Exemplo n.º 1
void ProofSimple::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   // The Begin() function is called at the start of the query.
   // When running with PROOF Begin() is only called on the client.
   // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).

   TString option = GetOption();
   Ssiz_t iopt = kNPOS;

   // Histos array
   if (fInput->FindObject("ProofSimple_NHist")) {
      TParameter<Long_t> *p =
      fNhist = (p) ? (Int_t) p->GetVal() : fNhist;
   } else if ((iopt = option.Index("nhist=")) != kNPOS) {
      TString s;
      Ssiz_t from = iopt + strlen("nhist=");
      if (option.Tokenize(s, from, ";") && s.IsDigit()) fNhist = s.Atoi();
   if (fNhist < 1) {
      Abort("fNhist must be > 0! Hint: proof->SetParameter(\"ProofSimple_NHist\","
            " (Long_t) <nhist>)", kAbortProcess);

   if (fInput->FindObject("ProofSimple_NHist3")) {
      TParameter<Long_t> *p =
      fNhist3 = (p) ? (Int_t) p->GetVal() : fNhist3;
   } else if ((iopt = option.Index("nhist3=")) != kNPOS) {
      TString s;
      Ssiz_t from = iopt + strlen("nhist3=");
      if (option.Tokenize(s, from, ";") && s.IsDigit()) fNhist3 = s.Atoi();

   // Ntuple
   TNamed *nm = dynamic_cast<TNamed *>(fInput->FindObject("ProofSimple_Ntuple"));
   if (nm) {

      // Title is in the form
      //         merge                  merge via file
      //           |<fout>                      location of the output file if merge
      //           |retrieve                    retrieve to client machine
      //         dataset                create a dataset
      //           |<dsname>                    dataset name (default: dataset_ntuple)
      //         |plot                  for a final plot
      //         <empty> or other       keep in memory

      fHasNtuple = 1;
      TString ontp(nm->GetTitle());
      if (ontp.Contains("|plot") || ontp == "plot") {
         fPlotNtuple = kTRUE;
         ontp.ReplaceAll("|plot", "");
         if (ontp == "plot") ontp = "";
      if (ontp.BeginsWith("dataset")) fHasNtuple = 2;
Exemplo n.º 2
void ProofEventProc::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   // The SlaveBegin() function is called after the Begin() function.
   // When running with PROOF SlaveBegin() is called on each slave server.
   // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).

   TString option = GetOption();

   // How much to read
   fFullRead = kFALSE;
   TNamed *nm = 0;
   if (fInput) {
      if ((nm = dynamic_cast<TNamed *>(fInput->FindObject("ProofEventProc_Read")))) {
         if (!strcmp(nm->GetTitle(), "readall")) fFullRead = kTRUE;
   if (!nm) {
      // Check option
      if (option == "readall") fFullRead = kTRUE;
   Info("SlaveBegin", "'%s' reading", (fFullRead ? "full" : "optimized"));

   fPtHist = new TH1F("pt_dist","p_{T} Distribution",100,0,5);


   fPzHist = new TH1F("pz_dist","p_{Z} Distribution",100,0,5.);


   fPxPyHist = new TH2F("px_py","p_{X} vs p_{Y} Distribution",100,-5.,5.,100,-5.,5.);

   // Abort test, if any
   TParameter<Int_t> *pi = 0;
   if (fInput) 
      pi = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Int_t> *>(fInput->FindObject("ProofEventProc_TestAbort"));
   if (pi) fTestAbort = pi->GetVal();
   if (fTestAbort < -1 || fTestAbort > 1) {
      Info("SlaveBegin", "unsupported value for the abort test: %d not in [-1,1] - ignore", fTestAbort);
      fTestAbort = -1;
   } else if (fTestAbort > -1) {
      Info("SlaveBegin", "running abort test: %d", fTestAbort);

   if (fTestAbort == 0) 
      Abort("Test abortion during init", kAbortProcess);
Exemplo n.º 3
Bool_t ProofSimple::Process(Long64_t entry)
   // The Process() function is called for each entry in the tree (or possibly
   // keyed object in the case of PROOF) to be processed. The entry argument
   // specifies which entry in the currently loaded tree is to be processed.
   // It can be passed to either ProofSimple::GetEntry() or TBranch::GetEntry()
   // to read either all or the required parts of the data. When processing
   // keyed objects with PROOF, the object is already loaded and is available
   // via the fObject pointer.
   // This function should contain the "body" of the analysis. It can contain
   // simple or elaborate selection criteria, run algorithms on the data
   // of the event and typically fill histograms.
   // The processing can be stopped by calling Abort().
   // Use fStatus to set the return value of TTree::Process().
   // The return value is currently not used.

   for (Int_t i=0; i < fNhist; i++) {
      if (fRandom && fHist[i]) {
         Double_t x = fRandom->Gaus(0.,1.);
   for (Int_t i=0; i < fNhist3; i++) {
      if (fRandom && fHist3[i]) {
         Double_t x = fRandom->Gaus(0.,1.);
   if (fHLab && fRandom) {
      TSortedList sortl;
      Float_t rr[10];
      fRandom->RndmArray(10, rr);
      for (Int_t i=0; i < 10; i++) {
         sortl.Add(new TParameter<Int_t>(TString::Format("%f",rr[i]), i));
      TIter nxe(&sortl);
      TParameter<Int_t> *pi = 0;
      while ((pi = (TParameter<Int_t> *) nxe())) {
         fHLab->Fill(TString::Format("hl%d", pi->GetVal()), pi->GetVal());
   if (fNtp) FillNtuple(entry);
   return kTRUE;
void ProofSimpleFile::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   // The Begin() function is called at the start of the query.
   // When running with PROOF Begin() is only called on the client.
   // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).

   TString option = GetOption();

   // Number of histograms (needed in terminate)
   if (fInput->FindObject("ProofSimpleFile_NHist")) {
      TParameter<Long_t> *p =
      fNhist = (p) ? (Int_t) p->GetVal() : fNhist;
   } else if ((iopt = option.Index("nhist=")) != kNPOS) {
      TString s;
      Ssiz_t from = iopt + strlen("nhist=");
      if (option.Tokenize(s, from, ";") && s.IsDigit()) fNhist = s.Atoi();
Exemplo n.º 5
void ProofAux::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   // The SlaveBegin() function is called after the Begin() function.
   // When running with PROOF SlaveBegin() is called on each slave server.
   // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).

   TString option = GetOption();

   // Determine the action type
   fAction = GetAction(fInput);

   // Get the number of events
   TParameter<Long64_t> *a = (TParameter<Long64_t> *) fInput->FindObject("ProofAux_NEvents");
   if (a) fNEvents = a->GetVal();

   // Create lists
   fMainList = new TList;
   if (gProofServ) fMainList->SetName(TString::Format("MainList-%s", gProofServ->GetOrdinal()));
   fFriendList = new TList;
   if (gProofServ) fFriendList->SetName(TString::Format("FriendList-%s", gProofServ->GetOrdinal()));
Exemplo n.º 6
void ProofSimpleFile::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   // The SlaveBegin() function is called after the Begin() function.
   // When running with PROOF SlaveBegin() is called on each slave server.
   // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).

   TString option = GetOption();

   // Number of histograms (needed in terminate)
   Ssiz_t iopt = kNPOS;
   if (fInput->FindObject("ProofSimpleFile_NHist")) {
      TParameter<Long_t> *p =
      fNhist = (p) ? (Int_t) p->GetVal() : fNhist;
   } else if ((iopt = option.Index("nhist=")) != kNPOS) {
      TString s;
      Ssiz_t from = iopt + strlen("nhist=");
      if (option.Tokenize(s, from, ";") && s.IsDigit()) fNhist = s.Atoi();

   // The file for merging
   fProofFile = new TProofOutputFile("SimpleFile.root", "M");
   TNamed *out = (TNamed *) fInput->FindObject("PROOF_OUTPUTFILE");
   if (out) fProofFile->SetOutputFileName(out->GetTitle());
   TDirectory *savedir = gDirectory;
   fFile = fProofFile->OpenFile("RECREATE");
   if (fFile && fFile->IsZombie()) SafeDelete(fFile);

   // Cannot continue
   if (!fFile) {
      TString amsg = TString::Format("ProofSimpleFile::SlaveBegin: could not create '%s':"
                                     " instance is invalid!", fProofFile->GetName());
      Abort(amsg, kAbortProcess);

   // Histos arrays
   if (CreateHistoArrays() != 0) {
      Abort("ProofSimpleFile::SlaveBegin: could not create histograms", kAbortProcess);

   // Create directory
   if (!(fFileDir = fFile->mkdir("blue"))) {
      Abort("ProofSimpleFile::SlaveBegin: could not create directory 'blue' in file!",

   // Create the histograms
   for (Int_t i=0; i < fNhist; i++) {
      fHistTop[i] = new TH1F(Form("ht%d",i), Form("ht%d",i), 100, -3., 3.);
      fHistDir[i] = new TH1F(Form("hd%d",i), Form("hd%d",i), 100, -3., 3.);

   // Set random seed
   fRandom = new TRandom3(0);
Exemplo n.º 7
void ProofEventProc::CheckRanges()
   // Check the processed event ranges when there is enough information
   // The result is added to the output list

   // Must be something in output
   if (!fOutput || (fOutput && fOutput->GetSize() <= 0)) return;

   // Create the result object and add it to the list
   TNamed *nout = new TNamed("Range_Check", "OK");
   // Get info to check from the input list
   if (!fInput || (fInput && fInput->GetSize() <= 0)) {
      nout->SetTitle("No input list");
   TNamed *ffst = dynamic_cast<TNamed *>(fInput->FindObject("Range_First_File"));
   if (!ffst) {
      nout->SetTitle("No first file");
   TNamed *flst = dynamic_cast<TNamed *>(fInput->FindObject("Range_Last_File"));
   if (!flst) {
      nout->SetTitle("No last file");
   TParameter<Int_t> *fnum =
      dynamic_cast<TParameter<Int_t> *>(fInput->FindObject("Range_Num_Files"));
   if (!fnum) {
      nout->SetTitle("No number of files");

