scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3");
           if (sum != 0) {
             asy = (scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3")
                 -  scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3")) / sum;
       farray_ntup[20+trig] = asy;
     sum = scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") + scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock");
     asy = -999;
     if (sum != 0) {
	asy = (scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") - 
               scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock")) / sum;
     farray_ntup[26] = asy;

     if (DEBUG) {
        cout << "event type "<<evdata->GetEvType()<< "   event number "<<evdata->GetEvNum()<<endl;
        if (farray_ntup[12] < 1000) cout << "Low clock"<<endl;
        cout << " clock(+)  "<<scaler->GetNormRate(1,"clock");
        cout << "   clock(-)  "<<scaler->GetNormRate(-1,"clock")<<endl;
        if (farray_ntup[16]>0.005||farray_ntup[16]<-0.005) cout << "Big asy"<<endl;



Exemplo n.º 17
Int_t THaADCHelicity::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
    // Decode Helicity data.
    // Return 1 if helicity was assigned, 0 if not, -1 if error.

    // Only the first two channels defined in the detector map are used
    // here, regardless of how they are defined (consecutive channels
    // in same module or otherwise). ReadDatabase guarantees that two channels
    // are present and warns about extra channels.

    if( !fIsInit )
        return -1;

    Int_t ret = 0;
    bool gate_high = false;

    for( Int_t i = 0; i < fNchan; ++i ) {
        Int_t roc = fAddr[i].roc, slot = fAddr[i].slot, chan = fAddr[i].chan;
        if ( !evdata.GetNumHits( roc, slot, chan ))

        Double_t data =
            static_cast<Double_t>(evdata.GetData( roc, slot, chan, 0 ));

        if (fDebug >= 3) {
            cout << "crate "<<roc<<"   slot "<<slot<<"   chan "
                 <<chan<<"   data "<<data<<"   ";
            if (data > fThreshold)
                cout << "  above cut !";
            cout << endl;

        // Assign gate and helicity bit data. The first data channel is
        // the helicity bit, the second, the gate.
        switch(i) {
        case 0:
            fADC_hdata = data;
        case 1:
            fADC_Gate = data;
            gate_high = fInvertGate ? (data < fThreshold) : (data >= fThreshold);

    // Logic: if gate==0 helicity remains unknown. If gate==1
    // (or we are ingoring the gate) then helicity is determined by
    // the helicity bit.
    if( gate_high || fIgnoreGate ) {
        fADC_Hel = ( fADC_hdata >= fThreshold ) ? kPlus : kMinus;
        ret = 1;

    // fHelicity may be reassigned by derived classes, so we must keep the ADC
    // result separately. But within this class, the two are the same.
    if( fSign >= 0 )
        fHelicity = fADC_Hel;
        fHelicity = ( fADC_Hel == kPlus ) ? kMinus : kPlus;

    if (fDebug >= 3) {
        cout << "ADC helicity info "<<endl
             << "Gate "<<fADC_Gate<<"  helic. bit "<<fADC_hdata
             << "    ADC helicity "<<fADC_Hel
             << "    resulting helicity"<<fHelicity<<endl;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 18
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // Initialize the analysis clock
  clock_t t;
  t = clock();

  // Define the data file to be analyzed
  TString filename("snippet.dat");

  // Define the analysis debug output
  ofstream *debugfile = new ofstream;;
  debugfile->open ("tstfadc_main_debug.txt");
  // Initialize the CODA decoder
  THaCodaFile datafile(filename);
  THaEvData *evdata = new CodaDecoder();

  // Initialize the evdata debug output

  // Initialize root and output
  TROOT fadcana("tstfadcroot", "Hall C analysis");
  hfile = new TFile("tstfadc.root", "RECREATE", "fadc module data");

  // Loop over events
  cout << "***************************************" << endl;
  cout << NUMEVENTS << " events will be processed" << endl;
  cout << "***************************************" << endl;
  uint32_t iievent = 1;
  //for(uint32_t ievent = 0; ievent < NUMEVENTS; ievent++) {
  for(uint32_t ievent = 0; ievent < iievent; ievent++) {
    // Read in data file
    int status = datafile.codaRead();
    if (status == S_SUCCESS) {
      UInt_t *data = datafile.getEvBuffer();

      if (debugfile) *debugfile << "****************" << endl;
      if (debugfile) *debugfile << "Event Number = " << evdata->GetEvNum() << endl;
      if (debugfile) *debugfile << "****************\n" << endl;

      // Loop over slots
      for(uint32_t islot = SLOTMIN; islot < NUMSLOTS; islot++) {
      	//if (evdata->GetNumRaw(CRATE5, islot) != 0) {
	//if (evdata->GetNumRaw(CRATE10, islot) != 0) {
	if (evdata->GetNumRaw(CRATE12, islot) != 0) {
	  Fadc250Module *fadc = NULL;
	  //fadc = dynamic_cast <Fadc250Module*> (evdata->GetModule(CRATE5, islot));   // Bryan's setup
	  //fadc = dynamic_cast <Fadc250Module*> (evdata->GetModule(CRATE10, islot));  // Alex's setup
	  fadc = dynamic_cast <Fadc250Module*> (evdata->GetModule(CRATE12, islot));    // Mark's setup
	  if (fadc != NULL) {
	    if (debugfile) *debugfile << "\n///////////////////////////////\n"
				      << "Results for crate " 
				      << fadc->GetCrate() << ", slot " 
				      << fadc->GetSlot() << endl;
	    if (debugfile) *debugfile << hex << "fadc pointer = " << fadc << "\n" << dec 
				      << "///////////////////////////////\n" << endl;
	    // Loop over channels
	    for (uint32_t chan = 0; chan < NADCCHAN; chan++) {
	      // Initilize variables
	      Int_t  fadc_mode, num_fadc_events, num_fadc_samples;
	      Bool_t raw_mode; 
	      fadc_mode = num_fadc_events = num_fadc_samples = raw_mode = 0;
	      // Acquire the FADC mode
	      fadc_mode = fadc->GetFadcMode(); fadc_mode_const = fadc_mode;
	      if (debugfile) *debugfile << "Channel " << chan << " is in FADC Mode " << fadc_mode << endl;
	      raw_mode  = ((fadc_mode == 1) || (fadc_mode == 8) || (fadc_mode == 10));
	      // Generate FADC plots
	      GeneratePlots(fadc_mode, islot, chan);

