Grammar::getNamedNode ( Terminal & node, const string & name )
  // This function only operates on the parent chain.

  // We only want to output non-source-position dependent constructors for SgLocatedNodes. Test for this.
     Terminal* parentNode = node.getBaseClass();
#if 0
     string parentNodeName;
     if (parentNode != NULL)
          parentNodeName = parentNode->getName();
       // printf ("parentNodeName = %s \n",parentNodeName.c_str());
  // printf ("In Grammar::getNamedNode(): name = %s \n",name.c_str());

     while ( parentNode != NULL && string(parentNode->getName()) != name )
  // while ( (parentNode != NULL) && (parentNodeName != name) )
       // printf ("node %s parent node: %s \n",name.c_str(),parentNode->getName().c_str());
          parentNode = parentNode->getBaseClass();

     if (parentNode != NULL)
       // printf ("Found node %s parent node: %s \n",name.c_str(),parentNode->getName().c_str());

     return parentNode;
Grammar::buildConstructorWithoutSourcePositionInformationSupport( Terminal & node, StringUtility::FileWithLineNumbers & outputFile )
     StringUtility::FileWithLineNumbers editString = buildConstructorWithoutSourcePositionInformation(node);

     editString = StringUtility::copyEdit (editString,"$CLASSNAME",node.getName());
     editString = StringUtility::copyEdit (editString,"$GRAMMAR_NAME",getGrammarName());  // grammarName string defined in Grammar class
  // Set these to NULL strings if they are still present within the string
     editString = StringUtility::copyEdit (editString,"$CLASSTAG",node.getTagName());

#if 1
  // Also output strings to single file
     outputFile += editString;

  // printf ("node.name = %s  (# of subtrees/leaves = %" PRIuPTR ") \n",node.getName(),node.nodeList.size());

#if 1
  // Call this function recursively on the children of this node in the tree
     vector<Terminal *>::const_iterator treeNodeIterator;
     for( treeNodeIterator = node.subclasses.begin();
          treeNodeIterator != node.subclasses.end();
          treeNodeIterator++ )
          ROSE_ASSERT ((*treeNodeIterator) != NULL);
          ROSE_ASSERT ((*treeNodeIterator)->getBaseClass() != NULL);

Exemplo n.º 3
 * Player opened a mission terminal or pressed refresh
void MissionManager::listRequest(PlayerObject* player, uint64 terminal_id,uint8 refresh_count)
	Terminal*	terminal		= dynamic_cast<Terminal*> (gWorldManager->getObjectById(terminal_id));
    //uint32		terminal_type	= terminal->getTerminalType();

	int8		terminal_name[255];

	gLogger->logMsgF("Terminal id %"PRIu64" is type '%s'", MSG_NORMAL, terminal_id, terminal_name);

 	int count = 0;
	int len = strlen(terminal_name);
	MissionBag* mission_bag = dynamic_cast<MissionBag*>(player->getEquipManager()->getEquippedObject(CreatureEquipSlot_MissionBag));

	MissionList::iterator it = mission_bag->getMissions()->begin();
	while(it != mission_bag->getMissions()->end())
		MissionObject* mission = dynamic_cast<MissionObject*>(*it);
			case 16: //terminal_mission
				count < 5 ? generateDestroyMission(mission,terminal_id) : generateDeliverMission(mission);
			case 22: //terminal_mission_scout
				if (count < 5) {
				} else {
			case 24: //terminal_mission_artisan
				count < 5 ? generateCraftingMission(mission) : generateSurveyMission(mission);

			case 28: //terminal_mission_entertainer
				gLogger->logMsgF("Terminal id %"PRIu64" is type '%s'", MSG_NORMAL, terminal_id, terminal_name);

		gMessageLib->sendMISO_Delta(mission, player);


// Grammar::outputClassesAndFields ( GrammarTreeNode & node, fstream & outputFile )
Grammar::outputClassesAndFields ( Terminal & node )
     string className = node.getName();

     string dataFields = node.outputClassesAndFields();

     string returnString = className + "\n" + dataFields;
  // printf ("returnString = \n%s\n",returnString.c_str());

#if 1
  // Call this function recursively on the children of this node in the tree
     vector<Terminal *>::iterator treeNodeIterator;
     for( treeNodeIterator = node.subclasses.begin();
          treeNodeIterator != node.subclasses.end();
          treeNodeIterator++ )
          ROSE_ASSERT ((*treeNodeIterator) != NULL);
          ROSE_ASSERT ((*treeNodeIterator)->getBaseClass() != NULL);

