Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)

  int retn = 0;
  int i;
  try {

    char iFile[80];
    strcpy(iFile, "HMW_NaCl.xml");
    if (argc > 1) {
      strcpy(iFile, argv[1]);
    double Cp0_R[20], pmCp[20];

    //fileLog *fl = new fileLog("HMW_graph_1.log");

    HMWSoln *HMW = new HMWSoln(iFile, "NaCl_electrolyte");

     * Load in and initialize the 
    Cantera::ThermoPhase *solid = newPhase("NaCl_Solid.xml","NaCl(S)");
    int nsp = HMW->nSpecies();
    double acMol[100]; 
    double act[100];
    double mf[100];
    double moll[100];
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      acMol[i] = 1.0;
      act[i] = 1.0;
      mf[i] = 0.0;
      act[i] = 0.0;

    string sName;

    TemperatureTable TTable(15, false, 273.15, 25., 0, 0);

    HMW->setState_TP(298.15, 1.01325E5);
    int i1 = HMW->speciesIndex("Na+");
    int i2 = HMW->speciesIndex("Cl-");
    //int i3 = HMW->speciesIndex("H2O(L)");
    for (i = 0; i < nsp; i++) {
      moll[i] = 0.0;

    double ISQRT;
    double Is = 0.0;

     * Set the Pressure
    double pres = OneAtm;

     * Fix the molality
    Is = 6.146;
    ISQRT = sqrt(Is);
    moll[i1] = Is;
    moll[i2] = Is;
    HMW->setState_TPM(298.15, pres, moll);
    double Xmol[30];

    ThermoPhase *hmwtb = (ThermoPhase *)HMW;
    ThermoPhase *hmwtbDupl = hmwtb->duplMyselfAsThermoPhase();
    //ThermoPhase *hmwtbDupl = 0;
    HMWSoln *HMW1 = HMW;
    HMWSoln *HMW2 = dynamic_cast<HMWSoln *>(hmwtbDupl);

    for (int itherms = 0; itherms < 2; itherms++) {
      if (itherms ==0) {
	HMW = HMW1;
      } else {
	HMW = HMW2;

       * ThermoUnknowns
      double T;
      double Cp0_NaCl = 0.0, Cp0_Naplus = 0.0, Cp0_Clminus = 0.0, Delta_Cp0s = 0.0, Cp0_H2O = 0.0;
      double Cp_NaCl = 0.0, Cp_Naplus = 0.0, Cp_Clminus = 0.0, Cp_H2O = 0.0;
      double molarCp0;
#ifdef DEBUG_HKM
      FILE *ttt;
      if (itherms ==0) {
	ttt = fopen("table1.csv","w");
      } else {
	ttt = fopen("table2.csv","w");
      printf("A_J/R: Comparison to Pitzer's book, p. 99, can be made.\n");
      printf("        Agreement is within 12 pc \n");

      printf("Delta_Cp0: Heat Capacity of Solution per mole of salt (standard states)\n");
      printf("           rxn for the ss heat of soln:     "
	     "NaCl(s) -> Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)\n");

      printf("Delta_Cps: Delta heat Capacity of Solution per mole of salt\n");
      printf("          rxn for heat of soln:     "
	     " n1 H2O(l,pure) + n2 NaCl(s) -> n2 MX(aq) + n1 H2O(l) \n");
      printf("          Delta_Hs = (n1 h_H2O_bar + n2 h_MX_bar "
	     "- n1 h_H2O_0 - n2 h_MX_0)/n2\n");
      printf("phiJ:     phiJ, calculated from the program, is checked\n");
      printf("          against analytical formula in J_standalone program.\n");
      printf("          (comparison against Eq. 12, Silvester and Pitzer)\n");