	      // Acquire the number of FADC events
	      num_fadc_events = fadc->GetNumFadcEvents(chan);
	      // If in raw mode, acquire the number of FADC samples
	      if (raw_mode) {
		num_fadc_samples = 0;
		num_fadc_samples = fadc->GetNumFadcSamples(chan, ievent);
	      if (num_fadc_events > 0) {
	      	for (Int_t jevent = 0; jevent < num_fadc_events; jevent++) {
		  // Debug output
		  if ((fadc_mode == 1 || fadc_mode == 8) && num_fadc_samples > 0) 
		    if (debugfile) *debugfile << "FADC EMULATED PI DATA = " << fadc->GetEmulatedPulseIntegralData(chan) << endl;
		  if (fadc_mode == 7 || fadc_mode == 8 || fadc_mode == 9 || fadc_mode == 10) {
		    if (fadc_mode != 8) {if (debugfile) *debugfile << "FADC PI DATA = " << fadc->GetPulseIntegralData(chan, jevent) << endl;}
		    if (debugfile) *debugfile << "FADC PT DATA = " << fadc->GetPulseTimeData(chan, jevent) << endl;
		    if (debugfile) *debugfile << "FADC PPED DATA = " << fadc->GetPulsePedestalData(chan, jevent) << endl;
		    if (debugfile) *debugfile << "FADC PPEAK DATA = " << fadc->GetPulsePeakData(chan, jevent) << endl;
		  // Fill histos
	      	  if ((fadc_mode == 1 || fadc_mode == 8) && num_fadc_samples > 0) h_pinteg[islot][chan]->Fill(fadc->GetEmulatedPulseIntegralData(chan));
		  else if (fadc_mode == 7 || fadc_mode == 8 || fadc_mode == 9 || fadc_mode == 10) {
		    if (fadc_mode != 8) {h_pinteg[islot][chan]->Fill(fadc->GetPulseIntegralData(chan, jevent));}
		    h_ptime[islot][chan]->Fill(fadc->GetPulseTimeData(chan, jevent));
		    h_pped[islot][chan]->Fill(fadc->GetPulsePedestalData(chan, jevent));
		    h_ppeak[islot][chan]->Fill(fadc->GetPulsePeakData(chan, jevent));
		  // Raw sample events
	      	  if (raw_mode && num_fadc_samples > 0) {
		    // Debug output
	      	    if (debugfile) *debugfile << "NUM FADC SAMPLES = " << num_fadc_samples << endl;
	      	    if (debugfile) *debugfile << "=============================" << endl;
		    // Populate raw sample plots
	      	    if (ievent < NUMRAWEVENTS) {
	      	      // Acquire the raw samples vector and populate graphs
	      	      raw_samples_vector[islot][chan] = fadc->GetPulseSamplesVector(chan);
	      	      for (Int_t sample_num = 0; sample_num < Int_t (raw_samples_vector[islot][chan].size()); sample_num++) 
	      	      	g_psamp_event[islot][chan][ievent]->SetPoint(sample_num, sample_num + 1, Int_t (raw_samples_vector[islot][chan][sample_num]));
	      	      mg_psamp[islot][chan]->Add(g_psamp_event[islot][chan][ievent], "ACP");
	      	    }  // NUMRAWEVENTS condition
	      	  }  // Raw mode condition
	      	}  //  FADC event loop
	      }  // Number of FADC events condition
	    }  //FADC channel loop
	  }  // FADC module found condition
	    if (debugfile) *debugfile << "FADC MODULE NOT FOUND!!!" << endl;
	}  // Number raw words condition
      }  // Slot loop
    }  // CODA file read status condition
    if (iievent % 1000 == 0)
      //if (iievent % 1 == 0)
      cout << iievent << " events have been processed" << endl;
    if (status == EOF) break;
  }  // Event loop 

  // Populate waveform graphs and multigraphs and write to root file
  TRandom3 *rand = new TRandom3();
  for(uint32_t islot = 3; islot < NUMSLOTS; islot++) {
    for (uint32_t chan = 0; chan < NADCCHAN; chan++) {
      for( uint32_t ievent = 0; ievent < NUMRAWEVENTS; ievent++) {
	// Raw sample plots
	if (g_psamp_event[islot][chan][ievent] != NULL) {
	  UInt_t rand_int = 1 + rand->Integer(9);
	  hfile->cd(Form("/mode_%d_data/slot_%d/chan_%d/raw_samples", fadc_mode_const, islot, chan));
	  c_psamp[islot][chan]->cd(ievent + 1);
	  g_psamp_event[islot][chan][ievent]->SetTitle(Form("FADC Mode %d Pulse Peak Data Slot %d Channel %d Event %d", fadc_mode_const, islot, chan, ievent));
	  g_psamp_event[islot][chan][ievent]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sample Number");
	  g_psamp_event[islot][chan][ievent]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sample Value");
	}  // Graph condition
      }  // Raw event loop
      // Write the canvas to file
      if (c_psamp[islot][chan] != NULL) c_psamp[islot][chan]->Write();
      // Write the multigraphs to file
      if (mg_psamp[islot][chan] != NULL) {
        hfile->cd(Form("/mode_%d_data/slot_%d/chan_%d", fadc_mode_const, islot, chan));
        //mg_psamp[islot][chan]->SetTitle(Form("%d Raw Events of FADC Mode %d Pulse Peak Data Slot %d Channel %d", NUMRAWEVENTS, fadc_mode_const, islot, chan));
        //mg_psamp[islot][chan]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sample Number");
        //mg_psamp[islot][chan]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sample Value");
      }  // Mulitgraph condition
    }  // Channel loop
  }  // Slot loop

  cout << "***************************************" << endl;
  cout << iievent - 1 << " events were processed" << endl;
  cout << "***************************************" << endl;
  // Write and clode the data file

