Exemplo n.º 1
//! Scale a multivector by a constant
inline void scale(const double alpha,BlockedMultiVector & x) 
{  MultiVector x_mv = toMultiVector(x); scale(alpha,x_mv); }
int exampleImplicitlyComposedLinearOperators(
  const int n0,
  const int n1,
  const int n2,
  Teuchos::FancyOStream &out,
  const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel,
  typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::magnitudeType errorTol,
  const bool testAdjoint

  // Using and other declarations
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar> ST;
  using Teuchos::as;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::OSTab;
  using Thyra::VectorSpaceBase;
  using Thyra::VectorBase;
  using Thyra::MultiVectorBase;
  using Thyra::LinearOpBase;
  using Thyra::defaultSpmdVectorSpace;
  using Thyra::randomize;
  using Thyra::identity;
  using Thyra::diagonal;
  using Thyra::multiply;
  using Thyra::add;
  using Thyra::subtract;
  using Thyra::scale;
  using Thyra::adjoint;
  using Thyra::block1x2;
  using Thyra::block2x2;
  using Thyra::block2x2;

  out << "\n***"
      << "\n*** Demonstrating building linear operators for scalar type "
      << ST::name()
      << "\n***\n";

  OSTab tab(out);

  // A) Set up the basic objects and other inputs to build the implicitly
  // composed linear operators.
  // Create serial vector spaces in this case
  const RCP<const VectorSpaceBase<Scalar> >
    space0 = defaultSpmdVectorSpace<Scalar>(n0),
    space1 = defaultSpmdVectorSpace<Scalar>(n1),
    space2 = defaultSpmdVectorSpace<Scalar>(n2);

  // Create the component linear operators first as multi-vectors
  const RCP<MultiVectorBase<Scalar> >
    mvA = createMembers(space2, n0, "A"),
    mvB = createMembers(space0, n2, "B"),
    mvC = createMembers(space0, n0, "C"),
    mvE = createMembers(space0, n1, "E"),
    mvF = createMembers(space0, n1, "F"),
    mvJ = createMembers(space2, n1, "J"),
    mvK = createMembers(space1, n2, "K"),
    mvL = createMembers(space2, n1, "L"),
    mvN = createMembers(space0, n1, "N"),
    mvP = createMembers(space2, n1, "P"),
    mvQ = createMembers(space0, n2, "Q");

  // Create the vector diagonal for D
  const RCP<VectorBase<Scalar> > d = createMember(space2);

  // Get the constants
  const Scalar
    one = 1.0,
    beta = 2.0,
    gamma = 3.0,
    eta = 4.0;

  // Randomize the values in the Multi-Vector
  randomize( -one, +one, mvA.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvB.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvC.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, d.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvE.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvF.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvJ.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvK.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvL.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvN.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvP.ptr() );
  randomize( -one, +one, mvQ.ptr() );

  // Get the linear operator forms of the basic component linear operators
  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> >
    A = mvA,
    B = mvB,
    C = mvC,
    E = mvE,
    F = mvF,
    J = mvJ,
    K = mvK,
    L = mvL,
    N = mvN,
    P = mvP,
    Q = mvQ;

  out << describe(*A, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*B, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*C, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*E, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*F, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*J, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*K, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*L, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*N, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*P, verbLevel);
  out << describe(*Q, verbLevel);

  // B) Create the composed linear operators

  // I
  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > I = identity(space1, "I");

  // D = diag(d)
  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > D = diagonal(d, "D");

  // M00 = [ gama*B*A + C,  E + F ] ^H
  //       [ J^H * A,       I     ]
  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > M00 =
        add( scale(gamma,multiply(B,A)), C ),  add( E, F ),
        multiply(adjoint(J),A),                I

  out << "\nM00 = " << describe(*M00, verbLevel);

  // M01 = beta * [ Q ]
  //              [ K ]
  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > M01 =
      block2x1( Q, K ),

  out << "\nM01 = "  << describe(*M01, verbLevel);
  // M10 = [ L * N^H,  eta*P ]
  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > M10 =
      multiply(L,adjoint(N)),  scale(eta,P),

  out << "\nM10 = " << describe(*M10, verbLevel);

  // M11 = D - Q^H*Q
  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > M11 =
    subtract( D, multiply(adjoint(Q),Q), "M11" );

  out << "\nM11 = "  << describe(*M11, verbLevel);

  // M = [ M00, M01 ]
  //     [ M10, M11 ]
  const RCP<const LinearOpBase<Scalar> > M =
      M00, M01,
      M10, M11,

  out << "\nM = " << describe(*M, verbLevel);

  // C) Test the final composed operator

  Thyra::LinearOpTester<Scalar> linearOpTester;
  if (as<int>(verbLevel) >= as<int>(Teuchos::VERB_HIGH))
  if (as<int>(verbLevel) >= as<int>(Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME))

  const bool result = linearOpTester.check(*M,&out);

  return result;
