Exemplo n.º 1
App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *Helix::execute(void)
    try {
        Standard_Real myPitch  = Pitch.getValue();
        Standard_Real myHeight = Height.getValue();
        Standard_Real myRadius = Radius.getValue();
        Standard_Real myAngle  = Angle.getValue();
        Standard_Boolean myLocalCS = LocalCoord.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
        //Standard_Boolean myStyle = Style.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
        TopoShape helix;
        // work around for OCC bug #23314 (FC #0954)
        // the exact conditions for failure are unknown.  building the helix 1 turn at a time
        // seems to always work. 
        this->Shape.setValue(helix.makeLongHelix(myPitch, myHeight, myRadius, myAngle, myLocalCS));
//        if (myHeight / myPitch > 50.0)
//            this->Shape.setValue(helix.makeLongHelix(myPitch, myHeight, myRadius, myAngle, myLocalCS));
//        else
//            this->Shape.setValue(helix.makeHelix(myPitch, myHeight, myRadius, myAngle, myLocalCS, myStyle));
    catch (Standard_Failure& e) {

        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(e.GetMessageString());

    return Primitive::execute();
Exemplo n.º 2
App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *Loft::execute(void)
    if (Sections.getSize() == 0)
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("No sections linked.");

    try {
        TopTools_ListOfShape profiles;
        const std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>& shapes = Sections.getValues();
        std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>::const_iterator it;
        for (it = shapes.begin(); it != shapes.end(); ++it) {
            if (!(*it)->isDerivedFrom(Part::Feature::getClassTypeId()))
                return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Linked object is not a shape.");
            TopoDS_Shape shape = static_cast<Part::Feature*>(*it)->Shape.getValue();
            if (shape.IsNull())
                return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Linked shape is invalid.");

            // Extract first element of a compound
            if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND) {
                TopoDS_Iterator it(shape);
                for (; it.More(); it.Next()) {
                    if (!it.Value().IsNull()) {
                        shape = it.Value();
            if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) {
                TopoDS_Wire faceouterWire = ShapeAnalysis::OuterWire(TopoDS::Face(shape));
            else if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE) {
                BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire mkWire(TopoDS::Wire(shape));
            else if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) {
                BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire mkWire(TopoDS::Edge(shape));
            else if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) {
            else {
                return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Linked shape is not a vertex, edge, wire nor face.");

        Standard_Boolean isSolid = Solid.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
        Standard_Boolean isRuled = Ruled.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
        Standard_Boolean isClosed = Closed.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;

        TopoShape myShape;
        this->Shape.setValue(myShape.makeLoft(profiles, isSolid, isRuled,isClosed));
        return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn;
    catch (Standard_Failure) {
        Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught();
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(e->GetMessageString());
void PropertyPartShape::RestoreDocFile(Base::Reader &reader)
    Base::FileInfo brep(reader.getFileName());
    if (brep.hasExtension("bin")) {
        TopoShape shape;
    else {
        bool direct = App::GetApplication().GetParameterGroupByPath
            ("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Part/General")->GetBool("DirectAccess", true);
        if (!direct) {
            BRep_Builder builder;
            // create a temporary file and copy the content from the zip stream
            Base::FileInfo fi(App::Application::getTempFileName());

            // read in the ASCII file and write back to the file stream
            Base::ofstream file(fi, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
            unsigned long ulSize = 0; 
            if (reader) {
                std::streambuf* buf = file.rdbuf();
                reader >> buf;
                ulSize = buf->pubseekoff(0, std::ios::cur, std::ios::in);

            // Read the shape from the temp file, if the file is empty the stored shape was already empty.
            // If it's still empty after reading the (non-empty) file there must occurred an error.
            TopoDS_Shape shape;
            if (ulSize > 0) {
                if (!BRepTools::Read(shape, (Standard_CString)fi.filePath().c_str(), builder)) {
                    // Note: Do NOT throw an exception here because if the tmp. created file could
                    // not be read it's NOT an indication for an invalid input stream 'reader'.
                    // We only print an error message but continue reading the next files from the
                    // stream...
                    App::PropertyContainer* father = this->getContainer();
                    if (father && father->isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
                        App::DocumentObject* obj = static_cast<App::DocumentObject*>(father);
                        Base::Console().Error("BRep file '%s' with shape of '%s' seems to be empty\n", 
                    else {
                        Base::Console().Warning("Loaded BRep file '%s' seems to be empty\n", fi.filePath().c_str());

