Exemplo n.º 1
/*-- (StylePickerTool内で)LineとAreaを切り替えてPickできる。mode: 0=Area, 1=Line, 2=Line&Areas(default)  --*/
int StylePicker::pickStyleId(const TPointD &pos, double radius2, int mode) const
	int styleId = 0;
	if (TToonzImageP ti = m_image) {
		TRasterCM32P ras = ti->getRaster();
		TPoint point = getRasterPoint(pos);
		if (!ras->getBounds().contains(point))
			return -1;
		TPixelCM32 col = ras->pixels(point.y)[point.x];

		switch (mode) {
		case 0: //AREAS
			styleId = col.getPaint();
		case 1: //LINES
			styleId = col.getInk();
		case 2: //ALL (Line & Area)
			styleId = col.isPurePaint() ? col.getPaint() : col.getInk();
	} else if (TRasterImageP ri = m_image) {
		const TPalette *palette = m_palette.getPointer();
		if (!palette)
			return -1;
		TRaster32P ras = ri->getRaster();
		if (!ras)
			return -1;
		TPoint point = getRasterPoint(pos);
		if (!ras->getBounds().contains(point))
			return -1;
		TPixel32 col = ras->pixels(point.y)[point.x];
		styleId = palette->getClosestStyle(col);
	} else if (TVectorImageP vi = m_image) {
		// prima cerca lo stile della regione piu' vicina
		TRegion *r = vi->getRegion(pos);
		if (r)
			styleId = r->getStyle();
		// poi cerca quello della stroke, ma se prima aveva trovato una regione, richiede che
		// il click sia proprio sopra la stroke, altrimenti cerca la stroke piu' vicina (max circa 10 pixel)
		const double maxDist2 = (styleId == 0) ? 100.0 * radius2 : 0;
		bool strokeFound;
		double dist2, w, thick;
		UINT index;
		//!funzionerebbe ancora meglio con un getNearestStroke che considera
		//la thickness, cioe' la min distance dalla outline e non dalla centerLine
		strokeFound = vi->getNearestStroke(pos, w, index, dist2);
		if (strokeFound) {
			TStroke *stroke = vi->getStroke(index);
			thick = stroke->getThickPoint(w).thick;
			if (dist2 - thick * thick < maxDist2) {
				styleId = stroke->getStyle();
	return styleId;
Exemplo n.º 2
//!Converts a TVectorImage into a TRasterImage. The input vector image
//!is transformed through the passed affine \b aff, and put into a
//!TRasterImage strictly covering the bounding box of the transformed
//!vector image. The output image has its lower-left position in the
//!world reference specified by the \b pos parameter, which is granted to
//!be an integer displacement of the passed value. Additional parameters
//!include an integer \b enlarge by which the output image is enlarged with
//!respect to the transformed image's bbox, and the bool \b transformThickness
//!to specify whether the transformation should involve strokes' thickensses
//!or not.
TRasterImageP TRasterImageUtils::vectorToFullColorImage(
	const TVectorImageP &vimage, const TAffine &aff, TPalette *palette,
	const TPointD &outputPos, const TDimension &outputSize,
	const std::vector<TRasterFxRenderDataP> *fxs, bool transformThickness)
	if (!vimage || !palette)
		return 0;

	//Transform the vector image through aff
	TVectorImageP vi = vimage->clone();
	vi->transform(aff, transformThickness);

	//Allocate the output ToonzImage
	TRaster32P raster(outputSize.lx, outputSize.ly);
	TRasterImageP ri(raster);

	//Shift outputPos to the origin

	int strokeCount = vi->getStrokeCount();
	std::vector<int> strokeIndex(strokeCount);
	std::vector<TStroke *> strokes(strokeCount);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < strokeCount; ++i) {
		strokeIndex[i] = i;
		strokes[i] = vi->getStroke(i);
	vi->notifyChangedStrokes(strokeIndex, strokes);

	int maxStyleId = palette->getStyleCount() - 1;
	for (i = 0; i < (int)vi->getRegionCount(); ++i) {
		TRegion *region = vi->getRegion(i);
		fastAddPaintRegion(ri, region, tmin(maxStyleId, region->getStyle()), maxStyleId);

	set<int> colors;
	if (fxs) {
		for (i = 0; i < (int)fxs->size(); i++) {
			SandorFxRenderData *sandorData = dynamic_cast<SandorFxRenderData *>((*fxs)[i].getPointer());
			if (sandorData && sandorData->m_type == BlendTz) {
				std::string indexes = toString(sandorData->m_blendParams.m_colorIndex);
				std::vector<std::string> items;
				parseIndexes(indexes, items);
				PaletteFilterFxRenderData paletteFilterData;
				insertIndexes(items, &paletteFilterData);
				colors = paletteFilterData.m_colors;

	for (i = 0; i < strokeCount; ++i) {
		TStroke *stroke = vi->getStroke(i);

