Exemplo n.º 1
void EditTSCtrl::renderMissionArea()
   MissionArea* obj = MissionArea::getServerObject();
   if ( !obj )

   if ( !mRenderMissionArea && !obj->isSelected() )

   GFXDEBUGEVENT_SCOPE( Editor_renderMissionArea, ColorI::WHITE );

   F32 minHeight = 0.0f;
   F32 maxHeight = 0.0f;

   TerrainBlock* terrain = getActiveTerrain();
   if ( terrain )
      terrain->getMinMaxHeight( &minHeight, &maxHeight );
      Point3F pos = terrain->getPosition();

      maxHeight += pos.z + mMissionAreaHeightAdjust;
      minHeight += pos.z - mMissionAreaHeightAdjust;

   const RectI& area = obj->getArea();
   Box3F areaBox( area.point.x,
                  area.point.x + area.extent.x,
                  area.point.y + area.extent.y,
                  maxHeight );

   GFXDrawUtil* drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );
   desc.setBlend( true );
   desc.setZReadWrite( false, false );

   drawer->drawCube( desc, areaBox, mMissionAreaFillColor );

   drawer->drawCube( desc, areaBox, mMissionAreaFrameColor );
// Given a ray, this will return the color from the lightmap of this object, return true if handled
bool blTerrainSystem::getColorFromRayInfo(const RayInfo & collision, ColorF& result) const
   TerrainBlock *terrain = dynamic_cast<TerrainBlock *>(collision.object);
   if (!terrain)
      return false;

   Point2F uv;
   F32 terrainlength = (F32)terrain->getBlockSize();
   Point3F pos = terrain->getPosition();
   uv.x = (collision.point.x - pos.x) / terrainlength;
   uv.y = (collision.point.y - pos.y) / terrainlength;

   // similar to x = x & width...
   uv.x = uv.x - F32(U32(uv.x));
   uv.y = uv.y - F32(U32(uv.y));
   const GBitmap* lightmap = terrain->getLightMap();
   if (!lightmap)
      return false;

   result = lightmap->sampleTexel(uv.x, uv.y);
   // terrain lighting is dim - look into this (same thing done in shaders)...
   result *= 2.0f;
   return true;