  // Calculate the analysis rate
  t = clock() - t;
  printf ("The analysis took %.1f seconds \n", ((float) t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  printf ("The analysis event rate is %.1f Hz \n", (iievent - 1) / (((float) t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC));

}  // main()
Exemplo n.º 19
Int_t THaScintillator::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Decode scintillator data, correct TDC times and ADC amplitudes, and copy
  // the data to the local data members.
  // This implementation makes the following assumptions about the detector map:
  // - The first half of the map entries corresponds to ADCs,
  //   the second half, to TDCs.
  // - The first fNelem detector channels correspond to the PMTs on the
  //   right hand side, the next fNelem channels, to the left hand side.
  //   (Thus channel numbering for each module must be consecutive.)

  // Loop over all modules defined for this detector

  for( Int_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ) {
    THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule( i );
    bool adc = ( d->model ? fDetMap->IsADC(d) : (i < fDetMap->GetSize()/2) );

    // Loop over all channels that have a hit.
    for( Int_t j = 0; j < evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot ); j++) {

      Int_t chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j );
      if( chan < d->lo || chan > d->hi ) continue;     // Not one of my channels

      Int_t nhit = evdata.GetNumHits(d->crate, d->slot, chan);
      if( nhit > 1 )
        if (d->model != 250)
	Warning( Here("Decode"), "%d hits on %s channel %d/%d/%d",
		 nhit, adc ? "ADC" : "TDC", d->crate, d->slot, chan );
      // Get the data. Scintillators are assumed to have only single hit (hit=0)
      Int_t data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, 0 );

      // Get the detector channel number, starting at 0
      Int_t k = d->first + chan - d->lo - 1;

      if( k<0 || k>NDEST*fNelem ) {
	// Indicates bad database
	Warning( Here("Decode()"), "Illegal detector channel: %d", k );
//        cout << "adc,j,k = " <<adc<<","<<j<< ","<<k<< endl;
      // Copy the data to the local variables.
      DataDest* dest = fDataDest + k/fNelem;
      k = k % fNelem;
      if( adc ) {
	dest->adc[k]   = static_cast<Double_t>( data );
	dest->adc_p[k] = data - dest->ped[k];
	dest->adc_c[k] = dest->adc_p[k] * dest->gain[k];
      } else {
	dest->tdc[k]   = static_cast<Double_t>( data );
	dest->tdc_c[k] = (data - dest->offset[k])*fTdc2T;
  if ( fDebug > 3 ) {
    printf("\n\nEvent %d   Trigger %d Scintillator %s\n:",
	   evdata.GetEvNum(), evdata.GetEvType(), GetPrefix() );
    printf("   paddle  Left(TDC    ADC   ADC_p)   Right(TDC   ADC   ADC_p)\n");
    for ( int i=0; i<fNelem; i++ ) {
      printf("     %2d     %5.0f    %5.0f  %5.0f     %5.0f    %5.0f  %5.0f\n",

  return fLTNhit+fRTNhit;
Exemplo n.º 20
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

   if (argc < 2) {
      cout << "You made a mistake... \n" << endl;
      cout << "Usage:   prfact filename" << endl;
      cout << "  where 'filename' is the CODA file"<<endl;
      cout << "\n... exiting." << endl;
   TString filename = argv[1];
   THaCodaFile datafile;
   if (datafile.codaOpen(filename) != S_SUCCESS) {
        cout << "ERROR:  Cannot open CODA data" << endl;
        cout << "Perhaps you mistyped it" << endl;
        cout << "... exiting." << endl;
   THaEvData *evdata = new THaCodaDecoder();

   // Can tell evdata whether to use evtype 
   // 133 or 120 for prescale data.  Default is 120.
   evdata->SetOrigPS(133);   // args are 120 or 133
   cout << "Origin of PS data "<<evdata->GetOrigPS()<<endl;

// Loop over a finite number of events

   int NUMEVT=100000;
   for (int i=0; i<NUMEVT; i++) {

     int status = datafile.codaRead();  
     if ( status != S_SUCCESS ) {
        if ( status == EOF) {
           cout << "This is end of file !" << endl;
           cout << "... exiting " << endl;
        } else {
  	   cout << hex << "ERROR: codaRread status = " << status << endl;

     evdata->LoadEvent( datafile.getEvBuffer() );   

     if(evdata->IsPrescaleEvent()) {
       cout <<"\n Prescale factors from CODA file = " << filename << endl;
       cout <<"\n Trigger      Prescale Factor"<< endl;
       for (int trig=1; trig<=8; trig++) {
	 cout <<"   "<<dec<<trig<<"             ";
         int ps = evdata->GetPrescaleFactor(trig);
         int psmax;
	 if (trig <= 4) psmax = 16777216;  // 2^24
         if (trig >= 5) psmax = 65536;     // 2^16
         ps = ps % psmax;
         if (ps == 0) ps = psmax;
         cout << ps << endl;
       cout << "\nReminder: A 'zero' was interpreted as maximum."<<endl;
       cout << "Max for trig 1-4 = 2^24, for trig 5-8 = 2^16 \n"<<endl;

   }  //  end of event loop

   cout << "ERROR: prescale factors not found in the first "; 
   cout << dec << NUMEVT << " events " << endl;

