Exemplo n.º 1
bool UClassThumbnailRenderer::CanVisualizeAsset(UObject* Object)
	if (ThumbnailScene == nullptr)
		ThumbnailScene = new FClassThumbnailScene();

	UClass* Class = Cast<UClass>(Object);

	// Only visualize actor based classes
	if (Class && Class->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()))
		// Try to find any visible primitive components in the class' CDO
		AActor* CDO = Class->GetDefaultObject<AActor>();

		TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> Components;

		for (auto CompIt = Components.CreateConstIterator(); CompIt; ++CompIt)
			if (ThumbnailScene->IsValidComponentForVisualization(*CompIt))
				return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
UActorFactory* FPlacementMode::FindLastUsedFactoryForAssetType( UObject* Asset ) const
	if ( Asset == NULL )
		return NULL;

	UActorFactory* LastUsedFactory = NULL;

	UClass* CurrentClass = Cast<UClass>( Asset ); 
	if ( CurrentClass == NULL )
		CurrentClass = Asset->GetClass();

	while ( LastUsedFactory == NULL && CurrentClass != NULL && CurrentClass != UClass::StaticClass() )
		const TWeakObjectPtr< UActorFactory >* FoundFactory = AssetTypeToFactory.Find( *CurrentClass->GetPathName() );
		if ( FoundFactory != NULL && FoundFactory->IsValid() )
			LastUsedFactory = FoundFactory->Get();
			CurrentClass = CurrentClass->GetSuperClass();

	return LastUsedFactory;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Disassemble all functions in any classes that have matching names.
void FKismetBytecodeDisassembler::DisassembleAllFunctionsInClasses(FOutputDevice& Ar, const FString& ClassnameSubstring)
	FKismetBytecodeDisassembler Disasm(Ar);
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIter; ClassIter; ++ClassIter)
		UClass* Class = *ClassIter;

		FString ClassName = Class->GetName();
		if (FCString::Strfind(*ClassName, *ClassnameSubstring))
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("Processing class %s"), *ClassName);

			for (TFieldIterator<UFunction> FunctionIter(Class, EFieldIteratorFlags::ExcludeSuper); FunctionIter; ++FunctionIter)
				UFunction* Function = *FunctionIter;
				FString FunctionName = Function->GetName();
				Ar.Logf(TEXT("  Processing function %s (%d bytes)"), *FunctionName, Function->Script.Num());




int32 UFixupNeedsLoadForEditorGameCommandlet::InitializeResaveParameters(const TArray<FString>& Tokens, TArray<FString>& MapPathNames)
	int32 Result = Super::InitializeResaveParameters(Tokens, MapPathNames);
	// We need ResaveClasses to be specified, otherwise we won't know what to update
	if (Result == 0 && !ResaveClasses.Num())
		UE_LOG(LogContentCommandlet, Error, TEXT("FixupNeedsLoadForEditorGame commandlet requires at least one resave class name. Use -RESAVECLASS=ClassA,ClassB,ClassC to specify resave classes."));
		Result = 1;
		for (FName& ClassName : ResaveClasses)
			if (!ResaveClassNeedsLoadForEditorGameValues.Contains(ClassName))
				UClass* ResaveClass = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *ClassName.ToString());
				if (ResaveClass)
					UObject* DefaultObject = ResaveClass->GetDefaultObject();
					ResaveClassNeedsLoadForEditorGameValues.Add(ClassName, DefaultObject->NeedsLoadForEditorGame());
			else if (Verbosity != UResavePackagesCommandlet::ONLY_ERRORS)
				UE_LOG(LogContentCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Resave Class \"%s\" could not be found. Make sure the class name is valid and that it's a native class."), *ClassName.ToString());
		if (ResaveClassNeedsLoadForEditorGameValues.Num() == 0)
			UE_LOG(LogContentCommandlet, Error, TEXT("Got %d classes to resave but none of the exist."), ResaveClasses.Num());
			Result = 1;
	return Result;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Trys to load the UClass for the commandlet that was requested
 * @param CommandletName the name of the commandlet to load
static UClass* LoadCommandlet(const TCHAR* CommandletName)
	// Try to find the UClass for the commandlet (works for all but script classes)
	UClass* Class = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE,CommandletName,FALSE);

