Exemplo n.º 1
void Theme::saveConfig()
    msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "saving theme configuration");

    map<string, TopWindowPtr>::const_iterator itWin;
    map<string, GenericLayoutPtr>::const_iterator itLay;
    ostringstream outStream;
    for( itWin = m_windows.begin(); itWin != m_windows.end(); itWin++ )
        TopWindow *pWin = itWin->second.get();

        // Find the layout id for this window
        string layoutId;
        const GenericLayout *pLayout = &pWin->getActiveLayout();
        for( itLay = m_layouts.begin(); itLay != m_layouts.end(); itLay++ )
            if( itLay->second.get() == pLayout )
                layoutId = itLay->first;

        outStream << '[' << itWin->first << ' ' << layoutId << ' '
                  << pWin->getLeft() << ' ' << pWin->getTop() << ' '
                  << pLayout->getWidth() << ' ' << pLayout->getHeight() << ' '
                  << (pWin->getVisibleVar().get() ? 1 : 0) << ']';

    // Save config to file
    config_PutPsz( getIntf(), "skins2-config", outStream.str().c_str() );
Exemplo n.º 2
void WindowManager::unmaximize( TopWindow &rWindow )
    // Register the window to allow moving it
//     registerWindow( rWindow );

    // Resize the window
    // FIXME: Ugly const_cast
    GenericLayout &rLayout = (GenericLayout&)rWindow.getActiveLayout();
    startResize( rLayout, kResizeSE );
    resize( rLayout, m_maximizeRect.getWidth(), m_maximizeRect.getHeight() );
    // Now move it
    startMove( rWindow );
    move( rWindow, m_maximizeRect.getLeft(), m_maximizeRect.getTop() );
    rWindow.m_pVarMaximized->set( false );
Exemplo n.º 3
void WindowManager::maximize( TopWindow &rWindow )
    // Save the current position/size of the window, to be able to restore it
    m_maximizeRect = SkinsRect( rWindow.getLeft(), rWindow.getTop(),
                               rWindow.getLeft() + rWindow.getWidth(),
                               rWindow.getTop() + rWindow.getHeight() );

    SkinsRect workArea = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() )->getWorkArea();
    // Move the window
    startMove( rWindow );
    move( rWindow, workArea.getLeft(), workArea.getTop() );
    // Now resize it
    // FIXME: Ugly const_cast
    GenericLayout &rLayout = (GenericLayout&)rWindow.getActiveLayout();
    startResize( rLayout, kResizeSE );
    resize( rLayout, workArea.getWidth(), workArea.getHeight() );
    rWindow.m_pVarMaximized->set( true );

    // Make the window unmovable by unregistering it
//     unregisterWindow( rWindow );