		bool visible = false;
		int styleId = stroke->getStyle();
		TColorStyleP style = palette->getStyle(styleId);
		int colorCount = style->getColorParamCount();
		if (colorCount == 0)
			visible = true;
		else {
			visible = false;
			for (int j = 0; j < style->getColorParamCount() && !visible; j++) {
				TPixel32 color = style->getColorParamValue(j);
				if (color.m != 0)
					visible = true;
		if (visible)
			fastAddInkStroke(ri, stroke, TRectD(), 1, true);
	return ri;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool stroke_autofill_apply(const TVectorImageP &imgToApply, TStroke *stroke,
                           bool selective) {
  if (!imgToApply || !stroke || stroke->getControlPointCount() == 0)
    return false;
  TVectorImage appImg;
  TStroke *appStroke = new TStroke(*stroke);

  if (regionsReference.size() <= 0) return false;

  double pbx, pby;
  double totalArea = 0;
  pbx = pby = 0.0;

  if (!regionsWork.isEmpty()) regionsWork.clear();

  int i, j, index = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < (int)imgToApply->getRegionCount(); i++) {
    TRegion *currentRegion = imgToApply->getRegion(i);
    for (j = 0; j < (int)appImg.getRegionCount(); j++) {
      TRegion *region = appImg.getRegion(j);
      if (contains(region, currentRegion)) {
        scanRegion(currentRegion, index, regionsWork, region->getBBox());
        int k, subRegionCount = currentRegion->getSubregionCount();
        for (k = 0; k < subRegionCount; k++) {
          TRegion *subRegion = currentRegion->getSubregion(k);
          if (contains(region, subRegion))
            scanSubRegion(subRegion, index, regionsWork, region->getBBox());

  if (regionsWork.size() <= 0) return false;

  QMap<int, Region>::Iterator it;
  for (it = regionsWork.begin(); it != regionsWork.end(); it++) {
    pbx += it.value().m_barycentre.x;
    pby += it.value().m_barycentre.y;
    totalArea += it.value().m_area;

  workB = TPointD(pbx / totalArea, pby / totalArea);

  std::vector<MatchingProbs> probVector;

  RegionDataList::Iterator refIt, workIt;
  for (refIt = regionsReference.begin(); refIt != regionsReference.end();
    for (workIt = regionsWork.begin(); workIt != regionsWork.end(); workIt++)
      assignProbs(probVector, refIt.value(), workIt.value(), refIt.key(),

  bool filledRegions = false;
  for (refIt = regionsReference.begin(); refIt != regionsReference.end();
       refIt++) {
    int to = 0, from = 0;
    int valore = 0;
      valore = match(probVector, from, to);
    while ((regionsWork[to].m_match != -1 ||
            regionsReference[from].m_match != -1) &&
           valore > 0);
    if (valore > AMB_TRESH) {
      regionsWork[to].m_match        = from;
      regionsReference[from].m_match = to;
      regionsWork[to].m_styleId      = regionsReference[from].m_styleId;
      TRegion *reg                   = regionsWork[to].m_region;
      if (reg && (!selective || selective && reg->getStyle() == 0)) {
        filledRegions = true;
  return filledRegions;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool rect_autofill_apply(const TVectorImageP &imgToApply, const TRectD &rect,
                         bool selective) {
  if (rect.getLx() * rect.getLy() < MIN_SIZE) return false;

  if (regionsReference.size() <= 0) return false;

  double pbx, pby;
  double totalArea = 0;
  pbx = pby = 0.0;

  if (!regionsWork.isEmpty()) regionsWork.clear();

  int i, index = 0, regionCount = imgToApply->getRegionCount();
  for (i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
    TRegion *region = imgToApply->getRegion(i);
    TRectD bbox     = region->getBBox();
    if (rect.contains(bbox)) {
      scanRegion(region, index, regionsWork, rect);
    int j, subRegionCount = region->getSubregionCount();
    for (j = 0; j < subRegionCount; j++) {
      TRegion *subRegion = region->getSubregion(j);
      if (rect.contains(subRegion->getBBox()))
        scanSubRegion(subRegion, index, regionsWork, rect);

  if (regionsWork.size() <= 0) return false;

  QMap<int, Region>::Iterator it;
  for (it = regionsWork.begin(); it != regionsWork.end(); it++) {
    pbx += it.value().m_barycentre.x;
    pby += it.value().m_barycentre.y;
    totalArea += it.value().m_area;

  workB = TPointD(pbx / totalArea, pby / totalArea);

  std::vector<MatchingProbs> probVector;

  RegionDataList::Iterator refIt, workIt;
  for (refIt = regionsReference.begin(); refIt != regionsReference.end();
    for (workIt = regionsWork.begin(); workIt != regionsWork.end(); workIt++)
      assignProbs(probVector, refIt.value(), workIt.value(), refIt.key(),

  bool filledRegions = false;
  for (refIt = regionsReference.begin(); refIt != regionsReference.end();
       refIt++) {
    int to = 0, from = 0;
    int valore = 0;
      valore = match(probVector, from, to);
    while ((regionsWork[to].m_match != -1 ||
            regionsReference[from].m_match != -1) &&
           valore > 0);
    if (valore > AMB_TRESH) {
      regionsWork[to].m_match        = from;
      regionsReference[from].m_match = to;
      regionsWork[to].m_styleId      = regionsReference[from].m_styleId;
      TRegion *reg                   = regionsWork[to].m_region;
      if (reg && (!selective || selective && reg->getStyle() == 0)) {
        filledRegions = true;
  return filledRegions;