Exemplo n.º 21
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   int helicity, qrt, gate, timestamp;
   int len, data, status, nscaler, header;
   int numread, badread, i, found, index;
   int ring_clock, ring_qrt, ring_helicity;
   int ring_trig, ring_bcm, ring_l1a, ring_v2fh; 
   int sum_clock, sum_trig, sum_bcm, sum_l1a;
   int inquad, nrread, q1_helicity;
   int ring_data[MAXRING], rloc;
   if (argc < 2) {
      cout << "You made a mistake... bye bye !\n" << endl;
      cout << "Usage:   'tscalroc" << MYROC << " filename'" << endl;
      cout << "  where 'filename' is the CODA file."<<endl;
// Setup 
// Pedestals.  Left, Right Arms.  u1,u3,u10,d1,d3,d10
   Float_t bcmpedL[NBCM] = { 188.2, 146.2, 271.6, 37.8, 94.2, 260.2 };
   Float_t bcmpedR[NBCM] = { 53.0, 41.8, 104.1, 0., 101.6, 254.6 };
   Float_t bcmped[NBCM];
   if (MYROC == 11) {
     cout << "Using Left Arm BCM pedestals"<<endl;
     for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
       bcmped[i] = bcmpedL[i];
   } else {
     cout << "Using Right Arm BCM pedestals"<<endl;
     for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
       bcmped[i] = bcmpedR[i];
// Initialize root and output.  
   TROOT scalana("scalroot","Hall A scaler analysis");
   TFile hfile("scaler.root","RECREATE","Scaler data in Hall A");
// Define the ntuple here
//                   0    1   2   3   4    5   6
   char rawrates[]="evt:clk:trig:bcm:l1a:mhel:phel:";
// Asymmetries delayed various amounts, using RING BUFFER
//                    7    8    9    10   11  12   13   14   15   16
   char asydelay[]="a3d1:a3d2:a3d3:a3d4:a3d5:a3d6:a3d7:a3d8:a3d9:a3d10";
   int nlen = strlen(rawrates) + strlen(asydelay);
   char *string_ntup = new char[nlen+1];
   TNtuple *ntup = new TNtuple("ascal","Scaler Rates",string_ntup);
   Float_t farray_ntup[17];  // Dimension = size of string_ntup (i.e. nlen+1)
   THaCodaFile *coda = new THaCodaFile(TString(argv[1]));
   THaEvData *evdata = new THaCodaDecoder();
   inquad = 0;
   q1_helicity = 0;
   rloc = 0;
   status = 0;
   sum_clock = 0;  sum_trig = 0;  sum_bcm = 0;  sum_l1a = 0;
   nrread = 0;
   memset(ring_data, 0, MAXRING*sizeof(int));
   while (status == 0) {
     status = coda->codaRead();
     if (status != 0) break;
     len = evdata->GetRocLength(MYROC);
     if (len <= 4) continue;
     data = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,3);   
     helicity = (data & 0x10) >> 4;
     qrt = (data & 0x20) >> 5;
     gate = (data & 0x40) >> 6;
     timestamp = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,4);
     found = 0;
     index = 5;
     while ( !found ) {
       data = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
       if ( (data & 0xffff0000) == 0xfb0b0000) found = 1;
       if (index >= len) break;
     if (!found) break;
     nscaler = data & 0x7;
     if (PRINTOUT) {
       cout << hex << "helicity " << helicity << "  qrt " << qrt;
       cout << " gate " << gate << "   time stamp " << timestamp << endl;
       cout << "nscaler in this event  " << nscaler << endl;
     if (nscaler <= 0) continue;

     if (nscaler > 2) nscaler = 2;  // shouldn't be necessary
// 32 channels of scaler data for two helicities.
     if (PRINTOUT) cout << "Synch event ----> " << endl;
     for (int ihel = 0; ihel < nscaler; ihel++) { 
       header = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
       if (PRINTOUT) {
         cout << "Scaler for helicity = " << dec << ihel;
         cout << "  unique header = " << hex << header << endl;
       for (int ichan = 0; ichan < 32; ichan++) {
	   data = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
           if (PRINTOUT) {       
              cout << "channel # " << dec << ichan+1;
              cout << "  (hex) data = " << hex << data << endl;
     numread = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
     badread = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
     if (PRINTOUT) cout << "FIFO num of last good read " << dec << numread << endl;
     if (badread != 0) {
       cout << "DISASTER: There are bad readings " << endl;
       cout << "FIFO num of last bad read " << endl;
// Subset of scaler channels stored in a 30 Hz ring buffer.
     int nring = 0;
     while (index < len && nring == 0) {
       header = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
       if ((header & 0xffff0000) == 0xfb1b0000) {
           nring = header & 0x3ff;
     if (PRINTOUT) cout << "Num in ring buffer = " << dec << nring << endl;
// The following assumes three are 6 pieces of data per 'iring'
// This was true after Jan 10, 2003.
     for (int iring = 0; iring < nring; iring++) {
       ring_clock = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
       data = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
       ring_qrt = (data & 0x10) >> 4;
       ring_helicity = (data & 0x1);
       present_reading = ring_helicity;
       if (ring_qrt) {
  	  inquad = 1;
          if (loadHelicity()) {
             if (present_reading != predicted_reading) {
        	cout << "DISASTER:  The helicity is wrong !!"<<endl;
                recovery_flag = 1;  // ask for recovery
             q1_helicity = present_helicity;
       } else {
       ring_trig = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
       ring_bcm  = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
       ring_l1a  = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
       ring_v2fh = evdata->GetRawData(MYROC,index++);
       sum_clock = sum_clock + ring_clock;
       sum_trig  = sum_trig + ring_trig; 
       sum_bcm   = sum_bcm + ring_bcm; 
       sum_l1a   = sum_l1a + ring_l1a;
       ring_data[rloc%MAXRING] = ring_bcm;
       if (inquad == 1 && nrread++ > 12) {
  	  farray_ntup[0] = (float)nrread;
          farray_ntup[1] = ring_clock;
          farray_ntup[2] = ring_trig;
          farray_ntup[3] = ring_bcm;
	  farray_ntup[4] = ring_l1a;
	  farray_ntup[5] = (float)present_reading;
	  farray_ntup[6] = (float)present_helicity;
          for (int ishift = 3; ishift <= 12; ishift++) {
	    Float_t pdat = ring_data[(rloc-ishift)%MAXRING];
            Float_t mdat = ring_data[(rloc-ishift+1)%MAXRING];
            Float_t sum  = pdat + mdat;
            Float_t asy  = 99999;
            if (sum != 0) {
	      if (present_reading == 1) {
   	        asy = (pdat - mdat)/sum;
	      } else {
	        asy = (mdat - pdat)/sum;
            farray_ntup[4+ishift] = asy;
       if (PRINTOUT) {
          cout << "buff [" << dec << iring << "] ";
          cout << "  clock " << ring_clock << "  qrt " << ring_qrt;
          cout << "  helicity " << ring_helicity;
          cout << "  trigger " << ring_trig << "  bcm " << ring_bcm;
          cout << "  L1a "<<ring_l1a<<endl;
          cout << "  ring_v2fh (helicity in v2f) "<<ring_v2fh<<endl;
          cout << "  inquad "<<inquad<<endl;
          cout << "  sums:  "<<endl;
          cout << "  clock "<<sum_clock<<"   trig "<<sum_trig<<endl;
          cout << "  bcm  "<<sum_bcm<<"   l1a "<<sum_l1a<<endl;
   cout << "All done"<<endl;
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 22
Int_t THaShower::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
  // Decode shower data, scale the data to energy deposition
  // ( in MeV ), and copy the data into the following local data structure:
  // fNhits           -  Number of hits on shower;
  // fA[]             -  Array of ADC values of shower blocks;
  // fA_p[]           -  Array of ADC minus ped values of shower blocks;
  // fA_c[]           -  Array of corrected ADC values of shower blocks;
  // fAsum_p          -  Sum of shower blocks ADC minus pedestal values;
  // fAsum_c          -  Sum of shower blocks corrected ADC values;