   // Check first file
   TString fn(ffst->GetTitle()), sfst(ffst->GetTitle());
   Ssiz_t ifst = fn.Index("?fst=");
   if (ifst == kNPOS) {
      nout->SetTitle("No first entry information in first file name");
   sfst.Remove(0, ifst + sizeof("?fst=") - 1);
   if (!sfst.IsDigit()) {
      nout->SetTitle("Badly formatted first entry information in first file name");
   Long64_t fst = (Long64_t) sfst.Atoi();
   ProcFileElements *pfef = dynamic_cast<ProcFileElements *>(fOutput->FindObject(fn));
   if (!pfef) {
      nout->SetTitle("ProcFileElements for first file not found in the output list");
   if (pfef->GetFirst() != fst) {
      TString t = TString::Format("First entry differs {found: %lld, expected: %lld}", pfef->GetFirst(), fst);

   // Check last file
   fn = flst->GetTitle();
   TString slst(flst->GetTitle());
   Ssiz_t ilst = fn.Index("?lst=");
   if (ilst == kNPOS) {
      nout->SetTitle("No last entry information in last file name");
   slst.Remove(0, ilst + sizeof("?lst=") - 1);
   if (!slst.IsDigit()) {
      nout->SetTitle("Badly formatted last entry information in last file name");
   Long64_t lst = (Long64_t) slst.Atoi();
   ProcFileElements *pfel = dynamic_cast<ProcFileElements *>(fOutput->FindObject(fn));
   if (!pfel) {
      nout->SetTitle("ProcFileElements for last file not found in the output list");
   if (pfel->GetLast() != lst) {
      nout->SetTitle("Last entry differs");

   // Check Number of files
   Int_t nproc = 0;
   TIter nxo(fOutput);
   TObject *o = 0;
   while ((o = nxo())) {
      if (dynamic_cast<ProcFileElements *>(o)) nproc++;
   if (fnum->GetVal() != nproc) {
      nout->SetTitle("Number of processed files differs");
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  TFile f1("/cmshome/fpreiato/GammaJet/CMSSW_7_4_14/src/JetMETCorrections/GammaJetFilter/analysis/PrescaleWeighting/MC_ptPhot_scaled.root");
  TH1D *h_mc = (TH1D*)f1.Get("h_mc");

  TFile f2("/cmshome/fpreiato/GammaJet/CMSSW_7_4_14/src/JetMETCorrections/GammaJetFilter/analysis/tuples/Data/PhotonJet_SinglePhoton__Run2015D_2015-12-04_alphacut030_NoPrescale_PFlowAK4chs.root");
  TTree* PhotonTree_data = (TTree*) f2.Get("photon");
  uint64_t totalEvents_data = PhotonTree_data->GetEntries();
  cout<< totalEvents_data << endl;  
  double lumi = -1;
  TParameter<double>* dLumi = static_cast<TParameter<double>*>(f2.Get("analysis/luminosity"));
  lumi = dLumi->GetVal();
  cout<< "lumi  " << lumi<< endl;  
  double arraybins[7] = {40, 60, 85,100,130,175,5000};
  TH1D *h_data = new TH1D("h_data", "h_data", 6, arraybins);
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < totalEvents_data; i++) {      
    //   for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {      
    if(i == 0 || i % 5000 == 0) cout<< "Events processed "<< i <<endl;
    float ptPhot;
    h_data -> Fill(ptPhot);        
  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",800,800);
  h_mc-> SetLineColor(kBlue);
  h_data -> SetLineColor(kRed);
  h_mc -> Draw();
  h_data -> Draw("same");
  c1-> SaveAs("Plot/Distributions.png");
  //calcolo rapporto
  TH1D *h_ratio = (TH1D*)h_mc->Clone("h_ratio");                                                                                                            
  TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",800,800);
  h_ratio -> Draw();
  c2-> SaveAs("Plot/Ratio.png");
  TH1D *h_data_reweighted = new TH1D("h_data_reweighted", "data reweighted", 6, arraybins);
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < totalEvents_data; i++) {      
    //  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {      
    if(i == 0 || i % 5000 == 0) cout<< "Events processed "<< i <<endl;
    float ptPhot;
    int bin;
    if(ptPhot >=40 && ptPhot <60)       bin =1;
    if(ptPhot >=60 && ptPhot <85)       bin =2;
    if(ptPhot >=85 && ptPhot <100)     bin =3; 
    if(ptPhot >=100 && ptPhot <130)   bin =4;
    if(ptPhot >=130 && ptPhot <175)   bin =5;
    if(ptPhot >=175 && ptPhot <=5000) bin =6;
    double Prescale = h_ratio->GetBinContent(bin);
    //    cout<< "prescale applicato  " << Prescale <<endl;
    h_data_reweighted -> Fill(ptPhot, Prescale);     
  TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","c3",800,800);
  //      c3->SetLogx();
  h_mc -> SetLineColor(kBlue);
  h_data_reweighted -> SetLineColor(kRed);
  h_data_reweighted -> Draw();
  h_mc -> Draw("same");
  c3-> SaveAs("Plot/Data_reweighted.png");
  TFile f_new("Prescale_ReReco_alphacut030_07Dic2015_GJet_plus_QCD.root", "recreate");          
  h_mc  -> Write();      
  h_ratio -> Write();
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  if (argc != 7 && argc != 8) {
    std::cout << "USAGE: ./draw_vs_npv [data_dataset] [mc_SIGNAL_dataset] [mc_BG_dataset] [recoType] [jetAlgo] [norm ('LUMI' or 'SHAPE')] [flags=\"\"]" << std::endl;


  std::string data_dataset(argv[1]);
  std::string mc_photonjet(argv[2]);
  std::string mc_QCD(argv[3]);
  std::string recoType(argv[4]);
  std::string jetAlgo(argv[5]);
  std::string norm(argv[6]);
  if (norm != "LUMI" && norm != "SHAPE") {
    std::cout << "'" << norm << "' normalization not implemented yet." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Only 'LUMI' and 'SHAPE' currently supported." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Exiting." << std::endl;
  std::string flags = "";
  if (argc == 8) {
    std::string flags_str(argv[7]);
    flags = flags_str;

  std::string algoType;
  if (recoType == "calo") {
    algoType = jetAlgo;
  } else {
    algoType = recoType + jetAlgo;
  if (recoType == "jpt" && jetAlgo == "akt4") {
    algoType = "jptak4";

  jetAlgo = (jetAlgo == "ak4") ? "AK4" : "AK8";
  recoType = (recoType == "pf") ? "PFlow" : "Calo";
  std::string postFix = recoType + jetAlgo;

  postFix += "chs";

  //Float_t etamax = 3.;
  //bool sameEvents = false; //until njets histos have no overflows... or maybe use GetEntries instead of integral?

  drawBase* db = new drawBase("PhotonJet", recoType, jetAlgo, OUTPUT_GRAPHS);

  std::cout << "flags set." << std::endl;

  TString dataFileName;
  if (flags.length() > 0) {
    dataFileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s_%s.root", data_dataset.c_str(), postFix.c_str(), flags.c_str());
  } else {
    dataFileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s.root", data_dataset.c_str(), postFix.c_str());

  TFile* dataFile = TFile::Open(dataFileName);

  if (dataFile) {
    std::cout << "Opened data file '" << dataFileName << "'." << std::endl;
    db->add_dataFile(dataFile, data_dataset);

  TString mc1FileName;
  if (flags.length() > 0) {
    mc1FileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s_%s.root", mc_photonjet.c_str(), postFix.c_str(), flags.c_str());
  } else {
    mc1FileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s.root", mc_photonjet.c_str(), postFix.c_str());
  TFile* mcPhotonJetFile = TFile::Open(mc1FileName);
  std::cout << "Opened mc file '" << mc1FileName << "'." << std::endl;

  if (mcPhotonJetFile) {
    db->add_mcFile(mcPhotonJetFile, mc_photonjet, "#gamma + jets MC", BALANCING);

  if (mc_QCD != "") {
    TString mc2FileName;
    if (flags.length() > 0) {
      mc2FileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s_%s.root", mc_QCD.c_str(), postFix.c_str(), flags.c_str());
    } else {
      mc2FileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s.root", mc_QCD.c_str(), postFix.c_str());
    TFile* mcQCDFile = TFile::Open(mc2FileName);
    std::cout << "Opened mc file '" << mc2FileName << "'." << std::endl;

    if (mcQCDFile && mc_QCD != mc_photonjet) {
      db->add_mcFile(mcQCDFile, mc_QCD, "QCD MC", MPF);

  // MC should already be normalized to a lumi of 1 pb-1
  // Read luminosity
  double dLumi = 1e6;
  if (dataFile) {
    TParameter<double>* lumi = static_cast<TParameter<double>*>(dataFile->Get("analysis/luminosity"));
    dLumi = lumi->GetVal();

  std::cout<< "Lumi "<< dLumi << std::endl;  