       * Create a Table of NaCl Enthalpy Properties as a Function
       * of the Temperature
      printf("            T,          Pres,          Aphi,         A_J/R,"
	     "     Delta_Cp0,"
	     "     Delta_Cps,             J,          phiJ,"
	     "     MolarCp,   MolarCp0\n");
      printf("       Kelvin,           bar, sqrt(kg/gmol), sqrt(kg/gmol),"
	     "   kJ/gmolSalt,"
	     "   kJ/gmolSalt,   kJ/gmolSoln,   kJ/gmolSalt,"
	     "       kJ/gmol,    kJ/gmol\n");
#ifdef DEBUG_HKM
      fprintf(ttt,"T, Pres, A_J/R, Delta_Cp0, Delta_Cps, J, phiJ\n");
      fprintf(ttt,"Kelvin, bar, sqrt(kg/gmol), kJ/gmolSalt, kJ/gmolSalt, kJ/gmolSoln,"
      for (i = 0; i < TTable.NPoints + 1; i++) {
	if (i == TTable.NPoints) {
	  T = 323.15;
	} else {
	  T = TTable.T[i];
	 * RT is in units of J/kmolK
	//double RT = GasConstant * T;

	 * Make sure we are at the saturation pressure or above.
	double psat = HMW->satPressure(T);
	pres = OneAtm;
	if (psat > pres) pres = psat;

	HMW->setState_TPM(T, pres, moll);

	solid->setState_TP(T, pres);
	 * Get the Standard State DeltaH
	Cp0_NaCl = Cp0_R[0] * GasConstant * 1.0E-6;

	Cp0_H2O    = Cp0_R[0] * GasConstant * 1.0E-6;
	Cp0_Naplus = Cp0_R[i1] * GasConstant * 1.0E-6;
	Cp0_Clminus = Cp0_R[i2] * GasConstant * 1.0E-6;
	 * Calculate the standard state heat of solution
	 * for NaCl(s) -> Na+ + Cl-
	 *   units: kJ/gmolSalt
	Delta_Cp0s = Cp0_Naplus + Cp0_Clminus - Cp0_NaCl;

	pmCp[0] = solid->cp_mole();
	Cp_NaCl = pmCp[0] * 1.0E-6;

	Cp_H2O     = pmCp[0]  * 1.0E-6;
	Cp_Naplus  = pmCp[i1] * 1.0E-6;
	Cp_Clminus = pmCp[i2] * 1.0E-6;

	//double Delta_Cp_Salt = Cp_NaCl - (Cp_Naplus + Cp_Clminus);

	double molarCp = HMW->cp_mole() * 1.0E-6; 

	 * Calculate the heat capacity of solution for the reaction
	 * NaCl(s) -> Na+ + Cl-
	double Delta_Cps = (Xmol[0]  * Cp_H2O +
			    Xmol[i1] * Cp_Naplus +
			    Xmol[i2] * Cp_Clminus 
			    - Xmol[0] * Cp0_H2O
			    - Xmol[i1] * Cp_NaCl);
	Delta_Cps /= Xmol[i1];
	 * Calculate the relative heat capacity, J, from the
	 * partial molar quantities, units J/gmolSolutionK
	double J = (Xmol[0]  * (Cp_H2O    - Cp0_H2O) +
		    Xmol[i1] * (Cp_Naplus - Cp0_Naplus) +
		    Xmol[i2] * (Cp_Clminus - Cp0_Clminus));

	 * Calculate the apparent relative molal heat capacity, phiJ,
	 * units of J/gmolSaltAddedK
	double phiJ = J / Xmol[i1];

	double Aphi = HMW->A_Debye_TP(T, pres) / 3.0;
	//double AL = HMW->ADebye_L(T,pres);
	double AJ = HMW->ADebye_J(T, pres);

	for (int k = 0; k < nsp; k++) {
	  Cp0_R[k] *= GasConstant * 1.0E-6;

	molarCp0 = 0.0;
	for (int k = 0; k < nsp; k++) {
	  molarCp0 += Xmol[k] * Cp0_R[k];