  // Loop over all modules defined for shower detector
  for( UShort_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ) {
    THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule( i );

    // Loop over all channels that have a hit.
    for( Int_t j = 0; j < evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot ); j++) {

      Int_t chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j );
      if( chan > d->hi || chan < d->lo ) continue;    // Not one of my channels.

      // Get the data. shower blocks are assumed to have only single hit (hit=0)
      Int_t data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, 0 );

      // Copy the data to the local variables.
      Int_t k = *(*(fChanMap+i)+(chan-d->lo)) - 1;
      if( k<0 || k>=fNelem )
	Warning( Here("Decode()"), "Bad array index: %d. Your channel map is "
		 "invalid. Data skipped.", k );
	fA[k]   = data;                   // ADC value
	fA_p[k] = data - fPed[k];         // ADC minus ped
	fA_c[k] = fA_p[k] * fGain[k];     // ADC corrected
	if( fA_p[k] > 0.0 )
	  fAsum_p += fA_p[k];             // Sum of ADC minus ped
	if( fA_c[k] > 0.0 )
	  fAsum_c += fA_c[k];             // Sum of ADC corrected

  if ( fDebug > 3 ) {
    printf("\nShower Detector %s:\n",GetPrefix());
    int ncol=3;
    for (int i=0; i<ncol; i++) {
      printf("  Block  ADC  ADC_p  ");

    for (int i=0; i<(fNelem+ncol-1)/ncol; i++ ) {
      for (int c=0; c<ncol; c++) {
	int ind = c*fNelem/ncol+i;
	if (ind < fNelem) {
	  printf("  %3d  %5.0f  %5.0f  ",ind+1,fA[ind],fA_p[ind]);
	} else {
	  //	  printf("\n");

  return fNhits;
Exemplo n.º 23
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   int myroc, iev, nevents;
   int trig, clkp, clkm, lastclkp, lastclkm;
   Float_t time, sum, asy; 
   int found,index; 
   int len, data, status, nscaler, header;
   int numread0, numread1, badread, i, jstat;
   int ring_clock, ring_qrt, ring_helicity;
   int ring_t3, ring_bcm, ring_l1a, ring_t1; 
   int prev_clock, prev_trig, prev_bcm, prev_l1a, prev_hel2; 
   int sum_clock, sum_t3, sum_bcm, sum_l1a;
   int latest_clock, latest_trig, latest_bcm, latest_l1a;
   int inquad, nrread, q1_helicity, helicity_now;
   int ring_data[MAXRING], rloc;
   string filename, bank, mybank;

   if (argc < 2) {
     cout << "Usage:  " << argv[0]<<" file [nevents]" << endl;
     cout << "where file = CODA file to analyze " << endl;
     cout << "and nevents is the number of events you want (optional)"<<endl;
     cout << "(default nevents = all of them)"<<endl;
     return 1;
   filename = argv[1];
   mybank = "evgen";   
   myroc = 23;
   nevents = 0;
   if (argc >= 3) nevents = atoi(argv[3]);
   cout << "bank "<<mybank<<"  num events "<<nevents<<endl;

// Pedestals.  Left, Right Arms.  u1,u3,u10,d1,d3,d10
   Float_t bcmpedL[NBCM] = { 188.2, 146.2, 271.6, 37.8, 94.2, 260.2 };
   Float_t bcmpedR[NBCM] = { 53.0, 41.8, 104.1, 0., 101.6, 254.6 };
   Float_t bcmped[NBCM];