  //  db->set_lumi(dLumi * 1e-6);
  if (norm == "LUMI") {
  } else {
  std::string outputDir = "PhotonJetPlots_" + db->get_fullSuffix() + "/vs_npv";
  bool log = true;
  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;
  VertexBinning vertexBinning;
  std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > vertexBins = vertexBinning.getBinning();
  EtaBinning etaBinning;
  size_t etaBinningSize = etaBinning.size();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < etaBinningSize; i++) {
    TString responseName = TString::Format("resp_balancing_%s", etaBinning.getBinName(i).c_str());
    db->drawHisto_vs_vertex(vertexBins, responseName.Data(), "Balancing Response", "", "Events", log);
    // Raw jets
    //responseName = TString::Format("resp_balancing_raw_%s", etaBinning.getBinName(i).c_str());
    //db->drawHisto_vs_vertex(ptBins, responseName.Data(), "Balancing Response (raw jets)", "", "Events", log);
    responseName = TString::Format("resp_mpf_%s", etaBinning.getBinName(i).c_str());
    db->drawHisto_vs_vertex(vertexBins, responseName.Data(), "MPF Response", "", "Events", log);
    // Raw jets
    //responseName = TString::Format("resp_mpf_raw_%s", etaBinning.getBinName(i).c_str());
    //db->drawHisto_vs_vertex(ptBins, responseName.Data(), "MPF Response (raw ME_{T})", "", "Events", log);
  // Special case eta < 1.3
  db->set_legendTitle("|#eta| < 1.3");
  db->drawHisto_vs_vertex(vertexBins, "resp_balancing_eta0013", "Balancing Response", "", "Events", log);
  //db->drawHisto_vs_pt(ptBins, "resp_balancing_raw_eta013", "Balancing Response (raw jets)", "", "Events", log);
  db->drawHisto_vs_vertex(vertexBins, "resp_mpf_eta0013", "MPF Response", "", "Events", log);
  //db->drawHisto_vs_vertex(ptBins, "resp_mpf_raw_eta013", "MPF Response (raw ME_{T})", "", "Events", log);
  delete db;
  db = NULL;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void moduleSummary(const char *dirName = "", const char *module_type) 

  printf("\nmoduleSummary> Starting ...\n");

  nChips = 16;
  startChip = 0;
  if ( !strcmp(module_type,"a") ) {
    nChips = 8; 
    startChip = 0; 
  if ( !strcmp(module_type,"b") ) {
    nChips = 8; 
    startChip = 8; 

  sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", dirName, fileName);
  inputFile = fopen(fname, "r");
  if (!inputFile) { 

    printf("\nmoduleSummary> ----> COULD NOT FIND %s IN DIRECTORY %s\n", fileName, dirName);
    printf("moduleSummary> ----> Aborting execution of moduleSummaryPage.C ... \n\n", fileName, dirName);   

  sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", dirName, adFileName);
  inputFile = fopen(fname, "r");
  if (!inputFile) {
    sprintf(adFileName,"%s", fileName); 
  else {
    printf("moduleSummary> ----> found separate address decoding file: %s\n", adFileName); 
    fclose (inputFile); 
  sprintf(fname, "%s/../../macros/criteria.dat", dirName);
  if ( !readCriteria(fname) ) {  
    printf("\nmoduleSummary> ----> COULD NOT READ GRADING CRITERIA !!!\n");
    printf("moduleSummary> ----> Aborting execution of moduleSummaryPage.C ... \n\n", fileName, dirName);  

  TFile *f = new TFile(Form("%s/%s", dirName, fileName));


  gStyle->SetLabelFont(132, "X");
  gStyle->SetLabelFont(132, "Y");
  gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.08, "X");
  gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.08, "Y");
  gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.08, "X");
  gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.08, "Y");
  gStyle->SetNdivisions(10, "X");
  gStyle->SetNdivisions(8, "Y");
  tl = new TLatex;
  ts = new TLatex;

  line = new TLine;

  box = new TBox;

  c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 900, 700);
  int EColor[6]        = { 4, 8, 6, 1 };  
  int EMarkerStyle[10] = { 4, 25, 26, 23, 21, 27, 28, 20, 30, 29 };

  TH2D *mThreshold = new TH2D("mThreshold", "", 416, 0., 416., 160, 0., 160.);
  TH2D *mBumps     = new TH2D("mBumps",     "", 416, 0., 416., 160, 0., 160.);
  TH2D *mAddr      = new TH2D("mAddr",      "", 416, 0., 416., 160, 0., 160.);  

  double mThresholdmin(0.), mThresholdmax(255.);

  const int nfit = 4;  
  TString fitNames[] = {TString("Noise"), TString("Vcal Thr. Width"), TString("Rel. Gain Width"), TString("Pedestal Spread")};

  float limitB[] = { noiseB, trimmingB, gainB, pedestalB };   // limit for grading
  float limitC[] = { noiseC, trimmingC, gainC, pedestalC };   // limit for grading
  float max[]   = { noiseB + 100., trimmingB + 100., gainB + 0.05, pedestalB + 1000. };    // scaling of histogram

  TH1D *fit[nfit];
  TH1D *fitEntries[nfit];

  for(int ifit = 0; ifit < nfit; ++ifit) {

    fit[ifit] = new TH1D(Form("%s", fitNames[ifit].Data()),"", nChips, float(startChip), float(startChip+nChips));
    fitEntries[ifit] = new TH1D(Form("n%s", fitNames[ifit].Data()),"", nChips, float(startChip), float(startChip+nChips));

  for (int i = startChip; i < startChip+nChips; i++) { addVcalThreshold(dirName, i, mThreshold); }
  for (int i = startChip; i < startChip+nChips; i++) { addChip("vcals_xtalk", i, mBumps); }

  TFile *f1 = new TFile(Form("%s/%s", dirName, adFileName));
  for (int i = startChip; i < startChip+nChips; i++) { addChip("AddressDecoding", i, mAddr);}

  if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 0 ) { 
    for (int i = 8; i < nChips+8; i++) { removeChip(i, mThreshold, -99); }
    for (int i = 8; i < nChips+8; i++) { removeChip(i, mBumps, -99); }
    for (int i = 8; i < nChips+8; i++) { removeChip(i, mAddr, -99); }

  if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 8 ) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < nChips; i++) { removeChip(i, mThreshold, -99); }
    for (int i = 0; i < nChips; i++) { removeChip(i, mBumps, -99); }
    for (int i = 0; i < nChips; i++) { removeChip(i, mAddr, -99); }

  TString noslash(dirName);
  noslash.ReplaceAll("/", "");
  noslash.ReplaceAll("..", "");

  if ( mThreshold->GetMaximum() < mThresholdmax ) { 
    mThresholdmax = mThreshold->GetMaximum();
  if ( mThreshold->GetMinimum() > mThresholdmin ) {
    mThresholdmin = mThreshold->GetMinimum();
  tl->DrawLatex(0.1, 0.92, "Vcal threshold");
  tl->DrawLatex(0.75, 0.92, Form("%s",noslash.Data()));

  if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 0 ) { 
    box->DrawBox( 0, 0,  416,  80);

  if ( nChips < 16  && startChip == 8 ) { 
    box->DrawBox( 0, 80,  416,  160);

  tl->DrawLatex(0.1, 0.92, "Bump bonding map");

  if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 0 ) { 
    box->DrawBox( 0, 0,  416,  80);

  if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 8 ) { 
    box->DrawBox( 0, 80,  416,  160);
  float V, A;
  float x_V[250], y_A[250];
  int i(0); 
  float iv100(0.);
  float iv150(0.);
  float iv150_17(0.);
  float iv100_17(0.);
  float variation(0.);
  float variation_17(0.);
  FILE *ivFile, *sumWrite, *sumRead, *gradWrite; 
  sprintf(fname, "%s/iv.dat", dirName);
  ivFile = fopen(fname, "r");
  if (!ivFile)
    printf("moduleSummary> !!!!!!!!!  ----> Could not open file %s to read data\n", fname);
  else {
    ifstream is(fname);
    char  buffer[200];
    while (is.getline(buffer, 200, '\n')) {
      // check that line starts with a number
      if (buffer[0] != '1' && buffer[0] != '2' && buffer[0] != '3' && buffer[0] != '4' && 
	  buffer[0] != '5' && buffer[0] != '6' && buffer[0] != '7' && buffer[0] != '8' && buffer[0] != '9'  )  {continue;} 
      sscanf(buffer, "%e %e", &V, &A);
      x_V[i] = V;
      y_A[i] = 1e6*A;
      if ( i > 0 ) {
        // check that voltage is increasing & find current at 150 V 
        if ( x_V[i] < x_V[i-1] ) { continue; }
	if ( x_V[i] >= 100. && x_V[i-1] <= 100. ) { iv100 = y_A[i-1] + (100. - x_V[i-1])*(y_A[i] - y_A[i-1])/(x_V[i] - x_V[i-1]); }
	if ( x_V[i] >= 150. && x_V[i-1] <= 150. ) { iv150 = y_A[i-1] + (150. - x_V[i-1])*(y_A[i] - y_A[i-1])/(x_V[i] - x_V[i-1]); }
    if ( iv100 != 0. ) { variation = iv150/iv100; }
    else               { variation = 0; }

    if ( i > 0 ) {
      TGraph *g1 = new TGraph(i,x_V,y_A);

      g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Voltage [V]");
      g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Current [#muA]");
      tl->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.92, "I-V-Curve");
      ts->DrawLatex(0.25, 0.78, Form("I(150 V) = %.2f #muA", iv150));
      ts->DrawLatex(0.25, 0.65, Form("I_{150}/I_{100} =  %.2f ", variation));

  char mod[20] = noslash.Data(), waf[20] = "",  test[20] = "",tmon[20], trim[20], ph[20], cycl[20];
  int tday;
  int dp(0), dm(0), db(0), dt(0), da(0);
  int root(0), a(0), b(0), c(0); 
  int badRocs[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  char iv;
  float voltage, current; 
  float temp, tempSigma, sollTemp;
  float cyclMean, cyclSigma;
  char  string[1000];
  sprintf(fname, "%s/summaryTest.txt", dirName);
  sumRead = fopen(fname, "r");

  if (!sumRead)
    printf("\nmoduleSummary> !!!!!!!!!  ----> File %s does not exist yet...\n", fname);
    printf("moduleSummary> !!!!!!!!!  ----> Module summary not complete!\n\n");
    fgets(string, 200, sumRead);
    //   fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s", string, mod);
    fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %s %s", string, string, waf, test);
    fscanf(sumRead, "%s %i %i %i %i %i", string, &dp, &dm, &db, &dt, &da);
    fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %s %s %s %i %i %i", string, string, string, string, string, &a, &b, &c);
    badRocs[0]=a;  badRocs[1]=b;  badRocs[2]=c;
    fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %i", string, string, &root);
    fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %s %s %s %i %s %s", string, string, string, string, tmon, &tday, string, string);

    fgets(string, 200, sumRead);
    fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s", string, trim);
    fgets(string, 200, sumRead); 
    fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s", string, ph);
    fgets(string, 200, sumRead);
    fscanf(sumRead, "%s %f %f %s %f", string, &temp, &tempSigma, string, &sollTemp); 

    fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %s %f %f", string, string, cycl, &cyclMean, &cyclSigma);

    double y = 0.92;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("Test Summary of %s     %s", waf, test));

    y -= 0.16;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "ROCs > 1% defects: ");
    tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", badRocs[0]));
    y -= 0.12;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("Dead Pixel: "));
    tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", dp));

    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "Mask Defects: ");
    tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", dm));

    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "Dead Bumps: ");
    tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", db));

    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "Dead Trimbits: ");
    tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", dt));