            // delete the temp file
        else {
App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *Helix::execute(void)
    try {
        Standard_Real myPitch  = Pitch.getValue();
        Standard_Real myHeight = Height.getValue();
        Standard_Real myRadius = Radius.getValue();
        Standard_Real myAngle  = Angle.getValue();
        Standard_Boolean myLocalCS = LocalCoord.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
        Standard_Boolean myStyle = Style.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
        TopoShape helix;
        this->Shape.setValue(helix.makeHelix(myPitch, myHeight, myRadius, myAngle, myLocalCS, myStyle));
    catch (Standard_Failure) {
        Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught();
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(e->GetMessageString());

    return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn;
void PropertyPartShape::SaveDocFile (Base::Writer &writer) const
    // If the shape is empty we simply store nothing. The file size will be 0 which
    // can be checked when reading in the data.
    if (_Shape.getShape().IsNull())
    TopoDS_Shape myShape = _Shape.getShape();
    if (writer.getMode("BinaryBrep")) {
        TopoShape shape;
    else {
        bool direct = App::GetApplication().GetParameterGroupByPath
            ("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Part/General")->GetBool("DirectAccess", true);
        if (!direct) {
            // create a temporary file and copy the content to the zip stream
            // once the tmp. filename is known use always the same because otherwise
            // we may run into some problems on the Linux platform
            static Base::FileInfo fi(App::Application::getTempFileName());

            if (!BRepTools_Write(myShape,(Standard_CString)fi.filePath().c_str())) {
                // Note: Do NOT throw an exception here because if the tmp. file could
                // not be created we should not abort.
                // We only print an error message but continue writing the next files to the
                // stream...
                App::PropertyContainer* father = this->getContainer();
                if (father && father->isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
                    App::DocumentObject* obj = static_cast<App::DocumentObject*>(father);
                    Base::Console().Error("Shape of '%s' cannot be written to BRep file '%s'\n", 
                else {
                    Base::Console().Error("Cannot save BRep file '%s'\n", fi.filePath().c_str());

                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << "Cannot save BRep file '" << fi.filePath() << "'";

            Base::ifstream file(fi, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
            if (file) {
                //unsigned long ulSize = 0; 
                std::streambuf* buf = file.rdbuf();
                //if (buf) {
                //    unsigned long ulCurr;
                //    ulCurr = buf->pubseekoff(0, std::ios::cur, std::ios::in);
                //    ulSize = buf->pubseekoff(0, std::ios::end, std::ios::in);
                //    buf->pubseekoff(ulCurr, std::ios::beg, std::ios::in);

                // read in the ASCII file and write back to the stream
                //std::strstreambuf sbuf(ulSize);
                //file >> &sbuf;
                //writer.Stream() << &sbuf;
                writer.Stream() << buf;

            // remove temp file
        else {
            BRepTools_Write(myShape, writer.Stream());
Exemplo n.º 6
TopoShape Extrusion::extrudeShape(const TopoShape source, Extrusion::ExtrusionParameters params)
    TopoDS_Shape result;
    gp_Vec vec = gp_Vec(params.dir).Multiplied(params.lengthFwd+params.lengthRev);//total vector of extrusion

    if (std::fabs(params.taperAngleFwd) >= Precision::Angular() ||
        std::fabs(params.taperAngleRev) >= Precision::Angular() ) {
        //Tapered extrusion!
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined (FC_OS_LINUX)
        Base::SignalException se;
        TopoDS_Shape myShape = source.getShape();
        if (myShape.IsNull())
            Standard_Failure::Raise("Cannot extrude empty shape");
        // #0000910: Circles Extrude Only Surfaces, thus use BRepBuilderAPI_Copy
        myShape = BRepBuilderAPI_Copy(myShape).Shape();

        std::list<TopoDS_Shape> drafts;
        makeDraft(params, myShape, drafts);
        if (drafts.empty()) {
            Standard_Failure::Raise("Drafting shape failed");
        else if (drafts.size() == 1) {
            result = drafts.front();
        else {
            TopoDS_Compound comp;
            BRep_Builder builder;
            for (std::list<TopoDS_Shape>::iterator it = drafts.begin(); it != drafts.end(); ++it)
                builder.Add(comp, *it);
            result = comp;
    else {
        //Regular (non-tapered) extrusion!
        TopoDS_Shape myShape = source.getShape();
        if (myShape.IsNull())
            Standard_Failure::Raise("Cannot extrude empty shape");

        // #0000910: Circles Extrude Only Surfaces, thus use BRepBuilderAPI_Copy
        myShape = BRepBuilderAPI_Copy(myShape).Shape();