	// Don't accept classes that are not commandlets...
	if (!Class->IsChildOf(UCommandlet::StaticClass()))
		Class = NULL;

	// Name mangle by appending Commandlet
	FString AppendedName(CommandletName);
	AppendedName += TEXT("Commandlet");
	if (Class == NULL)
		Class = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE,*AppendedName,FALSE);
		// Don't accept classes that are not commandlets...
		if (!Class->IsChildOf(UCommandlet::StaticClass()))
			Class = NULL;
	// Let the user know that the commandlet wasn't found
	if (Class == NULL)
		warnf(TEXT("Failed to load commandlet %s"),CommandletName);
	return Class;
Exemplo n.º 6
// Looks at the Objects array and returns the best base class.  Called by
// Finalize(); that is, when the list of selected objects is being finalized.
void FObjectPropertyNode::SetBestBaseClass()
	BaseClass = NULL;

	for( int32 x = 0 ; x < Objects.Num() ; ++x )
		UObject* Obj = Objects[x].Get();
		if( Obj )
			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == NULL)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( BaseClass == NULL )
				BaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( BaseClass.Get() ) )
				BaseClass = BaseClass->GetSuperClass();
bool UBlueprintBoundEventNodeSpawner::IsBindingCompatible(UObject const* BindingCandidate) const
	bool bMatchesNodeType = false;
	if (NodeClass->IsChildOf<UK2Node_ComponentBoundEvent>())
		UObjectProperty const* BindingProperty = Cast<UObjectProperty>(BindingCandidate);
		bMatchesNodeType = (BindingProperty != nullptr);
	else if (NodeClass->IsChildOf<UK2Node_ActorBoundEvent>())
		bMatchesNodeType = BindingCandidate->IsA<AActor>();

	const UMulticastDelegateProperty* Delegate = GetEventDelegate();

	if ( !ensureMsgf(!FBlueprintNodeSpawnerUtils::IsStaleFieldAction(this), 
			TEXT("Invalid BlueprintBoundEventNodeSpawner (for %s). Was the action database properly updated when this class was compiled?"), 
		return false;

	UClass* DelegateOwner = Delegate->GetOwnerClass()->GetAuthoritativeClass();
	UClass* BindingClass  = FBlueprintNodeSpawnerUtils::GetBindingClass(BindingCandidate)->GetAuthoritativeClass();

	return bMatchesNodeType && BindingClass->IsChildOf(DelegateOwner) && !FObjectEditorUtils::IsVariableCategoryHiddenFromClass(Delegate, BindingClass);
bool UOnlineHotfixManager::HotfixPakIniFile(const FString& FileName)
	FConfigFile* ConfigFile = GetConfigFile(FileName);
	UE_LOG(LogHotfixManager, Log, TEXT("Hotfix merged INI (%s) found in a PAK file"), *FileName);

	FName IniFileName(*FileName, FNAME_Find);
	int32 NumObjectsReloaded = 0;
	const double StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
	// Now that we have a list of classes to update, we can iterate objects and
	// reload if they match the INI file that was changed
	for (FObjectIterator It; It; ++It)
		UClass* Class = It->GetClass();
		if (Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Config) &&
			Class->ClassConfigName == IniFileName)
			// Force a reload of the config vars
	UE_LOG(LogHotfixManager, Log, TEXT("Updating config from %s took %f seconds reloading %d objects"),
		*FileName, FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartTime, NumObjectsReloaded);
	return true;
void AActor::ResetPropertiesForConstruction()
	// Get class CDO
	AActor* Default = GetClass()->GetDefaultObject<AActor>();
	// RandomStream struct name to compare against
	const FName RandomStreamName(TEXT("RandomStream"));

	// We don't want to reset references to world object
	const bool bIsLevelScriptActor = IsA(ALevelScriptActor::StaticClass());

	// Iterate over properties
	for( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(GetClass()) ; It ; ++It )
		UProperty* Prop = *It;
		UStructProperty* StructProp = Cast<UStructProperty>(Prop);
		UClass* PropClass = CastChecked<UClass>(Prop->GetOuter()); // get the class that added this property

