Exemplo n.º 1
int wmain(int argc, Chr16** argv)

	Error error;
	LogStdout log;
	class Fatal {};

		loginfo("Tomazos Resource Compiler 1.0 (c) Andrew Tomazos 2009");

		if (argc != 3)
			error.what(L"Usage: ResourceCompiler <ResourceDir> <Out.cpp>");
			throw Fatal();

		UTF16 sSourceDirPath = argv[1];
		UTF16 sOutPath = argv[2];

		Path sourceDir(error, sSourceDirPath);
		if (error)
			throw Fatal();

		UTF16 sFullSourceDirPath = UTF16(sourceDir);
		if (!sFullSourceDirPath.endsWith(L"\\"))
			sFullSourceDirPath = sFullSourceDirPath + L"\\";

		UTF16List fps;

		loginfo("Found %d files", fps.size());

		TreeMap<UTF16, Blob> data;

			UTF16List::Iterator it(fps);
			UTF16 sFullFilePath;

			while (it(sFullFilePath))
				if (!sFullFilePath.startsWith(sFullSourceDirPath))
					throw Fatal();

				UTF16 sRelFilePath = sFullFilePath.suffix(sFullFilePath.length() - sFullSourceDirPath.length());

				Path file(error, sFullFilePath);
				if (error)
					throw Fatal();

				HInputStream fis;
				file.readFile(error, fis);

				if (error)
					throw Fatal();

				Blob sFileContent = fis->slurp(error);

				if (error)
					throw Fatal();

				loginfo("Found %s (%d bytes)", sRelFilePath.ptr(), sFileContent.length());

				data.add(sRelFilePath, sFileContent);

		Path outPath(error, sOutPath);

		if (error)
			throw Fatal();

		HOutputStream hOut;
		outPath.overwriteFile(error, hOut);

		if (error)
			throw Fatal();

		#define ResLine(x) { hOut->twrite(error, UTF8(x)); if (error) throw Fatal(); hOut->twrite(error, UTF8("\r\n")); if (error) throw Fatal(); }
		#define ResLineF(...) { ResLine(UTF8::format(__VA_ARGS__)); }

		ResLine("#include \"Runtime.h\"");
		ResLine("void ResourceManager::setup()");

			TreeMap<UTF16, Blob>::Iterator it(data);
			UTF16 sPath;
			Blob bData;
			int iCount = 0;

			int iNumResources = data.size();

			while (it(sPath, bData))
				UTF8 sId = UTF8::format("s_res_data_%d", iCount);
				ResLineF("    static UInt8 %s[] = { ", sId.ptr());
				for (int i = 0; i < bData.length(); i++)
					if (i % 16 == 0)
						hOut->twrite(error, UTF8("        "));
						if (error)
							throw Fatal();

					hOut->twrite(error, UTF8::format("0x%.2X", UInt32(bData.idx<UInt8>(i))));

					if (error) throw Fatal();

					if (i != bData.length() - 1)
						hOut->twrite(error, UTF8(", "));

						if (error)
							throw Fatal();

					if (i % 16 == 15 || i == bData.length() - 1)
				ResLineF("    };");
				ResLineF("    ResourceManager::instance()->set(%s, %s, %d);", stringToCStringLiteral(sPath).ptr(), sId.ptr(), bData.length());
				if (iCount != iNumResources)


		#undef ResLine

		return 0;
	catch (Fatal&)
		if (error)
			logerr("%s", UTF16(error).ptr());
		return 1;
int main()
    char *aName[3] = {"Alice\0", "Bob\0", "Wesker\0"};
    TreeMap *pMap;

    /* You should initialize the DS before any operations. */
    int32_t rc = TreeMapInit(&pMap);
    if (rc != SUCC)
        return rc;

    /* You should specify how to compare your items. */
    pMap->set_compare(pMap, CompareKey);

    /* If you plan to delegate the resource clean task to the DS, please set the
       custom clean method. */
    pMap->set_destroy(pMap, DestroyPair);