    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "Address Probl: ");
    tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", da));

    y = 0.76;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, Form("Tested on:"));
    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "Temp. [^{o}C]:  ");
    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "Trim / phCal: ");
    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "Therm. cycl.: ");
    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "TBM1: ");
    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "TBM2: ");

    y = 0.76;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("%s %i", tmon, tday));
    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("%.1f +- %.1f", temp, tempSigma));
    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("%s / %s", trim, ph));

    y -= 0.11;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("%s", cycl));


  int result;
  int tbm1(1), tbm2(1);
  TParameter<int>* par;
  y -= 0.11;
  par = (TParameter<int>*)f->Get("TBM1");
  if (par)
  	tbm1 = par->GetVal();
  	if (tbm1 == 0) tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "ok");   
  	else tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("Err%i", tbm1));   

  y -= 0.11;
  par = (TParameter<int>*)f->Get("TBM2");
  if (par)
	tbm2 = par->GetVal();
	if (tbm2 == 0) tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "ok");   
	else tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("Err%i", tbm2));   

  // Convert current to currents at room temperature
  double Tk = 273.15;
  double egap = 1.12;
  double kB = 8.617343E-5;
  double tTest;
  // tTest = temp;  // --> averaged temperature
  tTest = sollTemp;
  double expnt  = egap*(1/(Tk+tTest) - 1/(Tk+17))/(2*kB);
  double fctr   = (Tk+17)*(Tk+17)/((Tk+tTest)*(Tk+tTest));
  iv150_17 = iv150*fctr*TMath::Exp(expnt);
  iv100_17 = iv100*fctr*TMath::Exp(expnt);
  if ( iv100_17 != 0 ) variation_17 = iv150_17/iv100_17;
  printf("\nmoduleSummary> converted I(150 V, %.0f C)    = %.4f       to  I(150 V, 17 C)    = %.4f \n", tTest, iv150, iv150_17);
  printf("moduleSummary> converted I(100 V, %.0f C)    = %.4f       to  I(100 V, 17 C)    = %.4f \n\n", tTest, iv100, iv100_17);
  if ( iv150_17 != 0 ) {
    y = 0.32;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.25, y, "I(150 V) [T = 17 ^{o}C]");
    tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, Form("%.2f #muA", iv150_17));

  if ( iv100_17 != 0 ) {
    y = 0.21;
    tl->DrawLatex(0.25, y, "I_{150}/I_{100}   [T = 17 ^{o}C]");
    tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, Form("%.2f", variation_17));

  sprintf(fname, "%s/summaryTest.txt", dirName);
  sumWrite = fopen(fname, "a");
  fputs(Form("TBM1 %i\n", tbm1), sumWrite);
  fputs(Form("TBM2 %i\n", tbm2), sumWrite);
  fputs(Form("I 150 %f \n", iv150_17), sumWrite);
  fputs(Form("I150/I100 %f \n", variation_17), sumWrite);
  fputs(Form("iv datapoints %i \n", i), sumWrite);

//   c1->cd(4);
//   mAddr->DrawCopy("colz");
//   mAddr->SetMaximum(1.);
//   mAddr->SetMinimum(0.);
//   tl->DrawLatex(0.1, 0.92, "Address decoding map");

  qualification(dirName, fit, fitEntries);

  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

  // makePlot(TH1 *h, const char *title, int pad, double Ymin, double Ymax, double Ylimit)
    makePlot(fit[i], fitNames[i].Data(), i+1, 0, max[i], limitB[i], limitC[i]); 

  int grad(0);

  FILE *missingData; 
  sprintf(fname, "%s/comment_3.txt", dirName);
  missingData = fopen(fname, "r");

  if ( missingData ) {

    printf("\nmoduleSummary> !!!!!!!!!  ----> Found file for missing data: comment_3.txt => GRADE C!\n\n");
    grad = 3;

  } else {
    grad = grading(badRocs, iv150_17, variation_17, fit, fitEntries, limitB, limitC, test);
  if (grad == 1) {  tl->DrawLatex(0.6, 0.92, "GRADE:  A");  fputs("Grade A\n", sumWrite); }
  if (grad == 2) {  tl->DrawLatex(0.6, 0.92, "GRADE:  B");  fputs("Grade B\n", sumWrite); }
  if (grad == 3) {  tl->DrawLatex(0.6, 0.92, "GRADE:  C");  fputs("Grade C\n", sumWrite); }  

  sprintf(fname, "%s/gradingTest.txt", dirName);
  gradWrite = fopen(fname, "a");
  if (!gradWrite)
    printf("\nmoduleSummary> !!!!!!!!!  ----> File %s does not exist yet...\n", fname);
    printf("moduleSummary> !!!!!!!!!  ----> Grading data could not be written to file!\n\n");

    fputs(Form("Noise %i %i\n", fitsProblemB[0], fitsProblemC[0]), gradWrite);
    fputs(Form("VcalThrWidth %i %i\n", fitsProblemB[1], fitsProblemC[1]), gradWrite);
    fputs(Form("RelGainWidth %i %i\n", fitsProblemB[2], fitsProblemC[2]), gradWrite);
    fputs(Form("PedSpread %i %i\n", fitsProblemB[3], fitsProblemC[3]), gradWrite);
    fputs(Form("I150V %i %i\n", currentProblemB, currentProblemC), gradWrite);
    fputs(Form("Iratio %i 0\n",  slopeProblemB), gradWrite);
  c1->SaveAs(Form("%s/moduleSummary_%s%s.ps", dirName, waf, test));
  c1->SaveAs(Form("%s/%s%s.gif", dirName, waf, test));

  printf("\nmoduleSummary> ................................................ finished\n");
Exemplo n.º 11
   * Store some information on the output
   * @param dir      Where to store
   * @param method   Method used
   * @param mId      Method identifier 
   * @param regParam Regularization parameter 
   * @param sys      Collision system
   * @param sNN      Center of mass energy 
   * @param trigger  Trigger mask 
   * @param minIpZ   Least z coordinate of interaction point
   * @param maxIpZ   Largest z coordinate of interaction point
   * @param self     Self-consistency check
  void SaveInformation(TDirectory* dir, 
		       const TString& method,
		       Int_t          mId,
		       Double_t       regParam, 
		       UShort_t       sys, 
		       UShort_t       sNN,
		       UInt_t         trigger,
		       Double_t       minIpZ, 
		       Double_t       maxIpZ, 
		       Bool_t         self) const

    TParameter<bool>* pM = new TParameter<bool>("self", self);

    TNamed* outMeth = new TNamed("method", method.Data());

    TParameter<double>* pR = new TParameter<double>("regParam", regParam);
    TString tS = (sys == 1 ? "pp" : sys == 2 ? "PbPb" : sys == 3 ? "pPb" : "?");
    TNamed* pS = new TNamed("sys", tS.Data()); pS->SetUniqueID(sys);
    TString tE;
    if      (sNN <  1000) tE = Form("%dGeV", sNN);
    else if (sNN <  3000) tE = Form("%4.2fTeV", float(sNN)/1000);
    else                  tE = Form("%dTeV", sNN/1000);
    TNamed* pE = new TNamed("sNN", tE.Data()); pE->SetUniqueID(sNN);
    TString tT;
     * Bits of the trigger pattern
    enum { 
      /** In-elastic collision */
      kInel        = 0x0001, 
      /** In-elastic collision with at least one SPD tracklet */
      kInelGt0     = 0x0002, 
      /** Non-single diffractive collision */
      kNSD         = 0x0004, 
      /** Empty bunch crossing */
      kEmpty       = 0x0008, 
      /** A-side trigger */
      kA           = 0x0010, 
      /** B(arrel) trigger */
      kB           = 0x0020, 
      /** C-side trigger */
      kC           = 0x0080,  
      /** Empty trigger */
      kE           = 0x0100,
      /** pileup from SPD */
      kPileUp      = 0x0200,    
      /** true NSD from MC */
      kMCNSD       = 0x0400,    
      /** Offline MB triggered */
      kOffline     = 0x0800,
      /** At least one SPD cluster */ 
      kNClusterGt0 = 0x1000,
      /** V0-AND trigger */
      kV0AND       = 0x2000, 
      /** Satellite event */
      kSatellite   = 0x4000
    if ((trigger & kInel)        != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "INEL");
    if ((trigger & kInelGt0)     != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "INEL>0");
    if ((trigger & kNSD)         != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "NSD");
    if ((trigger & kV0AND)       != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "V0AND");
    if ((trigger & kA)           != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "A");
    if ((trigger & kB)           != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "B");
    if ((trigger & kC)           != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "C");
    if ((trigger & kE)           != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "E");
    if ((trigger & kMCNSD)       != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "MCNSD");
    if ((trigger & kNClusterGt0) != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "NCluster>0");
    if ((trigger & kSatellite)   != 0x0) AppendAnd(tT, "Satellite");
    TNamed* pT = new TNamed("trigger", tT.Data()); pT->SetUniqueID(trigger);
    TParameter<double>* pY = new TParameter<double>("minIpZ", minIpZ);

    TParameter<double>* pZ = new TParameter<double>("maxIpZ", maxIpZ);
Exemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  if (argc != 7 && argc != 8) {
    std::cout << "USAGE: ./drawPhotonJet [data_dataset] [mc_SIGNAL_dataset] [mc_BG_dataset] [recoType] [jetAlgo]" << std::endl;


  std::string data_dataset(argv[1]);
  std::string mc_photonjet(argv[2]);
  std::string mc_QCD(argv[3]);
  std::string recoType(argv[4]);
  std::string jetAlgo(argv[5]);

  std::string algoType;
  if (recoType == "calo") {
    algoType = jetAlgo;
  } else {
    algoType = recoType + jetAlgo;
  if (recoType == "jpt" && jetAlgo == "akt5") {
    algoType = "jptak5";

  std::string flags = "";

  jetAlgo = (jetAlgo == "ak5") ? "AK5" : "AK7";
  recoType = (recoType == "pf") ? "PFlow" : "Calo";
  std::string postFix = recoType + jetAlgo;

  postFix += "chs";

  TString dataFileName;
  if (flags.length() > 0) {
    dataFileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s_%s.root", data_dataset.c_str(), postFix.c_str(), flags.c_str());
  } else {
    dataFileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s.root", data_dataset.c_str(), postFix.c_str());