       // outputClassesAndFields(**treeNodeIterator,outputFile);
          returnString += outputClassesAndFields(**treeNodeIterator);

  // returnString = GrammarString::copyEdit(returnString.c_str(),"$CLASSNAME",node.getName());
     const string target = "$CLASSNAME";
     const string name   = node.getName();
  // returnString = GrammarString::copyEdit(returnString,target,name);
  // returnString = GrammarString::copyEdit(string(returnString),"$CLASSNAME",string(node.getName()));
  // returnString = GrammarString::copyEdit(string(returnString),target,name);
  // returnString = GrammarString::copyEdit(returnString,target,name);
     string copy = returnString;
     returnString = GrammarString::copyEdit(copy,target,name);

     return returnString;
Grammar::buildConstructorWithoutSourcePositionInformation ( Terminal & node )
  // DQ (11/6/2006): This function generates the code for a newer form of the constructor 
  // that has not source position information in it's parameter list.  This new form of the constructor
  // is easier to work with and separates the details of maintaining the source position information from
  // the construction of the IR node within the AST.

  // Build the constructors for each class
  // Example:
  // /* this is the generated constructor */
  // ClassDeclaration::ClassDeclaration 
  //    ( Name name, int class_type, ClassType* type, ClassDefinition* definition)
  //    : DeclarationStatement(NULL)
  //    {
  //      p_name = name;
  //      p_class_type = class_type;
  //      p_type = type;
  //      p_definition = definition;
  //   /* now a call to the user defined intialization function */
  //      post_construction_initialization();
  //    }

     string className = node.getName();

     StringUtility::FileWithLineNumbers returnString;

  // We only want to output non-source-position dependent constructors for SgLocatedNodes. Test for this.
     Terminal* parentNode = getNamedNode ( node, "SgLocatedNode" );

  // We only want to output non-source-position dependent constructors for SgLocatedNodes.
     if (parentNode != NULL && node.generateConstructor() == true)
          string constructorTemplateFileName = "../Grammar/grammarConstructorDefinitionMacros.macro";
          StringUtility::FileWithLineNumbers constructorSourceCodeTemplate = Grammar::readFileWithPos (constructorTemplateFileName);

          bool complete  = false;
          ConstructParamEnum config = CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER;
          if  (node.getBuildDefaultConstructor())
               config = NO_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER;

          StringUtility::FileWithLineNumbers constructorSource = constructorSourceCodeTemplate;
          if (node.getBaseClass() != NULL)
               string parentClassName = node.getBaseClass()->getName();
            // printf ("In Grammar::buildConstructor(): parentClassName = %s \n",parentClassName);
            // printf ("Calling base class default constructor (should call paramtererized version) \n");

               string baseClassParameterString = "";
               bool withInitializers = false;
               bool withTypes        = false;
               baseClassParameterString = buildConstructorParameterListString (*node.getBaseClass(),withInitializers,withTypes, config);
               string preInitializationString = ": " + parentClassName + "($BASECLASS_PARAMETERS)";
               preInitializationString = StringUtility::copyEdit (preInitializationString,"$BASECLASS_PARAMETERS",baseClassParameterString);
               constructorSource = StringUtility::copyEdit (constructorSource,"$PRE_INITIALIZATION_LIST",preInitializationString);
               constructorSource = StringUtility::copyEdit (constructorSource,"$PRE_INITIALIZATION_LIST","");

          bool withInitializers         = false;
          bool withTypes                = true;
          string constructorParameterString = buildConstructorParameterListString (node,withInitializers,withTypes,config,&complete);
          constructorSource = StringUtility::copyEdit (constructorSource,"$CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER_LIST",constructorParameterString);
          constructorSource = StringUtility::copyEdit (constructorSource,"$CLASSNAME",className);

          if (config == NO_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETER)
               constructorSource = StringUtility::copyEdit (constructorSource,"$CONSTRUCTOR_BODY","");
               string constructorFunctionBody = node.buildConstructorBody(withInitializers, config);
               constructorSource = StringUtility::copyEdit (constructorSource,"$CONSTRUCTOR_BODY",constructorFunctionBody);

          returnString.insert(returnString.end(), constructorSource.begin(), constructorSource.end());

     returnString = StringUtility::copyEdit(returnString,"$GRAMMAR_PREFIX_","Sg");

     return returnString;