Exemplo n.º 1
void UUserWidget::RemoveFromParent()
	if ( FullScreenWidget.IsValid() )
		TSharedPtr<SWidget> WidgetHost = FullScreenWidget.Pin();

		// If this is a game world add the widget to the current worlds viewport.
		UWorld* World = GetWorld();
		if ( World && World->IsGameWorld() )
			if ( UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = World->GetGameViewport() )
				TSharedRef<SWidget> WidgetHostRef = WidgetHost.ToSharedRef();


				if ( ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = GetOwningLocalPlayer() )
					ViewportClient->RemoveViewportWidgetForPlayer(LocalPlayer, WidgetHostRef);

void UWidgetLayoutLibrary::RemoveAllWidgets(UObject* WorldContextObject)
	UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject);
	if ( World && World->IsGameWorld() )
		if ( UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = World->GetGameViewport() )
Exemplo n.º 3
void UUserWidget::AddToScreen(ULocalPlayer* Player, int32 ZOrder)
	if ( !FullScreenWidget.IsValid() )
		// First create and initialize the variable so that users calling this function twice don't
		// attempt to add the widget to the viewport again.
		TSharedRef<SConstraintCanvas> FullScreenCanvas = SNew(SConstraintCanvas);
		FullScreenWidget = FullScreenCanvas;

		TSharedRef<SWidget> UserSlateWidget = TakeWidget();

			.Offset(BIND_UOBJECT_ATTRIBUTE(FMargin, GetFullScreenOffset))
			.Anchors(BIND_UOBJECT_ATTRIBUTE(FAnchors, GetViewportAnchors))
			.Alignment(BIND_UOBJECT_ATTRIBUTE(FVector2D, GetFullScreenAlignment))

		// If this is a game world add the widget to the current worlds viewport.
		UWorld* World = GetWorld();
		if ( World && World->IsGameWorld() )
			if ( UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = World->GetGameViewport() )
				if ( Player )
					ViewportClient->AddViewportWidgetForPlayer(Player, FullScreenCanvas, ZOrder);
					// We add 10 to the zorder when adding to the viewport to avoid 
					// displaying below any built-in controls, like the virtual joysticks on mobile builds.
					ViewportClient->AddViewportWidgetContent(FullScreenCanvas, ZOrder + 10);

				// Just in case we already hooked this delegate, remove the handler.

				// Widgets added to the viewport are automatically removed if the persistent level is unloaded.
				FWorldDelegates::LevelRemovedFromWorld.AddUObject(this, &UUserWidget::OnLevelRemovedFromWorld);
		FMessageLog("PIE").Warning(FText::Format(LOCTEXT("WidgetAlreadyOnScreen", "The widget '{0}' was already added to the screen."),
FVector2D UWidgetLayoutLibrary::GetViewportSize(UObject* WorldContextObject)
	UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject);
	if ( World && World->IsGameWorld() )
		if ( UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = World->GetGameViewport() )
			FVector2D ViewportSize;
			return ViewportSize;

	return FVector2D(1, 1);
float UWidgetLayoutLibrary::GetViewportScale(UObject* WorldContextObject)
	UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject);
	if ( World && World->IsGameWorld() )
		if ( UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = World->GetGameViewport() )
			FVector2D ViewportSize;
			return GetDefault<UUserInterfaceSettings>()->GetDPIScaleBasedOnSize(FIntPoint(ViewportSize.X, ViewportSize.Y));

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
void UTKMathFunctionLibrary::ConvertAnchorToAnchor(UObject* WorldContextObject, FAnchors CurrentAnchor, FMargin Offsets, FAnchors TargetAnchor, FMargin& ConvertedOffsets)
	if (CurrentAnchor.Minimum == TargetAnchor.Minimum && CurrentAnchor.Maximum == TargetAnchor.Maximum)
		ConvertedOffsets = Offsets;

	FVector2D View = FVector2D(1, 1);
	UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject);
	if (World && World->IsGameWorld())
		if (UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = World->GetGameViewport())