        //apply reverse part of extrusion by shifting the source shape
        if (fabs(params.lengthRev)>Precision::Confusion() ){
            gp_Trsf mov;
            TopLoc_Location loc(mov);

        //make faces from wires
        if (params.solid) {
            //test if we need to make faces from wires. If there are faces - we don't.
            TopExp_Explorer xp(myShape, TopAbs_FACE);
            if (xp.More()){
                //source shape has faces. Just extrude as-is.
            } else {
                std::unique_ptr<FaceMaker> mkFace = FaceMaker::ConstructFromType(params.faceMakerClass.c_str());

                if (myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND)
                myShape = mkFace->Shape();

        BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism mkPrism(myShape, vec);
        result = mkPrism.Shape();

    if (result.IsNull())
        throw Base::Exception("Result of extrusion is null shape.");
    return TopoShape(result);

// constructor method
int TopoShapeVertexPy::PyInit(PyObject* args, PyObject* /*kwd*/)
    double x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0;
    PyObject *object;
    bool success = false;
    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|ddd", &x,&y,&z)) {
        // do nothing here
        success = true;
    if (!success) {
        PyErr_Clear(); // set by PyArg_ParseTuple()
        if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O!",&(Base::VectorPy::Type), &object)) {
            // Note: must be static_cast, not reinterpret_cast
            Base::Vector3d* ptr = static_cast<Base::VectorPy*>(object)->getVectorPtr();
            x = ptr->x;
            y = ptr->y;
            z = ptr->z;
            success = true;
    if (!success) {
        PyErr_Clear(); // set by PyArg_ParseTuple()
        if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O!",&(PyTuple_Type), &object)) {
            try {
                Py::Tuple tuple(object);
                x = Py::Float(tuple.getItem(0));
                y = Py::Float(tuple.getItem(1));
                z = Py::Float(tuple.getItem(2));
                success = true;
            catch (const Py::Exception&) {
                return -1;
    if (!success) {
        PyErr_Clear(); // set by PyArg_ParseTuple()
        if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O!",&(PointPy::Type), &object)) {
            Handle_Geom_CartesianPoint this_point = Handle_Geom_CartesianPoint::DownCast
            gp_Pnt pnt = this_point->Pnt();
            x = pnt.X();
            y = pnt.Y();
            z = pnt.Z();
            success = true;
    if (!success) {
        PyErr_Clear(); // set by PyArg_ParseTuple()
        if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O!",&(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &object)) {
            TopoShape* ptr = static_cast<TopoShapePy*>(object)->getTopoShapePtr();
            TopoDS_Shape shape = ptr->getShape();
            if (!shape.IsNull() && shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) {
                TopoShapeVertexPy::PointerType vert = reinterpret_cast<TopoShapeVertexPy::PointerType>(_pcTwinPointer);
                return 0;
    if (!success) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Either three floats, tuple, vector or vertex expected");
        return -1;

    TopoShapeVertexPy::PointerType ptr = reinterpret_cast<TopoShapeVertexPy::PointerType>(_pcTwinPointer);
    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex aBuilder(gp_Pnt(x,y,z));
    TopoDS_Shape s = aBuilder.Vertex();

    return 0;
TopoShape DuplicateCylinderFilletBug(){
    TopoDS_Shape Box      = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(10., 10., 10.);
    TopoDS_Shape Cylinder = BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder(2., 10.);

    // in FreeCAD, every operation first creates a blank TopoShape and then adds the
    // TopoDS_Shape to it
    TopoShape BoxShape, CylShape, FusedShape;

    // The current FreeCAD source will directly set TopoShape._Shape from all kinds of
    // places in the code. I have added a TopoShape::setShape method so that we can have
    // some control over this. Note that this method is overloaded a few times
    BoxShape.setShape(Box, "Primitive Box");
    CylShape.setShape(Cylinder, "Primitive Cylinder");

    // As of now, I don't see the TopoShape fuse being used. rather, the fuse is done
    // outside and then stored to the TopoShape
    BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse mkFuse(Box, Cylinder);

    // in my current implementation, I send the FIRST TopoShape from the Fuse operation to
    // the setShape, and copy it's _TopoNamer
    FusedShape.setShape(BoxShape, mkFuse);

    // Now let's select an edge, then fillet it
    TopoDS_Shape BaseShape = mkFuse.Shape();

    // Finaly, 'Select' the edge
    std::string selectionLabel = FusedShape.selectEdge(3);
    std::cout << "Selected Edge Node = " << selectionLabel << std::endl;

