Exemplo n.º 1
X86RegisterInfo::X86RegisterInfo(const Triple &TT)
    : X86GenRegisterInfo((TT.isArch64Bit() ? X86::RIP : X86::EIP),
                         X86_MC::getDwarfRegFlavour(TT, false),
                         X86_MC::getDwarfRegFlavour(TT, true),
                         (TT.isArch64Bit() ? X86::RIP : X86::EIP)) {

  // Cache some information.
  Is64Bit = TT.isArch64Bit();
  IsWin64 = Is64Bit && TT.isOSWindows();

  // Use a callee-saved register as the base pointer.  These registers must
  // not conflict with any ABI requirements.  For example, in 32-bit mode PIC
  // requires GOT in the EBX register before function calls via PLT GOT pointer.
  if (Is64Bit) {
    SlotSize = 8;
    // This matches the simplified 32-bit pointer code in the data layout
    // computation.
    // FIXME: Should use the data layout?
    bool Use64BitReg = TT.getEnvironment() != Triple::GNUX32;
    StackPtr = Use64BitReg ? X86::RSP : X86::ESP;
    FramePtr = Use64BitReg ? X86::RBP : X86::EBP;
    BasePtr = Use64BitReg ? X86::RBX : X86::EBX;
  } else {
    SlotSize = 4;
    StackPtr = X86::ESP;
    FramePtr = X86::EBP;
    BasePtr = X86::ESI;
WebAssemblyMCAsmInfo::WebAssemblyMCAsmInfo(const Triple &T) {
  PointerSize = CalleeSaveStackSlotSize = T.isArch64Bit();

  // TODO: What should MaxInstLength be?

  PrivateGlobalPrefix = "";
  PrivateLabelPrefix = "";

  UseDataRegionDirectives = true;

  Data8bitsDirective = "\t.int8\t";
  Data16bitsDirective = "\t.int16\t";
  Data32bitsDirective = "\t.int32\t";
  Data64bitsDirective = "\t.int64\t";

  AlignmentIsInBytes = false;
  COMMDirectiveAlignmentIsInBytes = false;
  LCOMMDirectiveAlignmentType = LCOMM::Log2Alignment;

  HasDotTypeDotSizeDirective = false;
  HasSingleParameterDotFile = false;

  SupportsDebugInformation = true;

  // For now, WebAssembly does not support exceptions.
  ExceptionsType = ExceptionHandling::None;

  // TODO: UseIntegratedAssembler?
/// Create an WebAssembly architecture model.
    const Target &T, const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU, StringRef FS,
    const TargetOptions &Options, Optional<Reloc::Model> RM,
    Optional<CodeModel::Model> CM, CodeGenOpt::Level OL, bool JIT)
    : LLVMTargetMachine(T,
                        TT.isArch64Bit() ? "e-m:e-p:64:64-i64:64-n32:64-S128"
                                         : "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128",
                        TT, CPU, FS, Options, getEffectiveRelocModel(RM),
                        CM ? *CM : CodeModel::Large, OL),
      TLOF(TT.isOSBinFormatELF() ?
                  new WebAssemblyTargetObjectFileELF()) :
                  new WebAssemblyTargetObjectFile())) {
  // WebAssembly type-checks instructions, but a noreturn function with a return
  // type that doesn't match the context will cause a check failure. So we lower
  // LLVM 'unreachable' to ISD::TRAP and then lower that to WebAssembly's
  // 'unreachable' instructions which is meant for that case.
  this->Options.TrapUnreachable = true;

  // WebAssembly treats each function as an independent unit. Force
  // -ffunction-sections, effectively, so that we can emit them independently.
  if (!TT.isOSBinFormatELF()) {
    this->Options.FunctionSections = true;
    this->Options.DataSections = true;
    this->Options.UniqueSectionNames = true;


  // Note that we don't use setRequiresStructuredCFG(true). It disables
  // optimizations than we're ok with, and want, such as critical edge
  // splitting and tail merging.
Exemplo n.º 4
/// Create an WebAssembly architecture model.
    const Target &T, const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU, StringRef FS,
    const TargetOptions &Options, Optional<Reloc::Model> RM,
    Optional<CodeModel::Model> CM, CodeGenOpt::Level OL, bool JIT)
    : LLVMTargetMachine(T,
                        TT.isArch64Bit() ? "e-m:e-p:64:64-i64:64-n32:64-S128"
                                         : "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128",
                        TT, CPU, FS, Options, getEffectiveRelocModel(RM),
                        getEffectiveCodeModel(CM, CodeModel::Large), OL),
      TLOF(new WebAssemblyTargetObjectFile()) {
  // WebAssembly type-checks instructions, but a noreturn function with a return
  // type that doesn't match the context will cause a check failure. So we lower
  // LLVM 'unreachable' to ISD::TRAP and then lower that to WebAssembly's
  // 'unreachable' instructions which is meant for that case.
  this->Options.TrapUnreachable = true;

