// int main(int argc,char * const argv[]) // normally this int main(int argc,char * argv[]) // const argv[] not compatible with TRint { const char* cflags="hpRvV"; RunFlags Flag(argc,argv,cflags); if(Flag.verbose>1 ) cout << __FILE__<< " " << __FUNCTION__ << " after RunFlags line " << setw(4) << __LINE__ << '\n'; const char* Fname_b1_o="~/mad/LEP/lep_twiss.tfs"; const char* Fname_b1_s="~/mad/LEP/lep_survey.tfs"; Ntuple nt_b1(ReadAndMerge(Fname_b1_o,Fname_b1_s,Flag.verbose)); TRint* theApp; if(Flag.R) theApp = new TRint("", &argc, argv, NULL, 0); // root in line mode, defined theApp Beam b1(Fname_b1_o,Flag.verbose); // get Energy and synchr integrals from optics twiss header b1.RFHV_from_twiss(nt_b1 ); b1.Print(); double nsig=1; // quad radiation from sawtooth + beam size. 0 is sawtooth only double EmitRatio=0.002; b1.EmitFromSynrad(EmitRatio); CalcBeamSizeDivergence(nt_b1,b1.ex,b1.ey,b1.sige,Flag.verbose); // calculate beam sizes and divergences and add to ntupl CalcSynrad(nt_b1,b1,Flag.verbose,nsig); nt_b1.PrintSummary(); if(Flag.p) Plot_optics(&nt_b1,Flag.verbose); //nt_b1.WriteAsciiNtFile(NULL,"/tmp/hbu/tlep_175_o_s.tfs"); // write combined optics and survey // double xmin=-0.3,xmax=0.15,zmin=0,zmax=250.; //Plot_survey(&nt_b1,Flag.verbose,xmin,xmax,zmin,zmax); if(Flag.R) { cout << " running in line mode. When done quit root from the menu bar / File " << '\n'; theApp->Run(); } };
int main(int argc, char** argv) { KVBase::InitEnvironment(); TRint* myapp = new TRint("kaliveda", &argc, argv, NULL, 0); myapp->SetPrompt("kaliveda [%d] "); myapp->Run(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // argc = 1; // if you need to use command line arguments for your needs TRint* theApp = new TRint("Rint", &argc, argv, 0, 0, 1); // do not show splash screen and print ROOT version classtree(); // work in command line mode theApp->Run(); delete theApp; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ TRint* r = new TRint("theApp",0,0); // Opens up an interactive session of ROOT gErrorIgnoreLevel = 1001; // Ignore ROOT info messages gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas ("c1","c1",1100,800); c1->Divide(2,1); c1->cd(1); vector<eventsTracker> eventsInfo(argc-1); for (int j = 0; j < argc-1; j++){ // Loop over each file entered into the command line analyzeDataFile(argv[j+1], eventsInfo[j]); eventsInfo[j].printJetMassHist(); } c1->cd(2); for (int j = 0; j < argc-1; j++){ // Loop over each file entered into the command line eventsInfo[j].printNTracksHist(); } /*TLegend* jetMassLegend = new TLegend(0.65,0.75,0.89,0.88); jetMassLegend->AddEntry(jetMassHistQCD,"QCD Jet","l"); jetMassLegend->AddEntry(jetMassHistZp,"Z' Jet","l"); jetMassLegend->Draw(); TLegend* nTracksLegend = new TLegend(0.65,0.75,0.89,0.88); nTracksLegend->AddEntry(jetMassHistQCD,"QCD Jet","l"); nTracksLegend->AddEntry(jetMassHistZp,"Z' Jet","l"); nTracksLegend->Draw();*/ r->Run(); return 0; }
//__________________________________________________________ int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc!=6) { std::cout << "Invalid arguments..." << endl; return 1; } double timeCutLow = atof(argv[1]); double timeCutHigh = atof(argv[2]); //Create the add back table CreateAddBackTable(atof(argv[3])); double betaDiffLow = atof(argv[4]); double betaDiffHigh = atof(argv[5]); // Create interactive interface TRint *theApp = new TRint("ROOT example", &argc, argv, NULL, 0); //PID cuts: TFile *BRcut[3]; TFile *ZDcut[3]; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Cuts char name[100]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { sprintf(name,"../cut/brcut%i.root",i); BRcut[i] = new TFile(name,"READ"); } for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { sprintf(name,"../cut/zdcut%i.root",i); ZDcut[i] = new TFile(name,"READ"); } TCutG *brcut[3]; TCutG *zdcut[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { //sprintf(name,"brcut%i",i); BRcut[i]->GetObject("CUTG",brcut[i]); } for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { //sprintf(name,"zdcut%i",i); ZDcut[i]->GetObject("CUTG",zdcut[i]); } // Parameters for the MINOS ANALYSIS && Reading of ConfigFileSetup.txt for beta values double Test; double DALIOffset; double TargetLength; // in mm int BeamA, BeamZ; string ConfigBeam; double BeamEnergy; double betaLISE_before, betaLISE_middle, betaLISE_after, beta_vertex; double z_vertex; ifstream ConfigFile; ConfigFile.open("./../ConfigFileSetup.txt"); string Header; ConfigFile >> ConfigBeam; ConfigFile >> Header >> Test; ConfigFile >> Header >> Test; ConfigFile >> Header >> Test; ConfigFile >> Header >> Test; ConfigFile >> Header >> Test; ConfigFile >> Header >> DALIOffset; ConfigFile >> Header >> TargetLength; ConfigFile >> Header >> BeamA; ConfigFile >> Header >> BeamZ; ConfigFile >> Header >> BeamEnergy; ConfigFile >> Header >> betaLISE_before; ConfigFile >> Header >> betaLISE_middle; ConfigFile >> Header >> betaLISE_after; ConfigFile.close(); cout<<"The