Exemplo n.º 1
TupleList MBConnection::getBigramCount(const std::string& word1, const std::string& word2)
  MYSQL_BIND param[2];
  memset(param, 0, 2 * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
  setBindValue<0>(param, word1);  
  setBindValue<1>(param, word2);
  long nameId;
  long lineCount;
  MYSQL_BIND result[2];
  memset(result, 0, 2 * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
  setBindValue<0>(result, nameId);
  setBindValue<1>(result, lineCount);

  if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(this->_getBigramCountStatement, param))
    std::cout << "Binding parameters to prepared statement failed" << std::endl;
    throw 0;

  if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(this->_getBigramCountStatement, result))
    std::cout << "Binding result to prepared statement failed" << std::endl;
    throw 0;

  if (mysql_stmt_execute(this->_getBigramCountStatement))
    std::cout << "Executing select from bigram count failed" << mysql_stmt_error(this->_getBigramCountStatement) << std::endl;
    throw 0;

  TupleList resultSet;

  while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(this->_getBigramCountStatement)) 
    resultSet.push_back(make_tuple(static_cast<int>(nameId), static_cast<int>(lineCount)));

  return resultSet;
Exemplo n.º 2
ErrorCode ReadCCMIO::read_faces(CCMIOID faceID, 
                                CCMIOEntity bdy_or_int,
                                TupleList &vert_map,
                                TupleList &face_map
#ifndef TUPLE_LIST
                                  ,SenseList &sense_map
                                  , Range *new_faces)
  if (kCCMIOInternalFaces != bdy_or_int && kCCMIOBoundaryFaces != bdy_or_int)
    CHKERR(MB_FAILURE, "Face type isn't boundary or internal.");

  CCMIOSize_t dum_faces;
  CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
  CCMIOEntitySize(&error, faceID, &dum_faces, NULL);
  int num_faces = GETINT32(dum_faces);
    // get the size of the face connectivity array (not really a straight connect
    // array, has n, connect(n), ...)
  CCMIOSize_t farray_size = CCMIOSIZEC(0);
  CCMIOReadFaces(&error, faceID, bdy_or_int, NULL, &farray_size, NULL,
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble reading face connectivity length.");

    // allocate vectors for holding farray and cells for each face; use new for finer
    // control of de-allocation
  int num_sides = (kCCMIOInternalFaces == bdy_or_int ? 2 : 1);
  int *farray = new int[GETINT32(farray_size)];

    // read farray and make the faces
  CCMIOReadFaces(&error, faceID, bdy_or_int, &mapID, NULL,
                 farray, CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOStart), CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOEnd));
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble reading face connectivity.");

  std::vector<EntityHandle> face_handles;
  ErrorCode rval = make_faces(farray, vert_map, face_handles, num_faces);
  CHKERR(rval, NULL);

    // read face cells and make tuples
  int *face_cells;
  if (num_sides*num_faces < farray_size) face_cells = new int[num_sides*num_faces];
  else face_cells = farray;
  CCMIOReadFaceCells(&error, faceID, bdy_or_int, face_cells,
                     CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOStart), CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOEnd));
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble reading face cells.");

  int *tmp_ptr = face_cells;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_handles.size(); i++) {
    short forward = 1, reverse = -1;
    face_map.push_back(&forward, tmp_ptr++, &face_handles[i], NULL);
    if (2 == num_sides)
      face_map.push_back(&reverse, tmp_ptr++, &face_handles[i], NULL);
    if (2 == num_sides) {

    // now read & set face gids, reuse face_cells 'cuz we know it's big enough
  CCMIOReadMap(&error, mapID, face_cells, CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOStart), CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOEnd));
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble reading face gids.");

  rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data(mGlobalIdTag, &face_handles[0], face_handles.size(), face_cells);
  CHKERR(rval, "Couldn't set face global ids.");

    // make a neumann set for these faces if they're all in a boundary face set
  if (kCCMIOBoundaryFaces == bdy_or_int) {
    EntityHandle neuset;
    rval = mbImpl->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, neuset);
    CHKERR(rval, "Failed to create neumann set.");