  // WebAssembly treats each function as an independent unit. Force
  // -ffunction-sections, effectively, so that we can emit them independently.
  this->Options.FunctionSections = true;
  this->Options.DataSections = true;
  this->Options.UniqueSectionNames = true;


  // Create a subtarget using the unmodified target machine features to
  // initialize the used feature set with explicitly enabled features.
  getSubtargetImpl(getTargetCPU(), getTargetFeatureString());

  // Note that we don't use setRequiresStructuredCFG(true). It disables
  // optimizations than we're ok with, and want, such as critical edge
  // splitting and tail merging.
Exemplo n.º 5
RISCVMCAsmInfo::RISCVMCAsmInfo(const Triple &TT) {
  CodePointerSize = CalleeSaveStackSlotSize = TT.isArch64Bit() ? 8 : 4;
  CommentString = "#";
  AlignmentIsInBytes = false;
  SupportsDebugInformation = true;
  Data16bitsDirective = "\t.half\t";
  Data32bitsDirective = "\t.word\t";
Exemplo n.º 6
static std::string computeDataLayout(const Triple &TT) {
  if (TT.isArch64Bit()) {
    return "e-m:e-i64:64-n32:64-S128";
  } else {
    assert(TT.isArch32Bit() && "only RV32 and RV64 are currently supported");
    return "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32-S128";
Exemplo n.º 7
ABI computeTargetABI(const Triple &TT, FeatureBitset FeatureBits,
                     StringRef ABIName) {
  auto TargetABI = StringSwitch<ABI>(ABIName)
                       .Case("ilp32", ABI_ILP32)
                       .Case("ilp32f", ABI_ILP32F)
                       .Case("ilp32d", ABI_ILP32D)
                       .Case("ilp32e", ABI_ILP32E)
                       .Case("lp64", ABI_LP64)
                       .Case("lp64f", ABI_LP64F)
                       .Case("lp64d", ABI_LP64D)

  bool IsRV64 = TT.isArch64Bit();
  bool IsRV32E = FeatureBits[RISCV::FeatureRV32E];

  if (!ABIName.empty() && TargetABI == ABI_Unknown) {
        << "'" << ABIName
        << "' is not a recognized ABI for this target (ignoring target-abi)\n";
  } else if (ABIName.startswith("ilp32") && IsRV64) {
    errs() << "32-bit ABIs are not supported for 64-bit targets (ignoring "
    TargetABI = ABI_Unknown;
  } else if (ABIName.startswith("lp64") && !IsRV64) {
    errs() << "64-bit ABIs are not supported for 32-bit targets (ignoring "
    TargetABI = ABI_Unknown;
  } else if (ABIName.endswith("f") && !FeatureBits[RISCV::FeatureStdExtF]) {
    errs() << "Hard-float 'f' ABI can't be used for a target that "
              "doesn't support the F instruction set extension (ignoring "
    TargetABI = ABI_Unknown;
  } else if (ABIName.endswith("d") && !FeatureBits[RISCV::FeatureStdExtD]) {
    errs() << "Hard-float 'd' ABI can't be used for a target that "
              "doesn't support the D instruction set extension (ignoring "
    TargetABI = ABI_Unknown;
  } else if (IsRV32E && TargetABI != ABI_ILP32E && TargetABI != ABI_Unknown) {
        << "Only the ilp32e ABI is supported for RV32E (ignoring target-abi)\n";
    TargetABI = ABI_Unknown;

  if (TargetABI != ABI_Unknown)
    return TargetABI;

  // For now, default to the ilp32/ilp32e/lp64 ABI if no explicit ABI is given
  // or an invalid/unrecognised string is given. In the future, it might be
  // worth changing this to default to ilp32f/lp64f and ilp32d/lp64d when
  // hardware support for floating point is present.
  if (IsRV32E)
    return ABI_ILP32E;
  if (IsRV64)
    return ABI_LP64;
  return ABI_ILP32;
Exemplo n.º 8
/// Create an WebAssembly architecture model.
    const Target &T, const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU, StringRef FS,
    const TargetOptions &Options, Reloc::Model RM, CodeModel::Model CM,
    CodeGenOpt::Level OL)
    : LLVMTargetMachine(T, TT.isArch64Bit()
                               ? "e-p:64:64-i64:64-v128:8:128-n32:64-S128"
                               : "e-p:32:32-i64:64-v128:8:128-n32:64-S128",
                        TT, CPU, FS, Options, RM, CM, OL),
      TLOF(make_unique<WebAssemblyTargetObjectFile>()) {