	if (i != TTable.NPoints+1) {
	  printf("%13g, %13g, %13g, %13g, %13g, %13g, "
		 "%13g, %13g, %13g, %13g\n",
		 T, pres*1.0E-5,  Aphi, AJ/GasConstant, Delta_Cp0s, Delta_Cps,
		 J, phiJ, molarCp , molarCp0 );
#ifdef DEBUG_HKM
	  fprintf(ttt,"%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g\n",
		  T, pres*1.0E-5, AJ/GasConstant, Delta_Cp0s, Delta_Cps, J, phiJ);

      printf("Breakdown of Heat Capacity Calculation at 323.15 K, 1atm:\n");
      printf(" Species     MoleFrac        Molal          Cp0      "
	     "    partCp     (partCp - Cp0)\n");
      printf("  H2O(L)");
      printf("%13g %13g %13g %13g %13g\n", Xmol[0], moll[0], Cp0_H2O , Cp_H2O,  Cp_H2O-Cp0_H2O);
      printf("  Na+   ");
      printf("%13g %13g %13g %13g %13g\n", Xmol[i1], moll[i1], 
	     Cp0_Naplus , Cp_Naplus,  Cp_Naplus -Cp0_Naplus);
      printf("  Cl-   ");
      printf("%13g %13g %13g %13g %13g\n", Xmol[i2], moll[i2], 
	     Cp0_Clminus , Cp_Clminus,  Cp_Clminus - Cp0_Clminus);

      printf(" NaCl(s)");
      printf("%13g               %13g %13g %13g\n", 1.0, 
	     Cp0_NaCl , Cp_NaCl,  Cp_NaCl - Cp0_NaCl);

#ifdef DEBUG_HKM


    delete HMW1;
    HMW = 0;
    delete hmwtbDupl;
    hmwtbDupl = 0;
    delete solid;
    solid = 0;

    return retn;

  } catch (CanteraError) {
    printf("caught error\n");
    return -1;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int i, k;
    string infile = "diamond.xml";

    try {
        XML_Node* xc = get_XML_File(infile);

        XML_Node* const xg = xc->findNameID("phase", "gas");
        ThermoPhase* gasTP = newPhase(*xg);
        int nsp = gasTP->nSpecies();
        cout << "Number of species = " << nsp << endl;

        XML_Node* const xd = xc->findNameID("phase", "diamond");
        ThermoPhase* diamondTP = newPhase(*xd);
        int nsp_diamond = diamondTP->nSpecies();
        cout << "Number of species in diamond = " << nsp_diamond << endl;

        XML_Node* const xs = xc->findNameID("phase", "diamond_100");
        ThermoPhase* diamond100TP = newPhase(*xs);
        int nsp_d100 = diamond100TP->nSpecies();
        cout << "Number of species in diamond_100 = " << nsp_d100 << endl;

        vector<ThermoPhase*> phaseList { gasTP, diamondTP, diamond100TP };
        InterfaceKinetics* iKin_ptr = new InterfaceKinetics();
        importKinetics(*xs, phaseList, iKin_ptr);
        int nr = iKin_ptr->nReactions();
        cout << "Number of reactions = " << nr << endl;

        double x[20];
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            x[i] = 0.0;
        x[0] = 0.0010;
        x[1] = 0.9888;
        x[2] = 0.0002;
        x[3] = 0.0100;
        double p = 20.0*OneAtm/760.0;

        gasTP->setState_TPX(1200., p, x);

        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            x[i] = 0.0;
        int i0 = diamond100TP->speciesIndex("c6H*");
        x[i0] = 0.1;
        int i1 = diamond100TP->speciesIndex("c6HH");
        x[i1] = 0.9;
        diamond100TP->setState_TX(1200., x);

        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            x[i] = 0.0;
        x[0] = 1.0;
        diamondTP->setState_TPX(1200., p, x);


