bool LanguageTable::LoadLanguageCaption( Language *lang )
    TextReader *in = g_fileSystem->GetTextReader( lang->m_path );

	if( !in ) return false;

	if( !in->IsOpen() )
		delete in;
		return false;

	// Read all the phrases from the language file

	while (in->ReadLine())
		if (!in->TokenAvailable()) continue;

		char *key = in->GetNextToken();

		char *aString = in->GetRestOfLine();

		if( key && aString && stricmp( key, "lang" ) == 0 )
			// Strip trailing '\n'
			int stringLength = strlen( aString );
			if( aString[stringLength-1] == '\n' ) 
				aString[stringLength-1] = '\x0';

			if( aString[stringLength-2] == '\r' )
				aString[stringLength-2] = '\x0';

			snprintf( lang->m_caption, sizeof(lang->m_caption), aString );
			lang->m_caption[ sizeof(lang->m_caption) - 1 ] = '\0';

			delete in;
			return true;

    delete in;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
void EarthData::LoadCoastlines()
    double startTime = GetHighResTime();


    int numIslands = 0;

    char coastFile[1024];
    if( g_preferences->GetInt(PREFS_GRAPHICS_LOWRESWORLD) == 0 )
        strcpy(coastFile, "data/earth/coastlines.dat");
        strcpy(coastFile, "data/earth/coastlines-low.dat");

    TextReader *coastlines = g_fileSystem->GetTextReader( coastFile );
    AppAssert( coastlines && coastlines->IsOpen() );
    Island *island = NULL;
    while( coastlines->ReadLine() )
        char *line = coastlines->GetRestOfLine();
        if( line[0] == 'b' )
            if( island )
                m_islands.PutData( island );                  
            island = new Island();
            float longitude, latitude;
            sscanf( line, "%f %f", &longitude, &latitude );
            island->m_points.PutData( new Vector3<float>( longitude, latitude, 0.0f ) );            

    delete coastlines;

    double totalTime = GetHighResTime() - startTime;
    AppDebugOut( "Parsing Coastline data (%d islands) : %dms\n", numIslands, int( totalTime * 1000.0f ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
void EarthData::LoadBorders()
    double startTime = GetHighResTime();

    int numIslands = 0;    
    Island *island = NULL;

    TextReader *international = g_fileSystem->GetTextReader( "data/earth/international.dat" );
    AppAssert( international && international->IsOpen() );

    while( international->ReadLine() )
        char *line = international->GetRestOfLine();        
        if( line[0] == 'b' )
            if( island )
                m_borders.PutData( island );                  
            island = new Island();            
            float longitude, latitude;
            sscanf( line, "%f %f", &longitude, &latitude );
            island->m_points.PutData( new Vector3<float>( longitude, latitude, 0.0f ) );
    delete international;

    double totalTime = GetHighResTime() - startTime;
    AppDebugOut( "Parsing International data (%d islands) : %dms\n", numIslands, int( totalTime * 1000.0f ) );
void LanguageTable::LoadLanguage(char *_filename, BTree<char *> &_langTable )
    TextReader *in = g_fileSystem->GetTextReader(_filename);
	AppReleaseAssert(in && in->IsOpen(), "Couldn't open language file %s", _filename );

	// Read all the phrases from the language file

	while (in->ReadLine())
		if (!in->TokenAvailable()) continue;

		char *key = in->GetNextToken();	

        // Special case hack
        // If this is the Mac version and there is a replacement string
        // Use the replacement string instead
        #define MACOSX_MARKER "macosx_"
        if( strncmp( key, MACOSX_MARKER, strlen(MACOSX_MARKER) ) == 0 )
            key += strlen(MACOSX_MARKER);

		// Make sure the this key isn't already used

            //AppDebugOut( "Warning : found duplicate key '%s' in language file %s\n", key, _filename );
            _langTable.RemoveData( key );

		char *aString = strdup( in->GetRestOfLine() ); 
		// Make sure a language key always has a some text with it

		if( !aString || aString[0] == '\0' )
            AppDebugOut( "Warning : found key '%s' with no translation in language file %s\n", key, _filename );

			if( aString )
				delete [] aString;