  TFile* dataFile = TFile::Open(dataFileName);
  std::cout << "Opened data file '" << dataFileName << "'." << std::endl;

  //db->add_dataFile(dataFile, data_dataset);

  TString mc1FileName;
  if (flags.length() > 0) {
    mc1FileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s_%s.root", mc_photonjet.c_str(), postFix.c_str(), flags.c_str());
  } else {
    mc1FileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s.root", mc_photonjet.c_str(), postFix.c_str());

  TFile* mcPhotonJetFile = TFile::Open(mc1FileName);
  std::cout << "Opened mc file '" << mc1FileName << "'." << std::endl;

  if (mcPhotonJetFile) {
    //db->add_mcFile(mcPhotonJetFile, mc_photonjet, "#gamma+jet MC", 46);

  if (mc_QCD != "") {
    TString mc2FileName;
    if (flags.length() > 0) {
      mc2FileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s_%s.root", mc_QCD.c_str(), postFix.c_str(), flags.c_str());
    } else {
      mc2FileName = TString::Format("PhotonJet_%s_%s.root", mc_QCD.c_str(), postFix.c_str());
    TFile* mcQCDFile = TFile::Open(mc2FileName);
    std::cout << "Opened mc file '" << mc2FileName << "'." << std::endl;

    if (mcQCDFile && mc_QCD != mc_photonjet) {
      //db->add_mcFile(mcQCDFile, mc_QCD, "QCD MC", 38);

  // Create output directory
  mkdir("plots", 0755);

  TString directoryName = "";
  if (mc_QCD.length() == 0)
    directoryName = TString::Format("plots/%s_vs_%s_%s", data_dataset.c_str(), mc_photonjet.c_str(), postFix.c_str());
    directoryName = TString::Format("plots/%s_vs_%s_plus_%s_%s", data_dataset.c_str(), mc_photonjet.c_str(), mc_QCD.c_str(), postFix.c_str());
  mkdir(directoryName, 0755);

  directoryName = TString::Format("%s/extrapolation", directoryName.Data());
  mkdir(directoryName, 0755);

  TParameter<double>* pLumi = static_cast<TParameter<double>*>(dataFile->Get("analysis/luminosity"));
  double lumi = pLumi->GetVal() * 1e-9;

  //bool log = true;
  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;

  EtaBinning etaBinning;
  size_t etaBinningSize = etaBinning.size();

  TString rootFolder = "analysis/new_extrapolation";
  for (size_t i = 0; i < etaBinningSize; i++) {

    const std::string& etaName = etaBinning.getBinName(i);
    std::cout << "Processing " << etaName << std::endl;
    TString responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TString outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_%s.pdf", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TGraphErrors* data = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    TGraphErrors* mc = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawGraphs(data, mc, "Balancing", "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response", etaBinning.getBinTitle(i), lumi, outputName.Data());

    // Raw jets
    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_raw_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_raw_%s.pdf", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    data = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    mc = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawGraphs(data, mc, "Balancing", "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response (raw jets)", etaBinning.getBinTitle(i), lumi, outputName.Data());

    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_%s.pdf", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    data = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    mc = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawGraphs(data, mc, "MPF", "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response", etaBinning.getBinTitle(i), lumi, outputName.Data());

    // Raw jets
    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_raw_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_raw_%s.pdf", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    data = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    mc = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawGraphs(data, mc, "MPF", "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response (raw #slashed{E_{t}})", etaBinning.getBinTitle(i), lumi, outputName.Data());
  // Special case eta < 1.3
    const std::string& etaName = "eta013";
    std::cout << "Processing " << etaName << std::endl;
    TString responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TString outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_%s.pdf", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TGraphErrors* data = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    TGraphErrors* mc = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawGraphs(data, mc, "Balancing", "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response", "#eta #leq 1.3", lumi, outputName.Data());

    // Raw jets
    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_raw_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_raw_%s.pdf", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    data = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    mc = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawGraphs(data, mc, "Balancing", "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response (raw jets)", "#eta #leq 1.3", lumi, outputName.Data());

    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_%s.pdf", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    data = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    mc = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawGraphs(data, mc, "MPF", "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response", "#eta #leq 1.3", lumi, outputName.Data());

    // Raw jets
    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_raw_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_raw_%s.pdf", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    data = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    mc = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawGraphs(data, mc, "MPF", "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response (raw #slashed{E_{t}})", "#eta #leq 1.3", lumi, outputName.Data());

  //db->set_legendTitle("|#eta| < 1.3");
  //db->drawHisto_vs_pt(ptBins, "resp_mpf_eta013", "MPF Response", "", "Events", log);
  //db->drawHisto_vs_pt(ptBins, "resp_mpf_raw_eta013", "MPF Response (raw ME_{T})", "", "Events", log);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < etaBinningSize; i++) {

    const std::string& etaName = etaBinning.getBinName(i);
    std::cout << "Processing " << etaName << std::endl;
    TString responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TString outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_combined_%s", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TGraphErrors* balancingData = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    TGraphErrors* balancingMC = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TGraphErrors* mpfData = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    TGraphErrors* mpfMC = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawCombinedGraphs(balancingData, balancingMC, mpfData, mpfMC, "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response", etaBinning.getBinTitle(i), lumi, outputName.Data());

    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_raw_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_combined_raw_%s", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    balancingData = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    balancingMC = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_raw_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    mpfData = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    mpfMC = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawCombinedGraphs(balancingData, balancingMC, mpfData, mpfMC, "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response (raw objects)", etaBinning.getBinTitle(i), lumi, outputName.Data());


  // Eta < 1.3
    const std::string& etaName = "eta013";
    std::cout << "Processing " << etaName << std::endl;
    TString responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TString outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_combined_%s", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TGraphErrors* balancingData = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    TGraphErrors* balancingMC = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    TGraphErrors* mpfData = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    TGraphErrors* mpfMC = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawCombinedGraphs(balancingData, balancingMC, mpfData, mpfMC, "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response", "#eta #leq 1.3", lumi, outputName.Data());

    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_balancing_raw_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    outputName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_combined_raw_%s", directoryName.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    balancingData = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    balancingMC = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    responseName = TString::Format("%s/extrap_resp_mpf_raw_%s_graph", rootFolder.Data(), etaName.c_str());
    mpfData = (TGraphErrors*) dataFile->Get(responseName);
    mpfMC = (TGraphErrors*) mcPhotonJetFile->Get(responseName);

    drawCombinedGraphs(balancingData, balancingMC, mpfData, mpfMC, "p_{t}^{2^{nd} jet} / p_{t}^{#gamma}", "Jet response (raw objects)", "#eta #leq 1.3", lumi, outputName.Data());

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
void ProofSimple::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/)
   // The SlaveBegin() function is called after the Begin() function.
   // When running with PROOF SlaveBegin() is called on each slave server.
   // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed).

   TString option = GetOption();
   Ssiz_t iopt = kNPOS;

   // Histos array
   if (fInput->FindObject("ProofSimple_NHist")) {
      TParameter<Long_t> *p =
      fNhist = (p) ? (Int_t) p->GetVal() : fNhist;
   } else if ((iopt = option.Index("nhist=")) != kNPOS) {
      TString s;
      Ssiz_t from = iopt + strlen("nhist=");
      if (option.Tokenize(s, from, ";") && s.IsDigit()) fNhist = s.Atoi();
   if (fNhist < 1) {
      Abort("fNhist must be > 0! Hint: proof->SetParameter(\"ProofSimple_NHist\","
            " (Long_t) <nhist>)", kAbortProcess);
   fHist = new TH1F*[fNhist];

   TString hn;
   // Create the histogram
   for (Int_t i=0; i < fNhist; i++) {
      fHist[i] = new TH1F(hn.Data(), hn.Data(), 100, -3., 3.);
   // 3D Histos array
   if (fInput->FindObject("ProofSimple_NHist3")) {
      TParameter<Long_t> *p =
      fNhist3 = (p) ? (Int_t) p->GetVal() : fNhist3;
   } else if ((iopt = option.Index("nhist3=")) != kNPOS) {
      TString s;
      Ssiz_t from = iopt + strlen("nhist3=");
      if (option.Tokenize(s, from, ";") && s.IsDigit()) fNhist3 = s.Atoi();
   if (fNhist3 > 0) {
      fHist3 = new TH3F*[fNhist3];
      Info("Begin", "%d 3D histograms requested", fNhist3);
      // Create the 3D histogram
      for (Int_t i=0; i < fNhist3; i++) {
         fHist3[i] = new TH3F(hn.Data(), hn.Data(),
                              100, -3., 3., 100, -3., 3., 100, -3., 3.);
   // Histo with labels
   if (fInput->FindObject("ProofSimple_TestLabelMerging")) {
      fHLab = new TH1F("hlab", "Test merging of histograms with automatic labels", 10, 0., 10.);
   // Ntuple
   TNamed *nm = dynamic_cast<TNamed *>(fInput->FindObject("ProofSimple_Ntuple"));
   if (nm) {