// Pedestals for Ring buffer analysis
// L-arm tuned from run e01012_20288, R-arm from e01012_1288
   Float_t ringpedL[2] = { 112.2, 112.2 };
   Float_t ringpedR[2] = { 112.2, 112.2 };
   Float_t ringped[2];

   if (myroc == 23) {
     cout << "Using Left Arm BCM pedestals (for now)  "<<endl;
     for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
       bcmped[i] = bcmpedL[i];
     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) ringped[i] = ringpedL[i];
   } else {
     cout << "Using Right Arm BCM pedestals"<<endl;
     for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
       bcmped[i] = bcmpedR[i];
     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) ringped[i] = ringpedR[i];
// Scaler object to extract data using scaler.map.
// WARNING:   bank = "Left" goes with event type 140 data,
// while "EvLeft" goes with ROC11 data.  Similarly "Right", "EvRight".
   THaScaler *scaler = new THaScaler(mybank.c_str());

   if (scaler->Init("3-1-2006") == -1) {  
      cout << "Error initializing scaler object. "<<endl;
      return 1;
// Initialize root and output.  
   TROOT scalana("scalroot","Hall A scaler analysis");
   TFile hfile("scaler.root","RECREATE","Scaler data in Hall A");
// Define the ntuple here.  Part of the ntuple is filled from scaler
// object (scal_obj) and part is from event data (evdata).
// If you add a variable, I suggest you keep track of the indices the same way.
//                            0   1   2  3   4  5   6  7  8  9 10 11  12  13   14
   char scal_obj_rawrates[]="time:u1:u3:u10:d1:d3:d10:t1:t2:t3:t4:t5:clkp:clkm:tacc:";
//                              15  16   17  18  19   20  21   22  23  24  25  26
   char scal_obj_asymmetries[]="au1:au3:au10:ad1:ad3:ad10:at1:at2:at3:at4:at5:aclk:";
//                          27  28    29     30     31    32    33
   char evdata_rawrates[]="evt:evclk:evtrig:evbcm:evl1a:evmhel:evphel:";
// Asymmetries delayed various amounts, using RING BUFFER.  The correct
// one is presumably the one delayed by NDELAY quads, but we need to check.
//                   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43
   char asydelay[]="a3d1:a3d2:a3d3:a3d4:a3d5:a3d6:a3d7:a3d8:a3d9:a3d10";
   int nlen = strlen(scal_obj_rawrates) + strlen(scal_obj_asymmetries) + strlen(evdata_rawrates) + strlen(asydelay);
   char *string_ntup = new char[nlen+1];
   strcpy(string_ntup, scal_obj_rawrates);
   strcat(string_ntup, scal_obj_asymmetries);
   strcat(string_ntup, evdata_rawrates);
   TNtuple *ntup = new TNtuple("ascal","Scaler Rates",string_ntup);
   Float_t* farray_ntup = new Float_t[nlen+1];  
// 2nd ntuple for 1-sec averaged ring buffer
//                     0    1    2   3    4    5   6    7   8    9   10   11
   char ring_rates[]="evt:clkp:clkm:clk:bcmp:bcmm:bcm:trig:l1a:nump:numm:num:aclk:abcm:atrig:al1a";
//12  13   14  15
   TNtuple *rnt = new TNtuple("aring","Ring values", ring_rates);
   Float_t *farray2 = new Float_t[16];
   THaCodaFile *coda = new THaCodaFile(TString(filename.c_str()));
   THaEvData *evdata = new THaCodaDecoder();
   inquad = 0;
   q1_helicity = 0;
   rloc = 0;
   status = 0;
   sum_clock = 0;  sum_t3 = 0;  sum_bcm = 0;  sum_l1a = 0;
   prev_clock = 0; prev_trig = 0; prev_bcm = 0; prev_l1a = 0; prev_hel2 = 0;
   lastclkp = 0;  lastclkm = 0;
   nrread = 0;
   iev = 0;