      // don't trust entity index passed in
    int index;
    CCMIOGetEntityIndex(&error, faceID, &index);
    newNeusets[index] = neuset;

    rval = mbImpl->add_entities(neuset, &face_handles[0], face_handles.size());
    CHKERR(rval, "Failed to add faces to neumann set.");

      // now tag as neumann set; will add id later
    int dum_val = 0;
    rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data(mNeumannSetTag, &neuset, 1, &dum_val);
    CHKERR(rval, "Failed to tag neumann set.");

  if (new_faces) {
    std::sort(face_handles.begin(), face_handles.end());
    std::copy(face_handles.rbegin(), face_handles.rend(), range_inserter(*new_faces));
  return MB_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 3
ErrorCode ReadCCMIO::read_vertices(CCMIOSize_t /* proc */, CCMIOID /* processorID */, CCMIOID verticesID,
                                   CCMIOID /* topologyID */, 
                                   Range *verts, TupleList &vert_map) 
  CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    // pre-read the number of vertices, so we can pre-allocate & read directly in
  CCMIOSize_t nverts = CCMIOSIZEC(0);
  CCMIOEntitySize(&error, verticesID, &nverts, NULL);
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Couldn't get number of vertices.");

    // get # dimensions
  CCMIOSize_t dims;
  float scale;
  CCMIOReadVerticesf(&error, verticesID, &dims, NULL, NULL, NULL, CCMIOINDEXC(0), CCMIOINDEXC(1));
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Couldn't get number of dimensions.");

    // allocate vertex space
  EntityHandle node_handle = 0;
  std::vector<double*> arrays;
  readMeshIface->get_node_coords(3, GETINT32(nverts), MB_START_ID, node_handle, arrays);

    // read vertex coords
  std::vector<double> tmp_coords(GETINT32(dims)*GETINT32(nverts));
  CCMIOReadVerticesd(&error, verticesID, &dims, &scale, &mapID, &tmp_coords[0], 
                     CCMIOINDEXC(0), CCMIOINDEXC(0+nverts));
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble reading vertex coordinates.");

    // copy interleaved coords into moab blocked coordinate space
  int i = 0, threei = 0;
  for (; i < nverts; i++) {
    arrays[0][i] = tmp_coords[threei++];
    arrays[1][i] = tmp_coords[threei++];
    if (3 == GETINT32(dims)) arrays[2][i] = tmp_coords[threei++];
    else arrays[2][i] = 0.0;

    // scale, if necessary
  if (1.0 != scale) {
    for(i = 0; i < nverts; i++) {
      arrays[0][i] *= scale;
      arrays[1][i] *= scale;
      if (3 == GETINT32(dims)) arrays[2][i] *= scale;

    // read gids for vertices
  std::vector<int> gids(GETINT32(nverts));
  CCMIOReadMap(&error, mapID, &gids[0], CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOStart), CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOEnd));
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble reading vertex global ids.");

    // put new vertex handles into range, and set gids for them
  Range new_verts(node_handle, node_handle+nverts-1);
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data(mGlobalIdTag, new_verts, &gids[0]);
  CHKERR(rval, "Couldn't set gids on vertices.");
    // pack vert_map with global ids and handles for these vertices
  for (i = 0; i < GETINT32(nverts); i++) {
    vert_map.push_back(NULL, &gids[i], &node_handle, NULL);
  for (i = 0; i < GETINT32(nverts); i++) {
    node_handle += 1;
  if (verts) verts->merge(new_verts);

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode ReadCCMIO::get_processors(CCMIOID stateID, 
                                    CCMIOID &processorID, CCMIOID &verticesID,
                                    CCMIOID &topologyID, CCMIOID &solutionID,
                                    std::vector<CCMIOSize_t> &procs,
                                    bool & /* has_solution */) 
  CCMIOSize_t proc = CCMIOSIZEC(0);
  CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
  CCMIONextEntity(&error, stateID, kCCMIOProcessor, &proc, &processorID);
  if (CCMIOReadProcessor(NULL, processorID, &verticesID, 
                         &topologyID, NULL, &solutionID) != kCCMIONoErr) {
      // Maybe no solution;  try again
    CCMIOReadProcessor(&error, processorID, &verticesID, 
                       &topologyID, NULL, NULL);
    hasSolution = false;
  return MB_SUCCESS;