Exemplo n.º 1
TString FormatWithCommas(T value)
    TStringStream tss;
    tss << fixed << value;
    return tss.str();
Exemplo n.º 2
TString FormatDateTime(time_t value)
    TStringStream tss;
    tss << put_time(localtime(&value), wxT("%c"));
    return tss.str();
Exemplo n.º 3
// CTSPIConferenceCall::Dump
// Debug "dump" of the object and it's contents.
TString CTSPIConferenceCall::Dump() const 
	TStringStream outstm;

	CEnterCode keyLock(this, FALSE);
	outstm << _T("0x") << hex << (DWORD)this;
	outstm << _T(",htCall=0x") << hex << m_htCall;
	outstm << _T(",LineOwner=0x") << hex << GetLineOwner()->GetPermanentDeviceID();
	outstm << _T(",State=") << GetCallStateName();
	outstm << _T(",RefCnt=") << setw(2) << GetRefCount();

	// Only dump the conferenced parties if we can lock the object right now.
	// If not, ignore it and continue. This particular function is called during
	// call removal and causes a deadlock if another call is changing state at 
	// this moment in the conference. (V3.043)
	if (keyLock.Lock(0))
		outstm << _T(",Parties=") << setw(2) << m_lstConference.size() << endl;
		for (TCallHubList::const_iterator iCall = m_lstConference.begin();
		     iCall != m_lstConference.end(); ++iCall)
			 outstm << _T("  ") << (*iCall)->Dump() << endl;
	else outstm << endl;

}// CTSPIConferenceCall::Dump
Exemplo n.º 4
    TString TPerformanceMeasurerStorage::Statistic() const
        TCriticalSection::TLocker locker(m_pCS);
        TPmMap *pTotal = new TPmMap();
        for(TThreadMap::iterator threadIt = m_pMap->begin(); threadIt != m_pMap->end(); ++threadIt)
            TPmMap *pPmMap = threadIt->second;
            for(TPmMap::iterator pmIt = pPmMap->begin(); pmIt != pPmMap->end(); ++pmIt)
                TPerformanceMeasurer *pPm = NULL;
                TPmMap::iterator totalIt = pTotal->find(pmIt->first);
                if(totalIt == pTotal->end())
                    pPm = new TPerformanceMeasurer(pmIt->second->Description().c_str());
                    (*pTotal)[pmIt->first] = pPm;
                    pPm = totalIt->second;


        std::vector<TString> statistics;
        for(TPmMap::iterator totalIt = pTotal->begin(); totalIt != pTotal->end(); ++totalIt)

        std::sort(statistics.begin(), statistics.end());

        TStringStream statistic;
        for(size_t i = 0;  i < statistics.size(); ++i)
            statistic << statistics[i] << std::endl;
        return statistic.str();
Exemplo n.º 5
// static
TString TIntermTraverser::hash(const TString& name, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction)
    if (hashFunction == NULL || name.empty())
        return name;
    khronos_uint64_t number = (*hashFunction)(name.c_str(), name.length());
    TStringStream stream;
    stream << HASHED_NAME_PREFIX << std::hex << number;
    TString hashedName = stream.str();
    return hashedName;
Exemplo n.º 6
void ErrExit::FinalError(const TCHAR *FailCall, const TCHAR *Function, const TCHAR *File, const long Line, const DWORD SystemErrorID, const TCHAR *ErrorText)
	const TCHAR *newl = TEXT("\r\n");
	int Response;
	TStringStream msg;

	//General Information
	msg << TEXT("DateTime: ") << GetLocalTime() << newl
	    << TEXT("FailCall: ") << FailCall << newl
	    << TEXT("Function: ") << Function << newl
	    << TEXT("File: ") << File << newl
	    << TEXT("Line: ") << Line << newl << newl;

	//Get Windows LastError Information
		GetSystemErrText(SystemErrorID, Buffer, MAX_PATH);
		msg << TEXT("GetLastError: ") << SystemErrorID << newl
		    << Buffer << newl;
	else if(ErrorText)
		msg << TEXT("ErrorText: ") << newl << ErrorText << newl << newl;

	//Get CallStack
	msg << TEXT("Stack: ") << newl << Stackage::GetString() << newl;

	//Display MessageBox and Copy to Clipboard
	TString info = msg.str();
	msg << newl << TEXT("Copy this information to clipboard?");
	Response = MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, msg.str().c_str(), TEXT("Fatal Error"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONHAND | MB_DEFBUTTON2);
	if(Response == IDYES)