   while (status == 0) {
     status = coda->codaRead();
     if (status != 0) break;
     len = evdata->GetRocLength(myroc);
     if (nevents > 0 && iev++ > nevents) goto finish;
     if (len <= 4) continue;
     if (evdata->GetEvType() == 140) continue;
     if ( !scaler->IsRenewed() ) continue;
     memset(farray_ntup, 0, (nlen+1)*sizeof(Float_t));
// Having loaded the scaler object, we pull out what we can from it.
// Note, we must average the two helicities to get non-helicity rates because ROC23
// data only have helicity scalers.  (In contrast, event type 140 has all scalers.)
     time = (scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") + scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock"))/1024;
     latest_clock = (scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") + scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock"));
     latest_trig = (scaler->GetTrig(1,3) + scaler->GetTrig(-1,3));
     latest_bcm = (scaler->GetBcm(1,"bcm_u3") + scaler->GetBcm(-1,"bcm_u3"));
     latest_l1a = (scaler->GetNormData(1,"TS-accept") + scaler->GetNormData(-1,"TS-accept"));
     if (PRINTOUT) cout << dec << "latest data "<<latest_clock<<"  "<<latest_trig<<"  "<<latest_bcm<<"  "<<latest_l1a<<endl;
     farray_ntup[0] = time;
     farray_ntup[1] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u1") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u1"));
     farray_ntup[2] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3"));
     farray_ntup[3] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u10") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u10"));
     farray_ntup[4] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d1") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d1"));
     farray_ntup[5] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d3") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d3"));
     farray_ntup[6] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d10") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d10"));
     for (trig = 1; trig <= 5; trig++) {
       farray_ntup[6+trig] = 0.5*(scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig) + scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig));
     if (PRINTOUT == 1 && len >= 16) {
       for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) cout << "  bcm -> "<<farray_ntup[i];
       cout << endl << endl;
       for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) cout << "  trig -> "<<farray_ntup[i+7];
       cout << endl << endl;
     clkp = scaler->GetNormData(1,"clock");
     clkm = scaler->GetNormData(-1,"clock");
     farray_ntup[12] = clkp - lastclkp;
     farray_ntup[13] = clkm - lastclkm;
     lastclkp = clkp;
     lastclkm = clkm;
     farray_ntup[14] = 0.5*(scaler->GetNormRate(1,"TS-accept") + 
     string bcms[] = {"bcm_u1", "bcm_u3", "bcm_u10", "bcm_d1", "bcm_d3", "bcm_d10"};
// Next we construct the helicity correlated asymmetries.
     for (int ibcm = 0; ibcm < 6; ibcm++ ) {
       sum = scaler->GetBcmRate(1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - bcmped[ibcm]
                  + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - bcmped[ibcm];
       asy = -999;
       if (sum != 0) {
	  asy = (scaler->GetBcmRate(1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - 
                 scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,bcms[ibcm].c_str())) / sum;
       farray_ntup[15+ibcm] = asy;
     for (trig = 1; trig <= 5; trig++) {
       asy = -999;
       if (scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") > BCM_CUT3 && 
           scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3") > BCM_CUT3) {    
           sum = scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") 
              +  scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3");
           if (sum != 0) {
             asy = (scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3")
                 -  scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3")) / sum;
       farray_ntup[20+trig] = asy;
     sum = scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") + scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock");
     asy = -999;
     if (sum != 0) {
	asy = (scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") - 
               scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock")) / sum;
     farray_ntup[26] = asy;
//  Next we ignore the scaler object and obtain data directly from the event.
     found = 0;
     index = 0;
     while ( !found ) {
       data = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
       if ( (data & 0xffff0000) == 0xfb0b0000) found = 1;
       if (PRINTOUT) cout << "evbuffer["<<index-1<<"] = 0x"<<hex<<data<<"    = (dec) "<<dec<<data<<endl;
       if (index >= len) break;
     if (!found) continue;
     nscaler = data & 0x7;
//     if (evdata->GetEvType() == 9) cout << "Ev  9   qrt "<<qrt<<"  helicity "<<helicity<<"  gate "<<gate<<"  timestamp "<<timestamp<<endl;
     if (PRINTOUT) {
       cout << "nscaler in this event  " << nscaler << endl;
     if (nscaler <= 0) continue;
     if (nscaler > 2) nscaler = 2;  // shouldn't be necessary
// 32 channels of scaler data for two helicities.
     if (PRINTOUT) cout << "Scaler data in event ----> " << endl;
     for (int ihel = 0; ihel < nscaler; ihel++) { 
       header = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
       if (PRINTOUT) {
         cout << "Scaler for helicity = " << dec << ihel;
         cout << "  unique header = " << hex << header << endl;
       for (int ichan = 0; ichan < 32; ichan++) {
	   data = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
           if (PRINTOUT) {       
              cout << "channel # " << dec << ichan+1;
              cout << "  data = 0x" << hex << data;
              cout << "  = (dec) "<< dec << data << endl;
     numread0 = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
     numread1 = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
     badread = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
     if (PRINTOUT) 
         cout << "FIFO num of last good read " << dec << numread0 << numread1 << endl;
     if (badread != 0) {
       cout << "DISASTER: There are bad readings " << endl;
       cout << "FIFO num of last bad read " << endl;
// Ring buffer analysis: analyze subset of scaler channels in 30 Hz ring buffer.
     int nring = 0;
     while (index < len && nring == 0) {
       header = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
       if ((header & 0xffff0000) == 0xfb1b0000) {
           nring = header & 0x3ff;
     if (PRINTOUT) cout << "Num in ring buffer = " << dec << nring << endl;
// The following assumes three are (now 6) pieces of data per 'iring'
     for (int iring = 0; iring < nring; iring++) {
       ring_clock = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
       data = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
       ring_qrt = (data & 0x10) >> 4;
       ring_helicity = (data & 0x1);
       present_reading = ring_helicity;
       if (ring_qrt) {
  	  inquad = 1;
          if (loadHelicity()) {
	    //	     cout << "CHECK HEL "<<present_reading<<"  "
	    //         << predicted_reading << endl;
             if (present_reading != predicted_reading) {
        	cout << "DISASTER:  The helicity is wrong !!"<<endl;
                recovery_flag = 1;  // ask for recovery
             q1_helicity = present_helicity;
       } else {
       if (inquad == 1 || inquad == 4) {
         helicity_now = q1_helicity;
       } else {
         helicity_now = 1 - q1_helicity;
       ring_t3 = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
       ring_bcm  = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
       ring_l1a  = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
#ifdef READ6
       ring_t1  = evdata->GetRawData(myroc,index++);
       ring_t1  = -99;
       sum_clock = sum_clock + ring_clock;
       sum_t3  = sum_t3 + ring_t3; 
       sum_bcm   = sum_bcm + ring_bcm; 
       sum_l1a   = sum_l1a + ring_l1a;
// We know the helicity bits come one window later, so we adjust
// for that here.
       jstat = incrementSums(helicity_now, prev_clock, prev_trig, 
                             prev_bcm, prev_l1a);
       if (jstat == 1) {
         farray2[0] = (Float_t) evdata->GetEvNum();
         farray2[1] = rsum_clk[0];
         farray2[2] = rsum_clk[1];
         farray2[3] = rsum_clk[0] + rsum_clk[1];
         corr_bcm0  = rsum_bcm[0] - ringped[0];  // the 2 peds had better
         corr_bcm1  = rsum_bcm[1] - ringped[1];  // be the same (but we check)
         farray2[4] = rsum_bcm[0];
         farray2[5] = rsum_bcm[1];
         farray2[6] = corr_bcm0 + corr_bcm1;
         farray2[7] = rsum_t3[0] + rsum_t3[1];
         farray2[8] = rsum_l1a[0] + rsum_l1a[1];
         farray2[9] = rsum_num[0];
         farray2[10] = rsum_num[1];
         farray2[11] = rsum_num[0] + rsum_num[1];
         sum = rsum_clk[0] + rsum_clk[1];
         asy = -999;
         if (sum != 0) asy = (rsum_clk[0] - rsum_clk[1])/sum;
         farray2[12] = asy;
// Charge asymmetry.  Don't forget to normalize to clock.
         asy = -999;
         sum = corr_bcm0 + corr_bcm1;
         if (sum != 0) asy = (corr_bcm0 - corr_bcm1)/sum;
         farray2[13] = asy;
         asy = -999;
         if (corr_bcm0 != 0 && corr_bcm1 != 0) {
	   Float_t trig0 = rsum_t3[0] / corr_bcm0;
	   Float_t trig1 = rsum_t3[1] / corr_bcm1;
           sum = trig0 + trig1;
           if (sum != 0) {
	     asy = (trig0 - trig1) / sum;
         farray2[14] = asy;         
         asy = -999;
         if (corr_bcm0 != 0 && corr_bcm1 != 0) {
	   Float_t l1a0 = rsum_l1a[0] / corr_bcm0;
	   Float_t l1a1 = rsum_l1a[1] / corr_bcm1;
           sum = l1a0 + l1a1;
           if (sum != 0) {
	     asy = (l1a0 - l1a1) / sum;
         farray2[15] = asy;
       prev_clock = ring_clock;
       prev_trig = ring_t3;
       prev_bcm = ring_bcm;
       prev_l1a = ring_l1a;
// Empirical check of delayed helicity scheme.
       ring_data[rloc%MAXRING] = ring_bcm;
       if (inquad == 1 && nrread++ > 12) {
  	  farray_ntup[27] = (float)nrread; // need to cut that this is >0 in analysis
          farray_ntup[28] = ring_clock;
          farray_ntup[29] = ring_t3;
          farray_ntup[30] = ring_bcm;
	  farray_ntup[31] = ring_l1a;
	  farray_ntup[32] = (float)present_reading;
	  farray_ntup[33] = (float)present_helicity;
          for (int ishift = 3; ishift <= 12; ishift++) {
	    Float_t pdat = ring_data[(rloc-ishift)%MAXRING];
            Float_t mdat = ring_data[(rloc-ishift+1)%MAXRING];
            Float_t sum  = pdat + mdat;
            Float_t asy  = 99999;
            if (sum != 0) {
	      if (present_reading == 1) {
   	        asy = (pdat - mdat)/sum;
	      } else {
	        asy = (mdat - pdat)/sum;
// ishift = 9 is the correct one.  (should be 8, but the helicity
// bits are one cycle out of phase w.r.t. data)
            farray_ntup[31+ishift] = asy;
	    if (PRINTOUT) cout << "shift "<<ishift<<"  "<<asy<<endl;
       if (PRINTOUT) {
          cout << "buff [" << dec << iring << "] ";
          cout << "  clock " << ring_clock << "  qrt " << ring_qrt;
          cout << "  helicity " << ring_helicity<<"  T1 "<<ring_t1<<endl;
          cout << "  T3 " << ring_t3 << "  bcm " << ring_bcm;
          cout << "  L1a "<<ring_l1a<<endl;
          cout << "  inquad "<<inquad<<endl;
          cout << "  sums:  "<<endl;
          cout << "  clock "<<sum_clock<<"   trig "<<sum_t3;
          cout << "  bcm  "<<sum_bcm<<"   l1a "<<sum_l1a<<endl;
          cout << "  update from online sums:  "<<endl;
          cout << "  clock "<<latest_clock<<"   trig "<<latest_trig;
          cout << "  bcm  "<<latest_bcm<<"   l1a "<<latest_l1a<<endl;
   cout << "All done"<<endl<<flush;
   cout << "Sums from ring buffer: "<<dec<<endl;
   cout << "  Clock "<<sum_clock<<"   trigger "<<sum_t3;
   cout << "  BCM  "<<sum_bcm<<"   L1a "<<sum_l1a<<endl;
   cout << "Latest data from online sums:  "<<endl;
   cout << "  Clock "<<latest_clock<<"   trigger "<<latest_trig;
   cout << "  BCM  "<<latest_bcm<<"   L1a "<<latest_l1a<<endl;