        // Throw some asserts in here to test that they compile
        AssertTrace(p == p);
        AssertThrow(p == p, "main");
        AssertThrowMsg(i == 20, "main", "are you kidding");

        double src[20];
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            src[i] = 0.0;
        double sum = 0.0;
        double naH = 0.0;
        for (k = 0; k < 13; k++) {
            if (k < 4) {
                naH = gasTP->nAtoms(k, 0);
            } else if (k == 4) {
                naH = 0;
            } else if (k > 4) {
                int itp = k - 5;
                naH = diamond100TP->nAtoms(itp, 0);
            cout << k << "  " << naH << "  " ;
            cout << endl;
            sum += naH * src[k];


        cout << "sum = ";
        cout << endl;
        double mwd = diamondTP->molecularWeight(0);
        double dens = diamondTP->density();
        double gr = src[4] * mwd / dens;
        gr *= 1.0E6 * 3600.;
        cout << "growth rate = " << gr << " microns per hour" << endl;

        cout << "Coverages:" << endl;
        for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
            cout << k << "   " << diamond100TP->speciesName(k)
                 << "   "
                 << x[k] << endl;

        ThermoPhase* gasTP_dupl         = gasTP->duplMyselfAsThermoPhase();
        ThermoPhase* diamondTP_dupl     = diamondTP->duplMyselfAsThermoPhase();
        ThermoPhase* diamond100TP_dupl  = diamond100TP->duplMyselfAsThermoPhase();

        vector<ThermoPhase*> phaseList_dupl { gasTP_dupl, diamondTP_dupl,
                                              diamond100TP_dupl };
        InterfaceKinetics* iKin_ptr_dupl = new InterfaceKinetics();
        importKinetics(*xs, phaseList_dupl, iKin_ptr_dupl);
        int nr_dupl = iKin_ptr_dupl->nReactions();
        cout << "Number of reactions = " << nr_dupl << endl;

        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            x[i] = 0.0;
        x[0] = 0.0010;
        x[1] = 0.9888;
        x[2] = 0.0002;
        x[3] = 0.0100;
        p = 20.0*OneAtm/760.0;

        gasTP_dupl->setState_TPX(1200., p, x);

        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            x[i] = 0.0;
        i0 = diamond100TP_dupl->speciesIndex("c6H*");
        x[i0] = 0.1;
        i1 = diamond100TP_dupl->speciesIndex("c6HH");
        x[i1] = 0.9;
        diamond100TP_dupl->setState_TX(1200., x);

        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            x[i] = 0.0;
        x[0] = 1.0;
        diamondTP_dupl->setState_TPX(1200., p, x);


        // Throw some asserts in here to test that they compile
        AssertTrace(p == p);
        AssertThrow(p == p, "main");
        AssertThrowMsg(i == 20, "main", "are you kidding");

        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            src[i] = 0.0;
        sum = 0.0;
        naH = 0.0;
        for (k = 0; k < 13; k++) {
            if (k < 4) {
                naH = gasTP_dupl->nAtoms(k, 0);
            } else if (k == 4) {
                naH = 0;
            } else if (k > 4) {
                int itp = k - 5;
                naH = diamond100TP_dupl->nAtoms(itp, 0);
            cout << k << "  " << naH << "  " ;
            cout << endl;
            sum += naH * src[k];


        cout << "sum = ";
        cout << endl;
        mwd = diamondTP_dupl->molecularWeight(0);
        dens = diamondTP_dupl->density();
        gr = src[4] * mwd / dens;
        gr *= 1.0E6 * 3600.;
        cout << "growth rate = " << gr << " microns per hour" << endl;

        cout << "Coverages:" << endl;
        for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
            cout << k << "   " << diamond100TP_dupl->speciesName(k)
                 << "   "
                 << x[k] << endl;

    } catch (CanteraError& err) {
        std::cout << err.what() << std::endl;
        return -1;

    return 0;