      // Title is in the form
      //         merge                  merge via file
      //           |<fout>                      location of the output file if merge
      //           |retrieve                    retrieve to client machine
      //         dataset                create a dataset
      //           |<dsname>                    dataset name (default: dataset_ntuple)
      //         |plot                  for a final plot
      //         <empty> or other       keep in memory

      fHasNtuple = 1;
      TString ontp(nm->GetTitle());
      if (ontp.Contains("|plot") || ontp == "plot") {
         fPlotNtuple = kTRUE;
         ontp.ReplaceAll("|plot", "");
         if (ontp == "plot") ontp = "";
      TString locfn("SimpleNtuple.root");
      if (ontp.BeginsWith("merge")) {
         fProofFile = new TProofOutputFile(locfn, "M");
         TString fn;
         Ssiz_t iret = ontp.Index("|retrieve");
         if (iret != kNPOS) {
            TString rettag("|retrieve");
            if ((iret = ontp.Index("|retrieve=")) != kNPOS) {
               rettag += "=";
               fn = ontp(iret + rettag.Length(), ontp.Length() - iret - rettag.Length());
               if ((iret = fn.Index('|')) != kNPOS) fn.Remove(iret);
               rettag += fn;
            ontp.ReplaceAll(rettag, "");
         Ssiz_t iof = ontp.Index('|');
         if (iof != kNPOS) ontp.Remove(0, iof + 1);
         if (!ontp.IsNull()) {
            if (fn.IsNull()) fn = gSystem->BaseName(TUrl(ontp.Data(), kTRUE).GetFile());
         if (fn.IsNull()) fn = locfn;
         // This will be the final file on the client, the case there is one
      } else if (ontp.BeginsWith("dataset")) {
         Ssiz_t iof = ontp.Index("|");
         if (iof != kNPOS) ontp.Remove(0, iof + 1);
         TString dsname = (!ontp.IsNull()) ? ontp.Data() : "dataset_ntuple";         
         UInt_t opt = TProofOutputFile::kRegister | TProofOutputFile::kOverwrite | TProofOutputFile::kVerify;
         fProofFile = new TProofOutputFile("SimpleNtuple.root",
                                          TProofOutputFile::kDataset, opt, dsname.Data());
         fHasNtuple = 2;
      } else if (!ontp.IsNull()) {
         Warning("SlaveBegin", "ntuple options unknown: ignored (%s)", ontp.Data()); 
      // Open the file, if required
      if (fProofFile) {
         // Open the file
         fFile = fProofFile->OpenFile("RECREATE");
         if (fFile && fFile->IsZombie()) SafeDelete(fFile);

         // Cannot continue
         if (!fFile) {
            Info("SlaveBegin", "could not create '%s': instance is invalid!", fProofFile->GetName());
      // Now we create the ntuple
      fNtp = new TNtuple("ntuple","Demo ntuple","px:py:pz:random:i");
      // File resident, if required
      if (fFile) {
      } else {
   // Set random seed
   fRandom = new TRandom3(0);
Exemplo n.º 14
DynArray<TParameter*>* CSGObject::load_file_parameters(
		const SGParamInfo* param_info, int32_t file_version,
		CSerializableFile* file, const char* prefix)
	/* ensure that recursion works */
	SG_SDEBUG("entering %s::load_file_parameters\n", get_name());
	if (file_version>param_info->m_param_version)
		SG_SERROR("parameter version of \"%s\" in file (%d) is more recent than"
				" provided %d!\n", param_info->m_name, file_version,

	DynArray<TParameter*>* result_array=new DynArray<TParameter*>();

	/* do mapping */
	char* s=param_info->to_string();
	SG_SDEBUG("try to get mapping for: %s\n", s);

	/* mapping has only be deleted if was created here (no mapping was found) */
	bool free_mapped=false;
	DynArray<const SGParamInfo*>* mapped=m_parameter_map->get(param_info);
	if (!mapped)
		/* since a new mapped array will be created, set deletion flag */
		mapped=new DynArray<const SGParamInfo*>();

		/* if no mapping was found, nothing has changed. Simply create new param
		 * info with decreased version */
		SG_SDEBUG("no mapping found\n");
		if (file_version<param_info->m_param_version)
			/* create new array and put param info with decreased version in */
			mapped->append_element(new SGParamInfo(param_info->m_name,
					param_info->m_ctype, param_info->m_stype,
					param_info->m_ptype, param_info->m_param_version-1));

			for (index_t i=0; i<mapped->get_num_elements(); ++i)
				SG_SDEBUG("\t%s\n", s);
			/* create new array and put original param info in */
			SG_SDEBUG("reached file version\n");
		for (index_t i=0; i<mapped->get_num_elements(); ++i)
			SG_SDEBUG("\t%s\n", s);

	/* case file version same as provided version.
	 * means that parameters have to be loaded from file, recursion stops */
	if (file_version==param_info->m_param_version)
		SG_SDEBUG("recursion stop, loading from file\n");
		/* load all parameters in mapping from file */
		for (index_t i=0; i<mapped->get_num_elements(); ++i)
			const SGParamInfo* current=mapped->get_element(i);
			SG_SDEBUG("loading %s\n", s);

			TParameter* loaded;
			/* allocate memory for length and matrix/vector
			 * This has to be done because this stuff normally is in the class
			 * variables which do not exist in this case. Deletion is handled
			 * via the allocated_from_scratch flag of TParameter */

			/* create type and copy lengths, empty data for now */
			TSGDataType type(current->m_ctype, current->m_stype,
			loaded=new TParameter(&type, NULL, current->m_name, "");

			/* allocate data/length variables for the TParameter, lengths are not
			 * important now, so set to one */
			loaded->allocate_data_from_scratch(1, 1);

			/* tell instance to load data from file */
			if (!loaded->load(file, prefix))
				SG_ERROR("Could not load %s. The reason for this might be wrong "
						"parameter mappings\n", s);

			SG_DEBUG("loaded lengths: y=%d, x=%d\n",
					loaded->m_datatype.m_length_y ? *loaded->m_datatype.m_length_y : -1,
					loaded->m_datatype.m_length_x ? *loaded->m_datatype.m_length_x : -1);

			/* append new TParameter to result array */
		SG_SDEBUG("done loading from file\n");
	/* recursion with mapped type, a mapping exists in this case (ensured by
	 * above assert) */
		/* for all elements in mapping, do recursion */
		for (index_t i=0; i<mapped->get_num_elements(); ++i)
			const SGParamInfo* current=mapped->get_element(i);
			SG_SDEBUG("starting recursion over %s\n", s);

			/* recursively get all file parameters for this parameter */
			DynArray<TParameter*>* recursion_array=
					load_file_parameters(current, file_version, file, prefix);

			SG_SDEBUG("recursion over %s done\n", s);

			/* append all recursion data to current array */
			SG_SDEBUG("appending all results to current result\n");
			for (index_t j=0; j<recursion_array->get_num_elements(); ++j)

			/* clean up */
			delete recursion_array;

	SG_SDEBUG("cleaning up old mapping \n");

	/* clean up mapping */
	if (free_mapped)
		for (index_t i=0; i<mapped->get_num_elements(); ++i)
			delete mapped->get_element(i);

		delete mapped;

	SG_SDEBUG("leaving %s::load_file_parameters\n", get_name());
	return result_array;
Exemplo n.º 15
void macro_MakeQcdClosureTest()
  // parameters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  //TFile input("./emuSpec_19619pb-1.root", "open");
  TFile input("test_19619pb-1.root", "open");

  TParameter<float> *lumi = (TParameter<float> *)input.Get("lumi");

  const int nBins = 75;
  const bool usePu = 1;
  const bool useWeight = 1;
  const int qcdEst = 1; // estimation method of QCD contribution. none(0), from SS spectrum(1), from fake rate(2)

  int eRegion = 2; // electron region EB(0), EE(1), EB+EE(2)

  bool plotSign[3];
  plotSign[0] = 1;  // all
  plotSign[1] = 1;  // SS same sign
  plotSign[2] = 1;  // OS opposite sign

  bool plotType[2];
  plotType[0] = 1;  // emu spectrum
  plotType[1] = 1;  // cumulative emu spectrum

  const bool plotPull = 0; // plot (data-bkg)/bkg
  const bool plotPullBelowSpec = 0; // plot (data-bkg)/bkg below spectrum
  const bool logPlotX = 0;
  const bool logPlotY = 1;
  const bool prelim = 1;
  const bool groupedPlot = 0;
  const bool overflowBin = 1;

  float xRangeMin = 60.;
  float xRangeMax = 1200.;
  //float xRangeMin = 0.;
  //float xRangeMax = 1500.;
  float yRangeMin[6] = {0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4};
  float yRangeMax[6] = {30, 10, 30, 3000, 1000, 3000};
  float yRangeMinRatio[3] = {-0.7, -0.7, -0.7};
  float yRangeMaxRatio[3] = {0.7, 0.7, 0.7};
  float fitMin = xRangeMin;
  float fitMax = 1100.; // set to highest bin with a data point
  float xRangeMinRatio = fitMin;
  float xRangeMaxRatio = fitMax;

  // output file formats
  const bool savePull = 0;
  const bool saveSpec = 0;
  const bool saveCumSpec = 0;
  const bool saveAsPdf = 0;
  const bool saveAsPng = 1;
  const bool saveAsRoot = 0;
  const char *fileNameExtra = "";
  //const char *fileNameExtra = "madgraphTTbar_";
  const char *plotDir = "./plottemp/";

  // plot style
  int wjetColour=  TColor::GetColor("#ffd324");
  int jetBkgColour = TColor::GetColor("#ffff66"); 

  int font = 42; //62

  // systematic errors
  float systErrLumi = ((TParameter<float> *)input.Get("systErrLumi"))->GetVal();
  systErrLumi = 0.; // since we normalize to the Z peak
  float systErrEff = ((TParameter<float> *)input.Get("systErrEff"))->GetVal(); // muon err & ele err
  THashList *systErrMCs = (THashList *)input.Get("systErrMCs");
  vector<float> systErrMC;
  systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcTtbar"))->GetVal());  // NNLO ttbar
  //systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcTtbar700to1000"))->GetVal());  // NLO ttbar700to1000
  //systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcTtbar1000up"))->GetVal());  // NLO ttbar1000up
  systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcDyTauTau"))->GetVal()); //z->tt
  systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcWW"))->GetVal()); //WW
  systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcWZ"))->GetVal()); //WZ
  systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcZZ"))->GetVal()); //ZZ
  systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcTW"))->GetVal()); //tW
  systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcDyMuMu"))->GetVal()); //Z->mm
  systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcDyEE"))->GetVal()); //Z->ee
  if (qcdEst == 2) systErrMC.push_back(0.4); // qcd error
  else systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcWJets"))->GetVal());  //WJets

  // to keep the histogram when the file is closed

  TString histoSign[3] = {"", "SS_", "OS_"};
  TString xAxisTitle[3] = {"m(e#mu)", "m(e^{#pm}#mu^{#pm})", "m(e^{#pm}#mu^{#mp})"};
  TString nameSuffix[2] = {"", "cumul"};
  TString titleSuffix[2] = {"", " - Cumulative"};

  vector<TH1F *> emuMass_wjets;
  vector<TH1F *> emuMass_qcd;
  vector<TH1F *> emuMass_qcdFromFake;

  // define the binning
  vector<float> binning;
  if (logPlotX) {
    //for (float bin = 0.; bin < 100.; bin += 5.)
    //  binning.push_back(bin);
    for (float bin = 0.; bin < 200.; bin += 10.)
    for (float bin = 200.; bin < 400.; bin += 20.)
    for (float bin = 400.; bin < 500.; bin += 25.)
    for (float bin = 500.; bin <= 620.; bin += 40.)
  } else {
    //for (float bin = 0.; bin <= 1500.; bin += 20.)
    //  binning.push_back(bin);
    for (float bin = 0.; bin < 200.; bin += 20.)
    for (float bin = 200.; bin < 400.; bin += 40.)
    for (float bin = 400.; bin < 700.; bin += 50.)
    for (float bin = 700.; bin < 1000.; bin += 75.)
    for (float bin = 1000.; bin < 1200.; bin += 100.)
    for (float bin = 1200.; bin <= 1500.; bin += 150.)