		// First see if it is a random stream, if so reset before running construction script
		if( (StructProp != NULL) && (StructProp->Struct != NULL) && (StructProp->Struct->GetFName() == RandomStreamName) )
			FRandomStream* StreamPtr =  StructProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<FRandomStream>(this);
		// If it is a blueprint added variable that is not editable per-instance, reset to default before running construction script
		else if( !bIsLevelScriptActor 
				&& Prop->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_DisableEditOnInstance)
				&& PropClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_CompiledFromBlueprint) 
				&& !Prop->IsA(UDelegateProperty::StaticClass()) 
				&& !Prop->IsA(UMulticastDelegateProperty::StaticClass()) )
			Prop->CopyCompleteValue_InContainer(this, Default);
Exemplo n.º 10
TSharedRef<SWidget> SContentReference::MakeAssetPickerMenu()
	FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>(TEXT("ContentBrowser"));

	FAssetPickerConfig AssetPickerConfig;

	UClass* FilterClass = AllowedClass.Get();
	if (FilterClass != NULL)
		AssetPickerConfig.Filter.bRecursiveClasses = true;

	AssetPickerConfig.OnAssetSelected = FOnAssetSelected::CreateSP(this, &SContentReference::OnAssetSelectedFromPicker);
	AssetPickerConfig.OnShouldFilterAsset = OnShouldFilterAsset;
	AssetPickerConfig.bAllowNullSelection = true;
	AssetPickerConfig.ThumbnailLabel = EThumbnailLabel::ClassName;
	AssetPickerConfig.InitialAssetViewType = InitialAssetViewType;

	return SNew(SBox)
Exemplo n.º 11
UFunction* UK2Node_MakeArray::GetArrayAddFunction() const
	UClass* ArrayLibClass = UKismetArrayLibrary::StaticClass();
	UFunction* ReturnFunction = ArrayLibClass->FindFunctionByName(FName(TEXT("Array_Add")));
	return ReturnFunction;
Exemplo n.º 12
FName FClassIconFinder::FindIconNameForClass(UClass* InClass, const FName& InDefaultName )
	FName BrushName = InDefaultName;
	const FSlateBrush* Brush = NULL;

	if ( InClass != NULL )
		// walk up class hierarchy until we find an icon
		UClass* ActorClass = InClass;
		while( (Brush == NULL || Brush == FEditorStyle::GetDefaultBrush()) && ActorClass && (ActorClass != AActor::StaticClass()) )
			BrushName = *FString::Printf( TEXT( "ClassIcon.%s" ), *ActorClass->GetName() );
			Brush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush( BrushName );
			ActorClass = ActorClass->GetSuperClass();

	if( Brush == NULL || Brush == FEditorStyle::GetDefaultBrush() )
		// If we didn't supply an override name for the default icon use default class icon.
		if( InDefaultName == "" )
			BrushName = TEXT( "ClassIcon.Default" );
			BrushName = InDefaultName;

	return BrushName;
Exemplo n.º 13
void FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::UpdateBytecodeReferences()

	if(ClassToReinstance != NULL)
		TMap<UObject*, UObject*> FieldMappings;

		for( auto DependentBP = Dependencies.CreateIterator(); DependentBP; ++DependentBP )
			UClass* BPClass = (*DependentBP)->GeneratedClass;

			// Skip cases where the class is junk, or haven't finished serializing in yet
			if( (BPClass == ClassToReinstance)
				|| (BPClass->GetOutermost() == GetTransientPackage()) 
				|| BPClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists)
				|| (BPClass->ClassGeneratedBy && BPClass->ClassGeneratedBy->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad|RF_BeingRegenerated)) )