	//Fatal Fail
Exemplo n.º 7
 TString TPerformanceMeasurer::Statistic() const
     TStringStream ss;
     ss << m_decription << TEXT(": ");
     ss << std::setprecision(0) << std::fixed << m_total*1000 << TEXT(" ms");
     ss << TEXT(" / ") << m_count << TEXT(" = ");
     ss << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << Average()*1000.0 << TEXT(" ms");
     ss << std::setprecision(2) << TEXT(" {min=") << m_min*1000.0 << TEXT("; max=") << m_max*1000.0 << TEXT("}");
     if(m_size > (long long)m_count)
         double size = double(m_size);
         ss << std::setprecision(3) << TEXT(" [<s>=") << size/m_count*0.001 << TEXT(" kb; <t>=") << m_total/size*1000000000 << TEXT(" ns]");
     return ss.str();
TString TType::getCompleteString() const
    TStringStream stream;

    if (qualifier != EvqTemporary && qualifier != EvqGlobal)
        stream << getQualifierString() << " " << getPrecisionString() << " ";
    if (array)
        stream << "array[" << getArraySize() << "] of ";
    if (matrix)
        stream << static_cast<int>(size) << "X" << static_cast<int>(size) << " matrix of ";
    else if (size > 1)
        stream << static_cast<int>(size) << "-component vector of ";

    stream << getBasicString();
    return stream.str();
// Implementation dependent built-in constants.
static TString BuiltInConstants(const ShBuiltInResources &resources)
    TStringStream s;

    s << "const int gl_MaxVertexAttribs = " << resources.MaxVertexAttribs << ";";
    s << "const int gl_MaxVertexUniformVectors = " << resources.MaxVertexUniformVectors << ";";

    s << "const int gl_MaxVaryingVectors = " << resources.MaxVaryingVectors << ";";
    s << "const int gl_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = " << resources.MaxVertexTextureImageUnits << ";";
    s << "const int gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = " << resources.MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits << ";";
    s << "const int gl_MaxTextureImageUnits = " << resources.MaxTextureImageUnits << ";";
    s << "const int gl_MaxFragmentUniformVectors = " << resources.MaxFragmentUniformVectors << ";";
    s << "const int gl_MaxDrawBuffers = " << resources.MaxDrawBuffers << ";";

    return s.str();
Exemplo n.º 10
// static
TString TIntermTraverser::hash(const TString& name, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction)
    if (hashFunction == NULL || name.empty())
        return name;
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshorten-64-to-32"
    khronos_uint64_t number = (*hashFunction)(name.c_str(), name.length());
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
    TStringStream stream;
    stream << HASHED_NAME_PREFIX << std::hex << number;
    TString hashedName = stream.str();
    return hashedName;
Exemplo n.º 11
TString TType::getCompleteString() const
    TStringStream stream;

    if (qualifier != EvqTemporary && qualifier != EvqGlobal)
        stream << getQualifierString() << " ";
    if (precision != EbpUndefined)
        stream << getPrecisionString() << " ";
    if (array)
        stream << "array[" << getArraySize() << "] of ";
    if (isMatrix())
        stream << getCols() << "X" << getRows() << " matrix of ";
    else if (isVector())
        stream << getNominalSize() << "-component vector of ";

    stream << getBasicString();
    return stream.str();
Exemplo n.º 12
void TStructure::createSamplerSymbols(const TString &structName,
                                      const TString &structAPIName,
                                      const unsigned int arrayOfStructsSize,
                                      TVector<TIntermSymbol *> *outputSymbols,
                                      TMap<TIntermSymbol *, TString> *outputSymbolsToAPINames) const
    for (auto &field : *mFields)
        const TType *fieldType = field->type();
        if (IsSampler(fieldType->getBasicType()))
            if (arrayOfStructsSize > 0u)
                for (unsigned int arrayIndex = 0u; arrayIndex < arrayOfStructsSize; ++arrayIndex)
                    TStringStream name;
                    name << structName << "_" << arrayIndex << "_" << field->name();
                    TIntermSymbol *symbol = new TIntermSymbol(0, name.str(), *fieldType);

                    if (outputSymbolsToAPINames)
                        TStringStream apiName;
                        apiName << structAPIName << "[" << arrayIndex << "]." << field->name();
                        (*outputSymbolsToAPINames)[symbol] = apiName.str();
                TString symbolName    = structName + "_" + field->name();
                TIntermSymbol *symbol = new TIntermSymbol(0, symbolName, *fieldType);

                if (outputSymbolsToAPINames)
                    TString apiName = structAPIName + "." + field->name();
                    (*outputSymbolsToAPINames)[symbol] = apiName;
        else if (fieldType->isStructureContainingSamplers())
            unsigned int nestedArrayOfStructsSize =
                fieldType->isArray() ? fieldType->getArraySize() : 0u;
            if (arrayOfStructsSize > 0)
                for (unsigned int arrayIndex = 0u; arrayIndex < arrayOfStructsSize; ++arrayIndex)
                    TStringStream fieldName;
                    fieldName << structName << "_" << arrayIndex << "_" << field->name();
                    TStringStream fieldAPIName;
                    if (outputSymbolsToAPINames)
                        fieldAPIName << structAPIName << "[" << arrayIndex << "]." << field->name();
                    fieldType->createSamplerSymbols(fieldName.str(), fieldAPIName.str(),
                                                    nestedArrayOfStructsSize, outputSymbols,
                    structName + "_" + field->name(), structAPIName + "." + field->name(),
                    nestedArrayOfStructsSize, outputSymbols, outputSymbolsToAPINames);