Exemplo n.º 1
TIntNNet TMultimodalGraphImplB::GetSubGraph(const TIntV ModeIds) const {
  TIntNNet SubGraph = TIntNNet();

  for (THash<TInt,TInt>::TIter CurI = NodeToModeMapping.BegI(); CurI < NodeToModeMapping.EndI(); CurI++) {
    if (ModeIds.IsIn(CurI.GetDat())) {
      SubGraph.AddNode(CurI.GetKey(), CurI.GetDat());

  for (int ModeIdx1 = 0; ModeIdx1 < ModeIds.Len(); ModeIdx1++) {
    int ModeId1 = ModeIds.GetVal(ModeIdx1);
    for (int ModeIdx2 = 0; ModeIdx2 < ModeIds.Len(); ModeIdx2++) {
      int ModeId2 = ModeIds.GetVal(ModeIdx2);
      TPair<TInt,TInt> ModeIdsKey = GetModeIdsKey(ModeId1, ModeId2);
      if (!Graphs.IsKey(ModeIdsKey)) { continue; }
      const TNGraph& Graph = Graphs.GetDat(ModeIdsKey);
      for (TNGraph::TNodeI it = Graph.BegNI(); it < Graph.EndNI(); it++) {
        for (int e = 0; e < it.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
          SubGraph.AddEdge(it.GetId(), it.GetOutNId(e));
  printf("Number of nodes in SubGraph: %d...\n", SubGraph.GetNodes());
  printf("Number of edges in SubGraph: %d...\n", SubGraph.GetEdges());

  return SubGraph;
Exemplo n.º 2
int TMultimodalGraphImplB::GetSubGraphMocked(const TIntV ModeIds) const {
  int NumVerticesAndEdges = 0;

  for (THash<TInt,TInt>::TIter CurI = NodeToModeMapping.BegI(); CurI < NodeToModeMapping.EndI(); CurI++) {
    if (ModeIds.IsIn(CurI.GetDat())) {

  for (int ModeIdx1 = 0; ModeIdx1 < ModeIds.Len(); ModeIdx1++) {
    int ModeId1 = ModeIds.GetVal(ModeIdx1);
    for (int ModeIdx2 = 0; ModeIdx2 < ModeIds.Len(); ModeIdx2++) {
      int ModeId2 = ModeIds.GetVal(ModeIdx2);
      TPair<TInt,TInt> ModeIdsKey = GetModeIdsKey(ModeId1, ModeId2);
      if (!Graphs.IsKey(ModeIdsKey)) { continue; }
      const TNGraph& Graph = Graphs.GetDat(ModeIdsKey);
      for (TNGraph::TNodeI it = Graph.BegNI(); it < Graph.EndNI(); it++) {
        for (int e = 0; e < it.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
          NumVerticesAndEdges += it.GetOutNId(e);

  return NumVerticesAndEdges;
Exemplo n.º 3
int TMultimodalGraphImplB::BFSTraversalOneHop(const TVec< TPair<TInt,TInt> >& StartingVertices) const {
  int NumVerticesAndEdges = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < StartingVertices.Len(); i++) {
    TNodeI NI = GetNI(StartingVertices.GetVal(i));
    TIntV AdjacentModes = TIntV(); NI.GetAdjacentModes(AdjacentModes);
    for (int ModeIdx = 0; ModeIdx < AdjacentModes.Len(); ModeIdx++) {
      int ModeId = AdjacentModes.GetVal(ModeIdx);
      for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(ModeId); e++) {
        NumVerticesAndEdges += NI.GetOutNId(e, ModeId);
  return NumVerticesAndEdges;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Used for benchmarking sorting by source algorithm.
 * Takes as input starting point of
 * a top cascade and outputs time taken for casacade detection. 
 * Input : Source, Dest, Start, Duration 
 * Output : Prints the time for cascade detection
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
  TTableContext Context;
  Schema TimeS;
  PTable P1 = TTable::LoadSS(TimeS,"./../../../../datasets/temporal/yemen_call_201001.txt",&Context,' ');
  TIntV MapV;
  TStrV SortBy;
  TIntV Source; // Sorted vec of start time
  for (TRowIterator RI = P1->BegRI(); RI < P1->EndRI(); RI++) {
  // Attribute to Int mapping
  TInt SIdx = P1->GetColIdx("Source");
  TInt DIdx = P1->GetColIdx("Dest");
  TInt StIdx = P1->GetColIdx("Start");
  TInt DuIdx = P1->GetColIdx("Duration");
  int W = atoi(argv[1]);
  int len = 0;
  // Find the starting point
  int TSource = atoi(argv[2]);
  int TDest = atoi(argv[3]);
  int TStart = atoi(argv[4]);
  int TDur = atoi(argv[5]);
  TInt RIdx;
  for (TRowIterator RI = P1->BegRI(); RI < P1->EndRI(); RI++) {
    RIdx = RI.GetRowIdx();
    int RSource = P1->GetIntValAtRowIdx(SIdx,RIdx).Val;
    int RDest = P1->GetIntValAtRowIdx(DIdx,RIdx).Val;
    int RStart = P1->GetIntValAtRowIdx(StIdx,RIdx).Val;
    int RDur = P1->GetIntValAtRowIdx(DuIdx,RIdx).Val;
    if (TSource == RSource && TDest == RDest && TStart == RStart && TDur == RDur) break;
  // Start building the cascade from the start point
  clock_t st,et;
  st = clock();
  for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
    THashSet<TInt> VisitedH;
    TSnapQueue<TInt> EventQ;
    while (!EventQ.Empty()) {
      TInt CIdx = EventQ.Top();
      int CDest = P1->GetIntValAtRowIdx(DIdx,CIdx).Val;
      int CStart = P1->GetIntValAtRowIdx(StIdx,CIdx).Val;
      int CDur = P1->GetIntValAtRowIdx(DuIdx,CIdx).Val;
      // In line binary search
      int val = CDest;
      int lo = 0;
      int hi = Source.Len() - 1;
      int index = -1;
      while (hi >= lo) {
        int mid = lo + (hi - lo)/2;
        if (Source.GetVal(mid) > val) { hi = mid - 1;}
        else if (Source.GetVal(mid) < val) { lo = mid + 1;}
        else { index = mid; hi = mid - 1;}
      // End of binary search
      int BIdx = index;
      for(int i = BIdx; i < Source.Len(); i++) {
        int PId = MapV.GetVal(i).Val;
        if (! VisitedH.IsKey(PId)) {
          int TSource = P1->GetIntValAtRowIdx(SIdx,PId).Val;
          int TStart = P1->GetIntValAtRowIdx(StIdx,PId).Val;
          if (TSource != CDest) {
          if (TStart >= (CDur + CStart) && TStart - (CDur + CStart) <= W) {
    len = VisitedH.Len();
  et = clock();
  float diff = ((float) et - (float) st)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  printf("Size %d,Time %f\n",len,diff);
  return 0;