Exemplo n.º 1
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::getVariables( const SatID& sat,
                                                const TypeIDSet& typeSet )
      VariableSet vset;

      VariableSet varSet = getVariables(sat);
      for(VariableSet::iterator itv=varSet.begin();
         TypeIDSet::const_iterator it = typeSet.find(itv->getType());
         if( (it!=typeSet.end()) ) vset.insert(*itv);

      return vset;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::getVariables(...'
Exemplo n.º 2
   VariableSet GeneralConstraint::getVariables( const SourceID& source,
                                                const TypeIDSet& typeSet )
      VariableSet vset;

      VariableSet varSet = getVariables(source);
      for(VariableSet::iterator itv=varSet.begin();
         TypeIDSet::const_iterator it = typeSet.find(itv->getType());
         if( (it!=typeSet.end()) && itv->getSourceIndexed() )

      return vset;

   }  // End of method 'GeneralConstraint::getVariables'
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(void)

      /////////////////// INITIALIZATION PART /////////////////////

   cout << fixed << setprecision(4);   // Set a proper output format

      // Create the input observation file stream
   RinexObsStream rin("ebre0300.02o");

      // Create the input observation file stream for REFERENCE STATION
   RinexObsStream rinRef("bell0300.02o");

   //// Broadcast ephemeris part

      // Create the input navigation file stream
   RinexNavStream rnavin("brdc0300.02n");

   RinexNavData rNavData;              // Object to store Rinex navigation data
   GPSEphemerisStore bceStore;         // Object to store satellites ephemeris

      // Storing the ephemeris in "bceStore"
   while (rnavin >> rNavData)

   bceStore.SearchUser();  // This is the default


      // EBRE station nominal position
   Position nominalPos(4833520.1852, 41537.0453, 4147461.4963);

      // BELL station nominal position
   Position BnominalPos(4775849.4262, 116814.3084, 4213018.9143);

      // Declare a NeillTropModel object, setting the defaults
   NeillTropModel neillTM( nominalPos.getAltitude(),
                           nominalPos.getGeodeticLatitude(), 30);

      // Declare a NeillTropModel object, setting the defaults (Ref. station)
   NeillTropModel BneillTM( BnominalPos.getAltitude(),
                            BnominalPos.getGeodeticLatitude(), 30);

      // This is the GNSS data structure that will hold all the
      // GNSS-related information
   gnssRinex gRin;
   gnssRinex gRef;

      // Declare base-changing objects: From ECEF to North-East-Up (NEU)
   XYZ2NEU baseChange(nominalPos);
   XYZ2NEU BbaseChange(BnominalPos);

      // Declare a simple filter object to screen PC
   SimpleFilter pcFilter;

      // Declare a couple of basic modelers
   BasicModel basic(nominalPos, bceStore);
   BasicModel Bbasic(BnominalPos, bceStore);

      // Objects to mark cycle slips
   LICSDetector2 markCSLI;     // Checks LI cycle slips
   MWCSDetector markCSMW;      // Checks Merbourne-Wubbena cycle slips

   LICSDetector2 BmarkCSLI;     // Checks LI cycle slips
   MWCSDetector BmarkCSMW;      // Checks Merbourne-Wubbena cycle slips

      // Object to compute tidal effects
   SolidTides  solid;

      // Ocean loading model
   OceanLoading ocean("OCEAN-GOT00.dat");

      // Numerical values are x,y pole displacements for Jan/30/2002 (arcsec).
   PoleTides   pole(-0.17153, 0.38661);

      // Vector from EBRE antenna ARP to L1 phase center [UEN]
   Triple offsetL1(0.110, 0.000, 0.000);   // Units in meters

      // Vector from EBRE antenna ARP to L2 phase center [UEN]
   Triple offsetL2(0.128, 0.0000, 0.000);    // Units in meters

      // Vector from monument to antenna ARP [UEN] for EBRE station
   Triple offsetARP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);    // Units in meters

      // Vector from BELL antenna ARP to L1 phase center [UEN] (TRM29659.00)
   Triple BoffsetL1(0.110, 0.000, 0.000);   // Units in meters
      // Vector from BELL antenna ARP to L2 phase center [UEN] (TRM29659.00)
   Triple BoffsetL2(0.128, 0.0000, 0.000);    // Units in meters
      // Vector from monument to antenna ARP [UEN] for BELL station
   Triple BoffsetARP(0.054, 0.0, 0.0);    // Units in meters

      // Declare an object to correct observables to monument
   CorrectObservables corr(bceStore);

      // Declare an object to correct observables to monument (Ref. station)
   CorrectObservables Bcorr(bceStore);