    /* Insert key value pairs into the map. */
    Employ *pEmploy = (Employ*)malloc(sizeof(Employ));
    pEmploy->iId = 1;
    pEmploy->cYear = 25;
    pEmploy->cLevel = 100;
    Pair *pPair = (Pair*)malloc(sizeof(Pair));
    pPair->key = (Key)aName[0];
    pPair->value = (Value)pEmploy;
    pMap->put(pMap, pPair);

    pEmploy = (Employ*)malloc(sizeof(Employ));
    pEmploy->iId = 2;
    pEmploy->cYear = 25;
    pEmploy->cLevel = 90;
    pPair = (Pair*)malloc(sizeof(Pair));
    pPair->key = (Key)aName[1];
    pPair->value = (Value)pEmploy;
    pMap->put(pMap, pPair);

    pEmploy = (Employ*)malloc(sizeof(Employ));
    pEmploy->iId = 3;
    pEmploy->cYear = 25;
    pEmploy->cLevel = 80;
    pPair = (Pair*)malloc(sizeof(Pair));
    pPair->key = (Key)aName[2];
    pPair->value = (Value)pEmploy;
    pMap->put(pMap, pPair);

    /* Retrieve the value with the designated key. */
    Value value;
    pMap->get(pMap, (Key)aName[0], &value);
    assert(((Employ*)value)->iId == 1);
    assert(((Employ*)value)->cYear == 25);
    assert(((Employ*)value)->cLevel == 100);

    /* Retrieve the pairs with minimum and maximum key orders from the map. */
    pMap->minimum(pMap, &pPair);
    assert(strcmp((char*)pPair->key, aName[0]) == 0);
    assert(((Employ*)pPair->value)->cLevel == 100);
    pMap->maximum(pMap, &pPair);
    assert(strcmp((char*)pPair->key, aName[2]) == 0);
    assert(((Employ*)pPair->value)->cLevel == 80);

    /* Reference the predecessor and successor pairs with the designated key. */
    pMap->predecessor(pMap, (Key)aName[1], &pPair);
    assert(strcmp((char*)pPair->key, aName[0]) == 0);
    assert(((Employ*)pPair->value)->iId == 1);
    pMap->successor(pMap, (Key)aName[1], &pPair);
    assert(strcmp((char*)pPair->key, aName[2]) == 0);
    assert(((Employ*)pPair->value)->iId == 3);

    /* Iterate through the map. */
    int32_t idx = 0;
    pMap->iterate(pMap, true, NULL);
    while (pMap->iterate(pMap, false, &pPair) == CONTINUE) {
        assert(strcmp((char*)pPair->key, aName[idx]) == 0);

    /* Reversely iterate through the map.*/
    idx = 2;
    pMap->reverse_iterate(pMap, true, NULL);
    while (pMap->reverse_iterate(pMap, false, &pPair) == CONTINUE) {
        assert(strcmp((char*)pPair->key, aName[idx]) == 0);

    /* Remove the key value pair with the designated key. */
    pMap->remove(pMap, (Key)aName[1]);

    /* Check the key existence. */
    assert(pMap->find(pMap, (Key)aName[0]) == SUCC);
    assert(pMap->find(pMap, (Key)aName[1]) == NOKEY);
    assert(pMap->find(pMap, (Key)aName[2]) == SUCC);

    /* Check the pair count in the map. */
    int32_t iSize = pMap->size(pMap);
    assert(iSize == 2);

    /* You should deinitialize the DS after all the relevant tasks. */

    return SUCC;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <KarenCore/map.h>
#include <KarenCore/test.h>

using namespace karen;


      TreeMap<String, int> d;
      assertEquals<int>(0, d.size());

      TreeMap<String, int> d;
      d.put("Mark", 45);
      assertEquals<int>(1, d.size());
      assertEquals<int>(45, d["Mark"]);
      TreeMap<String, int> d;