			// For each function defined in this blueprint, run through the bytecode, and update any refs from the old properties to the new
			for( TFieldIterator<UFunction> FuncIter(BPClass, EFieldIteratorFlags::ExcludeSuper); FuncIter; ++FuncIter )
				UFunction* CurrentFunction = *FuncIter;
				if( CurrentFunction->Script.Num() > 0 )
					FArchiveReplaceObjectRef<UObject> ReplaceAr(CurrentFunction, FieldMappings, /*bNullPrivateRefs=*/ false, /*bIgnoreOuterRef=*/ true, /*bIgnoreArchetypeRef=*/ true);
Exemplo n.º 14
FPrimaryAssetId AAFCueActor::GetPrimaryAssetId() const
	FName dupa1 = FPackageName::GetShortFName(GetOutermost()->GetFName());
	const AAFCueActor* A = this;
	return FPrimaryAssetId(FPrimaryAssetType("ActorCue"), dupa1);
	//if (HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
		UClass* SearchNativeClass = GetClass();

		while (SearchNativeClass && !SearchNativeClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native | CLASS_Intrinsic))
			SearchNativeClass = SearchNativeClass->GetSuperClass();

		if (SearchNativeClass && SearchNativeClass != GetClass())
			// If blueprint, return native class and asset name


		// Native CDO, return nothing
		return FPrimaryAssetId();

	// Data assets use Class and ShortName by default, there's no inheritance so class works fine
	//return FPrimaryAssetId(GetClass()->GetFName(), GetFName());
Exemplo n.º 15
TSharedRef<SWidget> SGraphPinObject::GenerateAssetPicker()
	// This class and its children are the classes that we can show objects for
	UClass* AllowedClass = Cast<UClass>(GraphPinObj->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());

	if (AllowedClass == NULL)
		AllowedClass = UObject::StaticClass();

	FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>(TEXT("ContentBrowser"));

	FAssetPickerConfig AssetPickerConfig;
	AssetPickerConfig.bAllowNullSelection = true;
	AssetPickerConfig.Filter.bRecursiveClasses = true;
	AssetPickerConfig.OnAssetSelected = FOnAssetSelected::CreateSP(this, &SGraphPinObject::OnAssetSelectedFromPicker);
	AssetPickerConfig.ThumbnailScale = 0;
	AssetPickerConfig.InitialAssetViewType = EAssetViewType::List;

			.BorderImage( FEditorStyle::GetBrush("Menu.Background") )
void FBlueprintNativeCodeGenModule::GenerateSingleStub(UBlueprint* BP, const TCHAR* PlatformName)
	if (!ensure(BP))

	UClass* Class = BP->GeneratedClass;
	if (!ensure(Class))

	// no PCHFilename should be necessary
	const IAssetRegistry& Registry = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>("AssetRegistry").Get();
	FAssetData AssetInfo = Registry.GetAssetByObjectPath(*Class->GetPathName());
	FString FileContents;
	TUniquePtr<IBlueprintCompilerCppBackend> Backend_CPP(IBlueprintCompilerCppBackendModuleInterface::Get().Create());
	// Apparently we can only generate wrappers for classes, so any logic that results in non classes requesting
	// wrappers will fail here:

	FileContents = Backend_CPP->GenerateWrapperForClass(Class);

	if (!FileContents.IsEmpty())
			, *(GetManifest(PlatformName).CreateUnconvertedDependencyRecord(AssetInfo.PackageName, AssetInfo).GeneratedWrapperPath)
			, ForcedEncoding());
	// The stub we generate still may have dependencies on other modules, so make sure the module dependencies are 
	// still recorded so that the .build.cs is generated correctly. Without this you'll get include related errors 
	// (or possibly linker errors) in stub headers:
FString UMaterialGraphNode::GetDocumentationExcerptName() const
	// Default the node to searching for an excerpt named for the C++ node class name, including the U prefix.
	// This is done so that the excerpt name in the doc file can be found by find-in-files when searching for the full class name.
	UClass* MyClass = (MaterialExpression != NULL) ? MaterialExpression->GetClass() : this->GetClass();
	return FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%s"), MyClass->GetPrefixCPP(), *MyClass->GetName());
Exemplo n.º 18
void AActor::PreEditUndo()
	// Check if this Actor needs to be re-instanced
	UClass* OldClass = GetClass();
	UClass* NewClass = OldClass->GetAuthoritativeClass();
	if (NewClass != OldClass)
		// Empty the OwnedComponents array, it's filled with invalid information