beta values are: Before target="<<betaLISE_before<<", Middle of target="<<betaLISE_middle<<", End of target="<<betaLISE_after<<endl; Event *Tree = new Event(); Long64_t nentries = Tree->fChain->GetEntriesFast(); TFile *rootfile = new TFile("outputfile.root","RECREATE"); rootfile->cd(); //Define spectra: int minBin = 0; int maxBin = 6000; int binning = 25; int numBin = (maxBin-minBin)/binning; //Specific variables; int daliMult; int daliTimeTrueMult; int daliFold; int daliTimeTrueFold; Double_t DopplerAngle; int countingFilling = 0; //________________________________________________________________________ //Spectra: TH1F *h_beta_diff[3]; TH2F *h_doppler[40]; TH2F *h_aoq_z[4]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { sprintf(name,"h_beta_diff[%i]",i); h_beta_diff[i] = new TH1F(name,name,1000,-0.1,0.1); } for(int i=0;i<40;i++) { sprintf(name,"h_doppler[%i]",i); h_doppler[i] = new TH2F(name,name,186,0,186,numBin,minBin,maxBin); } for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { sprintf(name,"h_aoq_z[%i]",i); h_aoq_z[i] = new TH2F(name,name,500,-100,100,250,0,120); //h_aoq_z[i] = new TH2F(name,name,500,2.0,3.0,250,40,60); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //Start looping through data; Long64_t i=0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { //for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<1000;jentry++) { //Long64_t ientry = Tree->LoadTree(jentry); //if (ientry < 0) break; Tree->fChain->GetEvent(jentry); // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue; if(jentry%10000 ==0) cout << jentry <<"/"<<nentries<<" Events DONE!"<<endl; //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //Sorting the MINOS data // Calculate beta from the z_vertex found with MINOS offline software // (estimated beam track parallel to the z axis) z_vertex = Tree->z_vertex; if(z_vertex>=-10 && z_vertex<0) beta_vertex = betaLISE_before; else if(z_vertex>=0 && z_vertex<=100) { beta_vertex = betaLISE_before - z_vertex*(betaLISE_before-betaLISE_after)/TargetLength; } else if(z_vertex>100 && z_vertex<=110) beta_vertex = betaLISE_after; else beta_vertex = betaLISE_middle; z_vertex = (z_vertex - DALIOffset)/10.; //Convert z in the DALI2 referential (in cm) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //Sorting the DALI2 data fDaliFold = 0;//Fold fDaliFoldTa = 0;//Fold fDaliMultTa = 0;//multiplicity for(int j=0;j<NUMBEROFDALICRYSTALS;j++) { crystalUsedForAddback[j] = false; } //cout<<"DALINaI: "<<Tree->DALINaI_<<endl; for(int j=0;j<Tree->DALINaI_;j++){ fDali[j].id = Tree->DALINaI_id[j]-1; fDali[j].layer = Tree->DALINaI_layer[j]; fDali[j].theta = fTheta[fDali[j].id]; fDali[j].x = fPosX[fDali[j].id]; fDali[j].y = fPosY[fDali[j].id]; fDali[j].z = fPosZ[fDali[j].id]; fDali[j].e = Tree->DALINaI_fEnergy[j]; fDali[j].t = Tree->DALINaI_fTimeOffseted[j]; if(fDali[j].e>0){ DopplerAngle = CalculateTheta(fDali[j].x,fDali[j].y,fDali[j].z,z_vertex); fDali[j].dopp[0] = DopplerCorrect(beta_vertex,DopplerAngle,fDali[j].e); fDali[j].dopp[1] = DopplerCorrect(beta_vertex,DopplerAngle,fDali[j].e); fDali[j].dopp[2] = DopplerCorrect(beta_vertex,DopplerAngle,fDali[j].e); if(fDali[j].t>timeCutLow-500&&fDali[j].t<timeCutHigh+500)fDaliFold++; // cout<<"DALIFold: "<<fDaliFold<<endl; if(fDali[j].t>timeCutLow && fDali[j].t<timeCutHigh){ fDali[j].ttrue = true; fDaliFoldTa++; } else fDali[j].ttrue = false; } else { fDali[j].dopp[0] = -999.; fDali[j].dopp[1] = -999.; fDali[j].dopp[2] = -999.; fDali[j].dopp[3] = -999.; fDali[j].ttrue = false; } } for(int j=Tree->DALINaI_;j<NUMBEROFDALICRYSTALS;j++){ fDali[j].id = -1; fDali[j].layer = -1; fDali[j].theta = -1; fDali[j].x = -999; fDali[j].y = -999; fDali[j].z = -999; fDali[j].e = -999; fDali[j].t = -999; fDali[j].ttrue = false; fDali[j].dopp[0] = -999; fDali[j].dopp[1] = -999; fDali[j].dopp[2] = -999; fDali[j].dopp[3] = -999; } if(fDali[0].e>0) SortData(fDaliFold,fDali); //Going to the add-back: float dummyEnergy[NUMBEROFDALICRYSTALS][6] = {{0.}}; //Making add-back and true multiplicity: //The Energy must be sorted already according to the highest detected one. //cout<<"Starting addback"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<fDaliFold;i++){ if(crystalUsedForAddback[fDali[i].id] == true || fDali[i].ttrue == false) continue; DopplerAngle = CalculateTheta(fDali[i].x,fDali[i].y,fDali[i].z,z_vertex); dummyEnergy[fDaliMultTa][0] = DopplerCorrect(beta_vertex,DopplerAngle,fDali[i].e); dummyEnergy[fDaliMultTa][1] = DopplerCorrect(beta_vertex,DopplerAngle,fDali[i].e); dummyEnergy[fDaliMultTa][2] = DopplerCorrect(beta_vertex,DopplerAngle,fDali[i].e); crystalUsedForAddback[fDali[i].id]=true; fDali[fDaliMultTa].idwa = fDali[i].id; for(int j = i+1;j<fDaliFold;j++) { if(crystalUsedForAddback[fDali[j].id]==false && fDali[j].ttrue==true) { for(int k = 0;k<fNumberOfAddbackPartners[fDali[i].id] ;k++) { if(fDali[j].id == fAddbackTable[fDali[i].id][k+1]) { crystalUsedForAddback[fDali[j].id]=true; DopplerAngle = CalculateTheta(fDali[i].x,fDali[i].y,fDali[i].z,z_vertex); dummyEnergy[fDaliMultTa][0] += DopplerCorrect(beta_vertex,DopplerAngle,fDali[j].e); dummyEnergy[fDaliMultTa][1] += DopplerCorrect(beta_vertex,DopplerAngle,fDali[j].e); dummyEnergy[fDaliMultTa][2] += DopplerCorrect(beta_vertex,DopplerAngle,fDali[j].e); } } } } fDaliMultTa++; } for(int i = 0;i<fDaliMultTa;i++) { fDali[i].doppwa[0] = dummyEnergy[i][0]; fDali[i].doppwa[1] = dummyEnergy[i][1]; fDali[i].doppwa[2] = dummyEnergy[i][2]; } for(int i = fDaliMultTa;i<NUMBEROFDALICRYSTALS;i++) { fDali[i].doppwa[0] = -999; fDali[i].doppwa[1] = -999; fDali[i].doppwa[2] = -999; fDali[i].idwa = -999; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //Starting with the analysis conditions // FIRST setting for Cr66 bool br67mn = false; // (p,2p) channel bool br68fe = false; // (p,3p) channel bool br68mn = false; // (p,2pn) channel // SECOND setting for Fe72 //bool br73co = false; // (p,2p) channel //bool br74ni = false; // (p,3p) channel //bool br74co = false; // (p,2pn) channel // THIRD setting for Ni78 //bool br79cu = false; // (p,2p) channel //bool br80zn = false; // (p,3p) channel //bool br80cu = false; // (p,2pn) channel bool zd2p66cr = false; bool zd3p66cr = false; bool zd2pn66cr = false; //bool zd2p72fe = false; //bool zd3p72fe = false; //bool zd2pn72fe = false; //bool zd2p78ni = false; //bool zd3p78ni = false; //bool zd2pn78ni = false; //BRS if(brcut[0]->IsInside(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[0],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[0])) br67mn = true; if(brcut[1]->IsInside(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[0],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[0])) br68fe = true; if(brcut[2]->IsInside(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[0],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[0])) br68mn = true; //ZDS if(zdcut[0]->IsInside(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[3],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[3])) zd2p66cr = true; if(zdcut[1]->IsInside(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[3],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[3])) zd3p66cr = true; if(zdcut[2]->IsInside(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[3],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[3])) zd2pn66cr = true; //Beta diff float beta_diff = Tree->BigRIPSBeam_beta[0]-Tree->BigRIPSBeam_beta[3]; if(br67mn&&zd2p66cr) h_beta_diff[0]->Fill(beta_diff); if(br68fe&&zd3p66cr) h_beta_diff[1]->Fill(beta_diff); if(br68mn&&zd2pn66cr) h_beta_diff[2]->Fill(beta_diff); //Trigger register information bool DSB = false; bool F11 = false; bool DaliTrigger = false; //Need to check the settings for PSP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if(Tree->EventInfo_fBit[0]==13||Tree->EventInfo_fBit[0]==15) DaliTrigger = true; if(Tree->EventInfo_fBit[0]==10||Tree->EventInfo_fBit[0]==11||Tree->EventInfo_fBit[0]==15) DSB = true; if(Tree->EventInfo_fBit[0]==12||Tree->EventInfo_fBit[0]==14) F11 = true; //Introducing counter value here: //br67mn && zd2p66cr:0 //br68fe && zd3p66cr:1 //br68mn && zd2pn66cr:2 //Getting the statistics for the cross-section: //Beam h_aoq_z[0]->Fill(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[0],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[0]); if(DSB) h_aoq_z[1]->Fill(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[0],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[0]); int counter = -1; //Asking for good condition of ppac and beta diff /* if(br67mn && zd2p66cr && Tree->fgoodppacfocusor[9]==1 && Tree->fgoodppacfocusor[11]==1 && beta_diff>betaDiffLow && beta_diff < betaDiffHigh) counter = 0; else if(br68fe && zd3p66cr && Tree->fgoodppacfocusor[9]==1 && Tree->fgoodppacfocusor[11]==1 && beta_diff>betaDiffLow && beta_diff < betaDiffHigh) counter = 1; else if(br68mn && zd2pn66cr && Tree->fgoodppacfocusor[9]==1 && Tree->fgoodppacfocusor[11]==1 && beta_diff>betaDiffLow && beta_diff < betaDiffHigh) counter = 2; else continue; */ if(br67mn && zd2p66cr) counter = 0; else if(br68fe && zd3p66cr) counter = 1; else if(br68mn && zd2pn66cr) counter = 2; else continue; for(int j=0;j<fDaliFold;j++){ if(fDali[j].ttrue) { h_doppler[0+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[j].id,fDali[j].dopp[counter]); if(fDaliFold<3) h_doppler[1+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[j].id,fDali[j].dopp[counter]); if(fDaliFold==1) h_doppler[2+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[j].id,fDali[j].dopp[counter]); } } for(int j=0;j<fDaliMultTa;j++){ h_doppler[3+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[j].idwa,fDali[j].doppwa[counter]); if(fDaliMultTa==1) h_doppler[4+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[0].idwa,fDali[0].doppwa[counter]); if(fDaliMultTa==2) h_doppler[5+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[j].idwa,fDali[j].doppwa[counter]); if(fDaliMultTa==3) h_doppler[6+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[j].idwa,fDali[j].doppwa[counter]); if(fDaliMultTa>3) h_doppler[7+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[j].idwa,fDali[j].doppwa[counter]); if(fDaliMultTa<=2) { h_doppler[8+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[j].idwa,fDali[j].doppwa[counter]); } if(fDaliMultTa<=3) { h_doppler[9+counter*10]->Fill(fDali[j].idwa,fDali[j].doppwa[counter]); } } //ZDS h_aoq_z[2]->Fill(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[3],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[3]); if(F11 && Tree->fgoodppacfocusor[9]==1 && Tree->fgoodppacfocusor[11]==1) h_aoq_z[3]->Fill(Tree->BigRIPSBeam_aoq[3],Tree->BigRIPSBeam_zet[3]); } for(int i=0;i<30;i++) h_doppler[i]->Write(); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) h_beta_diff[i]->Write(); for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { h_aoq_z[i]->Write(); } theApp->Run(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Bazinga!\n"); try { /* get data */ std::cout << "argc = " << argc << endl; if (argc == 1) { //_mychain->Add("/home/ephelps/analysis/root_37808_pass1.a20.root/h10"); /* open cint session */ int argc_root = 0; Fid *fid = Fid::Instance(); fid->Print(); TRint *app = new TRint("Rint",&argc_root,argv,NULL,0); app->Run(); } else { TChain *_mychain = new TChain(); int dtype = _DATA_H10SIM; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { _mychain->Add(argv[i]); std::cout << i << ": " << argv[i] << std::endl; } if (_mychain->GetBranch("rf_time2")) dtype = _DATA_H10EXP; else if(_mychain->GetBranch("w4")) dtype = _DATA_3PI; else dtype = _DATA_H10SIM; TFile fout("out.root","recreate"); h10looper *_mylooper = 0; Data *data = 0; if (dtype == _DATA_H10EXP) { data = new h10exp(); //TFile fin_el("/data/e1f/exp-el.root"); TEntryList *elist = 0; //(TEntryList*)fin_el.Get("q2_18_27_pippim"); h10looper *_mylooper = new h10looper(data, _mychain); _mylooper->Add(new DhCalcLuminosity("accuq",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhSkimCharge<h10exp>("skimq",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhEid<h10exp>("skime",&fout,"/home/ephelps/analysis/omega/input/eid.exp.out")); _mylooper->Add(new DhPcor("pcor",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhSkimChargedParts<h10exp>("skim1or2pi",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhTmH10clone<h10exp>(_mylooper,"h10clone",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhTm3pi<h10exp>("3pi-tree",&fout)); //_mylooper->Add(new DhFid<h10exp>("fid",&fout,"/home/ephelps/analysis/omega/input/fid.parms")); /* process data */ _mylooper->Loop(-1,kFALSE,elist); } else if (dtype == _DATA_H10SIM) { data = new h10sim(); _mylooper = new h10looper(data, _mychain); _mylooper->Add(new DhTm3pi<h10sim,true>("3pi-tree-thrown-all",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhSkimCharge<h10sim>("skimq",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhEid<h10sim>("skime",&fout,"/home/ephelps/analysis/omega/input/eid.mc.out")); _mylooper->Add(new DhSkimChargedParts<h10sim>("skim1or2pi",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhTmH10clone<h10sim>(_mylooper,"h10clone",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhTm3pi<h10sim,true>("3pi-tree-thrown",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhTm3pi<h10sim,false>("3pi-tree-recon",&fout)); //_mylooper->Add(new DhFid<h10exp>("fid",&fout,"/home/ephelps/analysis/omega/input/fid.parms")); /* process data */ _mylooper->Loop(-1,kFALSE); } else if (dtype == _DATA_3PI) { data = new Evt(); _mylooper = new h10looper(data, _mychain); //_mylooper->Add(new Dh3piToPhysFrm(_mylooper,"3pi-cm",&fout)); //_mylooper->Add(new Dh3piHists("3pi-hists",&fout)); _mylooper->Add(new DhTop1("top1",&fout)); _mylooper->Loop(-1,kFALSE); } if (_mychain) delete _mychain; if (_mylooper) delete _mylooper; if (data) delete data; /* clean up */ } } catch(exception *e) { std::cout << e->what() << std::endl; delete e; return 88; } printf("!agnizaB\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv){ // Set it to "true" if you do not want to see the histograms interactively gROOT->SetBatch(IS_BATCH); gStyle->SetOptStat(1111111); gStyle->SetOptFit(1111); // Open the input root file and set branches // On pcciet3a, pcciet3b, pccmscie6 //TString sampleFile = "/data4/Fall11_WplusC_Trees_July2012/TTbar.root"; // Just for some checks (there are selection cuts applied on the following file) //TString sampleFile = "/data4/Fall11_WplusC_Trees_July2012/TTbar_SSVHPNOMTNOISOreduced.root"; // Stop file // TString sampleFile = "/data4/Fall11_WplusC_Trees_July2012/Stop.root"; TString sampleFile = "dcap://gaeds015.ciemat.es:22125/pnfs/ciemat.es/data/cms/store/user/delacruz/STop2012/NTuplesFeb2013/v1/merge_stops_signalmc_T2tt_Mstop-225to1200_mLSP-0to1000_Pythia_new.root"; Event ev; Event* pointerToEvent = &ev; printf("Processing sample '%s'...