        // Convert the string "\n" into a genuine '\n'

        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(aString)-1; ++i )
            if( aString[i] == '\\' && aString[i+1] == 'n' )
                aString[i] = ' ';
                aString[i+1] = '\n';
        // Strip trailing '\n'
        int stringLength = strlen( aString );
        if( aString[stringLength-1] == '\n' ) 
            aString[stringLength-1] = '\x0';

        if( aString[stringLength-2] == '\r' )
            aString[stringLength-2] = '\x0';

		_langTable.PutData(key, aString);

    delete in;
void InputManager::parseInputPrefs( TextReader &reader, bool replace )
	int line = 1;
	// FIXME: always log to file on OS X, not to Console, because we're getting
	// a number of spurious error messages.
#if defined(TARGET_OS_MACOSX) || defined(TARGET_DEBUG) 
	char fullFileName[512];
	snprintf( fullFileName, sizeof(fullFileName), "%sinputprefs_debug.txt", g_app->GetProfileDirectory() );
	fullFileName[ sizeof(fullFileName) - 1 ] = '\0';
	ofstream derr( fullFileName );
	ostream &derr = cout;

	while ( reader.ReadLine() ) {
		// derr << "Line " << line++ << ": ";
		bool iconline = false;
		char *control = reader.GetNextToken();
		if ( control ) {
			char *eq = reader.GetNextToken();
			if ( !eq || strcmp( eq, "=" ) != 0 ) {
				if ( eq && !strcmp( eq, "~" ) ) {
					iconline = true;
				} else {
					derr << "Assignment not found." << endl;

			string inputspec = reader.GetRestOfLine();
			controltype_t control_id = getControlID( control );
			if ( control_id >= 0 ) {

				if ( iconline ) {
					if ( inputspec != "" ) {
						unsigned len = inputspec.length() - 1;
						if ( inputspec[ len ] == '\n' )
							inputspec = inputspec.substr( 0, len-- );
						if ( inputspec[ len ] == '\r' )
							inputspec = inputspec.substr( 0, len );
						bindings.setIcon( control_id, inputspec );						
					} else
						derr << "Empty icon line." << endl;

				InputSpec spec;
				string err;
				InputParserState state;

				if ( PARSE_SUCCESS( state = parseInputSpecString( inputspec, spec, err ) ) ) {
					if ( !bindings.bind( control_id, spec, replace ) )
						derr << "Binding failed." << endl;
					derr << "Parse failed - " << err << " (state = " << state << ")" << endl;
			} else derr << "Control ID not found." << endl;

Exemplo n.º 6
void EarthData::LoadCities()
    float startTime = GetHighResTime();


    TextReader *cities = g_fileSystem->GetTextReader( "data/earth/cities.dat" );
    AppAssert( cities && cities->IsOpen() );
    int numCities = 0;
    while( cities->ReadLine() )
        char *line = cities->GetRestOfLine();

        char name[256];
        char country[256];
        float latitude, longitude;
        int population;
        int capital;
        strncpy( name, line, 40 );
        for( int i = 39; i >= 0; --i )
            if( name[i] != ' ' ) 
                name[i+1] = '\x0';

        strncpy( country, line+41, 40 );
        for( int i = 39; i >= 0; --i )
            if( country[i] != ' ' )
                country[i+1] = '\x0';

        sscanf( line+82, "%f %f %d %d", &longitude, &latitude, &population, &capital );

        City *city = new City();
        city->m_name = strdup( strupr(name) );
        city->m_country = strdup( strupr(country) );
        city->m_longitude = Fixed::FromDouble(longitude);
        city->m_latitude = Fixed::FromDouble(latitude);
        city->m_population = population;
        city->m_capital = capital;         
        city->SetRadarRange( Fixed::FromDouble(sqrtf( sqrtf(city->m_population) ) / 4.0f) );

        m_cities.PutData( city );
    delete cities;

    float totalTime = GetHighResTime() - startTime;
    AppDebugOut( "Parsing City data (%d cities) : %dms\n", numCities, int( totalTime * 1000.0f ) );
Exemplo n.º 7
:   m_victoryTimer(-1),
    // Load game options
    TextReader *in = g_fileSystem->GetTextReader( "data/gameoptions.txt" );
	AppAssert(in && in->IsOpen());

    while( in->ReadLine() )
        if( !in->TokenAvailable() ) continue;

        char *param = in->GetNextToken();

