LRESULT CALLBACK Textbox::EditProc( HWND hWndEdit, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { Textbox *textbox = WinSys->HasComp<Textbox*>( hWndEdit ); MSG message; switch ( msg ) { case WM_KEYDOWN: switch (wParam) { case VK_RETURN: { // Get the message that the client would like to post. std::string str = textbox->GetText(); textbox->Clear(); SendMsg(str); PeekMessage( &message, hWndEdit, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_REMOVE ); } break; } break; } return CallWindowProc( textbox->wndProc_, hWndEdit, msg, wParam, lParam ); }
bool TextboxParent::UpdateTextboxes() { if (textboxes.size() == 0) return false; unsigned int index = textboxes.size() - 1; Textbox* active = textboxes[index]; if (!active || active->SetToClose()) return false; active->Update(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textboxes.size(); i++) { if (!textboxes[i]) continue; if (textboxes[i]->SetToClose()) { if (textboxes[i]->DeleteOnClose()) { delete textboxes[i]; textboxes[i] = 0; } else textboxes[i]->CancelClose(); textboxes.erase(textboxes.begin() + i--); } } return true; }
bool SystemMenuResource::SetText( Layout *layout, const char* textboxName, const char16 *text, bool failSilently ) { Textbox *tbox; if( (tbox = layout->FindTextbox( textboxName ) ) ) { tbox->SetText( text ); return true; } if( !failSilently ) { gprintf( "textbox \"%s\" not found\n", textboxName ); } return false; }
void EvolutionScreen::HitB() { if (main_frame->GetTextboxes().size() == 0) main_frame->CancelClose(); if (color_timer) return; if (frames == 1 || delay == 255) return; color_timer = 255; frames = 1; Textbox* frame = main_frame; Textbox* canceled = new Textbox(); canceled->SetText(new TextItem(canceled, [frame](TextItem* src) {frame->Close(true); }, pokestring("Huh? ").append(pokemon->nickname).append(pokestring("\nstopped evolving!\f")))); main_frame->ShowTextbox(canceled, false); }
void TextboxParent::CloseAll(bool include_this) { for (int i = textboxes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Textbox* t = textboxes[i]; t->CloseAll(); textboxes[i]->Close(true); if (textboxes[i]->SetToClose()) { if (textboxes[i]->DeleteOnClose()) { delete textboxes[i]; } else textboxes[i]->CancelClose(); textboxes.pop_back(); } } }
void EvolutionScreen::Finalize() { Textbox* main_frame = this->main_frame; Textbox* evolved = new Textbox(); bool learned_move = false; std::function<void(TextItem* s)> m_f = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (pokemon_to->learnset[i].level == 0) break; if (pokemon_to->learnset[i].level == pokemon->level) { m_f = PokemonUtils::LearnMove(evolved, pokemon, pokemon_to->learnset[i].move); learned_move = true; } } std::function<void(TextItem* s)> a = [m_f, evolved](TextItem* src) { evolved->CancelClose(); m_f(src); }; evolved->SetText(new TextItem(evolved, (!m_f ? [main_frame, evolved](TextItem* src) {evolved->Close(); main_frame->Close(); } : a), string(pokemon->nickname).append(pokestring(" evolved\ninto ")).append(pokemon_to->original_name).append(pokestring("!\t\t\t\t\t\t\a")))); main_frame->ShowTextbox(evolved, false); if (learned_move) { auto b = [evolved, main_frame, this](TextItem* s) { evolved->Close(true); main_frame->Close(); this->parent->Close(); }; evolved->SetCloseCallback(b); } pokemon->id = pokemon_to->id; pokemon->pokedex_index = pokemon_to->pokedex_index; pokemon->LoadStats(); unsigned int hp = pokemon->max_hp; pokemon->RecalculateStats(); pokemon->hp += pokemon->max_hp - hp; }
CompleteView() : mList(1) { View::mRootWidget = &mList; mList.setBackground(true); GridLayout* layout = new GridLayout(2); layout->add(new Image(R_IMAGE_1), 0); layout->add(new Image(R_IMAGE_2), 0); layout->add(new Label("Hello World!", GREEN), 1); //should wind up on the top left? layout->add(new StringLabel("String", GREEN), 1); layout->add(new Textbox(10, 20, GREEN, GREEN), 1); mList.add(layout, 0, -1, true); Textbox* t = new Textbox(10, 200, GREEN, WHITE/*BRIGHT_RED*/); mList.add(t, 0, -1, true); t->setQwerty(); t->activate(); mList.add(new MultilineLabel("Line 1\nLine 10\nYet another line\n ", GREEN), 0); mList.add(new Label("Next label", WHITE), 0); mList.add(new HyperlinkLabel(this, "To close the program, \1click here\1.\n Now for a \1line-\nbroken\1 link.", GREEN, SKY_BLUE), 0); }