\n", sampleFile.Data()); TFile input_sample(sampleFile,"READONLY"); TTree* tree = 0; input_sample.GetObject("MUTREE/MUTREE",tree); if (!tree) input_sample.GetObject("MUTREE",tree); tree->SetBranchAddress("event", &pointerToEvent); int nentriesInTree = tree->GetEntriesFast(); if (maxEventsUsed<0) maxEventsUsed = nentriesInTree; printf("\tThere are %d events in the file; running on %d events\n", nentriesInTree, maxEventsUsed); TH1D* hCosb = new TH1D("hCosb", "cos(#theta_{tb})", 50, -1.0, 1.0); printf("Input thetaEff for topPol %.3f is: %.3f\n", 1., GetThetaMixing(1., 950., 175., 425.)); printf("Input thetaEff for topPol %.3f is: %.3f\n", 0.5, GetThetaMixing(0.5, 950., 175., 425.)); printf("Input thetaEff for topPol %.3f is: %.3f\n", 0., GetThetaMixing(0., 950., 175., 425.)); printf("Input thetaEff for topPol %.3f is: %.3f\n", -0.5, GetThetaMixing(-0.5, 950., 175., 425.)); printf("Input thetaEff for topPol %.3f is: %.3f\n", -1., GetThetaMixing(-1., 950., 175., 425.)); // Event loop for (int iEvent=0; iEvent<maxEventsUsed; iEvent++) { if (tree->LoadTree(iEvent)<0) break; tree->GetEntry(iEvent); if (ev.genInfos.size()<=0) { printf("This is not a MC file, EXIT!!!\n"); return -1; } if (iEvent%1000000==0) printf("... event index %d\n", iEvent); unsigned int ngen = ev.genParticles.size(); //double m_stop = 0.; //double m_chi0 = 0.; //double m_top = 0.; std::vector<SUSYGenParticle> genParticles; for (unsigned int ig=0; ig<ngen; ++ig) { GenParticle gen = ev.genParticles[ig]; if (gen.status!=3) break; SUSYGenParticle part; part.pdgId = gen.pdgId; part.energy = gen.energy; part.pt = gen.pt; part.eta = gen.eta; part.phi = gen.phi; part.firstMother = -1; if (gen.mothers.size()>0) part.firstMother = gen.mothers[0]; //if (abs(gen.pdgId)==1000006) m_stop = sqrt(pow(gen.energy,2)-pow(gen.pt*cosh(gen.eta),2)); //if (abs(gen.pdgId)==1000022) m_chi0 = sqrt(pow(gen.energy,2)-pow(gen.pt*cosh(gen.eta),2)); //if (abs(gen.pdgId)==6) m_top = sqrt(pow(gen.energy,2)-pow(gen.pt*cosh(gen.eta),2)); genParticles.push_back(part); } //printf("m_stop: %.3f, m_top: %.3f, m_chi0: %.3f\n", m_stop, m_top, m_chi0); //double pol_new = POL; //double pol_new = AverageTopPolarization_Stop_to_TopChi0(-1.1, genParticles); //double weight = Reweight_Stop_to_TopChi0_TopOnshell (genParticles, 0., pol_new); // m_stop=950 GeV, m_chi0=425 GeV, m_top=175 GeV double thetaMixingTarget = -1.134; // Pol=-1 //double thetaMixingTarget = -0.437; // Pol=+1 double weight = Reweight_Stop_to_TopChi0_with_SUSYmodel (genParticles, thetaMixingTarget); for (unsigned int ig=0; ig<ngen; ++ig) { GenParticle gen = ev.genParticles[ig]; if (gen.status!=3) break; if (abs(gen.pdgId)!=5) continue; if (gen.mothers.size()!=1) continue; GenParticle genTop = ev.genParticles[gen.mothers[0]]; if (abs(genTop.pdgId)!=6) continue; if (genTop.pdgId*gen.pdgId<0) continue; double etop = genTop.energy; double pxtop = genTop.pt*cos(genTop.phi); double pytop = genTop.pt*sin(genTop.phi); double pztop = genTop.pt*sinh(genTop.eta); double ptop = sqrt(pxtop*pxtop+pytop*pytop+pztop*pztop); double mtop = sqrt(etop*etop-ptop*ptop); double pxb = gen.pt*cos(gen.phi); double pyb = gen.pt*sin(gen.phi); double pzb = gen.pt*sinh(gen.eta); double pb = sqrt(pxb*pxb+pyb*pyb+pzb*pzb); // We also need a stop if (genTop.mothers.size()==0) continue; GenParticle genStop = ev.genParticles[genTop.mothers[0]]; if (abs(genStop.pdgId)!=1000006) continue; // Move top and fermion to the stop center-of-mass frame TLorentzVector stop4; stop4.SetPtEtaPhiE(genStop.pt, genStop.eta, genStop.phi, genStop.energy); TVector3 betaS(-stop4.Px()/stop4.Energy(),-stop4.Py()/stop4.Energy(),-stop4.Pz()/stop4.Energy()); TLorentzVector topRef(pxtop,pytop,pztop,etop); topRef.Boost(betaS); // keept this vector to calculate costh TLorentzVector top4(pxtop,pytop,pztop,etop); top4.Boost(betaS); TLorentzVector b4(pxb,pyb,pzb,pb); b4.Boost(betaS); TVector3 betaV(-top4.Px()/top4.Energy(),-top4.Py()/top4.Energy(),-top4.Pz()/top4.Energy()); top4.Boost(betaV); b4.Boost(betaV); double costh = (topRef.Px()*b4.Px()+topRef.Py()*b4.Py()+topRef.Pz()*b4.Pz())/topRef.P()/b4.P(); hCosb->Fill(costh,weight); } } // To see things interactively (if IS_BATCH == false); TRint* app = new TRint("Wprime Analysis", &argc, argv); hCosb->SetMinimum(0.); hCosb->Draw(); // Fitting slope TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]*(1+[1]*x)"); f1->SetParName(0,"ValueAt0"); f1->SetParName(1,"Slope"); hCosb->Fit(f1,"","same"); gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->At(0)->SaveAs("costhb.jpg"); app->Run(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ using namespace muon_pog; if (argc < 3) { std::cout << "Usage : " << argv[0] << " PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE PAT_TO_CONFIG_FILE(s)\n"; exit(100); } // Input root file TString fileName = argv[1]; std::cout << "[" << argv[0] << "] Processing file " << fileName.Data() << std::endl; std::vector<Plotter> plotters; for (int iConfig = 2; iConfig < argc; ++iConfig) { std::cout << "[" << argv[0] << "] Using config file " << argv[iConfig] << std::endl; plotters.push_back(std::string(argv[iConfig])); } // Set it to kTRUE if you do not run interactively gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE); // Initialize Root application TRint* app = new TRint("CMS Root Application", &argc, argv); //setTDRStyle(); what to do here? // Initialize pointers to summary and full event structure muon_pog::Event* ev = new muon_pog::Event(); TTree* tree; TBranch* evBranch; // Open file, get tree, set branches TFile* inputFile = TFile::Open(fileName,"READONLY"); tree = (TTree*)inputFile->Get("MUONPOGTREE"); if (!tree) inputFile->GetObject("MuonPogTree/MUONPOGTREE",tree); evBranch = tree->GetBranch("event"); evBranch->SetAddress(&ev); system("mkdir -p results"); TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open("results/results.root","RECREATE"); // CB find a better name for output file for (auto & plotter : plotters) plotter.book(outputFile); // Watch number of entries int nEntries = tree->GetEntriesFast(); std::cout << "[" << argv[0] << "] Number of entries = " << nEntries << std::endl; int nFilteredEvents = 0; for (Long64_t iEvent=0; iEvent<nEntries; ++iEvent) { if (tree->LoadTree(iEvent)<0) break; evBranch->GetEntry(iEvent); for (auto & plotter : plotters) plotter.fill(ev->muons, ev->hlt); } outputFile->Write(); if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) app->Run(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv){ // Set it to kTRUE if you do not run interactively gROOT->SetBatch(kFALSE); // Initialize Root application TRint* app = new TRint("CMS Root Application", &argc, argv); // Canvas TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Top2012 analysis"); gStyle->SetOptStat(1111111); gStyle->SetMarkerStyle(20); gStyle->SetMarkerSize(1.0); // Input root file TString sample = "Data.root"; // Declare histograms TH1D* hbtag = new TH1D("hbtag", "CSV discriminant, most significant jet", 25, 0., 1.); hbtag->Sumw2(); // Initialize pointers to summary and full event structure Summary summary; Summary* pointerToSummary = &summary; Event ev; Event* pointerToEvent = &ev; TTree* tree; TBranch* bSummary; TBranch* bEvent; // Open file, get tree, set branches printf("Processing sample '%s' ...\n", sample.Data()); TFile* pinput_sample = TFile::Open(sample,"READONLY"); TFile& input_sample = *pinput_sample; tree = (TTree*)input_sample.Get("MUTREE"); if (!tree) input_sample.GetObject("MuTree/MUTREE",tree); bSummary = tree->GetBranch("summary"); bEvent = tree->GetBranch("event"); bSummary->SetAddress(&pointerToSummary); bEvent->SetAddress(&pointerToEvent); // Watch number of entries int nentries = tree->GetEntriesFast(); printf("Number of entries = %d\n", nentries); // Typical way to normalize the MC to data double lumi = 20000.; // 1/pb double xsection = 200.; // pb double skimFilterEfficiency = 1.; // different from 1 if MC was already skimmed double weight = lumi*xsection*skimFilterEfficiency / nentries; for (Long64_t iEvent=0; iEvent<nentries; iEvent++) { if (tree->LoadTree(iEvent)<0) break; // First, access the summary bSummary->GetEntry(iEvent); // Cut on summary information to save processing time if (summary.nMuons==0) continue; // look for events with at least 1 muon if (summary.maxMT<30.) continue; // look for events with maxMT>30 if (summary.nJets<2) continue; // look for events with at least 2 jets // Now get the full event, once we know that summary conditions are satisfied bEvent->GetEntry(iEvent); // Get the most significant b jet unsigned int njets = ev.jets.size(); double btag = 0.; for (unsigned int ij=0; ij<njets; ++ij) { Jet jet = ev.jets[ij]; if (jet.btagCSV>btag) { btag = jet.btagCSV; } } // Fill histogram hbtag->Fill(btag, weight); } hbtag->Draw("e"); c1->SaveAs("btag.jpg"); if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) app->Run(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ float xSec = 1; float filterEff = 1; if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "Usage : " << argv[0] << " PATH_TO_FILE <X_SEC> <FILTER_EFF>\n"; exit(100); } if (argc >= 3) { xSec = std::atof(argv[2]); if (fabs(xSec) < 1E-20) { std::cout << "atof(<X_SEC>) : " << xSec << " is too small\n"; exit(100); } } if (argc >= 4) { filterEff = std::atof(argv[3]); if (fabs(filterEff) < 1E-20) { std::cout << "atof(<FILTER_EFF>) : " << filterEff << " is too small\n"; exit(100); } } // Input root file TString fileName = argv[1]; int tagBegin = fileName.Index("MuonHltTree")+12; int tagEnd = fileName.Index(".root"); TString fileTag = fileName(tagBegin,std::max(0,tagEnd-tagBegin)); // Set it to kTRUE if you do not run interactively gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE); // Initialize Root application TRint* app = new TRint("CMS Root