  THashList *mcWeights = (THashList *)input.Get("mcWeights");
  TParameter<float> *mcWeight = (TParameter<float> *)mcWeights->FindObject("ttbar");
  TParameter<float> *mcWeight700to1000 = (TParameter<float> *)mcWeights->FindObject("ttbar700to1000");
  TParameter<float> *mcWeight1000up = (TParameter<float> *)mcWeights->FindObject("ttbar1000up");

  float totMcWeight = 1.;
  // determine qcd contribution
  TH1F *qcdContrib;
  TH1F *ssData = MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_data", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x100);
  TH1F *ssBg = MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 0., 700., binning, 0x1DF);
  totMcWeight = 1. / (1 / mcWeight->GetVal() + 1 / mcWeight700to1000->GetVal());
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 700., 1000., binning, 0x19F), totMcWeight);
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar700to1000", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 700., 1000., binning, 0x19F), totMcWeight);
  totMcWeight = 1. / (1 / mcWeight->GetVal() + 1 / mcWeight1000up->GetVal());
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 1000., 1000000000., binning, 0x19F), totMcWeight);
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar1000up", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 1000., 1000000000., binning, 0x19F), totMcWeight);
  //TH1F *ssBg = MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF);
  //TH1F *ssBg = MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbarto2l", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF);
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ztautau", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF));
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ww", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF));
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_wz", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF));
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_zz", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF));
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_tw", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF));
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_zmumu", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF));
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_zee", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF));
  ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_wjets", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF));
  qcdContrib = (TH1F *)ssData->Clone("qcdContrib_SS");
  qcdContrib->Add(ssBg, -1);
  for (int i = 0; i < qcdContrib->GetNbinsX() + 2; ++i) {
    if (qcdContrib->GetBinContent(i) < 0) qcdContrib->SetBinContent(i, 0.);
  cout << "expected SS QCD events: " << ssData->Integral() - ssBg->Integral() << endl;
  cout << "derived SS QCD events: " << qcdContrib->Integral() << endl;
  cout << "scale factor: " << (ssData->Integral() - ssBg->Integral()) / qcdContrib->Integral()<< endl;
  qcdContrib->Scale((ssData->Integral() - ssBg->Integral()) / qcdContrib->Integral());

  // loop over full spectrum, SS and OS
  for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
    // loop to get normal and cumulated spectrum
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {

      bool normToBin = true;
      if (j > 0) normToBin = false;

      if (k == 2) k = -1;
      // make the histograms
      emuMass_wjets.push_back(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_wjets", "mass", k, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF, normToBin));
      if (k == -1) k = 2;
      emuMass_wjets.back()->SetName("emuMass_" + histoSign[k] + "wjets" + nameSuffix[j]);

      // qcd contribution
      if (k == 2) k = -1;
      emuMass_qcdFromFake.push_back((TH1F *)MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "frEmuTree_data", "mass", k, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x300));
      emuMass_qcd.push_back((TH1F *)qcdContrib->Clone("emuMass_" + histoSign[k] + "qcd"));
      if (k == ALL) emuMass_qcd.back()->Scale(2.);
      // normalize to bin width
      if (j < 1) {
        for (int i = 1; i < emuMass_qcd.back()->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++i) {
          emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinContent(i) / emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinWidth(i));
          emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinError(i, emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinError(i) / emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinWidth(i));
          emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinContent(i) / emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinWidth(i));
          emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinError(i, emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinError(i) / emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinWidth(i));
      if (k == -1) k = 2;

      // add overflow in last bin
      if (j == 0 && overflowBin) {
        emuMass_wjets.back()->SetBinContent(emuMass_wjets.back()->GetNbinsX(), emuMass_wjets.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_wjets.back()->GetNbinsX()) + emuMass_wjets.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_wjets.back()->GetNbinsX() + 1));
        emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinContent(emuMass_qcd.back()->GetNbinsX(), emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_qcd.back()->GetNbinsX()) + emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_qcd.back()->GetNbinsX() + 1));
        emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinContent(emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetNbinsX(), emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetNbinsX()) + emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetNbinsX() + 1));

      // integrate from the right side
      if (j == 1) { 
        // loop over bins
        double error;
        for (int i = 1; i < nBins + 1; ++i) {
          emuMass_wjets.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_wjets.back()->IntegralAndError(i, nBins, error));
          emuMass_wjets.back()->SetBinError(i, error);
          emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_qcd.back()->IntegralAndError(i, nBins, error));
          emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinError(i, error);
          emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->IntegralAndError(i, nBins, error));
          emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinError(i, error);

      if (!plotSign[k]) continue;
      if (!plotType[j]) continue;

      TCanvas *emuPlot;
      TPad *specPad;
      if (plotPullBelowSpec && j == 0) {
        emuPlot = new TCanvas("emuPlot" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "emu Spectrum" + titleSuffix[j], 100, 100, 900, 900);
        specPad = new TPad("specPad" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "emu Spectrum" + titleSuffix[j], 0., 0.33, 1., 1.);
      } else {
        emuPlot = new TCanvas("emuPlot" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "emu Spectrum" + titleSuffix[j], 100, 100, 900, 600);
        specPad = new TPad("specPad" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "emu Spectrum" + titleSuffix[j], 0., 0., 1., 1.);
      if (logPlotX) specPad->SetLogx();
      if (logPlotY) specPad->SetLogy();
      gPad->SetTicks(1, 1);

      // make a histogram stack with the bg 
      THStack *bgStack = new THStack("bgStack" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "Invariant Mass" + titleSuffix[j]);

      // plot spectrum

      if (plotPullBelowSpec && j == 0) {
      } else {
        bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xAxisTitle[k] + " [GeV]");
      //bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xRangeMin, xRangeMax); 
      bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(xRangeMin, xRangeMax); 
      if (j == 1) bgStack->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events #geq " + xAxisTitle[k]);
      else bgStack->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events / GeV");
      bgStack->SetMinimum(yRangeMin[k + j * 3]); 
      bgStack->SetMaximum(yRangeMax[k + j * 3]); 

      // redraw axis

      // legend and labels
      TLegend legend(0.710, 0.646, 0.901, 0.885);
      legend.AddEntry(emuMass_wjets.back(), "W+jets (MC)" ,"F");
      legend.AddEntry(emuMass_qcd.back(), "jets (SS data)" ,"F");
      legend.AddEntry(emuMass_qcdFromFake.back(), "jets (Fake Rate)" ,"le");
      TLatex *tex = new TLatex();
      if (prelim) tex->DrawLatex(0.325, 0.853, "CMS Preliminary, 8 TeV, 19.6 fb^{-1}");
      else tex->DrawLatex(0.405, 0.853, "CMS, 8 TeV, 19.6 fb^{-1}");
      if (eRegion == 0) tex->DrawLatex(0.325, 0.775, "e in barrel");
      if (eRegion == 1) tex->DrawLatex(0.325, 0.775, "e in endcap");

      // safe in various file formats
      stringstream sStream;
      if (!plotPullBelowSpec || j > 0) {
        sStream << plotDir << "qcdClosureTestSpec";
        if (k == 0) sStream << "_";
        sStream << histoSign[k];
        if (eRegion == 0) sStream << "EB_";
        if (eRegion == 1) sStream << "EE_";
        sStream << fileNameExtra << nameSuffix[j];
        if (j > 0) sStream << "_";
        if (groupedPlot) sStream << "grouped_";
        if (!logPlotY) sStream << "lin_";
        sStream << lumi->GetVal() << "pb-1";
        TString saveFileName = sStream.str();
        if ((j == 0 && saveSpec) || (j > 0 && saveCumSpec)) {
          if (saveAsPdf) emuPlot->Print(saveFileName + ".pdf", "pdf");
          if (saveAsPng) emuPlot->Print(saveFileName + ".png", "png");
          if (saveAsRoot) emuPlot->Print(saveFileName + ".root", "root");
    } // end loop over normal or cumulated
  } // end loop over full, SS and OS

  // generate one object containing everything
  vector<vector<TH1F *> > emuMasses;

