Exemplo n.º 1
// callback functions
void initial_break (DEBUG_EVENT *db)
    char  line[256], module[128];
    DWORD f_offset, offset, base, size;
    int loaded = 0;
    node *bp_node;


    printf("initial break, tid = %04x.\n\n", dbg.FindThread( (DWORD)db->dwThreadId )->hThread);

    if (!dbg.get_thandle())
        printf("manually setting thread handle.\n");
        dbg.set_thandle(dbg.FindThread( (DWORD)db->dwThreadId )->hThread);

    // if an initial breakpoint list was provided, process it.
    if (bpl != NULL)
        printf("loading breakpoints from %s\n", breakpoint_list);

        // process the breakpoint list line by line.
        for (int i = 0; fgets(line, sizeof(line), bpl) != NULL; i++)
            // line format: module name:function offset:offset
            // ignore malformatted lines.
            if (sscanf(line, "%127[^:]:%08x:%08x", module, &f_offset, &offset) == 0)
            // determine if this module already exists in our linked list.
            // if not attempt to locate the module in memory.
            if ((bp_node = ps_node_find_by_name(module, bp_modules)) == NULL)
                // attempt to determine the module address / size.
                if (!ps_base_address(module, &base, &size))
                    printf("failed locating base address for module %s\n", module);

                // add a bp_node to the linked list.
                bp_node = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
                bp_node->base = base;
                bp_node->size = size;
                strncpy(bp_node->name, module, sizeof(bp_node->name) - 1);

                ps_node_add(bp_node, &bp_modules, &num_bp_modules);

            // the '-25' means we want to reserve 25 left justified characters for the name.
            // the '.25' specifies that we want the string truncated after 25 characters.
            //printf("Setting breakpoint @%08x [%-25.25s] ... ", address, name);

            if (!dbg.bpx(bp_node->base + offset))
                //printf("failed setting breakpoint @ 0x%08x\n", bp_node->base + offset);

            // at this point a breakpoint was successfully loaded.

            if (i % 100 == 0)
                printf("setting breakpoint %d\r", i);

            // add function to splay tree.
            //if (offset == f_offset)
            //    function_list = splay_insert(address, name, function_list);

        printf("done. %d of %d breakpoints set.\n", loaded, i);
    // display the command menu.
Exemplo n.º 2
// ps_load_dll_callback()
// callback function for when a new dll is loaded into the target process.
void ps_load_dll_callback (PEfile *pe)
    FILE *fp;
    char filename[MAX_PATH];
    char  line[256], module[128];
    DWORD f_offset, offset, base, size;
    int loaded = 0;
    node *bp_node;
    map <DWORD,t_Debugger_memory*>::const_iterator  it;

    strncpy(module, pe->internal_name.c_str(), sizeof(module) - 1);

    // determine if this module already exists in our linked list.
    // if not attempt to locate the module in memory.
    if ((bp_node = ps_node_find_by_name(module, bp_modules)) == NULL)
        // attempt to determine the module address / size.
        if (!ps_base_address(module, &base, &size))
            printf("failed locating base address for module %s\n", module);

    // if a breakpoint list exists for the recently loaded module then parse it and set breakpoints.
    _snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1, "%s.bpl", module);

    if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r+")) == NULL)

    // add the bp_node to the linked list.
    bp_node = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
    bp_node->base = base;
    bp_node->size = size;
    strncpy(bp_node->name, module, sizeof(bp_node->name) - 1);

    ps_node_add(bp_node, &bp_modules, &num_bp_modules);

    // pe->winpe->ImageBase + pe->section[0]->VirtualAddress == 'base' but that's only in situations where
    // the first section is the executable section. most dlls are simply imagebase+0x1000 but we don't want
    // to make either assumption.
    // XXX - there is definetely a more elegant way of determining 'base'.
    printf("processing breakpoints for module %s at %08x\n", module, base);

    // process the breakpoint list line by line.
    for (int i = 0; fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL; i++)
        // line format: module name:function offset:offset
        // ignore malformatted lines.
        if (sscanf(line, "%127[^:]:%08x:%08x", module, &f_offset, &offset) == 0)

        if (!dbg.bpx(bp_node->base + offset))
            //printf("failed setting breakpoint @ 0x%08x\n", base + offset);

        // at this point a breakpoint was successfully loaded.

        if (i % 100 == 0)
            printf("setting breakpoint %d\r", i);

    printf("done. %d of %d breakpoints set.\n\n", loaded, i);
