Exemplo n.º 1
run(const CommunicatorPtr& communicator, const string& envName)
    Freeze::ConnectionPtr connection = createConnection(communicator, envName);
    const string dbName = "binary";

    // Open/close db within transaction
        TransactionHolder txHolder(connection);
        ByteIntMap m1(connection, dbName);

        m1.put((ByteIntMap::value_type('a', 1)));
        // rollback in dtor of txHolder

        ByteIntMap m1(connection, dbName);

        // Populate the database with the alphabet
        populateDB(connection, m1);
        alphabet.assign(alphabetChars, alphabetChars + sizeof(alphabetChars) - 1);

        // Test ==, swap and communicator()
        ByteIntMap m(connection, dbName + "-tmp");
        test(!(m == m1));
        test(m != m1);
        test(!(m == m1));
        test(m != m1);
        test(m1.size() == 0);
        test(m.communicator() == (m1.communicator() == communicator));

        vector<Byte>::const_iterator j;
        ByteIntMap::iterator p;
        ByteIntMap::const_iterator cp;

        cout << "testing populate... " << flush;
        // First try non-const iterator
        for(j = alphabet.begin(); j != alphabet.end(); ++j)
            p = m.find(*j);
            test(p != m.end());
            test(p->first == *j && p->second == j - alphabet.begin());
        // Next try const iterator
        for(j = alphabet.begin(); j != alphabet.end(); ++j)
            cp = m.find(*j);
            test(cp != m.end());
            test(cp->first == *j && cp->second == j - alphabet.begin());

        test(m.size() == alphabet.size());
        cout << "ok" << endl;

        cout << "testing map::find... " << flush;
        j = find(alphabet.begin(), alphabet.end(), 'n');

        cp = m.find(*j);
        test(cp != m.end());
        test(cp->first == 'n' && cp->second == j - alphabet.begin());
        cout << "ok" << endl;

        cout << "testing erase... " << flush;

        // erase first offset characters (first offset characters is
        // important for later verification of the correct second value in
        // the map).
        int offset = 3;
        vector<Byte> bytes;
        for(j = bytes.begin(); j != bytes.end(); ++j)
            p = m.find(*j);
            test(p != m.end());

            // Release locks to avoid self deadlock
            p = m.end();

            p = m.find(*j);
            test(p == m.end());
            vector<Byte>::iterator r = find(alphabet.begin(), alphabet.end(), *j);
            test(r != alphabet.end());

        for(j = alphabet.begin(); j != alphabet.end(); ++j)
            cp = m.find(*j);
            test(cp != m.end());
            test(cp->first == *j && cp->second == (j - alphabet.begin()) + offset);

        cout << "ok" << endl;

        // Get an iterator for the deleted element - this should fail.
        cout << "testing map::find (again)... " << flush;
        cp = m.find('a');
        test(cp == m.end());
        cout << "ok" << endl;

        cout << "testing iterators... " << flush;
        p = m.begin();
        ByteIntMap::iterator p2 = p;

        // Verify both iterators point at the same element, and that
        // element is in the map.
        test(p == p2);
        test(p->first == p2->first && p->second == p2->second);
        test(find(alphabet.begin(), alphabet.end(), p->first) != alphabet.end());

        // Create iterator that points at 'n'
        p = m.find('n');
        p2 = p;

        // Verify both iterators point at 'n'
        test(p == p2);
        test(p->first == 'n' && p->second == 13);
        test(p2->first == 'n' && p2->second == 13);

        // Create cursor that points at 'n'
        p = m.find('n');
        test(p->first == 'n' && p->second == 13);

        p2 = p;

        // Verify cloned cursors are independent
        test(p->first != 'n' && p->second != 13);
        pair<const Byte, const Int> data = *p;

        test(p->first != data.first && p->second != data.second);

        test(p2->first == data.first && p2->second == data.second);

        p = m.find('n');
        p2 = ++p;
        test(p2->first == p->first);

        char c = p2->first;
        p2 = p++;
        test(c == p2->first); // p2 should still be the same
        test(p2->first != p->first && (++p2)->first == p->first);

        cout << "ok" << endl;

        // Test writing into an iterator.
        cout << "testing iterator.set... " << flush;

        p = m.find('d');
        test(p != m.end() && p->second == 3);

        test(m.find('a') == m.end());
        m.put(ByteIntMap::value_type('a', 1));

        p = m.find('a');
        test(p != m.end() && p->second == 1);

        m.put(ByteIntMap::value_type('a', 0));

        p = m.find('a');
        test(p != m.end() && p->second == 0);
        // Test inserts

        ByteIntMap::value_type i3('a', 7);
        pair<ByteIntMap::iterator, bool> insertResult = m.insert(i3);

        test(insertResult.first == m.find('a'));
        test(insertResult.first->second == 0);
        test(insertResult.second == false);
        insertResult.first = m.end();

        p = m.insert(m.end(), i3);
        test(p == m.find('a'));
        test(p->second == 0);

