Exemplo n.º 1
void WalletView::incomingTransaction(const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int /*end*/)
    // Prevent balloon-spam when initial block download is in progress
    if(!walletModel || !clientModel || clientModel->inInitialBlockDownload())

    TransactionTableModel *ttm = walletModel->getTransactionTableModel();

    QString date = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Date, parent).data().toString();
    qint64 amount = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Amount, parent).data(Qt::EditRole).toULongLong();
    QString type = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Type, parent).data().toString();
    QString address = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::ToAddress, parent).data().toString();

    gui->incomingTransaction(date, walletModel->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), amount, type, address);
Exemplo n.º 2
void BitcoinGUI::incomingTransaction(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end)
    if(!walletModel || !clientModel)
    TransactionTableModel *ttm = walletModel->getTransactionTableModel();
    qint64 amount = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Amount, parent)
        // On new transaction, make an info balloon
        // Unless the initial block download is in progress, to prevent balloon-spam
        QString date = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Date, parent)
        QString type = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Type, parent)
        QString address = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::ToAddress, parent)
        QIcon icon = qvariant_cast<QIcon>(ttm->index(start,
                            TransactionTableModel::ToAddress, parent)

                            (amount)<0 ? tr("Sent transaction") :
                                         tr("Incoming transaction"),
                              tr("Date: %1\n"
                                 "Amount: %2\n"
                                 "Type: %3\n"
                                 "Address: %4\n")
                              .arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(walletModel->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), amount, true))
                              .arg(address), icon);
Exemplo n.º 3
void ShadowGUI::incomingTransaction(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end)
    if(!walletModel || !clientModel || clientModel->inInitialBlockDownload() || !nNodeState == NS_READY)

    TransactionTableModel *ttm = walletModel->getTransactionTableModel();

    QString type = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Type, parent).data().toString();

    // Ignore staking transactions... We should create an Option, and allow people to select/deselect what
    // type of transactions they want to see
    if(!(clientModel->getOptionsModel()->getNotifications().first() == "*")
    && ! clientModel->getOptionsModel()->getNotifications().contains(type))

    // On new transaction, make an info balloon
    // Unless the initial block download is in progress, to prevent balloon-spam
    QString date    = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Date, parent).data().toString();
    QString address = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::ToAddress, parent).data().toString();
    qint64 amount   = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Amount, parent).data(Qt::EditRole).toULongLong();
    QIcon   icon    = qvariant_cast<QIcon>(ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::ToAddress, parent).data(Qt::DecorationRole));

                        (amount)<0 ? tr("Sent transaction") :
                                     tr("Incoming transaction"),
                          tr("Date: %1\n"
                             "Amount: %2\n"
                             "Type: %3\n"
                             "Address: %4\n")
                          .arg(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(walletModel->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), amount, true))
                          .arg(address), icon);
Exemplo n.º 4
void BitcoinGUI::incomingTransaction(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end)
    TransactionTableModel *ttm = model->getTransactionTableModel();
    qint64 amount = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Amount, parent)
    if(amount>0 && !model->inInitialBlockDownload())
        // On incoming transaction, make an info balloon
        // Unless the initial block download is in progress, to prevent balloon-spam
        QString date = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Date, parent)
        QString type = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Type, parent)
        QString address = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::ToAddress, parent)

        // TODO! Make chain of notifications (if Freedesktop notify not supported use Qt Notify and add this to Notification)
        /*trayIcon->showMessage(tr("Incoming transaction"),
                              tr("Date: ") + date + "\n" +
                              tr("Amount: ") + QString::fromStdString(FormatMoney(amount, true)) + "\n" +
                              tr("Type: ") + type + "\n" +
                              tr("Address: ") + address + "\n",

        // TODO! Icon hardcoded because of that QIcon don't return path of file
        Notifiction::instance()->notify(tr("Date: %1\n"
                                           "Amount: %2\n"
                                           "Type: %3\n"
                                           "Address: %4")
                                        .arg(QString::fromStdString(FormatMoney(amount, true)))
                                        tr("Incoming transaction"),

Exemplo n.º 5
//! Simple qt wallet tests.
// Test widgets can be debugged interactively calling show() on them and
// manually running the event loop, e.g.:
//     sendCoinsDialog.show();
//     QEventLoop().exec();
// This also requires overriding the default minimal Qt platform:
//     src/qt/test/test_bitcoin-qt -platform xcb      # Linux
//     src/qt/test/test_bitcoin-qt -platform windows  # Windows
//     src/qt/test/test_bitcoin-qt -platform cocoa    # macOS
void WalletTests::walletTests()
    // Set up wallet and chain with 101 blocks (1 mature block for spending).
    TestChain100Setup test;
    test.CreateAndProcessBlock({}, GetScriptForRawPubKey(test.coinbaseKey.GetPubKey()));
    std::unique_ptr<CWalletDBWrapper> dbw(new CWalletDBWrapper(&bitdb, "wallet_test.dat"));
    CWallet wallet(std::move(dbw));
    bool firstRun;
        wallet.SetAddressBook(test.coinbaseKey.GetPubKey().GetID(), "", "receive");
        wallet.AddKeyPubKey(test.coinbaseKey, test.coinbaseKey.GetPubKey());
    wallet.ScanForWalletTransactions(chainActive.Genesis(), true);