	// Since child actor components will rebuild themselves get rid of the Actor before we make changes
	TInlineComponentArray<UChildActorComponent*> ChildActorComponents;

	for (UChildActorComponent* ChildActorComponent : ChildActorComponents)
		if (ChildActorComponent->IsCreatedByConstructionScript())

	// let navigation system know to not care about this actor anymore

Exemplo n.º 19
UFunction* FindNetServiceFunctionById(int16 RPCId)
	UFunction** Function = RPCFunctionMap.Find(RPCId);
	if (!Function)
		for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
			UClass* Class = *ClassIt;
			if (Class->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass())
				&& !(Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract | CLASS_Deprecated)))
				for (TFieldIterator<UFunction> FuncIt(Class); FuncIt; ++FuncIt) 
					UFunction* CurFunc = *FuncIt;
					if (CurFunc->RPCId > 0)
						RPCFunctionMap.Add(CurFunc->RPCId, CurFunc);
		Function = RPCFunctionMap.Find(RPCId);

	return *Function;
FString FComponentEditorUtils::GenerateValidVariableNameFromAsset(UObject* Asset, AActor* ComponentOwner)
	int32 Counter = 1;
	FString AssetName = Asset->GetName();

	UClass* Class = Cast<UClass>(Asset);
	if (Class)
		if (!Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_CompiledFromBlueprint))

	// Try to create a name without any numerical suffix first
	FString ComponentInstanceName = AssetName;

	if (ComponentOwner)
		while (!IsComponentNameAvailable(ComponentInstanceName, ComponentOwner))
			// Assign the lowest possible numerical suffix
			ComponentInstanceName = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%d"), *AssetName, Counter++);

	return ComponentInstanceName;
FText FSimpleAssetEditor::GetToolkitName() const
	const TArray<UObject*>& EditingObjs = GetEditingObjects();

	check( EditingObjs.Num() > 0 );

	FFormatNamedArguments Args;
	Args.Add( TEXT("ToolkitName"), GetBaseToolkitName() );

	if( EditingObjs.Num() == 1 )
		const UObject* EditingObject = EditingObjs[ 0 ];

		const bool bDirtyState = EditingObject->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();

		Args.Add( TEXT("ObjectName"), FText::FromString( EditingObject->GetName() ) );
		Args.Add( TEXT("DirtyState"), bDirtyState ? FText::FromString( TEXT( "*" ) ) : FText::GetEmpty() );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle", "{ObjectName}{DirtyState} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
		bool bDirtyState = false;
		UClass* SharedBaseClass = nullptr;
		for( int32 x = 0; x < EditingObjs.Num(); ++x )
			UObject* Obj = EditingObjs[ x ];
			check( Obj );

			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == nullptr)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( SharedBaseClass == nullptr )
				SharedBaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( SharedBaseClass ) )
				SharedBaseClass = SharedBaseClass->GetSuperClass();

			// If any of the objects are dirty, flag the label
			bDirtyState |= Obj->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();


		Args.Add( TEXT("NumberOfObjects"), EditingObjs.Num() );
		Args.Add( TEXT("ClassName"), FText::FromString( SharedBaseClass->GetName() ) );
		Args.Add( TEXT("DirtyState"), bDirtyState ? FText::FromString( TEXT( "*" ) ) : FText::GetEmpty() );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle_EditingMultiple", "{NumberOfObjects} {ClassName}{DirtyState} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
Exemplo n.º 22
FString UK2Node_BaseMCDelegate::GetDocumentationLink() const
	UClass* ParentClass = NULL;
	if (DelegateReference.IsSelfContext())
		if (HasValidBlueprint())
			UField* Delegate = FindField<UField>(GetBlueprint()->GeneratedClass, DelegateReference.GetMemberName());
			if (Delegate != NULL)
				ParentClass = Delegate->GetOwnerClass();
		ParentClass = DelegateReference.GetMemberParentClass(this);

	if ( ParentClass != NULL )
		return FString( TEXT("Shared/") ) + ParentClass->GetName();