        ByteIntMap::value_type i4('b', 7);

        insertResult = m.insert(i4);
        test(insertResult.first == m.find('b'));
        test(insertResult.first->second == 7);
        test(insertResult.second == true);
        insertResult.first = m.end();

        ByteIntMap::value_type i5('c', 8);

        p = m.insert(m.end(), i5);
        test(p == m.find('c'));
        test(p->second == 8);

        p = m.find('a');
        test(p != m.end() && p->second == 0);
        test(p != m.end() && p->second == 1);

        // This is necessary to release the locks held
        // by p and avoid a self-deadlock
        p = m.end();

        p = m.find('a');
        test(p != m.end() && p->second == 1);
        cout << "ok" << endl;

        // Re-populate
        populateDB(connection, m);
        alphabet.assign(alphabetChars, alphabetChars + sizeof(alphabetChars) - 1);

        cout << "testing algorithms... " << flush;

        for_each(m.begin(), m.end(), ForEachTest);

        // Inefficient, but this is just a test. Ensure that both forms of
        // operator== & != are tested.
        ByteIntMap::value_type toFind('n', 13);

        p = find(m.begin(), m.end(), toFind);
        test(p != m.end());
        test(*p == toFind);
        test(toFind == *p);
        test(!(*p != toFind));
        test(!(toFind != *p));

        p = find_if(m.begin(), m.end(), FindIfTest);
        test(p->first == 'b');

        // find_first_of. First construct a map with keys n, o, p,
        // q. The test must find one of the types (it doesn't matter
        // which since the container doesn't have to maintain sorted
        // order).
        j = find(alphabet.begin(), alphabet.end(), 'n');
        map<Byte, const Int> pairs;
        pairs.insert(pair<const Byte, const Int>(*j, static_cast<Int>(j - alphabet.begin())));
        pairs.insert(pair<const Byte, const Int>(*j, static_cast<Int>(j - alphabet.begin())));
        pairs.insert(pair<const Byte, const Int>(*j, static_cast<Int>(j - alphabet.begin())));
        pairs.insert(pair<const Byte, const Int>(*j, static_cast<Int>(j - alphabet.begin())));

        p = find_first_of(m.begin(), m.end(), pairs.begin(), pairs.end());
        test(p != m.end());
        test(p->first == 'n' || p->first == 'o' || p->first == 'p' || p->first == 'q');

        j = find(alphabet.begin(), alphabet.end(), 'n');
        p = find_first_of(m.begin(), m.end(), j, j + 4, FindFirstOfTest);
        test(p != m.end());
        test(p->first == 'n' || p->first == 'o' || p->first == 'p' || p->first == 'q');

        for(p = m.begin(); p != m.end(); ++p)
            pairs.insert(pair<const Byte, const Int>(p->first, p->second));
        test(pairs.size() == m.size());

        map<Byte, const Int>::const_iterator pit;
        for(pit = pairs.begin(); pit != pairs.end(); ++pit)
            p = m.find(pit->first);
            test(p != m.end());
        cout << "ok" << endl;

        cout << "testing clear... " << flush;
        test(m.size() > 0);
        test(m.size() == 0);
        cout << "ok" << endl;

        cout << "testing index ... " << flush;
        populateDB(connection, m);

        // Exact match
        size_t length = alphabet.size();
        for(size_t k = 0; k < length; ++k)
            p = m.findByValue(static_cast<Int>(k));
            test(p != m.end());
            test(p->first == alphabet[k]);
            test(++p == m.end());

        // 2 items at 17
        m.put(ByteIntMap::value_type(alphabet[21], static_cast<Int>(17)));

        p = m.findByValue(17);
        test(p != m.end());
        test(p->first == alphabet[17] || p->first == alphabet[21]);
        test(++p != m.end());
        test(p->first == alphabet[17] || p->first == alphabet[21]);
        test(++p == m.end());
        test(m.valueCount(17) == 2);

        p = m.findByValue(17);
        test(p != m.end());
        test(++p != m.end());
        test(p->first == alphabet[17] || p->first == alphabet[21]);
        test(++p == m.end());
        test(m.valueCount(17) == 1);

        p = m.findByValue(17);
        test(p != m.end());
        test(p->first == alphabet[17] || p->first == alphabet[21]);

        catch(const DatabaseException&)
            // Expected
        test(p->first == alphabet[17] || p->first == alphabet[21]);
        test(++p == m.end());
        test(m.valueCount(17) == 1);

        m.put(ByteIntMap::value_type(alphabet[21], static_cast<Int>(17)));

        // Non-exact match
        p = m.findByValue(21);
        test(p == m.end());

        test(m.valueCount(21) == 0);

        p = m.findByValue(21, false);
        test(p == m.end());

        p = m.findByValue(22, false);
        int previous = 21;
        int count = 0;
        while(p != m.end())
            test(p->second > previous);
            previous = p->second;
        test(count == 4);
        cout << "ok " << endl;

        cout << "testing unreferenced connection+transaction... " << flush;
            Freeze::ConnectionPtr c2 = createConnection(communicator, envName);
            ByteIntMap m2(c2, dbName);