	FMargin ZeroAnchorOffsets = Offsets;
	//Convert to 0,0 anchor first.
	if (CurrentAnchor.Minimum != FVector2D(0, 0) || CurrentAnchor.Maximum != FVector2D(0, 0))
		ZeroAnchorOffsets.Left = View.X * CurrentAnchor.Minimum.X + Offsets.Left;
		ZeroAnchorOffsets.Top = View.Y * CurrentAnchor.Minimum.Y + Offsets.Top;

		if (CurrentAnchor.Minimum.X != CurrentAnchor.Maximum.X)
			ZeroAnchorOffsets.Right = View.X * CurrentAnchor.Maximum.X - (Offsets.Right + Offsets.Left);
		if (CurrentAnchor.Minimum.Y != CurrentAnchor.Maximum.Y)
			ZeroAnchorOffsets.Bottom = View.Y * CurrentAnchor.Maximum.Y - (Offsets.Bottom + Offsets.Top);

		if (TargetAnchor.Minimum == FVector2D(0, 0) && TargetAnchor.Maximum == FVector2D(0, 0))
			ConvertedOffsets = ZeroAnchorOffsets;

	//Convert 0,0 anchor offsets to target anchor offsets.
	ConvertedOffsets.Left = (-View.X) * TargetAnchor.Minimum.X + ZeroAnchorOffsets.Left;
	ConvertedOffsets.Top = (-View.Y) * TargetAnchor.Minimum.Y + ZeroAnchorOffsets.Top;

	ConvertedOffsets.Right = TargetAnchor.Minimum.X != TargetAnchor.Maximum.X ? View.X * TargetAnchor.Maximum.X - (ZeroAnchorOffsets.Left + ZeroAnchorOffsets.Right) : ZeroAnchorOffsets.Right;
	ConvertedOffsets.Bottom = TargetAnchor.Minimum.Y != TargetAnchor.Maximum.Y ? View.Y * TargetAnchor.Maximum.Y - (ZeroAnchorOffsets.Top + ZeroAnchorOffsets.Bottom) : ZeroAnchorOffsets.Bottom;
Exemplo n.º 7
void UUserWidget::AddToViewport(int32 ZOrder)
	if ( !FullScreenWidget.IsValid() )
		TSharedPtr<SWidget> OutUserSlateWidget;
		TSharedRef<SWidget> RootWidget = MakeViewportWidget(OutUserSlateWidget);

		FullScreenWidget = RootWidget;

		// If this is a game world add the widget to the current worlds viewport.
		UWorld* World = GetWorld();
		if ( World && World->IsGameWorld() )
			if ( UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = World->GetGameViewport() )
				ViewportClient->AddViewportWidgetContent(RootWidget, 10 + ZOrder);
Exemplo n.º 8
void UUserWidget::RemoveFromParent()
	if ( FullScreenWidget.IsValid() )
		TSharedPtr<SWidget> WidgetHost = FullScreenWidget.Pin();

		// If this is a game world add the widget to the current worlds viewport.
		UWorld* World = GetWorld();
		if ( World && World->IsGameWorld() )
			if ( UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = World->GetGameViewport() )
Exemplo n.º 9
void USlateBlueprintLibrary::AbsoluteToViewport(UObject* WorldContextObject, const FGeometry& Geometry, FVector2D AbsoluteCoordinate, FVector2D& ScreenPosition, FVector2D& ViewportPosition)
	UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject);
	if ( World && World->IsGameWorld() )
		if ( UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient = World->GetGameViewport() )
			if ( FViewport* Viewport = ViewportClient->Viewport )
				FVector2D ViewportSize;

				FVector2D PixelLocation = Viewport->VirtualDesktopPixelToViewport(FIntPoint((int32)AbsoluteCoordinate.X, (int32)AbsoluteCoordinate.Y)) * ViewportSize;

				float CurrentViewportScale = GetDefault<UUserInterfaceSettings>()->GetDPIScaleBasedOnSize(FIntPoint(ViewportSize.X, ViewportSize.Y));

				// If the user has configured a resolution quality we need to multiply
				// the pixels by the resolution quality to arrive at the true position in
				// the viewport, as the rendered image will be stretched to fill whatever
				// size the viewport is at.
				Scalability::FQualityLevels ScalabilityQuality = Scalability::GetQualityLevels();
				const float QualityScale = ( ScalabilityQuality.ResolutionQuality / 100.0f );

				// Remove the resolution quality scale.
				ScreenPosition = PixelLocation * QualityScale;

				// Remove DPI Scaling.
				ViewportPosition = PixelLocation / CurrentViewportScale;


	ScreenPosition = FVector2D(0, 0);
	ViewportPosition = FVector2D(0, 0);