      // Objects to compute wind-up effect
   ComputeWindUp windup(bceStore, nominalPos, "PRN_GPS");
   ComputeWindUp Bwindup(bceStore, BnominalPos, "PRN_GPS");

      // Objects to compute satellite antenna phase center effect
   ComputeSatPCenter svPcenter(nominalPos);
   ComputeSatPCenter BsvPcenter(BnominalPos);

      // Objects to compute the tropospheric data
   ComputeTropModel computeTropo(neillTM);
   ComputeTropModel BcomputeTropo(BneillTM);

      // This object defines several handy linear combinations
   LinearCombinations comb;

      // Object to compute linear combinations of data
   ComputeLinear linear1(comb.pcCombWithC1);


      // Let's use a different object to compute prefit residuals
   ComputeLinear linear2(comb.pcPrefit);

      // Declare an object to process the data using PPP. It is set
      // to use a NEU system
   SolverPPP pppSolver(true);

      // The current processing strategy is "static".
      // The real test for a PPP processing program is to handle coordinates
      // as white noise. In such case, position error should be about 0.25 m or
      // better. Uncomment the following couple of lines to test this.
//   WhiteNoiseModel wnM(100.0);            // 100 m of sigma
//   pppSolver.setCoordinatesModel(&wnM);

      // Object to keep track of satellite arcs
   SatArcMarker markArc;

      // Objects to compute gravitational delay effects
   GravitationalDelay grDelay(nominalPos);
   GravitationalDelay BgrDelay(BnominalPos);

      // Object to align phase with code measurements
   PhaseCodeAlignment phaseAlign;

      // Object to compute DOP values
   ComputeDOP cDOP;

      // Object to remove eclipsed satellites
   EclipsedSatFilter eclipsedSV;

      // Statistical summary objects
   PowerSum errorVectorStats;

   TypeIDSet tset;

      // Create an object to compute the single differences of prefit residuals
   DeltaOp delta;
      // By default, it will work on code prefit residuals, so we must change
      // the default and provide a set of types to be differenced

      // Create an object to synchronize rover and reference station
      // data streams. This object will take data out from "rinRef" until
      // it is synchronized with data in "gOriginal". Default synchronization
      // tolerance is 1 s.
   Synchronize synchro(rinRef, gRin);

      /////////////////// PROCESING PART /////////////////////

      // Use this variable to select between position printing or model printing
   bool printPosition(true);     // By default, print position and associated
                                 // parameters

      // Loop over all data epochs
   while(rin >> gRin)

      CommonTime time(gRin.header.epoch);

         // Compute the effect of solid, oceanic and pole tides
      Triple tides( solid.getSolidTide(time, nominalPos) +
                    ocean.getOceanLoading("EBRE", time)  +
                    pole.getPoleTide(time, nominalPos)     );

         // Compute the effect of solid, oceanic and pole tides
      Triple Btides( solid.getSolidTide(time, BnominalPos) +
                    ocean.getOceanLoading("BELL", time)  +
                    pole.getPoleTide(time, BnominalPos)     );

         // Update observable correction object with tides information

         // Update observable correction object with tides information


            // First, process reference station
         gRef >> synchro         // Synchronize data streams
              >> Bbasic          // Compute the basic components of model
              >> eclipsedSV      // Remove satellites in eclipse
              >> BgrDelay         // Compute gravitational delay
              >> BsvPcenter       // Compute the effect of satellite phase
              >> Bcorr            // Correct observables from tides, etc.
              >> Bwindup          // Compute wind-up effect
              >> BcomputeTropo    // Compute tropospheric effect
              >> linear1         // Compute common linear combinations
              >> pcFilter        // Filter out spurious data
              >> BmarkCSLI        // Mark cycle slips: LI algorithm
              >> BmarkCSMW        // Mark cycle slips: Melbourne-Wubbena
              >> markArc         // Keep track of satellite arcs
              >> linear2;        // Compute prefit residuals


      catch(SynchronizeException& e)   // THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT IN ORDER TO
      {                                // MANAGE A POSSIBLE DESYNCHRONIZATION!!
         cerr << "Exception when processing reference station data at epoch: "
              << gRef.header.epoch << endl;

         // Rover data processing is done here:

            // The following lines are indeed just one line
         gRin >> basic           // Compute the basic components of model
              >> eclipsedSV      // Remove satellites in eclipse
              >> grDelay         // Compute gravitational delay
              >> svPcenter       // Compute the effect of satellite phase center
              >> corr            // Correct observables from tides, etc.
              >> windup          // Compute wind-up effect
              >> computeTropo    // Compute tropospheric effect
              >> linear1         // Compute common linear combinations
              >> pcFilter        // Filter out spurious data
              >> markCSLI        // Mark cycle slips: LI algorithm
              >> markCSMW        // Mark cycle slips: Melbourne-Wubbena
              >> markArc         // Keep track of satellite arcs
              >> phaseAlign      // Align phases with codes
              >> linear2         // Compute prefit residuals
              >> delta
              >> baseChange      // Prepare to use North-East-UP reference frame
              >> cDOP            // Compute DOP figures
              >> pppSolver;      // Solve equations with a Kalman filter

      catch(Exception& e)
         cerr << "Exception at epoch: " << time << "; " << e << endl;
         cerr << "Unknown exception at epoch: " << time << endl;