            TransactionPtr tx = c2->beginTransaction();

            p = m2.findByValue(17);
            test(p != m2.end());

            m2.put(ByteIntMap::value_type(alphabet[21], static_cast<Int>(99)));

            p = m2.findByValue(17);
            test(p == m2.end());

            test(c2->currentTransaction() != 0);
            test(tx->getConnection() != 0);
        // Should roll back here
        p = m.findByValue(17);
        test(p != m.end());
        cout << "ok " << endl;

        cout << "testing concurrent access... " << flush;
        populateDB(connection, m);

        vector<IceUtil::ThreadControl> controls;
        vector<ReadThreadPtr> readThreads;
        vector<WriteThreadPtr> writeThreads;

        for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
            ReadThreadPtr rt = new ReadThread(communicator, envName, dbName);

            WriteThreadPtr wt = new WriteThread(communicator, envName, dbName);


        for(vector<WriteThreadPtr>::iterator q = writeThreads.begin(); q != writeThreads.end(); ++q)

        for(vector<ReadThreadPtr>::iterator q = readThreads.begin(); q != readThreads.end(); ++q)

        for(vector<IceUtil::ThreadControl>::iterator q = controls.begin(); q != controls.end(); ++q)
        cout << "ok" << endl;

    cout << "testing index creation... " << flush;

        IntIdentityMap iim(connection, "intIdentity");

        Ice::Identity odd;
        odd.name = "foo";
        odd.category = "odd";

        Ice::Identity even;
        even.name = "bar";
        even.category = "even";

        TransactionHolder txHolder(connection);
        for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            if(i % 2 == 0)
                iim.put(IntIdentityMap::value_type(i, even));
                iim.put(IntIdentityMap::value_type(i, odd));

        IntIdentityMapWithIndex iim(connection, "intIdentity");
        test(iim.categoryCount("even") == 500);
        test(iim.categoryCount("odd") == 500);

            int count = 0;
            IntIdentityMapWithIndex::iterator p = iim.findByCategory("even");
            while(p != iim.end())
                test(p->first % 2 == 0);
            test(count == 500);

            int count = 0;
            IntIdentityMapWithIndex::iterator p = iim.findByCategory("odd");
            while(p != iim.end())
                test(p->first % 2 == 1);
            test(count == 500);
    cout << "ok" << endl;

    cout << "testing sorting... " << flush;
        SortedMap sm(connection, "sortedMap");

        TransactionHolder txHolder(connection);
        for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            int k = rand() % 1000;

            Ice::Identity id;
            id.name = "foo";
            id.category = 'a' + static_cast<char>(k % 26);

            sm.put(SortedMap::value_type(k, id));

        SortedMap sm(connection, "sortedMap");
            for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                int k = rand() % 1000;
                SortedMap::iterator p = sm.lower_bound(k);
                if(p != sm.end())
                    test(p->first >= k);
                    SortedMap::iterator q = sm.upper_bound(k);
                    if(q == sm.end())
                        test(p->first == k);
                        test((p->first == k && q->first > k) ||
                             (p->first > k && q->first == p->first));

            for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                string category;
                category = static_cast<char>('a' + rand() % 26);

                SortedMap::iterator p = sm.findByCategory(category);
                if(p != sm.end())
                    SortedMap::iterator q = sm.lowerBoundForCategory(category);
                    test(p == q);
                    } while(q != sm.end() && q->second.category == category);

                    if(q != sm.end())
                        test(q == sm.upperBoundForCategory(category));
                    SortedMap::iterator q = sm.lowerBoundForCategory(category);
                    if(q != sm.end())
                        test(p != q);
                        test(q->second.category < category);
                        category = q->second.category;

                        } while(q != sm.end() && q->second.category == category);

                        if(q != sm.end())
                            test(q == sm.upperBoundForCategory(category));

            string category = "z";
            SortedMap::iterator p = sm.lowerBoundForCategory(category);

            while(p != sm.end())
                test(p->second.category <= category);
                category = p->second.category;
                // cerr << category << ":" << p->first << endl;


    cout << "ok" << endl;

    cout << "testing wstring... " << flush;

        WstringWstringMap wsm(connection, "wstringMap");

        TransactionHolder txHolder(connection);
        wsm.put(WstringWstringMap::value_type(L"AAAAA", L"aaaaa"));
        wsm.put(WstringWstringMap::value_type(L"BBBBB", L"bbbbb"));
        wsm.put(WstringWstringMap::value_type(L"CCCCC", L"ccccc"));
        wsm.put(WstringWstringMap::value_type(L"DDDDD", L"ddddd"));
        wsm.put(WstringWstringMap::value_type(L"EEEEE", L"eeeee"));

        WstringWstringMap wsm(connection, "wstringMap");
             WstringWstringMap::iterator p = wsm.find(L"BBBBB");
             test(p != wsm.end());
             test(p->second == L"bbbbb");

             p = wsm.findByValue(L"ddddd");
             test(p != wsm.end());
             test(p->first == L"DDDDD");

    cout << "ok" << endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;