Exemplo n.º 1
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    string config_path;
    vector<string> overrides;
    string method;
    string type;
    string rfmt;
    string hfmt;
    uint32_t db;
    bool raw;
    bool content;
    bool verbose;
    SearchRequest search;

    namespace po = boost::program_options;
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
        ("help,h", "produce help message.")
        ("config", po::value(&config_path)->default_value("donkey.xml"), "")
        ("override,D", po::value(&overrides), "override configuration.")
        ("method", po::value(&method)->default_value("ping"), "")
        ("db", po::value(&db)->default_value(0), "")
        ("feature", "")
        ("content", "")
        ("type", po::value(&type), "")
        (",K", po::value(&search.K)->default_value(-1), "")
        (",R", po::value(&search.R)->default_value(NAN), "")
        ("hint_K", po::value(&search.hint_K)->default_value(-1), "")
        ("hint_R", po::value(&search.hint_R)->default_value(NAN), "")
        ("rfmt", po::value(&rfmt)->default_value("%k\t%s\t%m"), "response format")
        ("hfmt", po::value(&hfmt)->default_value("%K => %k\t%s\t%m"), "hit format")
        ("embed", "")
        ("no-sync", "")
        ("no-reindex", "")
        ("verbose,v", "")

    po::positional_options_description p;
    p.add("method", 1);

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
                     options(desc).positional(p).run(), vm);

    if (vm.count("help")) {
        cout << "Usage:" << endl;
        cout << "\tserver ..." << endl;
        cout << desc;
        cout << endl;
        return 0;

    raw = !vm.count("feature");
    content = vm.count("content");
    verbose = vm.count("verbose");

    Config config;
    LoadConfig(config_path, &config);
    OverrideConfig(overrides, &config);


    Service *client = nullptr;
    if (method == "extract") {
    else if (vm.count("embed")) {
        client = new Server(config);
    else {
        try {
            client = make_client(config);
        catch (exception const &e) {
            cerr << "Failed to create client: " << e.what() << endl;
            return -1;

    if (method == "ping") {
        PingResponse resp;
        cout << resp.restart_count << endl;
        cout << resp.last_start_time << endl;
        cout << resp.first_start_time << endl;
    else if (method == "extract") {
        Tasks tasks;
        Extractor xtor(config);
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 1)
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i) {
                Task const &task = tasks[i];
                Object object;
                xtor.extract_path(task.url, type, &object);
                if (task.meta.size()) {
                    ofstream os(task.meta, std::ios::binary);
    else if (method == "insert") {
        Tasks tasks;
        vector<InsertRequest> reqs(tasks.size());
        vector<InsertResponse> resps(tasks.size());
#pragma omp parallel
            Service *th_client = client;
            int th = omp_get_thread_num();
            if ((vm.count("embed") == 0) && (th != 0)) { // create clients for new threads
#pragma omp critical
                th_client = make_client(config);
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 1)
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i) {
                Task const &task = tasks[i];
                InsertRequest &req = reqs[i];
                InsertResponse &resp = resps[i];
                req.db = db;
                req.raw = raw;
                req.key = task.key;
                req.type = type;
                req.url = task.url;
                req.meta = task.meta;
                if (content) {
                    ReadURL(req.url, &req.content);
                try {
                    th_client->insert(req, &resp);
                catch (Error const &e) {
                    cerr << "Error " << e.code() << ": " << e.what() << endl;
            if (th_client != client) {
                delete th_client;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i) {
            auto &req = reqs[i];
            auto &resp = resps[i];
            cout << req.key;
            if (verbose) {
                cout << '\t' << resp.time << '\t' << resp.load_time << '\t' << resp.journal_time << '\t' << resp.index_time << endl;
            cout << endl;
            MiscRequest req;
            MiscResponse resp;
            req.db = db;
            if (vm.count("no-reindex") == 0) {
                req.method = "reindex";
                client->misc(req, &resp);
            if (vm.count("no-sync") == 0) {
                req.method = "sync";
                //client->misc(req, &resp);
                client->misc(req, &resp);
    else if (method == "search") {
        Tasks tasks;
        vector<SearchRequest> reqs(tasks.size(), search);
        vector<SearchResponse> resps(tasks.size());
#pragma omp parallel
            Service *th_client = client;
            int th = omp_get_thread_num();
            if ((vm.count("embed") == 0) && (th != 0)) { // create clients for new threads
#pragma omp critical
                th_client = make_client(config);
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 1)
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i) {
                Task const &task = tasks[i];
                SearchRequest &req = reqs[i];
                SearchResponse &resp = resps[i];
                req.db = db;
                req.raw = raw;
                req.type = type;
                if (content) {
                    ReadFile(task.url, &req.content);
                else {
                    req.url = task.url;
                try {
                    th_client->search(req, &resp);
                catch (Error const &e) {
                    cerr << "Error " << e.code() << ": " << e.what() << endl;
            if (th_client != client) {
                delete th_client;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i) {
            Task const &task = tasks[i];
            auto &resp = resps[i];
            if (verbose) {
                cout << task.key << ": " << resp.time << '\t' << resp.load_time << '\t' << resp.filter_time << '\t' << resp.rank_time << endl;
            for (auto const &h: resp.hits) {
                cout << format_hit(hfmt, task, h) << endl;
    else if (method == "stat") {
        StatRequest req;
        StatResponse resp;
        req.db = db;
        client->stat(req, &resp);
        cout << "size: " << resp.size << endl;
        cout << "last: " << endl;
        for (auto const &s: resp.last) {
            cout << '\t' << s << endl;
    else {
        MiscRequest req;
        MiscResponse resp;
        req.method = method;
        req.db = db;
        client->misc(req, &resp);
        cout << "code: " << resp.code << endl;
        cout << "text: " << resp.text << endl;
    if (client) delete client;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
description: open the dat file, checking if it exists and is valid,
    and determine the type of task
input: string file - the file name to open
        vector<TaskType> - an array of the possible task types from the ini file
output: TaskType - the task type that this function determines the file belongs to
bool analysis::open(string file, Tasks &taskTypes)
    //first try to open the file using the BCI2000 file reader function
    fName = file;
	int nTasks = 0;
	thisTask.taskName = "Unknown";