void drawWindow() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); startButton.draw(); loadConfig.draw(); saveConfig.draw(); startPage.draw(); maxCount.draw(); blacklisted.draw(); allowedDomains.draw(); query.draw(); progress.draw(); drawText(50,100,"Load Config"); drawText(50,175,"Save Config"); //query.setText("smdsf"); drawText(165, 45,"Query:"); drawText(165,190,"Start Page:"); drawText(165,240,"Max Count:"); drawText(165,140,"BlackListed:"); drawText(165,90,"Allow Domains:"); drawText(588,340,"START"); drawText(75,315,"Status:"); glutSwapBuffers(); }
void World::update(Snake &player, Textbox &textbox) { if (player.getPosition() == _item) { player.extend(); player.increaseScore(); textbox.add("You ate an apple. Score:" + std::to_string(player.getScore())); while(player.checkCollisionWithNewItem(_item)) respawnApple(); } int gridSizeX = _windowSize.x / _blockSize; int gridSizeY = _windowSize.y / _blockSize; if (player.getPosition().x <= 0 || player.getPosition().y <= 0 || player.getPosition().x >= gridSizeX - 1 || player.getPosition().y >= gridSizeY - 1) { player.lose(); } }
void BuildTitleUI(void) { TitleScene = fusion->Scene->AddScene(); TitleUI = fusion->Interface->AddUI(TitleScene); Window *w = TitleUI->AddWindow(fusion->Input); w->SetTitle("Title"); ITexture *tb; Overlay *o; Entity *e; //===================================== // Load the texture startbutton.tga, // add an overlay, create an entity // from that overlay //===================================== tb = fusion->Graphics->CreateTexture("file://sprites/startbutton.tga"); o = fusion->Mesh->CreateOverlay(tb); o->AddFrame(new Rect(0,0,128,32)); o->AddFrame(new Rect(0,32,128,64)); o->AddFrame(new Rect(0,0,128,32)); // Create an entity for the button, scale it and add a Mesh animation for it // Then create a Button component and add it to the window e = fusion->Mesh->CreateEntity(o); e->SetTranslate(TRANSLATE_ABS,-200,450,0.8f); e->SetScale(110,30,1); e->SetMeshAnimation(TS_ButtonAnimation); TitlescreenEntity[0] = e; w->AddComponent(new ButtonSetup(e,StartButtonClick, NULL)); e->SetActive(false); //===================================== // Load the texture exitbutton.tga, // add an overlay, create an entity // from that overlay //===================================== tb = fusion->Graphics->CreateTexture("file://sprites/exitbutton.tga"); o = fusion->Mesh->CreateOverlay(tb); o->AddFrame(new Rect(0,0,128,32)); o->AddFrame(new Rect(0,32,128,64)); o->AddFrame(new Rect(0,0,128,32)); // Create an entity for the button, scale it and add a Mesh animation for it // Then create a Button component and add it to the window e = fusion->Mesh->CreateEntity(o); e->SetTranslate(TRANSLATE_ABS,-300,500,0.8f); e->SetScale(80,30,1); e->SetMeshAnimation(TS_ButtonAnimation); TitlescreenEntity[1] = e; w->AddComponent(new ButtonSetup(e,ExitButtonClick, NULL)); e->SetActive(false); //===================================== // Load the texture CreditsButton.tga, // add an overlay, create an entity // from that overlay //===================================== tb = fusion->Graphics->CreateTexture("file://sprites/CreditsButton.tga"); o = fusion->Mesh->CreateOverlay(tb); o->AddFrame(new Rect(0,0,128,32)); o->AddFrame(new Rect(0,32,128,64)); o->AddFrame(new Rect(0,0,128,32)); // Create an entity for the button, scale it and add a Mesh animation for it // Then create a Button component and add it to the window e = fusion->Mesh->CreateEntity(o); e->SetTranslate(TRANSLATE_ABS,-300,550,0.8f); e->SetScale(164,30,1); e->SetMeshAnimation(TS_ButtonAnimation); TitlescreenEntity[2] = e; w->AddComponent(new ButtonSetup(e,ShowCredits, NULL)); e->SetActive(false); //======================================================================== // Load each texture, add an overlay, create an entity from that overlay, // set it's initial state to inactive //======================================================================== //====================== // PlayerShip-Title.tga //====================== tb = fusion->Graphics->CreateTexture("file://sprites/PlayerShip-Title.tga"); o = fusion->Mesh->CreateOverlay(tb); o->AddFrame(); e = fusion->Mesh->CreateEntity(o); // Scale the entity and set it's animation function e->SetTranslate(TRANSLATE_ABS,800,100,0.4f); e->SetScale(512,512,1); e->SetMeshAnimation(TS_ShipAnimation); e->SetActive(false); TitleScene->AddEntity(e); TitlescreenEntity[3] = e; //====================== // Zargadia-Title.tga //====================== tb = fusion->Graphics->CreateTexture("file://sprites/Zargadia-Title.tga"); o = fusion->Mesh->CreateOverlay(tb); o->AddFrame(); e = fusion->Mesh->CreateEntity(o); // Translate/scale the entity and set it's animation function e->SetTranslate(TRANSLATE_ABS,10,-120,0.5f); e->SetScale(600,120,1); e->SetMeshAnimation(TS_ZargadiaTitleAnimation); e->SetActive(false); TitleScene->AddEntity(e); TitlescreenEntity[4] = e; //====================== // Mouse Cursor //====================== e = Input->InitCursor(); e->SetActive(false); TitleScene->AddEntity(e); TitlescreenEntity[5] = e; //================================== // Powered By DodgyVision(tm) logo //================================== Textbox *t; t = reinterpret_cast<Textbox *>(w->AddComponent(new TextBoxSetup(10,SCREENHEIGHT-15,1,font,"Powered by DodgyVision (tm)"))); t->SetColour(255,255,255,255); t->SetScale(0.5,0.5); t->SetActive(false); //====================== // Animated Fusion Logo //====================== TitleScene->AddEntity(fusionlogo); }
void step(int i){ switch (i){ case 1: progress.setText("Welcome!"); break; case 2: query.setText("schmorkleblinxx"); break; case 3: allowedDomains.setText(";"); break; case 4: blacklisted.setText(";"); break; case 5: startPage.setText(""); break; case 6: maxCount.setText("9,261"); break; case 7: progress.setText("Starting up!"); break; case 8: progress.setText("Grabbed: 5/10,000 pages"); break; case 9: progress.setText("Crawling completed!"); break; case 10: progress.setText("Analysis beginning..."); break; case 11: progress.setText("Indexing web pages."); break; case 12: progress.setText("Searching for query hits..."); break; case 13: progress.setText("Search completed."); break; case 14: progress.setText("Outputting data..."); break; case 15: progress.setText("HiPerCrCiC task complete."); break; } }
int main() { // TestScenario test; // test.scenarioEvents(); sf::RenderWindow* window = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(1980, 1080), "SFML works!", sf::Style::Fullscreen); // sf::RenderWindow* window = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(1000, 580), "SFML works!"); // Game game; // game.GameLoop(); sf::CircleShape shape(100.f); shape.setFillColor(sf::Color::Green); Button exitButton("Exit", 840, 700); Textbox testbox; sf::Clock time; sf::Vector2i mousePos; while (window->isOpen()) { sf::Event event; while (testbox.Update(time.restart().asSeconds())) { while (window->pollEvent(event)) { mousePos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(*window); if (exitButton.ButtonFunction(mousePos) || event.type == sf::Event::Closed || sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) { window->close(); return 0; } } window->clear(); window->draw(shape); testbox.Draw(window); exitButton.Draw(window); window->display(); } testbox.ChangeText("Well it worked well \nThat's really nice to know :) \n едцедцедц"); while (testbox.Update(time.restart().asSeconds())) { while (window->pollEvent(event)) { mousePos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(*window); if (exitButton.ButtonFunction(mousePos) || event.type == sf::Event::Closed || sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) { window->close(); return 0; } } window->clear(sf::Color(222,222,222)); window->draw(shape); testbox.Draw(window); exitButton.Draw(window); window->display(); } testbox.ChangeText("Program gonna loop now soo that's it folks!"); } // game.Delete(); return 0; }