Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Computes a contribution to the stiffness matrix and load vector at one integration point to multiphysics simulation
 * @param data [in]
 * @param dataleft [in]
 * @param dataright [in]
 * @param weight [in]
 * @param ek [out] is the stiffness matrix
 * @param ef [out] is the load vector
 * @since June 5, 2012
void TPZLagrangeMultiplier::ContributeInterface(TPZMaterialData &data, TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &dataleft, TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &dataright, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ek, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef)
    TPZFMatrix<REAL> *phiLPtr = 0, *phiRPtr = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<dataleft.size(); i++) {
        if (dataleft[i].phi.Rows() != 0) {
            phiLPtr = &dataleft[i].phi;
    for (int i=0; i<dataright.size(); i++) {
        if (dataright[i].phi.Rows() != 0) {
            phiRPtr = &dataright[i].phi;
    if(!phiLPtr || !phiRPtr)
    TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiL = *phiLPtr;
    TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiR = *phiRPtr;
    int nrowl = phiL.Rows();
    int nrowr = phiR.Rows();
    static int count  = 0;

    if((nrowl+nrowr)*fNStateVariables != ek.Rows() && count < 20)
        std::cout<<"ek.Rows() "<< ek.Rows()<<
        " nrowl " << nrowl <<
        " nrowr " << nrowr << " may give wrong result " << std::endl;

    int secondblock = ek.Rows()-phiR.Rows()*fNStateVariables;
    int il,jl,ir,jr;
    // 3) phi_I_left, phi_J_right
    for(il=0; il<nrowl; il++) {
        for(jr=0; jr<nrowr; jr++) {
            for (int ist=0; ist<fNStateVariables; ist++) {
                ek(fNStateVariables*il+ist,fNStateVariables*jr+ist+secondblock) += weight * fMultiplier * (phiL(il) * phiR(jr));
    //	// 4) phi_I_right, phi_J_left
    for(ir=0; ir<nrowr; ir++) {
        for(jl=0; jl<nrowl; jl++) {
            for (int ist=0; ist<fNStateVariables; ist++) {
                ek(ir*fNStateVariables+ist+secondblock,jl*fNStateVariables+ist) += weight * fMultiplier * (phiR(ir) * phiL(jl));

Exemplo n.º 2
void TPZMixedDarcyFlow::FillBoundaryConditionDataRequirement(int type, TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &datavec){
    int ndata = datavec.size();
    for (int idata=0; idata < ndata ; idata++) {
        datavec[idata].fNeedsSol = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void TPZBndCond::Contribute(TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &datavec, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix<REAL> &ek, TPZFMatrix<REAL> &ef) {


    int typetmp = fType;
    if (fType == 50) {
//		int i;
#ifdef DEBUG2
            for(int iref=0; iref < datavec.size(); iref++) {
                std::stringstream sout;
                sout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << datavec[iref].sol << " " << datavec[iref].x;
        //for (i = 0; i <data.sol.NElements(); i++){
//			fBCVal2(i,0) = gBigNumber*data.sol[i];
//			fBCVal1(i,i) = gBigNumber;
//		}
//		fType = 2;

    fType = typetmp;
Exemplo n.º 4
void TPZMaterial::ContributeBC(TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &datavec, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix<REAL> &ek, 
							   TPZFMatrix<REAL> &ef, TPZBndCond &bc){
	int nref=datavec.size();
	if (nref== 1) {
		this->ContributeBC(datavec[0], weight, ek,ef,bc);
Exemplo n.º 5
//Contribution of skeletal elements.
void TPZLagrangeMultiplier::Contribute(TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &datavec, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ek, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef)
    int nmesh = datavec.size();
    if (nmesh!=2) DebugStop();

    TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &phiQ = datavec[0].phi;
    TPZFMatrix<REAL> &phiP = datavec[1].phi;
    int phrq = phiQ.Rows();
    int phrp = phiP.Rows();
//------- Block of matrix B ------
    int iq, jp;
	for(iq = 0; iq<phrq; iq++) {
		for(jp=0; jp<phrp; jp++) {
            ek(iq, phrq+jp) += fMultiplier*weight*phiQ(iq,0)*phiP(jp,0);
//------- Block of matrix B^T ------
    int ip, jq;
	for(ip=0; ip<phrp; ip++) {
		for(jq=0; jq<phrq; jq++) {
			ek(ip + phrq,jq) += fMultiplier*weight*phiP(ip,0)*phiQ(jq,0);
Exemplo n.º 6
void RefinamentoUniforme(TPZAutoPointer<TPZGeoMesh> gmesh, int nref,TPZVec<int> dims)
    int ir, iel, k;
    int nel=0, dim=0;
    int ndims = dims.size();
	for(ir = 0; ir < nref; ir++ )
		TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> filhos;
        nel = gmesh->NElements();
		for (iel = 0; iel < nel; iel++ )
			TPZGeoEl * gel = gmesh->ElementVec()[iel];
            if(!gel) DebugStop();
            dim = gel->Dimension();
            for(k = 0; k<ndims; k++)
                if(dim == dims[k])
                    gel->Divide (filhos);
Exemplo n.º 7
void TPZMaterial::Solution(TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &datavec, int var, TPZVec<REAL> &Solout){
	if (datavec.size()==1) {
		this->Solution(datavec[0], var, Solout);
	else {
		this->Solution(datavec, var, Solout);
Exemplo n.º 8
void TPZTracerFlow::FillBoundaryConditionDataRequirement(int type,TPZVec<TPZMaterialData > &datavec){
    int nref = datavec.size();
	for(int i = 0; i<nref; i++)
        datavec[i].fNeedsSol = true;
		datavec[i].fNeedsNormal = false;
Exemplo n.º 9
void TPZPrimalPoisson::FillDataRequirements(TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &datavec)
    int ndata = datavec.size();
    for (int idata=0; idata < ndata ; idata++) {
        datavec[idata].fNeedsSol = true;
Exemplo n.º 10
int TPZMaterial::IntegrationRuleOrder(TPZVec<int> elPMaxOrder) const
	int pmax = 0;
	for (int ip=0;  ip<elPMaxOrder.size(); ip++) 
		if(elPMaxOrder[ip] > pmax) pmax = elPMaxOrder[ip];  
	return  2*pmax;
Exemplo n.º 11
void TPZMaterial::FillDataRequirements(TPZVec<TPZMaterialData > &datavec)
	int nref = datavec.size();
	for(int i = 0; i<nref; i++ )
		datavec[i].fNeedsNeighborSol = false;
		datavec[i].fNeedsNeighborCenter = false;
		datavec[i].fNeedsNormal = false;
Exemplo n.º 12
void TPZMatPoissonD3::ContributeBCInterface(TPZMaterialData &data, TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &dataleft, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ek,TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef,TPZBndCond &bc)
#ifdef PZDEBUG
	int nref =  dataleft.size();
	if (nref != 2 ) {
        std::cout << " Error. This implementation needs only two computational meshes. \n";
#ifdef PZDEBUG
	int bref =  bc.Val2().Rows();
	if (bref != 2 ) {
        std::cout << " Erro. The size of the datavec is different from 2 \n";
    REAL Qn = bc.Val2()(0,0); // cuidado para, na hora de passar os valores de cond contorno, seguir essa ordem
    REAL Pd = 0.0; // = bc.Val2()(1,0); // fluxo normal na primeira casa e pressao na segunda
	TPZManVector<REAL,3> &normal = data.normal;
	//REAL n1 = normal[0];
	//REAL n2 = normal[1];
    //REAL v2;
		TPZManVector<STATE> res(3);
		Pd = res[0];
        Qn = res[0];
        Pd = bc.Val2()(1,0);

    // Setting the phis
    TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &phiQ =  dataleft[0].phi;
    TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &phip =  dataleft[1].phi;
	//TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiQ = datavec[0].dphix;
    //TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphip = datavec[1].dphix;

    int phrq, phrp;
    phrp = phip.Rows();
    phrq = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex.NElements();

	//Calculate the matrix contribution for boundary conditions
    for (int iq = 0; iq<phrq; iq++)
        int ivecind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].first;
        int ishapeind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].second;
        TPZFNMatrix<3> ivec(3,1);
        ivec(0,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(0,ivecind);
        ivec(1,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(1,ivecind);
        ivec(2,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(2,ivecind);
        ivec *= phiQ(ishapeind,0);
        REAL NormalProjectioni = 0.;
        for(int iloc=0; iloc<fDim; iloc++)
            NormalProjectioni += ivec(iloc,0)*normal[iloc];
        for (int jp=0; jp<phrp; jp++)
            REAL integration = weight*NormalProjectioni*phip(jp,0);
            //para a equacao do fluxo - 1o conjunto da formulacao
            ek(iq, phrq+jp) += (-1.0)*integration;
            // para a equacao da pressao - 2o conjunto da formulacao
            ek(phrq+jp, iq) += (-1.0)*integration;