	return TEXT("");
const FSlateBrush* FClassIconFinder::FindIconForActors(const TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> >& InActors, UClass*& CommonBaseClass)
	// Get the common base class of the selected actors
	const FSlateBrush* CommonIcon = nullptr;
	for( int32 ActorIdx = 0; ActorIdx < InActors.Num(); ++ActorIdx )
		TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> Actor = InActors[ActorIdx];
		UClass* ObjClass = Actor->GetClass();

		if (!CommonBaseClass)
			CommonBaseClass = ObjClass;
		while (!ObjClass->IsChildOf(CommonBaseClass))
			CommonBaseClass = CommonBaseClass->GetSuperClass();

		const FSlateBrush* ActorIcon = FindIconForActor(Actor);

		if (!CommonIcon)
			CommonIcon = ActorIcon;
		if (CommonIcon != ActorIcon)
			CommonIcon = FindIconForClass(CommonBaseClass);

	return CommonIcon;
Exemplo n.º 24
* Generates a list of assets from the ENGINE and the GAME by a specific type.
* This is to be used by the GetTest() function.
void FEditorAutomationTestUtilities::CollectTestsByClass(UClass * Class, TArray<FString>& OutBeautifiedNames, TArray <FString>& OutTestCommands)
	FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(TEXT("AssetRegistry"));
	TArray<FAssetData> ObjectList;
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssetsByClass(Class->GetFName(), ObjectList);

	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> AllClassesIt; AllClassesIt; ++AllClassesIt)
		UClass* ClassList = *AllClassesIt;
		FName ClassName = ClassList->GetFName();

	for (auto ObjIter = ObjectList.CreateConstIterator(); ObjIter; ++ObjIter)
		const FAssetData& Asset = *ObjIter;
		FString Filename = Asset.ObjectPath.ToString();
		//convert to full paths
		Filename = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(Filename);
		if (FAutomationTestFramework::GetInstance().ShouldTestContent(Filename))
			FString BeautifiedFilename = Asset.AssetName.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 25
void UClassProperty::Serialize( FArchive& Ar )
	Super::Serialize( Ar );
	Ar << MetaClass;

	if (Ar.IsLoading() || Ar.IsObjectReferenceCollector())
		if (ULinkerPlaceholderClass* PlaceholderClass = Cast<ULinkerPlaceholderClass>(MetaClass))

	if( !(MetaClass||HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject)) )
		// If we failed to load the MetaClass and we're not a CDO, that means we relied on a class that has been removed or doesn't exist.
		// The most likely cause for this is either an incomplete recompile, or if content was migrated between games that had native class dependencies
		// that do not exist in this game.  We allow blueprint classes to continue, because compile on load will error out, and stub the class that was using it
		UClass* TestClass = dynamic_cast<UClass*>(GetOwnerStruct());
		if( TestClass && TestClass->HasAllClassFlags(CLASS_Native) && !TestClass->HasAllClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists) && (TestClass->GetOutermost() != GetTransientPackage()) )
			checkf(false, TEXT("Class property tried to serialize a missing class.  Did you remove a native class and not fully recompile?"));
FText SPropertyEditorAsset::OnGetAssetClassName() const
	UClass* Class = GetDisplayedClass();
		return FText::FromString(Class->GetName());
	return FText::GetEmpty();
Exemplo n.º 27
void UK2Node_SpawnActor::GetNodeAttributes( TArray<TKeyValuePair<FString, FString>>& OutNodeAttributes ) const
	UClass* ClassToSpawn = GetClassToSpawn();
	const FString ClassToSpawnStr = ClassToSpawn ? ClassToSpawn->GetName() : TEXT( "InvalidClass" );
	OutNodeAttributes.Add( TKeyValuePair<FString, FString>( TEXT( "Type" ), TEXT( "SpawnActor" ) ));
	OutNodeAttributes.Add( TKeyValuePair<FString, FString>( TEXT( "Class" ), GetClass()->GetName() ));
	OutNodeAttributes.Add( TKeyValuePair<FString, FString>( TEXT( "Name" ), GetName() ));
	OutNodeAttributes.Add( TKeyValuePair<FString, FString>( TEXT( "ActorClass" ), ClassToSpawnStr ));
UField* FMemberReference::FindRemappedField(UClass* InitialScope, FName InitialName, bool bInitialScopeMustBeOwnerOfField)
	FFieldRemapInfo NewFieldInfo;

	bool bFoundReplacement = false;
	// Step up the class chain to check if us or any of our parents specify a redirect
	UClass* TestRemapClass = InitialScope;
	while( TestRemapClass != NULL )
		if( FindReplacementFieldName(TestRemapClass, InitialName, NewFieldInfo) )
			// Found it, stop our search
			bFoundReplacement = true;