         // Check if we want to print model or position
            // Print here the position results
         cout << static_cast<YDSTime>(time).sod      << "  ";     // Epoch - Output field #1

         cout << pppSolver.getSolution(TypeID::dLat) << "  ";    // dLat  - #2
         cout << pppSolver.getSolution(TypeID::dLon) << "  ";    // dLon  - #3
         cout << pppSolver.getSolution(TypeID::dH) << "  ";      // dH    - #4
         cout << pppSolver.getSolution(TypeID::wetMap) << "  ";  // Tropo - #5

         cout << pppSolver.getVariance(TypeID::dLat) << "  "; // Cov dLat - #6
         cout << pppSolver.getVariance(TypeID::dLon) << "  "; // Cov dLon - #7
         cout << pppSolver.getVariance(TypeID::dH) << "  ";   // Cov dH   - #8
         cout << pppSolver.getVariance(TypeID::wetMap) << "  ";//Cov Tropo- #9

         cout << gRin.numSats()        << "  ";       // Satellite number - #10

         cout << cDOP.getGDOP()        << "  ";                   // GDOP - #11
         cout << cDOP.getPDOP()        << "  ";                   // PDOP - #12
         cout << cDOP.getTDOP()        << "  ";                   // TDOP - #13
         cout << cDOP.getHDOP()        << "  ";                   // HDOP - #14
         cout << cDOP.getVDOP()        << "  ";                   // VDOP - #15

         cout << endl;

            // For statistical purposes we discard the first two hours of data
         if (static_cast<YDSTime>(time).sod > 7200.0)
               // Statistical summary
            double errorV( pppSolver.solution[1]*pppSolver.solution[1] +
                           pppSolver.solution[2]*pppSolver.solution[2] +
                           pppSolver.solution[3]*pppSolver.solution[3] );

               // Get module of position error vector
            errorV = std::sqrt(errorV);

               // Add to statistical summary object

      }  // End of position printing
            // Print here the model results
            // First, define types we want to keep
         TypeIDSet types;

         gRin.keepOnlyTypeID(types);   // Delete the types not in 'types'

            // Iterate through the GNSS Data Structure
         satTypeValueMap::const_iterator it;
         for (it = gRin.body.begin(); it!= gRin.body.end(); it++) 

               // Print epoch
            cout << static_cast<YDSTime>(time).year        << " ";
            cout << static_cast<YDSTime>(time).doy         << " ";
            cout << static_cast<YDSTime>(time).sod  << " ";

            cout << cDOP.getGDOP()        << "  ";  // GDOP #4
            cout << cDOP.getPDOP()        << "  ";  // PDOP #5
            cout << cDOP.getTDOP()        << "  ";  // TDOP #6
            cout << cDOP.getHDOP()        << "  ";  // HDOP #7
            cout << cDOP.getVDOP()        << "  ";  // VDOP #8

               // Print satellite information (system and PRN)
            cout << (*it).first << " ";

               // Print model values
            typeValueMap::const_iterator itObs;
            for( itObs  = (*it).second.begin(); 
                 itObs != (*it).second.end();
                 itObs++ )
               bool printNames(true);  // Whether print types' names or not
               if (printNames)
                  cout << (*itObs).first << " ";

               cout << (*itObs).second << " ";

            }  // End for( itObs = ... )

            cout << endl;

         }  // End for (it = gRin.body.begin(); ... )

      }  // End of model printing

   }  // End of 'while(rin >> gRin)...'

      // Print statistical summary in cerr
      cerr << "Module of error vector: Average = "
           << errorVectorStats.average() << " m    Std. dev. = "
           << std::sqrt(errorVectorStats.variance()) << " m" << endl;

   exit(0);       // End of program

Exemplo n.º 4
      // Compute hMatrix and rMatrix
   void EquationSystem::getGeometryWeights( gnssDataMap& gdsMap )

         // Resize hMatrix and rMatrix
      hMatrix.resize( measVector.size(), varUnknowns.size(), 0.0);
      rMatrix.resize( measVector.size(),  measVector.size(), 0.0);

         // Let's work with the first element of the data structure
      gnssDataMap gds2( gdsMap.frontEpoch() );