Exemplo n.º 24
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

   TString filename("snippet.dat");

   ofstream *debugfile = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
   debugfile = new ofstream;
   debugfile->open ("oodecoder1.txt");
   *debugfile << "Debug of OO decoder\n\n";

   THaCodaFile datafile(filename);
   THaEvData *evdata = new CodaDecoder();


// Initialize root and output
  TROOT fadcana("fadcroot","Hall A FADC analysis, 1st version");
  TFile hfile("fadc.root","RECREATE","FADC data");

  h1 = new TH1F("h1","snapshot 1",1020,-5,505);
  h2 = new TH1F("h2","snapshot 2",1020,-5,505);
  h3 = new TH1F("h3","snapshot 3",1020,-5,505);
  h4 = new TH1F("h4","snapshot 4",1020,-5,505);
  h5 = new TH1F("h5","snapshot 5",1020,-5,505);
  hinteg = new TH1F("hinteg","Integral of ADC",1000,50000,120000);

  // Loop over events
  int NUMEVT=22;
  Int_t jnum=1;
  for (int iev=0; iev<NUMEVT; iev++) {
    int status = datafile.codaRead();
    if (status != S_SUCCESS) {
      if ( status == EOF) {
	if (debugfile) *debugfile << "Normal end of file.  Bye bye." << endl;
      } else {
	if (debugfile) *debugfile << hex << "ERROR: codaRread status = " << status << endl;
    } else {

      UInt_t *data = datafile.getEvBuffer();
      dump(data, debugfile);

      if (debugfile) *debugfile << "\nAbout to Load Event "<<endl;
      evdata->LoadEvent( data );
      if (debugfile) *debugfile << "\nFinished with Load Event "<<endl;

      if (evdata->GetEvType() == MYTYPE) {
	process (jnum, evdata, debugfile);