    //if (bc.Type()==0){std::cout << "...." << std::endl;}

    switch (bc.Type())
        case 0:  // Dirichlet
            //REAL InvK = 1./fK;
                        //termo fonte referente a equacao do fluxo
            for (int iq = 0; iq<phrq; iq++)
                int ivecind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].first;
                int ishapeind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].second;
                TPZFNMatrix<3> ivec(3,1);
                ivec(0,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(0,ivecind);
                ivec(1,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(1,ivecind);
                ivec(2,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(2,ivecind);
                ivec *= phiQ(ishapeind,0);
                REAL NormalProjectioni = 0.;
                for(int iloc=0; iloc<fDim; iloc++)
                    NormalProjectioni += ivec(iloc,0)*normal[iloc];
                //para a equacao do fluxo
                ef(iq,0) += (-1.0)*weight*Pd*NormalProjectioni;

            // fim dirichlet

        case 1:  // Neumann
//            REAL InvK = 1./fK;
            for (int iq = 0; iq<phrq; iq++)
                int ivecind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].first;
                int ishapeind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].second;
                TPZFNMatrix<3> ivec(3,1);
                ivec(0,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(0,ivecind);
                ivec(1,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(1,ivecind);
                ivec(2,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(2,ivecind);
                ivec *= phiQ(ishapeind,0);
                REAL NormalProjectioni = 0.;
                for(int iloc=0; iloc<fDim; iloc++)
                    NormalProjectioni += ivec(iloc,0)*normal[iloc];
                ef(iq,0) += gBigNumber*weight*(Qn)*NormalProjectioni;
                //ef(iq,0) += gBigNumber*weight*(ValorPhin - Qn)*NormalProjectioni;

                for (int jq=0; jq<phrq; jq++)
                    TPZFNMatrix<3> jvec(3,1);
                    int jvecind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[jq].first;
                    int jshapeind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[jq].second;
                    jvec(0,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(0,jvecind);
                    jvec(1,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(1,jvecind);
                    jvec(2,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(2,jvecind);
                    jvec *= phiQ(jshapeind,0);

                    REAL NormalProjectionj = 0.;
                    for(int iloc=0; iloc<fDim; iloc++)
                        NormalProjectionj += jvec(iloc,0)*normal[iloc];
                    ek(iq,jq) += gBigNumber*weight*NormalProjectioni*NormalProjectionj;

//            //termo fonte referente a equacao da pressao no entra!!!!
//            for (int jp = 0; jp < phrp ; jp++)
//            {
//                TPZFNMatrix<3> jvec(3,1);
//                int jvecind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[jp].first;
//                int jshapeind = dataleft[0].fVecShapeIndex[jp].second;
//                jvec(0,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(0,jvecind);
//                jvec(1,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(1,jvecind);
//                jvec(2,0) = dataleft[0].fNormalVec(2,jvecind);
//                jvec *= phiQ(jshapeind,0);
//                REAL NormalProjectionj = 0.;
//                for(int iloc=0; iloc<fDim; iloc++)
//                {
//                    NormalProjectionj += jvec(iloc,0)*normal[iloc];
//                }
//                ef(jp,0) += gBigNumber*weight*Qn*NormalProjectionj;
//            }