         // Let's fill weights and geometry matrices
      int row(0);                      // Declare a counter for row number
      for( std::list<Equation>::const_iterator itRow =
           itRow != currentEquationsList.end();
           ++itRow )

            // Create temporal GDS objects
         SourceID source( (*itRow).header.equationSource );
         SatID sat( (*itRow).header.equationSat );

            // Get a TypeIDSet with all the data types present in current GDS
            // Declare an appropriate object
         TypeIDSet typeSet;

            // We need a flag
         bool found( false );

            // Iterate through data structure
         for( gnssDataMap::const_iterator itGDS = gds2.begin();
              itGDS != gds2.end() && !found;
              ++itGDS )
               // Look for source
            sourceDataMap::const_iterator itSDM = (*itGDS).second.find(source);
            if( itSDM != (*itGDS).second.end() )
                  // Get the types
               typeSet = (*itSDM).second.getTypeID();
               found = true;

            // First, fill weights matrix
            // Check if current GDS has weight info. If you don't want those
            // weights to get into equations, please don't put them in GDS
         if( typeSet.find(TypeID::weight) != typeSet.end() )
               // Weights matrix = Equation weight * observation weight
            rMatrix(row,row) = (*itRow).header.constWeight
                               * gds2.getValue(source, sat, TypeID::weight);
               // Weights matrix = Equation weight
            rMatrix(row,row) = (*itRow).header.constWeight;

            // Second, fill geometry matrix: Look for equation coefficients
         int col(0);                   // Declare a counter for column number
         for( VariableSet::const_iterator itCol = varUnknowns.begin();
              itCol != varUnknowns.end();
              ++itCol )

               // Check if unknown is in current equation and also is marked
               // as a current unknown
            if( (*itRow).body.find( (*itCol) ) != (*itRow).body.end() &&
                currentUnknowns.find( (*itCol) ) != currentUnknowns.end() )

                  // Check if '(*itCol)' unknown variable enforces a specific
                  // coefficient
               if( (*itCol).isDefaultForced() )
                     // Use default coefficient
                  hMatrix(row,col) = (*itCol).getDefaultCoefficient();
                     // Look the coefficient in provided data

                     // Get type of current varUnknown
                  TypeID type( (*itCol).getType() );

                     // Check if this type has an entry in current GDS type set
                  if( typeSet.find(type) != typeSet.end() )
                        // If type was found, insert value into hMatrix
                     hMatrix(row,col) = gds2.getValue(source, sat, type);
                        // If value for current type is not in gdsMap, then
                        // insert default coefficient for this variable
                     hMatrix(row,col) = (*itCol).getDefaultCoefficient();

               }  // End of 'if( (*itCol).isDefaultForced() ) ...'

            }  // End of 'if( (*itRow).body.find( (*itCol) ) != ...'

               // Increment column counter

         }  // End of 'for( VariableSet::const_iterator itCol = ...'

            // Handle type index variable
         for( VariableSet::const_iterator itCol = (*itRow).body.begin();
             itCol != (*itRow).body.end();
             ++itCol )

            VariableSet::const_iterator itr = rejectUnknowns.find( (*itCol) );
            if( itr == rejectUnknowns.end() || (*itr).getTypeIndexed()) continue;

            Variable var(*itr);

            col = 0;            
            for( VariableSet::const_iterator it = varUnknowns.begin(); it != varUnknowns.end(); it++)
                if(((*itCol).getType() == (*it).getType())                  &&
                   ((*itCol).getModel() == (*it).getModel())                &&
                   ((*itCol).getSourceIndexed() == (*it).getSourceIndexed())&&
                   ((*itCol).getSatIndexed() == (*it).getSatIndexed())      &&
                   ((*itCol).getSource() == (*it).getSource())              &&
                   ((*itCol).getSatellite() == (*it).getSatellite())        


            // Check if '(*itCol)' unknown variable enforces a specific
            // coefficient
            if( (*itCol).isDefaultForced() )
                   // Use default coefficient
                hMatrix(row,col) = (*itCol).getDefaultCoefficient();
                // Look the coefficient in provided data

                   // Get type of current varUnknown
                TypeID type( (*itCol).getType() );

                   // Check if this type has an entry in current GDS type set
                if( typeSet.find(type) != typeSet.end() )
                       // If type was found, insert value into hMatrix
                    hMatrix(row,col) = gds2.getValue(source, sat, type);
                      // If value for current type is not in gdsMap, then
                      // insert default coefficient for this variable
                    hMatrix(row,col) = (*itCol).getDefaultCoefficient();

            }  // End of 'if( (*itCol).isDefaultForced() ) ...'

            // Increment row number

      }  // End of 'std::list<Equation>::const_iterator itRow = ...'

   }  // End of method 'EquationSystem::getGeometryWeights()'