    // Create widgets for sending coins and listing transactions.
    std::unique_ptr<const PlatformStyle> platformStyle(PlatformStyle::instantiate("other"));
    SendCoinsDialog sendCoinsDialog(platformStyle.get());
    OptionsModel optionsModel;
    WalletModel walletModel(platformStyle.get(), &wallet, &optionsModel);

    // Send two transactions, and verify they are added to transaction list.
    TransactionTableModel* transactionTableModel = walletModel.getTransactionTableModel();
    QCOMPARE(transactionTableModel->rowCount({}), 101);
    uint256 txid1 = SendCoins(wallet, sendCoinsDialog, CBitcoinAddress(CKeyID()), 5 * COIN);
    uint256 txid2 = SendCoins(wallet, sendCoinsDialog, CBitcoinAddress(CKeyID()), 10 * COIN);
    QCOMPARE(transactionTableModel->rowCount({}), 103);
    QVERIFY(FindTx(*transactionTableModel, txid1).isValid());
    QVERIFY(FindTx(*transactionTableModel, txid2).isValid());

Exemplo n.º 6
void WalletView::processNewTransaction(const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int /*end*/)
    // Prevent balloon-spam when initial block download is in progress
    if (!walletModel || !clientModel || clientModel->node().isInitialBlockDownload())

    TransactionTableModel *ttm = walletModel->getTransactionTableModel();
    if (!ttm || ttm->processingQueuedTransactions())

    QString date = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Date, parent).data().toString();
    qint64 amount = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Amount, parent).data(Qt::EditRole).toULongLong();
    QString type = ttm->index(start, TransactionTableModel::Type, parent).data().toString();
    QModelIndex index = ttm->index(start, 0, parent);
    QString address = ttm->data(index, TransactionTableModel::AddressRole).toString();
    QString label = ttm->data(index, TransactionTableModel::LabelRole).toString();

    Q_EMIT incomingTransaction(date, walletModel->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), amount, type, address, label, walletModel->getWalletName());
    /* Update our model of the wallet incrementally, to synchronize our model of the wallet
       with that of the core.

       Call with transaction that was added, removed or changed.
    void updateWallet(const uint256 &hash, int status, bool showTransaction)
        qDebug() << "TransactionTablePriv::updateWallet: " + QString::fromStdString(hash.ToString()) + " " + QString::number(status);

        // Find bounds of this transaction in model
        QList<TransactionRecord>::iterator lower = qLowerBound(
            cachedWallet.begin(), cachedWallet.end(), hash, TxLessThan());
        QList<TransactionRecord>::iterator upper = qUpperBound(
            cachedWallet.begin(), cachedWallet.end(), hash, TxLessThan());
        int lowerIndex = (lower - cachedWallet.begin());
        int upperIndex = (upper - cachedWallet.begin());
        bool inModel = (lower != upper);

        if(status == CT_UPDATED)
            if(showTransaction && !inModel)
                status = CT_NEW; /* Not in model, but want to show, treat as new */
            if(!showTransaction && inModel)
                status = CT_DELETED; /* In model, but want to hide, treat as deleted */

        qDebug() << "    inModel=" + QString::number(inModel) +
                    " Index=" + QString::number(lowerIndex) + "-" + QString::number(upperIndex) +
                    " showTransaction=" + QString::number(showTransaction) + " derivedStatus=" + QString::number(status);

        case CT_NEW:
                qWarning() << "TransactionTablePriv::updateWallet: Warning: Got CT_NEW, but transaction is already in model";
                LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
                // Find transaction in wallet
                std::map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator mi = wallet->mapWallet.find(hash);
                if(mi == wallet->mapWallet.end())
                    qWarning() << "TransactionTablePriv::updateWallet: Warning: Got CT_NEW, but transaction is not in wallet";
                // Added -- insert at the right position
                QList<TransactionRecord> toInsert =
                        TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(wallet, mi->second);
                if(!toInsert.isEmpty()) /* only if something to insert */
                    parent->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, lowerIndex+toInsert.size()-1);
                    int insert_idx = lowerIndex;
                    for (const TransactionRecord &rec : toInsert)
                        cachedWallet.insert(insert_idx, rec);
                        insert_idx += 1;
        case CT_DELETED:
                qWarning() << "TransactionTablePriv::updateWallet: Warning: Got CT_DELETED, but transaction is not in model";
            // Removed -- remove entire transaction from table
            parent->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, upperIndex-1);
            cachedWallet.erase(lower, upper);
        case CT_UPDATED:
            // Miscellaneous updates -- nothing to do, status update will take care of this, and is only computed for
            // visible transactions.
            for (int i = lowerIndex; i < upperIndex; i++) {
                TransactionRecord *rec = &cachedWallet[i];
                rec->status.needsUpdate = true;