  // We need a reducible CFG, so disable some optimizations which tend to
  // introduce irreducibility.
/// Create an WebAssembly architecture model.
    const Target &T, const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU, StringRef FS,
    const TargetOptions &Options, Reloc::Model RM, CodeModel::Model CM,
    CodeGenOpt::Level OL)
    : LLVMTargetMachine(T, TT.isArch64Bit() ? "e-p:64:64-i64:64-n32:64-S128"
                                            : "e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128",
                        TT, CPU, FS, Options, RM, CM, OL),
      TLOF(make_unique<WebAssemblyTargetObjectFile>()) {
  // WebAssembly type-checks expressions, but a noreturn function with a return
  // type that doesn't match the context will cause a check failure. So we lower
  // LLVM 'unreachable' to ISD::TRAP and then lower that to WebAssembly's
  // 'unreachable' expression which is meant for that case.
  this->Options.TrapUnreachable = true;


  // We need a reducible CFG, so disable some optimizations which tend to
  // introduce irreducibility.
Exemplo n.º 10
/// Create an WebAssembly architecture model.
    const Target &T, const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU, StringRef FS,
    const TargetOptions &Options, Reloc::Model RM, CodeModel::Model CM,
    CodeGenOpt::Level OL)
    : LLVMTargetMachine(T,
                        TT.isArch64Bit() ? "e-m:e-p:64:64-i64:64-n32:64-S128"
                                         : "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128",
                        TT, CPU, FS, Options, RM, CM, OL),
      TLOF(make_unique<WebAssemblyTargetObjectFile>()) {
  // WebAssembly type-checks expressions, but a noreturn function with a return
  // type that doesn't match the context will cause a check failure. So we lower
  // LLVM 'unreachable' to ISD::TRAP and then lower that to WebAssembly's
  // 'unreachable' expression which is meant for that case.
  this->Options.TrapUnreachable = true;


  // Note that we don't use setRequiresStructuredCFG(true). It disables
  // optimizations than we're ok with, and want, such as critical edge
  // splitting and tail merging.
Exemplo n.º 11
static std::string computeDataLayout(const Triple &TT) {
  // X86 is little endian
  std::string Ret = "e";

  Ret += DataLayout::getManglingComponent(TT);
  // X86 and x32 have 32 bit pointers.
  if ((TT.isArch64Bit() &&
       (TT.getEnvironment() == Triple::GNUX32 || TT.isOSNaCl())) ||
    Ret += "-p:32:32";

  // Some ABIs align 64 bit integers and doubles to 64 bits, others to 32.
  if (TT.isArch64Bit() || TT.isOSWindows() || TT.isOSNaCl())
    Ret += "-i64:64";
  else if (TT.isOSIAMCU())
    Ret += "-i64:32-f64:32";
    Ret += "-f64:32:64";

  // Some ABIs align long double to 128 bits, others to 32.
  if (TT.isOSNaCl() || TT.isOSIAMCU())
    ; // No f80
  else if (TT.isArch64Bit() || TT.isOSDarwin())
    Ret += "-f80:128";
    Ret += "-f80:32";

  if (TT.isOSIAMCU())
    Ret += "-f128:32";

  // The registers can hold 8, 16, 32 or, in x86-64, 64 bits.
  if (TT.isArch64Bit())
    Ret += "-n8:16:32:64";
    Ret += "-n8:16:32";

  // The stack is aligned to 32 bits on some ABIs and 128 bits on others.
  if ((!TT.isArch64Bit() && TT.isOSWindows()) || TT.isOSIAMCU())
    Ret += "-a:0:32-S32";
    Ret += "-S128";

  return Ret;
Exemplo n.º 12
bool PPCCTRLoops::convertToCTRLoop(Loop *L) {
  bool MadeChange = false;

  Triple TT = Triple(L->getHeader()->getParent()->getParent()->
  if (!TT.isArch32Bit() && !TT.isArch64Bit())
    return MadeChange; // Unknown arch. type.