//  // define groups of MC samples
//  vector<bool> ttLikeSamples(6, true);
//  vector<bool> contamSamples(6, false);
//  contamSamples.push_back(true); // Zmm
//  contamSamples.push_back(true); // Zee
//  contamSamples.push_back(true); // WJets or QCD
//  vector<bool> contamSamplesNoQcd(contamSamples);
//  vector<bool> allSamples(9, true);
//  vector<bool> onlyQCD(emuMasses.size() - 1, false);
//  if (qcdEst > 0) {
//    onlyQCD.back() = true;
//    if (qcdEst != 2) {
//      allSamples.push_back(true);
//      contamSamples.push_back(true);
//      contamSamplesNoQcd.push_back(false);
//      systErrMC.push_back(0.); // QCD error will be calculated later
//    } else {
//      contamSamplesNoQcd.back() = false;
//    }
//  }
//  vector<bool> allSamplesNoQcd(allSamples);
//  if (qcdEst > 0) allSamplesNoQcd.back() = false;
//  unsigned int qcdInd = onlyQCD.size();
//  unsigned int qcdErrInd = qcdInd - 1;
//  // calculate rate of syst errors
//  float systErrLuEff = sqrt(systErrLumi*systErrLumi + systErrEff*systErrEff);
//  vector<float> systErrMCLuEff;
//  for (unsigned int it = 0; it < systErrMC.size(); ++it)
//     systErrMCLuEff.push_back(sqrt(systErrMC[it]*systErrMC[it] + systErrLuEff*systErrLuEff));
//  bool calcQcdErr = false;
//  if (qcdEst == 1) calcQcdErr = true;
//  //cout << "qcdInd " << qcdInd << ", emuMasses.size() " << emuMasses.size() << ", systErrMC.size() " << systErrMC.size() 
//  //     << ", systErrMCLuEff.size() " << systErrMCLuEff.size() << ", allSamples.size() " << allSamples.size() 
//  //     << ", allSamplesNoQcd.size() " << allSamplesNoQcd.size() << ", contamSamplesNoQcd.size() " << contamSamplesNoQcd.size() 
//  //     << ", contamSamples.size() " << contamSamples.size() << ", onlyQCD.size() " << onlyQCD.size() << endl;
//  //for (unsigned int sIt = 0; sIt < emuMasses.size() - 1; ++sIt) {
//  //   cout << "allSamples " << allSamples[sIt] << ", allSamplesNoQcd " << allSamplesNoQcd[sIt] 
//  //        << ", contamSamples " << contamSamples[sIt] << ", contamSamplesNoQcd " << contamSamplesNoQcd[sIt] 
//  //        << ", onlyQCD " << onlyQCD[sIt] << ", systErrMC " << systErrMC[sIt] << ", systErrMCLuEff " << systErrMCLuEff[sIt] << endl;
//  //}
//  // define special bins corresponding to specific masses
//  int bin60 = emuMass_data.at(ALL)->FindBin(60.);
//  int bin120 = emuMass_data.at(ALL)->FindBin(120.);
//  int bin200 = emuMass_data.at(ALL)->FindBin(200.); 
//  int bin400 = emuMass_data.at(ALL)->FindBin(400.); 
//  int bin500 = emuMass_data.at(ALL)->FindBin(500.); 
//  vector<const char *> sampleNames;
//  sampleNames.push_back("data   ");
//  sampleNames.push_back("ttbar  ");
//  sampleNames.push_back("Ztautau");
//  sampleNames.push_back("WW     ");
//  sampleNames.push_back("WZ     ");
//  sampleNames.push_back("ZZ     ");
//  sampleNames.push_back("tW     ");
//  sampleNames.push_back("Zmumu  ");
//  sampleNames.push_back("Zee    ");
//  if (qcdEst != 2) sampleNames.push_back("WJets  ");
//  if (qcdEst > 0) sampleNames.push_back("QCD    ");
//  // write numbers
//  cout << endl;
//  cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  cout << "HEEP - TIGHT MU        Lumi        = " << lumi->GetVal() << "pb-1" << endl;
//  //cout << "                       e pT EB     > " << bar_et << "GeV/c" << endl;
//  //cout << "                       e pT EE     > " << end_et << "GeV/c" << endl;
//  //cout << "                       mu pT       > " << muon_et << "GeV/c" << endl;
//  //cout << "                       mu |eta|    < " << muon_etaMax << endl;
//  cout << endl;
//  cout << "Systematic errors" << endl;
//  cout << " Luminosity:  " << systErrLumi * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << " Efficiency:  " << systErrEff * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << " ttbar:       " << systErrMC[TTBAR-1] * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << " Z->tautau:   " << systErrMC[ZTT-1] * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << " WW:          " << systErrMC[WW-1] * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << " WZ:          " << systErrMC[WZ-1] * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << " ZZ:          " << systErrMC[ZZ-1] * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << " tW, tbarW:   " << systErrMC[TW-1] * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << " Z->mumu:     " << systErrMC[ZMM-1] * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << " Z->ee:       " << systErrMC[ZEE-1] * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  if (qcdEst != 2) cout << " W+Jets:      " << systErrMC[WJET-1] * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  else cout << " QCD:        " << systErrMC.back() * 100 << "%" << endl;
//  cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  for (unsigned int signIt = 1; signIt < 6; signIt += 2) {
//    if (signIt == 3) cout << "-SS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    if (signIt == 5) cout << "-OS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    cout << "M_emu         |         >  60GeV/c^2          |        > 120GeV/c^2          |        > 200GeV/c^2         |        > 400GeV/c^2          |" << endl;
//    cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    printf("nb data       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       |\n", 
//           emuMass_data.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60), sqrt(emuMass_data.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60)),         
//           emuMass_data.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120), sqrt(emuMass_data.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120)),
//           emuMass_data.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200), sqrt(emuMass_data.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200)),
//           emuMass_data.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400), sqrt(emuMass_data.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400)));
//    cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    for (unsigned int sampleIt = 1; sampleIt < sampleNames.size(); ++sampleIt) {
//      if (sampleIt == 7) cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" << endl;
//      if (qcdEst == 1 && sampleIt == sampleNames.size() - 1) {
//        printf("nb %7s    | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", sampleNames[sampleIt],
//               emuMass_qcd.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60), emuMass_qcd.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60) * CalcSSQcdErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, bin60), 
//               emuMass_qcd.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120), emuMass_qcd.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120) * CalcSSQcdErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, bin120), 
//               emuMass_qcd.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200), emuMass_qcd.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200) * CalcSSQcdErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, bin200),
//               emuMass_qcd.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400), emuMass_qcd.at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400) * CalcSSQcdErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, bin400));
//      } else {
//        printf("nb %7s    | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", sampleNames[sampleIt],
//               emuMasses.at(sampleIt).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60), emuMasses.at(sampleIt).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60) * systErrMCLuEff[sampleIt-1], 
//               emuMasses.at(sampleIt).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120), emuMasses.at(sampleIt).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120) * systErrMCLuEff[sampleIt-1], 
//               emuMasses.at(sampleIt).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200), emuMasses.at(sampleIt).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200) * systErrMCLuEff[sampleIt-1],
//               emuMasses.at(sampleIt).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400), emuMasses.at(sampleIt).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400) * systErrMCLuEff[sampleIt-1]);
//      }
//    }
//    cout << endl;
//    cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    printf("TOT ttlike    | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n",
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin60),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin120),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin200),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin400));
//    printf("TOT contam    | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n",
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, contamSamples, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, contamSamples, signIt, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, contamSamples, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, contamSamples, signIt, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, contamSamples, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, contamSamples, signIt, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, contamSamples, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, contamSamples, signIt, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr));
//    cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    printf("TOT Bkg       | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n",
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr));
//    cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    cout << endl << endl;
//  }
//  cout << endl;
//  cout << "--Without adding QCD contribution:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  cout << "M_emu         |         > 60GeV/c^2          |        > 120GeV/c^2          |         > 200GeV/c^2         |         > 400GeV/c^2         |" << endl;
//  cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  for (unsigned int signIt = 1; signIt < 6; signIt += 2) {
//    if (signIt == 3) cout << "-SS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    if (signIt == 5) cout << "-OS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    printf("nb data       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)        |\n",
//           emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60), sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60)),
//           emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120), sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120)),
//           emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200), sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200)),
//           emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400), sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400)));
//    printf("nb MC         | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n",
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin60),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin120),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin200),
//           CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin400));
//  }
//  cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  if (qcdEst == 1) {
//    //systErrMC.back() = 2 * sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(SS)->Integral() + pow(CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, SS, 1), 2)) / emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALL)->Integral();
//    //systErrMC.back() = CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, SSCUM, 1) / emuMass_qcd.at(SSCUM)->GetBinContent(1);
//    //systErrMCLuEff.back() = systErrMC[qcdErrInd];
//    cout << endl;
//      cout << "---QCD events from SS spectrum:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//      cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//      printf("nb QCD SS+OS  | %9.3f +- %8.3f (%.1f%%) (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (%.1f%%) (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (%.1f%%) (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (%.1f%%) (syst) |\n",
//             emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin60), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr), 
//             100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr) / emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin60),
//             emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr), 
//             100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr) / emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin120),
//             emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr), 
//             100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr) / emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin200),
//             emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr), 
//             100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr) / emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin400));
//      printf("%% of total MC |  %7.3f%% +- %7.3f%% (syst)         |  %7.3f%% +- %7.3f%% (syst)         |  %7.3f%% +- %7.3f%% (syst)         |  %7.3f%% +- %7.3f%% (syst)         |\n",
//             100 * emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin60) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin60), 
//             100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin60),
//             100 * emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin120) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin120), 
//             100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin120),
//             100 * emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin200) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin200), 
//             100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin200),
//             100 * emuMasses.at(qcdInd).at(ALLCUM)->GetBinContent(bin400) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin400), 
//             100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin400));
//      cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  }
//  // top up bg contribution with qcd
//  if (qcdEst > 0) {
//    cout << endl;
//    cout << "--After adding QCD contribution:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    cout << "M_emu         |         > 60GeV/c^2          |        > 120GeV/c^2          |         > 200GeV/c^2         |         > 400GeV/c^2         |" << endl;
//    cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//    for (unsigned int signIt = 1; signIt < 6; signIt += 2) {
//      if (signIt == 3) cout << "-SS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//      if (signIt == 5) cout << "-OS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//      printf("nb data       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)        |\n",
//              emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60), sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60)),
//              emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120), sqrt((emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt))->GetBinContent(bin120)),
//              emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200), sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200)),
//              emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400), sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400)));
//      printf("nb MC         | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n",
//              CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr),
//              CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr),
//              CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr),
//              CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr));
//    }
//    cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  }
//  cout << endl;
//  cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  cout << "M_emu         |        60 - 120GeV/c^2       |      120 - 200GeV/c^2        |       200 - 400GeV/c^2       |" << endl;
//  cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  for (unsigned int signIt = 1; signIt < 6; signIt += 2) {
//    printf("nb data       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat)       |\n",
//            emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60) - emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120), 
//            sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin60) - emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120)),
//            emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120) - emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200), 
//            sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin120) - emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200)),
//            emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200) - emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400), 
//            sqrt(emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin200) - emuMasses.at(DATA).at(signIt)->GetBinContent(bin400)));
//    printf("nb MC         | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n",
//            CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin60, bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin60, bin120, calcQcdErr),
//            CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin120, bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin120, bin200, calcQcdErr),
//            CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin200, bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin200, bin400, calcQcdErr));
//    cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
//  }