    // Write out the current-state of things
    FusedShape.WriteTNamingNode("0:1:1", "01_Selected", true);
    FusedShape.WriteTNamingNode("0:2", "02_BaseBox", false);
    FusedShape.WriteTNamingNode("0:3", "03_BaseCyl", false);
    FusedShape.WriteTNamingNode("0:4", "04_FusedShape", false);

    // Fillet the selected edge
    TopoDS_Edge RecoveredEdge = FusedShape.getSelectedEdge(selectionLabel);
    BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet mkFillet(FusedShape.getShape());
    mkFillet.Add(2., 2., RecoveredEdge);

    // Record the Fillet Operation
    TopoShape FilletedShape;// = mkFillet.Shape();
    FilletedShape.setShape(FusedShape, mkFillet);

    // write out the latest node
    FusedShape.WriteTNamingNode("0:5", "05_FilletedShape", false);

    // resize the cylinder. I believe FreeCAD just creates a whole new cylinder
    TopoDS_Shape Cylinder2 = BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder(2., 15.);
    TopoShape NewCylShape;

    // Now the FreeCAD algorithms figure out that Fuse and Fillet need to be re-run
    // First, re-do Fuse
    TopoShape ReFusedShape;
    BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse mkFuse2(BoxShape.getShape(), NewCylShape.getShape());
    ReFusedShape.setShape(BoxShape, mkFuse2);

    BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet mkFillet2(ReFusedShape.getShape());
    // grab the selected edge from our tree to re-fillet
    TopoDS_Edge RecoveredEdge2 = ReFusedShape.getSelectedEdge(selectionLabel);

    // now re-do fillet
    mkFillet2.Add(2., 2., RecoveredEdge);

    // Record the Fillet Operation
    TopoShape ReFilletedShape;// = mkFillet2.Shape();
    ReFilletedShape.setShape(ReFusedShape, mkFillet2);

    // Write out some more shapes
    FusedShape.WriteTNamingNode("0:6", "06_PartOfFusionMaybe", false);
    FusedShape.WriteTNamingNode("0:7", "07_ReFusion", false);
    FusedShape.WriteTNamingNode("0:8", "08_ReFillet", false);

    return FusedShape;
TopoShape SimpleBoxWithNaming(){
    // We'll do this like freecad, first create TopoDS_Shape
    const TopoDS_Shape& Box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(10., 10., 10.);
    // create Base Shape that gets passed to FilletFeature
    TopoShape BaseShape(Box);
    //std::clog << "Dumping deep TDF tree\n";
    //std::clog << BaseShape.DeepDeepDumpTopoHistory();

    // create blank TopoShape in FilletFeature and add Base Shape
    TopoShape BoxShape;

    // Finaly, 'Select' the edge
    std::cout << "Trying to select the first time" << std::endl;
    std::string selectionLabel = BoxShape.selectEdge(3);
    //std::cout << "Trying to select a second time" << std::endl;
    //std::string selectionLabel2 = BoxShape.selectEdge(3);
    //std::clog << "Dumping tree" << std::endl;
    //std::clog << BoxShape.DumpTopoHistory();
    //std::clog << "|____________________|" << std::endl;
    // And fillet the box
    std::clog << "Running makeTopoShape" << std::endl;
    BoxShape.makeTopoShapeFillet(2., 2., selectionLabel);

    //std::clog << "-------------------------" << std::endl;
    std::clog << "------------ REBUILDING ----------" << std::endl;
    //std::clog << "-------------------------" << std::endl;

    // make box taller
    const TopoDS_Shape& Box2 = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(10., 20., 20.);
    BoxShape.modifyShape("0:2", Box2);
    std::clog << BoxShape.DumpTopoHistory();

    // try re-building the box
    TopoDS_Edge recoveredEdge = TopoDS::Edge(BoxShape.getSelectedEdge(selectionLabel));
    //TopoDS_Shape recoveredBase = BoxShape.getSelectedBaseShape(selectionLabel);
    //TopoDS_Shape recoveredBase = BoxShape.getNodeShape("0:4");
    TopoDS_Shape recoveredBase = BoxShape.getTipShape();

    //if (recoveredBase.IsNull()){
        //std::cout << "BaseShape is NULL....\n";
        //std::cout << "BaseShape is not NULL!!!!\n";

    //if (recoveredEdge.IsNull()){
        //std::cout << "recoveredEdge is Nul..." << std::endl;
        //std::cout << "recoveredEdge is NOT NULL!!!!" << std::endl;

    TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape edges;
    TopExp::MapShapes(recoveredBase, TopAbs_EDGE, edges);
    if (edges.Contains(recoveredEdge)){
        std::cout << "Yes the Edge is in the box...\n";
        std::cout << "No, the Edge is not in the Box...\n";

    //BoxShape.makeTopoShapeFillet(2., 2., selectionLabel);

    return BoxShape;
Exemplo n.º 10
App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *Loft::execute(void)
    if (Sections.getSize() == 0)
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("No sections linked.");

    try {
        TopTools_ListOfShape profiles;
        const std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>& shapes = Sections.getValues();
        std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>::const_iterator it;
        for (it = shapes.begin(); it != shapes.end(); ++it) {
            if (!(*it)->isDerivedFrom(Part::Feature::getClassTypeId()))
                return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Linked object is not a shape.");
            TopoDS_Shape shape = static_cast<Part::Feature*>(*it)->Shape.getValue();
            if (shape.IsNull())
                return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Linked shape is invalid.");

            // Allow compounds with a single face, wire or vertex or
            // if there are only edges building one wire
            if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND) {
                Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) hEdges = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape();
                Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) hWires = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape();

                TopoDS_Iterator it(shape);
                int numChilds=0;
                TopoDS_Shape child;
                for (; it.More(); it.Next(), numChilds++) {
                    if (!it.Value().IsNull()) {
                        child = it.Value();
                        if (child.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) {

                // a single child
                if (numChilds == 1) {
                    shape = child;
                // or all children are edges
                else if (hEdges->Length() == numChilds) {
                        Precision::Confusion(), Standard_False, hWires);
                    if (hWires->Length() == 1)
                        shape = hWires->Value(1);
            if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) {
                TopoDS_Wire faceouterWire = ShapeAnalysis::OuterWire(TopoDS::Face(shape));
            else if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE) {
                BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire mkWire(TopoDS::Wire(shape));
            else if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) {
                BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire mkWire(TopoDS::Edge(shape));
            else if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) {
            else {
                return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Linked shape is not a vertex, edge, wire nor face.");

        Standard_Boolean isSolid = Solid.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
        Standard_Boolean isRuled = Ruled.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
        Standard_Boolean isClosed = Closed.getValue() ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
        int degMax = MaxDegree.getValue();

        TopoShape myShape;
        this->Shape.setValue(myShape.makeLoft(profiles, isSolid, isRuled, isClosed, degMax));
        return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn;
    catch (Standard_Failure& e) {

        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(e.GetMessageString());
Exemplo n.º 11
// constructor method
int TopoShapeEdgePy::PyInit(PyObject* args, PyObject* /*kwd*/)
    PyObject *pcObj, *pcObj2;
    double first=DBL_MAX, last=DBL_MAX;
    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!|dd", &(Part::GeometryPy::Type), &pcObj, &first, &last)) {
        Geometry* geom = static_cast<GeometryPy*>(pcObj)->getGeometryPtr();
        Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = Handle(Geom_Curve)::DownCast(geom->handle());
        if (curve.IsNull()) {
            PyErr_SetString(PartExceptionOCCError, "geometry is not a curve type");
            return -1;

        if (first==DBL_MAX)
            first = curve->FirstParameter();
        if (last==DBL_MAX)
            last = curve->LastParameter();

        try {
            BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge mkEdge(curve, first, last);
            return 0;
        catch (Standard_Failure& e) {
            PyErr_SetString(PartExceptionOCCError, e.GetMessageString());
            return -1;

    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &pcObj)) {
        TopoShape* shape = static_cast<TopoShapePy*>(pcObj)->getTopoShapePtr();
        if (shape && !shape->getShape().IsNull() && shape->getShape().ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) {
            return 0;
        else {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Shape is not an edge");
            return -1;

    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!", &(Part::TopoShapeVertexPy::Type), &pcObj,
                                       &(Part::TopoShapeVertexPy::Type), &pcObj2)) {
        TopoShape* shape1 = static_cast<TopoShapePy*>(pcObj)->getTopoShapePtr();
        TopoShape* shape2 = static_cast<TopoShapePy*>(pcObj2)->getTopoShapePtr();
        const TopoDS_Vertex& v1 = TopoDS::Vertex(shape1->getShape());
        const TopoDS_Vertex& v2 = TopoDS::Vertex(shape2->getShape());

        try {
            BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge mkEdge(v1, v2);
            return 0;
        catch (Standard_Failure& e) {
            PyErr_SetString(PartExceptionOCCError, e.GetMessageString());
            return -1;

    PyErr_SetString(PartExceptionOCCError, "Curve or shape expected");
    return -1;