Exemplo n.º 1
TiValueRef TiEvalScript(TiContextRef ctx, TiStringRef script, TiObjectRef thisObject, TiStringRef sourceURL, int startingLineNumber, TiValueRef* exception)
    TiExcState* exec = toJS(ctx);
    TiLock lock(exec);

    TiObject* jsThisObject = toJS(thisObject);

    // evaluate sets "this" to the global object if it is NULL
    TiGlobalObject* globalObject = exec->dynamicGlobalObject();
    SourceCode source = makeSource(script->ustring(), sourceURL->ustring(), startingLineNumber);
    Completion completion = evaluate(globalObject->globalExec(), globalObject->globalScopeChain(), source, jsThisObject);

    if (completion.complType() == Throw) {
        if (exception)
            *exception = toRef(exec, completion.value());
        return 0;

    if (completion.value())
        return toRef(exec, completion.value());
    // happens, for example, when the only statement is an empty (';') statement
    return toRef(exec, jsUndefined());
Exemplo n.º 2
bool TiCheckScriptSyntax(TiContextRef ctx, TiStringRef script, TiStringRef sourceURL, int startingLineNumber, TiValueRef* exception)
    TiExcState* exec = toJS(ctx);
    TiLock lock(exec);

    SourceCode source = makeSource(script->ustring(), sourceURL->ustring(), startingLineNumber);
    Completion completion = checkSyntax(exec->dynamicGlobalObject()->globalExec(), source);
    if (completion.complType() == Throw) {
        if (exception)
            *exception = toRef(exec, completion.value());
        return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
TiValueRef TiValueMakeFromJSONString(TiContextRef ctx, TiStringRef string)
    TiExcState* exec = toJS(ctx);
    APIEntryShim entryShim(exec);
    LiteralParser parser(exec, string->ustring(), LiteralParser::StrictJSON);
    return toRef(exec, parser.tryLiteralParse());
Exemplo n.º 4
TiValueRef TiValueMakeString(TiContextRef ctx, TiStringRef string)
    TiExcState* exec = toJS(ctx);
    APIEntryShim entryShim(exec);

    return toRef(exec, jsString(exec, string->ustring()));