            // fim neumann
        case 3:  // Robin
            std::cout << " Robin Nao implementada " << std::endl;
            std::cout << " Nao implementada " << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 13
// Contribute methods
// esse metodo esta ok
void TPZMatPoissonD3::Contribute(TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &datavec, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ek, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef)
#ifdef PZDEBUG
	int nref =  datavec.size();
	if (nref != 2 ) {
        std::cout << " Erro. The size of the datavec is different from 2 \n";
    REAL force = fF;
    if(fForcingFunction) {
		TPZManVector<STATE> res(1);
		force = res[0];
    // Setting the phis
    TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &phiQ =  datavec[0].phi;
    TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &phip =  datavec[1].phi;
	//TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiQ = datavec[0].dphix;
    TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphipLoc = datavec[1].dphix;
    TPZFNMatrix<200,REAL> dphip(3,datavec[1].dphix.Cols(),0.0);
    for (int ip = 0; ip<dphip.Cols(); ip++) {
        for (int d = 0; d<dphipLoc.Rows(); d++) {
            for (int j=0; j< 3; j++) {
    int phrq, phrp;
    phrp = phip.Rows();
    phrq = datavec[0].fVecShapeIndex.NElements();
	//Calculate the matrix contribution for flux. Matrix A
    // A matriz de rigidez é tal que A{ij}=\int_\Omega K^{-1} \varphi_j\cdot\varphi_i d\Omega
    // K, futuramente sera uma matriz ou funcao, deve-se ter cuidado com essa parte da inversao de K
    TPZFNMatrix<3,REAL> PermTensor = fTensorK;
    TPZFNMatrix<3,REAL> InvPermTensor = fInvK;
        TPZFNMatrix<9,STATE> resultMat;
        TPZManVector<STATE,3> res;
        for(int id=0; id<fDim; id++){
            for(int jd=0; jd<fDim; jd++){
                PermTensor(id,jd) = resultMat(id,jd);
                InvPermTensor(id,jd) = resultMat(id+fDim,jd);

    //REAL InvK = 1./fK;
    for (int iq = 0; iq<phrq; iq++)
        int ivecind = datavec[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].first;
        int ishapeind = datavec[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].second;
        TPZFNMatrix<3> ivec(3,1);
        ivec(0,0) = datavec[0].fNormalVec(0,ivecind);
        ivec(1,0) = datavec[0].fNormalVec(1,ivecind);
        ivec(2,0) = datavec[0].fNormalVec(2,ivecind);
        TPZFNMatrix<3,REAL> jvecZ(fDim,1,0.);
        for (int jq=0; jq<phrq; jq++)
            TPZFNMatrix<3> jvec(3,1);
            int jvecind = datavec[0].fVecShapeIndex[jq].first;
            int jshapeind = datavec[0].fVecShapeIndex[jq].second;
            jvec(0,0) = datavec[0].fNormalVec(0,jvecind);
            jvec(1,0) = datavec[0].fNormalVec(1,jvecind);
            jvec(2,0) = datavec[0].fNormalVec(2,jvecind);
            //dot product between Kinv[u]v
            for(int id=0; id<fDim; id++){
                for(int jd=0; jd<fDim; jd++){
                    jvecZ(id,0) += InvPermTensor(id,jd)*jvec(jd,0);
            REAL prod = 0.;
            for(int id=0; id < fDim;id++) prod += ivec(id,0)*jvecZ(id,0);
            ek(iq,jq) += fvisc*weight*phiQ(ishapeind,0)*phiQ(jshapeind,0)*prod;