    droppedSamples = 0;

    dFile = new BCI2000FileReader(fName.c_str());

    if (!dFile->IsOpen())
        cout <<"Could not open \""<<fName<<"\" as a BCI2000 data file."<<endl;
        mIsOpen = false;
		thisTask.taskName = "";
		return false;
    mIsOpen = true;

    //get some task parameters
    nSamples = dFile->NumSamples();
    nChannels = dFile->SignalProperties().Channels();
    sampleRate = dFile->SamplingRate();
    SignalType dataType = dFile->SignalProperties().Type();

    //read in the signal -----------------------
    signal = new double *[nChannels];
    for (int ch = 0; ch < nChannels; ch++)
        signal[ch] = new double[nSamples];
        for (int s = 0; s < nSamples; s++)
            signal[ch][s] = dFile->RawValue(ch, s);

    //get states -----------------------------
    nStates = dFile->States()->Size();
    for (int i = 0; i < nStates; i++)
        string tmpStr = (*dFile->States())[i].Name();
        states[tmpStr] = new double[nSamples];

    const StateVector* stateVector = dFile->StateVector();
    //const StateList& curStateList = stateVector->StateList();

    for (int s = 0; s < nSamples; s++)
        for (int i = 0; i < nStates; i++)
            states[stateNames[i]][s] = stateVector->StateValue(stateNames[i]);

    //get useful parameters
    //get the data location, whos parameter may be different depending on the version
    //i.e., FileInitials is v1 and DataDirectory is v2
	blockSize = dFile->Parameter("SampleBlockSize");
	if (dFile->Parameters()->Exists("FileInitials"))
		FileInitials = dFile->Parameter("FileInitials");
	else if (dFile->Parameters()->Exists("DataDirectory"))
		FileInitials = dFile->Parameter("DataDirectory");

	SubjectSession = dFile->Parameter("SubjectSession");
	SubjectName = dFile->Parameter("SubjectName");
	SubjectRun = dFile->Parameter("SubjectRun");

    //delete stateVector; //handled by delete dFile;
    bool statesFound = false;
	bool parmsFound = false;
	bool taskFound = false;
	bool nameFound = false;

    //go through every possible task type, and compare configurations
	for (int i = 0; i < taskTypes.size() && !taskFound; i++)
        //search through the task types until one is found
        statesFound = true;
		parmsFound = true;
		nameFound = false;

        //first, check to see if the task folder and subject name are the same
        //if not, we should not continue at all
		nameFound = (taskTypes[i].taskFolder == SubjectName);

		if (!nameFound)

        //if states are specified in the ini file, check to see that those
        //states exist; otherwise, they have no effect on the task classification
        for (int s = 0; s < taskTypes[i].states.size(); s++)
            statesFound = (isMember(stateNames, taskTypes[i].states[s]) && statesFound);

        //at some point, we can also add the parm check,
        //but for now it probably is not necessary

        //if the name is found, the states are found (true by def),
        //and the parms are found (true by def), then we have successfuly classified
        //this file as the current task type
        if (statesFound && parmsFound && nameFound)
            //set thisTask as the current taskType, and set the parameterss
			thisTask = (taskTypes[i]);
			thisTask.sampleRate = sampleRate;
			thisTask.blockSize = blockSize;
			taskFound = true;
    //if the task is not classified, say so
	if (!taskFound)
		thisTask.taskName = "Unknown";
        return false;

	return true;