        GameOption *option = new GameOption();
        m_options.PutData( option );

        strcpy( option->m_name,     param );
        option->m_min       = atof( in->GetNextToken() );
        option->m_max       = atof( in->GetNextToken() );
        option->m_default   = atof( in->GetNextToken() );
        option->m_change    = atoi( in->GetNextToken() );     
        if( option->m_change == 0 )
            // Drop down menu - so load the sub options
            int numOptions = option->m_max - option->m_min;
            numOptions ++;
            for( int i = 0; i < numOptions; ++i )
                char *subOption = strdup( in->GetRestOfLine() );
                // Strip trailing \n and \r
                int stringLength = strlen(subOption);
                if( subOption[stringLength-1] == '\n' ) subOption[stringLength-1] = '\x0';                
                if( subOption[stringLength-2] == '\r' ) subOption[stringLength-2] = '\x0';
                option->m_subOptions.PutData( subOption );

        if( option->m_change == -1 )
            // String - load default
            strcpy( option->m_currentString, in->GetRestOfLine() );

    delete in;


#ifdef TESTBED
    GetOption("MaxTeams")->m_default = 2;
    GetOption("MaxTeams")->m_currentValue = 2;
    GetOption("MaxGameRealTime")->m_default = 15;
    GetOption("MaxGameRealTime")->m_currentValue = 15;


    for( int t = 0; t < MAX_TEAMS; ++t )
        m_score[t] = 0;
        m_nukeCount[t] = 0;
        m_totalNukes[t] = 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
Tutorial::Tutorial( int _startChapter )
:   m_currentChapter(-1),
    m_levelName[0] = '\x0';
    // Parse the tutorial data file

    TextReader *reader = g_fileSystem->GetTextReader( "data/tutorial.txt" );
    AppAssert( reader && reader->IsOpen() );
    while( reader->ReadLine() )
        if( !reader->TokenAvailable() ) continue;
        char *chapterHeading = reader->GetNextToken();
        AppAssert( stricmp( chapterHeading, "CHAPTER" ) == 0 );
        TutorialChapter *chapter = new TutorialChapter();
        m_chapters.PutData( chapter );

        chapter->m_name = strdup( reader->GetNextToken() );
        char temp[256];
        sprintf( temp, "tutorial_%s", chapter->m_name );
        chapter->m_message = strdup( temp );
        sprintf( temp, "tutorial_%s_obj", chapter->m_name );
        chapter->m_objective = strdup( temp );

        while( reader->ReadLine() )
            if( !reader->TokenAvailable() ) continue;
            char *field = reader->GetNextToken();
            if( stricmp( field, "END" ) == 0 )      break;

            char *value = reader->GetRestOfLine();     
            if( value ) value[ strlen(value) - 1 ] = '\x0';
            if( stricmp( field, "MESSAGE" ) == 0 )              chapter->m_message = strdup(value);
            if( stricmp( field, "OBJECTIVE" ) == 0 )            chapter->m_objective = strdup(value);
            if( stricmp( field, "WINDOWHIGHLIGHT" ) == 0 )      chapter->m_windowHighlight = strdup(value);
            if( stricmp( field, "BUTTONHIGHLIGHT" ) == 0 )      chapter->m_buttonHighlight = strdup(value);
            if( stricmp( field, "NEXTCLICKABLE" ) == 0 )        
                chapter->m_nextClickable = true;
                chapter->m_objective = strdup( "tutorial_clicknext" );

            if( stricmp( field, "RESTARTCLICKABLE" ) == 0 )
                chapter->m_restartClickable = true;
                chapter->m_objective = strdup("tutorial_restart_mission");