Exemplo n.º 1
void ToolBarAreaImpl::expandStrechableBars
(ToolBarRowPtr& row, int portion, int shift, int barIndex, int numStrechables, int lastSpace)
    ToolBar* bar = row->toolBars[barIndex];
    bar->desiredX += shift;
        int addition = (numStrechables > 1) ? portion : lastSpace;
        shift += addition;
        lastSpace -= addition;
    if(barIndex < (int)row->toolBars.size()){
        expandStrechableBars(row, portion, shift, barIndex,  numStrechables, lastSpace);
Exemplo n.º 2
void ToolBarAreaImpl::layoutToolBarRowPart
(ToolBarList& toolBars, int rowTop, int rowHeight, int partLeft, int partRight)
    // find the index of the tool bar with the maximum priority
    int pivotIndex = 0;
    int maxPriority = -1;
    for(size_t i=0; i < toolBars.size(); ++i){
        if(toolBars[i]->layoutPriority > maxPriority){
            maxPriority = toolBars[i]->layoutPriority;
            pivotIndex = i;

    ToolBarList leftPartToolBars;
    int pivotAreaLeft = partLeft;
    for(int i=0; i < pivotIndex; ++i){
        pivotAreaLeft += toolBars[i]->minimumSizeHint().width();

    ToolBarList rightPartToolBars;
    int pivotAreaRight = partRight;
    for(size_t i = pivotIndex + 1; i < toolBars.size(); ++i){
        pivotAreaRight -= toolBars[i]->minimumSizeHint().width();

    ToolBar* pivotToolBar = toolBars[pivotIndex];
    int x = pivotToolBar->desiredX;
    const QSize size = pivotToolBar->minimumSizeHint();
    int width = size.width();
    if(width < 0){
        width = 0;
    if(x + width > pivotAreaRight){
        x = pivotAreaRight - width;
    if(x < pivotAreaLeft){
        x = pivotAreaLeft;

        layoutToolBarRowPart(leftPartToolBars, rowTop, rowHeight, partLeft, x);
        QRect r = leftPartToolBars.back()->geometry();
        int leftPartRight = r.x() + r.width();
        if(x <= leftPartRight){
            x = leftPartRight + 1;

    int rightPartLeft = partRight;
        layoutToolBarRowPart(rightPartToolBars, rowTop, rowHeight, x + width, partRight);
        rightPartLeft = rightPartToolBars.front()->geometry().x();

        width = pivotToolBar->maximumWidth();
        int possibleWidth = rightPartLeft - x;
        if(width > possibleWidth){
            width = possibleWidth;

    int height = (size.height() >= 0) ? size.height() : rowHeight;
    int y = rowTop + (rowHeight - height) / 2;

    pivotToolBar->setGeometry(x, y, width, height);