  // Process nested loops first.
  for (Loop::iterator I = L->begin(), E = L->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    MadeChange |= convertToCTRLoop(*I);

  // If a nested loop has been converted, then we can't convert this loop.
  if (MadeChange)
    return MadeChange;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  // Stop trying after reaching the limit (if any).
  int Limit = CTRLoopLimit;
  if (Limit >= 0) {
    if (Counter >= CTRLoopLimit)
      return false;

  // We don't want to spill/restore the counter register, and so we don't
  // want to use the counter register if the loop contains calls.
  for (Loop::block_iterator I = L->block_begin(), IE = L->block_end();
       I != IE; ++I)
    if (mightUseCTR(TT, *I))
      return MadeChange;

  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 4> ExitingBlocks;

  BasicBlock *CountedExitBlock = 0;
  const SCEV *ExitCount = 0;
  BranchInst *CountedExitBranch = 0;
  for (SmallVectorImpl<BasicBlock *>::iterator I = ExitingBlocks.begin(),
       IE = ExitingBlocks.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
    const SCEV *EC = SE->getExitCount(L, *I);
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Exit Count for " << *L << " from block " <<
                    (*I)->getName() << ": " << *EC << "\n");
    if (isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(EC))
    if (const SCEVConstant *ConstEC = dyn_cast<SCEVConstant>(EC)) {
      if (ConstEC->getValue()->isZero())
    } else if (!SE->isLoopInvariant(EC, L))

    if (SE->getTypeSizeInBits(EC->getType()) > (TT.isArch64Bit() ? 64 : 32))

    // We now have a loop-invariant count of loop iterations (which is not the
    // constant zero) for which we know that this loop will not exit via this
    // exisiting block.

    // We need to make sure that this block will run on every loop iteration.
    // For this to be true, we must dominate all blocks with backedges. Such
    // blocks are in-loop predecessors to the header block.
    bool NotAlways = false;
    for (pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(L->getHeader()),
         PIE = pred_end(L->getHeader()); PI != PIE; ++PI) {
      if (!L->contains(*PI))

      if (!DT->dominates(*I, *PI)) {
        NotAlways = true;

    if (NotAlways)

    // Make sure this blocks ends with a conditional branch.
    Instruction *TI = (*I)->getTerminator();
    if (!TI)

    if (BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(TI)) {
      if (!BI->isConditional())

      CountedExitBranch = BI;
    } else

    // Note that this block may not be the loop latch block, even if the loop
    // has a latch block.
    CountedExitBlock = *I;
    ExitCount = EC;

  if (!CountedExitBlock)
    return MadeChange;

  BasicBlock *Preheader = L->getLoopPreheader();

  // If we don't have a preheader, then insert one. If we already have a
  // preheader, then we can use it (except if the preheader contains a use of
  // the CTR register because some such uses might be reordered by the
  // selection DAG after the mtctr instruction).
  if (!Preheader || mightUseCTR(TT, Preheader))
    Preheader = InsertPreheaderForLoop(L, this);
  if (!Preheader)
    return MadeChange;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Preheader for exit count: " << Preheader->getName() << "\n");

  // Insert the count into the preheader and replace the condition used by the
  // selected branch.
  MadeChange = true;

  SCEVExpander SCEVE(*SE, "loopcnt");
  LLVMContext &C = SE->getContext();
  Type *CountType = TT.isArch64Bit() ? Type::getInt64Ty(C) :
  if (!ExitCount->getType()->isPointerTy() &&
      ExitCount->getType() != CountType)
    ExitCount = SE->getZeroExtendExpr(ExitCount, CountType);
  ExitCount = SE->getAddExpr(ExitCount,
                             SE->getConstant(CountType, 1)); 
  Value *ECValue = SCEVE.expandCodeFor(ExitCount, CountType,

  IRBuilder<> CountBuilder(Preheader->getTerminator());
  Module *M = Preheader->getParent()->getParent();
  Value *MTCTRFunc = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::ppc_mtctr,
  CountBuilder.CreateCall(MTCTRFunc, ECValue);

  IRBuilder<> CondBuilder(CountedExitBranch);
  Value *DecFunc =
    Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::ppc_is_decremented_ctr_nonzero);
  Value *NewCond = CondBuilder.CreateCall(DecFunc);
  Value *OldCond = CountedExitBranch->getCondition();

  // The false branch must exit the loop.
  if (!L->contains(CountedExitBranch->getSuccessor(0)))

  // The old condition may be dead now, and may have even created a dead PHI
  // (the original induction variable).

  return MadeChange;
Exemplo n.º 13
void validate(const Triple &TT, const FeatureBitset &FeatureBits) {
  if (TT.isArch64Bit() && FeatureBits[RISCV::FeatureRV32E])
    report_fatal_error("RV32E can't be enabled for an RV64 target");
Exemplo n.º 14
RISCVMCAsmInfo::RISCVMCAsmInfo(const Triple &TT) {
  PointerSize = CalleeSaveStackSlotSize = TT.isArch64Bit() ? 8 : 4;
  CommentString = "#";
  AlignmentIsInBytes = false;
  SupportsDebugInformation = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
static ELFKind getBitcodeELFKind(const Triple &T) {
  if (T.isLittleEndian())
    return T.isArch64Bit() ? ELF64LEKind : ELF32LEKind;
  return T.isArch64Bit() ? ELF64BEKind : ELF32BEKind;