		TestRemapClass = TestRemapClass->GetSuperClass();

	// In the case of a bifurcation of a variable (e.g. moved from a parent into certain children), verify that we don't also define the variable in the current scope first
	if( bFoundReplacement && (FindField<UField>(InitialScope, InitialName) != nullptr))
		bFoundReplacement = false;		

	if( bFoundReplacement )
		const FName NewFieldName = NewFieldInfo.FieldName;
		UClass* SearchClass = (NewFieldInfo.FieldClass != NAME_None) ? (UClass*)StaticFindObject(UClass::StaticClass(), ANY_PACKAGE, *NewFieldInfo.FieldClass.ToString()) : (UClass*)TestRemapClass;

		// Find the actual field specified by the redirector, so we can return it and update the node that uses it
		UField* NewField = FindField<UField>(SearchClass, NewFieldInfo.FieldName);
		if( NewField != NULL )
			if (bInitialScopeMustBeOwnerOfField && !InitialScope->IsChildOf(SearchClass))
				UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("UK2Node:  Unable to update field. Remapped field '%s' in not owned by given scope. Scope: '%s', Owner: '%s'."), *InitialName.ToString(), *InitialScope->GetName(), *NewFieldInfo.FieldClass.ToString());
				UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("UK2Node:  Fixed up old field '%s' to new name '%s' on class '%s'."), *InitialName.ToString(), *NewFieldInfo.FieldName.ToString(), *SearchClass->GetName());
				return NewField;
		else if (SearchClass != NULL)
			UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("UK2Node:  Unable to find updated field name for '%s' on class '%s'."), *InitialName.ToString(), *SearchClass->GetName());
			UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("UK2Node:  Unable to find updated field name for '%s' on unknown class '%s'."), *InitialName.ToString(), *NewFieldInfo.FieldClass.ToString());

	return NULL;
FString SPropertyEditorAsset::OnGetAssetClassName() const
	UClass* Class = GetDisplayedClass();
		return Class->GetName();
	return FString();
Exemplo n.º 30
void UActorAnimationPlayer::SpawnActorsForMovie(TSharedRef<FMovieSceneSequenceInstance> MovieSceneInstance)
	UWorld* WorldPtr = World.Get();

	if (WorldPtr == nullptr)

	UMovieScene* MovieScene = MovieSceneInstance->GetSequence()->GetMovieScene();

	if (MovieScene == nullptr)

	TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>* FoundSpawnedActors = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Find(MovieSceneInstance);

	if (FoundSpawnedActors != nullptr)
		// Remove existing spawned actors for this movie
		DestroyActorsForMovie( MovieSceneInstance );

	TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>& SpawnedActorList = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Add(MovieSceneInstance, TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>());

	for (auto SpawnableIndex = 0; SpawnableIndex < MovieScene->GetSpawnableCount(); ++SpawnableIndex)
		auto& Spawnable = MovieScene->GetSpawnable(SpawnableIndex);
		UClass* GeneratedClass = Spawnable.GetClass();
		if ((GeneratedClass == nullptr) || !GeneratedClass->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()))

		AActor* ActorCDO = CastChecked<AActor>(GeneratedClass->ClassDefaultObject);
		const FVector SpawnLocation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeLocation;
		const FRotator SpawnRotation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeRotation;

		FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
			SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags = RF_NoFlags;

		AActor* NewActor = WorldPtr->SpawnActor(GeneratedClass, &SpawnLocation, &SpawnRotation, SpawnInfo);

		if (NewActor)
			// Actor was spawned OK!
			FSpawnedActorInfo NewInfo;
				NewInfo.RuntimeGuid = Spawnable.GetGuid();
				NewInfo.SpawnedActor = NewActor;