Exemplo n.º 1
static struct tm& as_struct_tm (const time_t& t, struct tm& res)
    TTime us = UNIX_BASE + TTimeIntervalSeconds(t);
    TDateTime dt = us.DateTime();

    res.tm_sec  = dt.Second();
    res.tm_min  = dt.Minute();
    res.tm_hour = dt.Hour();
    res.tm_mday = dt.Day() + 1;
    res.tm_mon  = dt.Month();
    res.tm_year = dt.Year() - 1900;

    // EPOC32 counts the year day as Jan 1st == day 1
    res.tm_yday = us.DayNoInYear() - 1;

    // EPOC32 counts the weekdays from 0==Monday to 6==Sunday
    res.tm_wday = us.DayNoInWeek() + 1;
    if (res.tm_wday==7)
        res.tm_wday=0;	// Sunday==0 in a struct tm

    // newlib just sets this field to -1
    // tm_isdst doesn't really make sense here since we don't
    // know the locale for which to interpret this time.

    res.tm_isdst = -1;

    return res;