Exemplo n.º 1
static QString makeMsgId(const TranslatorMessage &msg)
    QString id = msg.context() + QLatin1String("//") + elidedId(msg.sourceText(), 100);
    if (!msg.comment().isEmpty())
        id += QLatin1String("//") + elidedId(msg.comment(), 30);
    return id;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Translator::addIndex(int idx, const TranslatorMessage &msg) const
    if (msg.sourceText().isEmpty() && msg.id().isEmpty()) {
        m_ctxCmtIdx[msg.context()] = idx;
    } else {
        m_msgIdx[TMMKey(msg)] = idx;
        if (!msg.id().isEmpty())
            m_idMsgIdx[msg.id()] = idx;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Translator::appendSorted(const TranslatorMessage &msg)
    int msgLine = msg.lineNumber();
    if (msgLine < 0) {

    int bestIdx = 0; // Best insertion point found so far
    int bestScore = 0; // Its category: 0 = no hit, 1 = pre or post, 2 = middle
    int bestSize = 0; // The length of the region. Longer is better within one category.

    // The insertion point to use should this region turn out to be the best one so far
    int thisIdx = 0;
    int thisScore = 0;
    int thisSize = 0;
    // Working vars
    int prevLine = 0;
    int curIdx = 0;
    foreach (const TranslatorMessage &mit, m_messages) {
        bool sameFile = mit.fileName() == msg.fileName() && mit.context() == msg.context();
        int curLine;
        if (sameFile && (curLine = mit.lineNumber()) >= prevLine) {
            if (msgLine >= prevLine && msgLine < curLine) {
                thisIdx = curIdx;
                thisScore = thisSize ? 2 : 1;
            prevLine = curLine;
        } else {
            if (thisSize) {
                if (!thisScore) {
                    thisIdx = curIdx;
                    thisScore = 1;
                if (thisScore > bestScore || (thisScore == bestScore && thisSize > bestSize)) {
                    bestIdx = thisIdx;
                    bestScore = thisScore;
                    bestSize = thisSize;
                thisScore = 0;
                thisSize = sameFile ? 1 : 0;
                prevLine = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool MetaTranslator::saveXLIFF( const QString& filename) const
    QFile f( filename );
    if ( !f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text) )
        return false;

    int indent = 2;
    int currentindent = 0;

    QTextStream t( &f );
    t.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("ISO-8859-1") );

    QMap<QString, TranslatorMessage> mtSortByFileName;
    TMM::ConstIterator m = mm.begin();
    while ( m != mm.end() ) {
        TranslatorMessage msg = m.key();
        QString location = msg.fileName() + QLatin1String(msg.context()) + QString::number(msg.lineNumber());
        mtSortByFileName.insertMulti(location, msg);

    t << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"";
    t << " encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
    t << "<xliff version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"" << XLIFF11namespaceURI << "\">\n";
    currentindent += indent;
    QMap<QString, TranslatorMessage>::iterator mi = mtSortByFileName.begin();
    TranslatorMessage msg;
    QByteArray ctx;
    QString fn;
    bool ctxdiffer = false;
    bool filediffer = false;
    while (mi != mtSortByFileName.end()) {
        msg = mi.value();
        ctxdiffer = msg.context() != ctx;
        filediffer = msg.fileName() != fn;

        if (ctxdiffer || filediffer) {
            if (!ctx.isEmpty()) {
            writeIndent(&t, currentindent);
                t << "</group>\n";
                currentindent -= indent;

        if (filediffer) {
            if (!fn.isEmpty()) {
                writeIndent(&t, currentindent);
                t << "</body></file>\n";
                currentindent -= indent;
            fn = msg.fileName();

            writeIndent(&t, currentindent);
            t << "<file original=\"" << fn << "\""
                << " datatype=\"" << dataType(msg) << "\""
                << " source-language=\"" << "en" << "\"" //###
                << " target-language=\"" << languageCode() << "\""
                << "><body>\n";
            currentindent += indent;


        if (ctxdiffer || filediffer) {
            ctx = msg.context();
            writeIndent(&t, currentindent);
            t << "<group restype=\"" << restypeContext << "\""
                << " resname=\"" << evilBytes(ctx, msg.utf8()) << "\""
                << ">\n";
            currentindent += indent;

        writeMessage(&t, msg, currentindent, m_language);
    writeIndent(&t, currentindent);
    t << "</group>\n";
    writeIndent(&t, currentindent);
    t << "</body></file>\n";
    t << "</xliff>\n";

    return true;