Application", &argc, argv); setTDRStyle(); std::vector<RatePlotter> plotters; plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(0.,5.,"genReferencePt0",true)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(1.,3.,"genReferencePt11",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(16,2.4,"hltL1sMu16",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(16,2.4,"hltL2fL1sMu16L1f0L2Filtered16Q",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(24,2.4,"hltL3fL1sMu16L1f0L2f16QL3Filtered24Q",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(40,2.4,"hltL3fL1sMu16L1f0L2f16QL3Filtered40Q",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(24,2.4,"hltL3crIsoL1sMu16L1f0L2f16QL3f24QL3crIsoRhoFiltered0p15",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(16,2.1,"hltL1sMu16",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(16,2.1,"hltL2fL1sMu16L1f0L2Filtered16Q",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(24,2.1,"hltL3fL1sMu16L1f0L2f16QL3Filtered24Q",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(40,2.1,"hltL3fL1sMu16L1f0L2f16QL3Filtered40Q",false)); plotters.push_back(RatePlotter(24,2.1,"hltL3crIsoL1sMu16L1f0L2f16QL3f24QL3crIsoRhoFiltered0p15",false)); // Initialize pointers to summary and full event structure ciemat::Event* ev = new ciemat::Event(); TTree* tree; TBranch* evBranch; // Open file, get tree, set branches std::cout << "[" << argv[0] << "] Processing file " << fileName.Data() << std::endl; TFile* inputFile = TFile::Open(fileName,"READONLY"); tree = (TTree*)inputFile->Get("MUHLTTREE"); if (!tree) inputFile->GetObject("MuonHltTree/MUHLTTREE",tree); evBranch = tree->GetBranch("event"); evBranch->SetAddress(&ev); system("mkdir -p results"); TString outputFileName("results/rateResults_"+fileTag+".root"); TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open(outputFileName,"RECREATE"); std::vector<RatePlotter>::iterator plotterIt = plotters.begin(); std::vector<RatePlotter>::iterator plotterEnd = plotters.end(); for(; plotterIt!=plotterEnd; ++ plotterIt) { plotterIt->book(outputFile); } // Watch number of entries int nEntries = tree->GetEntriesFast(); std::cout << "[" << argv[0] << "] Number of entries = " << nEntries << std::endl; for (Long64_t iEvent=0; iEvent<nEntries; ++iEvent) { if (tree->LoadTree(iEvent)<0) break; evBranch->GetEntry(iEvent); plotterIt = plotters.begin(); plotterEnd = plotters.end(); for(; plotterIt!=plotterEnd; ++ plotterIt) { plotterIt->fill(ev); } } float scaleFactor = 1./nEntries * xSec * filterEff; plotterIt = plotters.begin(); plotterEnd = plotters.end(); for(; plotterIt!=plotterEnd; ++ plotterIt) { plotterIt->plotAndSave(scaleFactor); } outputFile->Write(); if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) app->Run(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv){ TString chfile; TString chfileref; TString DirectoryLast; TString labelData; TString labelRef; int ntrueargs = 0; bool logyFlag = true; bool normalize = false; for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (argv[i][1]=='l') logyFlag = false; else if (argv[i][1]=='b') gROOT->SetBatch(); else if (argv[i][1]=='h') return printUsage(); else if (argv[i][1]=='n') normalize=true; else if (argv[i][1]=='D') labelData = argv[i+1]; else if (argv[i][1]=='R') labelRef= argv[i+1]; } else { ntrueargs += 1; if (ntrueargs==1) chfile = argv[i]; else if (ntrueargs==2) chfileref = argv[i]; else if (ntrueargs==3) DirectoryLast = argv[i]; } } if (ntrueargs<3) return printUsage(); TRint* app = new TRint("CMS Root Application", 0, 0); TString cmssw_version = gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_VERSION"); TString chsample = "EWKMu"; TString chtitle = chsample + " validation for " + cmssw_version; //TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1",chtitle.Data()); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1",chtitle.Data(),0,0,1024,768); c1->SetFillColor(0); TPaveLabel* paveTitle = new TPaveLabel(0.1,0.93,0.9,0.99, chtitle.Data()); paveTitle->Draw(); paveTitle->SetFillColor(0); gStyle->SetOptLogy(logyFlag); gStyle->SetPadGridX(true); gStyle->SetPadGridY(true); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); // gStyle->SetFillColor(0); TPad* pad[4]; pad[0] = new TPad("pad_tl","The top-left pad",0.01,0.48,0.49,0.92); pad[0]->SetFillColor(0); pad[1] = new TPad("pad_tr","The top-right pad",0.51,0.48,0.99,0.92); pad[1]->SetFillColor(0); pad[2] = new TPad("pad_bl","The bottom-left pad",0.01,0.01,0.49,0.46); pad[2]->SetFillColor(0); pad[3] = new TPad("pad_br","The bottom-right pad",0.51,0.01,0.99,0.46); pad[3]->SetFillColor(0); for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i) pad[i]->Draw(); TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.6041667,0.7487715,0.9861111,0.9576167); leg->SetFillColor(0); TFile* input_file = new TFile(chfile.Data(),"READONLY"); TFile* input_fileref = new TFile(chfileref.Data(),"READONLY"); bool first_plots_done = false; TString directory = DirectoryLast + "/BeforeCuts"; TDirectory* dir_before = input_file->GetDirectory(directory); TDirectory* dirref_before = input_fileref->GetDirectory(directory); TList* list_before = dir_before->GetListOfKeys(); list_before->Print(); unsigned int list_before_size = list_before->GetSize(); TString auxTitle = chtitle + ": BEFORE CUTS"; for (unsigned int i=0; i<list_before_size; i+=4) { if (first_plots_done==true) c1->DrawClone(); paveTitle->SetLabel(auxTitle.Data()); for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; ++j) { pad[j]->cd(); pad[j]->Clear(); if ((i+j)>=list_before_size) continue; TH1D* h1 = (TH1D*)dir_before->Get(list_before->At(i+j)->GetName()); // h1->SetLineColor(kBlue); // h1->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); h1->SetMarkerStyle(21); h1->SetLineStyle(1); h1->SetLineWidth(3); h1->SetTitleSize(0.05,"X"); h1->SetTitleSize(0.05,"Y"); TString title=(TString)dir_before->Get(list_before->At(i+j)->GetName())->GetTitle(); TString name=(TString)dir_before->Get(list_before->At(i+j)->GetName())->GetName(); TString nameD =name+"_MC"; h1->SetXTitle(title); h1->SetName(nameD); h1->SetYTitle(""); h1->SetTitle(""); h1->SetTitleOffset(0.85,"X"); TH1D* hr = (TH1D*)dirref_before->Get(list_before->At(i+j)->GetName()); hr->SetLineColor(kPink-4); // hr->SetLineStyle(2); hr->SetLineWidth(3); hr->SetTitleSize(0.05,"X"); hr->SetTitleSize(0.05,"Y"); hr->SetFillColor(kPink-4); hr->SetFillStyle(3001); hr->SetXTitle(title); TString nameMC =name+"_Data"; h1->SetName(nameMC); hr->SetYTitle(""); hr->SetTitle(""); hr->SetTitleOffset(0.85,"X"); if(normalize) {hr->DrawNormalized("hist",h1->Integral());} else{hr->Draw("hist");} h1->Draw("sames,p,E"); int max1=h1->GetMaximum(); int maxr=hr->GetMaximum(); if(!normalize){ if(max1 >= maxr) { hr->SetMaximum(max1*1.2); h1->SetMaximum(max1*1.2);} else {hr->SetMaximum(maxr*1.2); h1->SetMaximum(maxr*1.2);} } else if (normalize){ hr->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(h1->GetMinimum()*0.1,max1*1.2); } leg->Clear(); leg->AddEntry(h1,labelData.Data(),"Lp"); leg->AddEntry(hr,labelRef.Data() ,"f"); leg->Draw(); } first_plots_done = true; c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); char chplot[80]; sprintf(chplot,"%sValidation_%s_BEFORECUTS_%d.root",chsample.Data(),cmssw_version.Data(),i/4); c1->SaveAs(chplot); sprintf(chplot,"%sValidation_%s_BEFORECUTS_%d.gif",chsample.Data(),cmssw_version.Data(),i/4); c1->SaveAs(chplot); } TString directory2 = DirectoryLast + "/LastCut"; TDirectory* dir_lastcut = input_file->GetDirectory(directory2); TDirectory* dirref_lastcut = input_fileref->GetDirectory(directory2); TList* list_lastcut = dir_lastcut->GetListOfKeys(); list_lastcut->Print(); unsigned int list_lastcut_size = list_lastcut->GetSize(); auxTitle = chtitle + ": AFTER N-1 CUTS"; for (unsigned int i=0; i<list_lastcut_size; i+=4) { if (first_plots_done==true) c1->DrawClone(); paveTitle->SetLabel(auxTitle.Data()); for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; ++j) { pad[j]->cd(); pad[j]->Clear(); if ((i+j)>=list_lastcut_size) continue; TH1D* h1 = (TH1D*)dir_lastcut->Get(list_lastcut->At(i+j)->GetName()); // h1->SetLineColor(kBlue); // h1->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); h1->SetMarkerStyle(21); h1->SetLineWidth(3); h1->SetTitleSize(0.05,"X"); h1->SetTitleSize(0.05,"Y"); TString name=(TString)dir_lastcut->Get(list_lastcut->At(i+j)->GetName())->GetName(); TString title=(TString)dir_lastcut->Get(list_lastcut->At(i+j)->GetName())->GetTitle(); TString nameD=name+"_Data"; h1->SetXTitle(title); h1->SetName(nameD); h1->SetYTitle(""); h1->SetTitle(""); h1->SetTitleOffset(0.85,"X"); TH1D* hr = (TH1D*)dirref_lastcut->Get(list_lastcut->At(i+j)->GetName()); hr->SetLineColor(kAzure+5); // hr->SetLineStyle(2); hr->SetLineWidth(3); hr->SetTitleSize(0.05,"X"); hr->SetTitleSize(0.05,"Y"); hr->SetFillColor(kAzure+5); hr->SetFillStyle(3001); hr->SetXTitle(title); TString nameMC=name+"_Data"; h1->SetName(nameMC); hr->SetYTitle(""); hr->SetTitle(""); hr->SetTitleOffset(0.85,"X"); if(normalize) {hr->DrawNormalized("hist",h1->Integral());} else{hr->Draw("hist");} h1->Draw("sames,p,E"); int max1=h1->GetMaximum(); int maxr=hr->GetMaximum(); if(!normalize){ if(max1 >= maxr) { hr->SetMaximum(max1*1.2); h1->SetMaximum(max1*1.2);} else {hr->SetMaximum(maxr*1.2); h1->SetMaximum(maxr*1.2);} } else if (normalize){ hr->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(h1->GetMinimum()*0.1,max1*1.2); } leg->Clear(); leg->AddEntry(h1,labelData.Data(),"lp"); leg->AddEntry(hr,labelRef.Data(),"f"); leg->Draw(); } first_plots_done = true; c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); char chplot[80]; sprintf(chplot,"%sValidation_%s_LASTCUT_%d.root",chsample.Data(),cmssw_version.Data(),i/4); c1->SaveAs(chplot); sprintf(chplot,"%sValidation_%s_LASTCUT_%d.gif",chsample.Data(),cmssw_version.Data(),i/4); c1->SaveAs(chplot); } if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) app->Run(); return 0; }