            //dot product between u and v
//            REAL prod = 0.;
//            for(int iloc=0; iloc<3; iloc++)
//            {
//                prod += ivec(iloc,0)*jvec(iloc,0);
//                //ivec(0,0)*jvec(0,0) + ivec(1,0)*jvec(1,0) + ivec(2,0)*jvec(2,0);
//            }
//            ek(iq,jq) += InvK*weight*phiQ(ishapeind,0)*phiQ(jshapeind,0)*prod;
    // Coupling terms between flux and pressure. Matrix B
    // A matriz de rigidez é tal que B{ij}=\int_\Omega \nabla\phi_j\cdot\varphi_i d\Omega
    for(int iq=0; iq<phrq; iq++)
        int ivecind = datavec[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].first;
        int ishapeind = datavec[0].fVecShapeIndex[iq].second;
        TPZFNMatrix<3> ivec(3,1);
        ivec(0,0) = datavec[0].fNormalVec(0,ivecind);
        ivec(1,0) = datavec[0].fNormalVec(1,ivecind);
        ivec(2,0) = datavec[0].fNormalVec(2,ivecind);
        for (int jp=0; jp<phrp; jp++)
            //dot product between  varphi and grad phi
            REAL prod = 0.;
            for(int iloc=0; iloc<3; iloc++)
                prod += (  ivec(iloc,0)*phiQ(ishapeind,0)  )*dphip(iloc,jp);
            REAL fact = weight*prod;
            // Matrix B
            ek(iq, phrq+jp) += fact;
            // Matrix B^T
            ek(phrq+jp,iq) += fact;
    //termo fonte referente a equacao da pressao
    for(int ip=0; ip<phrp; ip++){
        ef(phrq+ip,0) += (-1.)*weight*force*phip(ip,0);
Exemplo n.º 14
void TPZTracerFlow::ContributeBC(TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &datavec,REAL weight, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ek,TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef,TPZBndCond &bc){
    if (fPressureEquationFilter == false)
#ifdef PZDEBUG
    int nref =  datavec.size();
	if (nref != 3 ) {
        std::cout << " Erro.!! datavec tem que ser de tamanho 2 \n";
	TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &phiQ = datavec[1].phi;
	int phrQ = phiQ.Rows();//datavec[1].fVecShapeIndex.NElements();
    int phrS = datavec[0].phi.Rows();
	REAL v2;
	v2 = bc.Val2()(1,0);
    STATE BigNum = gBigNumber;
	switch (bc.Type()) {
		case 0 :		// Dirichlet condition
			//primeira equacao
			for(int iq=0; iq<phrQ; iq++)
                //the contribution of the Dirichlet boundary condition appears in the flow equation
                ef(iq+phrS,0) += (-1.)*v2*phiQ(iq,0)*weight;
		case 1 :			// Neumann condition
			//primeira equacao
            if(IsZero(v2)) BigNum = 1.e10;
			for(int iq=0; iq<phrQ; iq++)
                ef(iq+phrS,0)+= BigNum*v2*phiQ(iq,0)*weight;
                for (int jq=0; jq<phrQ; jq++) {
                    ek(iq+phrS,jq+phrS)+= BigNum*phiQ(iq,0)*phiQ(jq,0)*weight;
        case 2 :			// mixed condition
            for(int iq = 0; iq < phrQ; iq++) {
				ef(iq+phrS,0) += v2*phiQ(iq,0)*weight;
				for (int jq = 0; jq < phrQ; jq++) {
					ek(iq+phrS,jq+phrS) += weight*bc.Val1()(0,0)*phiQ(iq,0)*phiQ(jq,0);
        case 5 :        // Neumann(pressure)-Inflow(saturation)
			//primeira equacao
			for(int iq=0; iq<phrQ; iq++)
                ef(iq+phrS,0)+= BigNum*v2*phiQ(iq,0)*weight;
                for (int jq=0; jq<phrQ; jq++) {
                    ek(iq+phrS,jq+phrS)+= BigNum*phiQ(iq,0)*phiQ(jq,0)*weight;
        case 6 :		// Dirichlet(pressure)-Outflow(saturation)
			//primeira equacao
			for(int iq=0; iq<phrQ; iq++)
                //the contribution of the Dirichlet boundary condition appears in the flow equation
                ef(iq+phrS,0) += (-1.)*v2*phiQ(iq,0)*weight;
        case 7 :		// Dirichlet(pressure)-Inflow(saturation)
			//primeira equacao
			for(int iq=0; iq<phrQ; iq++)
                //the contribution of the Dirichlet boundary condition appears in the flow equation
                ef(iq+phrS,0) += (-1.)*v2*phiQ(iq,0)*weight;
Exemplo n.º 15
void TPZTracerFlow::Contribute(TPZVec<TPZMaterialData> &datavec, REAL weight, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ek, TPZFMatrix<STATE> &ef){
#ifdef PZDEBUG
	int nref =  datavec.size();
	if (nref != 3 ) {
        std::cout << " Erro. The size of the datavec is different from 3 \n";
    // Setting the phis
    TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &phiQ =  datavec[1].phi;
    TPZFMatrix<REAL> &dphiQ = datavec[1].dphix;
    TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &phiP =  datavec[2].phi;
    TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &phiS =  datavec[0].phi;
    TPZFMatrix<REAL>  &dphiS =  datavec[0].dphix;
	TPZFMatrix<REAL> &axesS = datavec[0].axes;
	int phrQ = datavec[1].fVecShapeIndex.NElements();//phiQ.Rows();
    int phrP = phiP.Rows();
    int phrS = phiS.Rows();
    //current state n+1: stiffness matrix
    if(gState == ECurrentState)
        if (fPressureEquationFilter == true)
            STATE permeability = fk;
            if(fForcingFunction) {
                TPZManVector<STATE> res(1);
                permeability = res[0];
            //Calculate the matrix contribution for flux. Matrix A
            REAL ratiok = fVisc/permeability;
            for(int iq=0; iq<phrQ; iq++)
                ef(iq+phrS, 0) += 0.;
                int ivecind = datavec[1].fVecShapeIndex[iq].first;
                int ishapeind = datavec[1].fVecShapeIndex[iq].second;
                for (int jq=0; jq<phrQ; jq++)
                    int jvecind = datavec[1].fVecShapeIndex[jq].first;
                    int jshapeind = datavec[1].fVecShapeIndex[jq].second;
                    REAL prod = datavec[1].fNormalVec(0,ivecind)*datavec[1].fNormalVec(0,jvecind)+
                    datavec[1].fNormalVec(2,ivecind)*datavec[1].fNormalVec(2,jvecind);//dot product between u and v
                    ek(iq+phrS,jq+phrS) += ratiok*weight*phiQ(ishapeind,0)*phiQ(jshapeind,0)*prod;
            // Coupling terms between flux and pressure. Matrix B
            for(int iq=0; iq<phrQ; iq++)
                int ivecind = datavec[1].fVecShapeIndex[iq].first;
                int ishapeind = datavec[1].fVecShapeIndex[iq].second;
                TPZFNMatrix<3> ivec(3,1);
                ivec(0,0) = datavec[1].fNormalVec(0,ivecind);
                ivec(1,0) = datavec[1].fNormalVec(1,ivecind);
                ivec(2,0) = datavec[1].fNormalVec(2,ivecind);
                TPZFNMatrix<3> axesvec(3,1);
                REAL divwq = 0.;
                for(int iloc=0; iloc<fDim; iloc++)
                    divwq += axesvec(iloc,0)*dphiQ(iloc,ishapeind);
                for (int jp=0; jp<phrP; jp++) {
                    REAL fact = (-1.)*weight*phiP(jp,0)*divwq;
                    // Matrix B
                    ek(iq+phrS, phrS+phrQ+jp) += fact;
                    // Matrix B^T
                    ek(phrS+phrQ+jp,iq+phrS) += fact;
            //Right side of the pressure equation
            REAL fXfLocP = fxfPQ;
//            if(fForcingFunction) {
//                TPZManVector<STATE> res(1);
//                fForcingFunction->Execute(datavec[2].x,res);
//                fXfLocP = res[0];
//            }
            for(int ip=0; ip<phrP; ip++){
                ef(phrS+phrQ+ip,0) += (-1.)*weight*fXfLocP*phiP(ip,0);
            STATE DeltaT = fTimeStep;
            STATE forceSat = fxfS;
            //Calculate the matrix contribution for saturation.
            for(int in = 0; in < phrS; in++ ) {
                ef(in, 0) += DeltaT*weight*forceSat*phiS(in,0);
                for(int jn = 0; jn < phrS; jn++)
                    ek(in,jn) += weight*fPoros*phiS(in,0)*phiS(jn,0);
    }//end stiffness matrix at ECurrentState
    //Last state (n): mass matrix
	if(gState == ELastState)
         STATE DeltaT = fTimeStep;
        //apenas para criar uma matriz auxiliar
        if(fRungeKuttaTwo == true)
            for(int in = 0; in < phrS; in++){
                for(int jn = 0; jn < phrS; jn++){
                    ek(in,jn) += weight*fPoros*phiS(in,0)*phiS(jn,0);
            fConvDir[0] = datavec[1].sol[0][0];
            fConvDir[1] = datavec[1].sol[0][1];
            TPZVec<STATE> ConvDirAx;
            ConvDirAx.Resize(fDim, 0.);
            int di,dj;
            for(di=0; di<fDim; di++){
                for(dj=0; dj<fDim; dj++){
                    ConvDirAx[di] += axesS(di,dj)*fConvDir[dj];

            int kd;
            for(int in = 0; in < phrS; in++) {
                for(int jn = 0; jn < phrS; jn++)
                    ek(in,jn) += weight*fPoros*phiS(in,0)*phiS(jn,0);
                    for(kd=0; kd<fDim; kd++)
                        ek(in,jn) += weight*(DeltaT*ConvDirAx[kd]*dphiS(kd,in)*phiS(jn,0));
    }//end stiffness matrix at ELastState
//#ifdef LOG4CXX
//	if(logdata->isDebugEnabled())
//	{
//		std::stringstream sout;
//		ek.Print("ek = ",sout,EMathematicaInput);
//		ef.Print("ef = ",sout,EMathematicaInput);
//		LOGPZ_DEBUG(logdata,sout.str())
//	}
