Exemplo n.º 1
		const UnitQuaternion& p, 
		const UnitQuaternion& q, 
		Scalar t

	if (!UseFastLerp)
		return Lerp(p,q,t);


	Set_Statistic(SlerpCount, SlerpCount+1);


	Scalar cosom,sclp,sclq;
	cosom = p.x*q.x + p.y*q.y + p.z*q.z + p.w*q.w;

	if ( (1.0f + cosom) > 0.01f)
		// usual case 

		if ( (1.0f - cosom) > 0.00001f ) 
			//usual case

			//table_entry = (int)Scaled_Float_To_Bits(cosom, MinCosom, MaxCosom, 10);

			float tabled_float =  cosom - MinCosom;
			int cos_table_entry = Truncate_Float_To_Word(((tabled_float*CosomRangeOverOne) * CosBiggestNumber));
			Verify(cos_table_entry >= 0);
			Verify(cos_table_entry <= QuaternionLerpTableSize);

#if 0
			sclp = Sin((1.0f - t)*Omega_Table[cos_table_entry]) * SinomOverOne_Table[cos_table_entry];
			sclq = Sin(t*Omega_Table[cos_table_entry]) * SinomOverOne_Table[cos_table_entry];
			float difference, percent, lerped_sin;

			tabled_float =  ((1.0f - t)*Omega_Table[cos_table_entry]) - MinSin;
			int sclp_table_entry = Truncate_Float_To_Word(((tabled_float*SinRangeOverOne) * SinBiggestNumber));

			if (!(sclp_table_entry < SinTableSize))
				Max_Clamp(sclp_table_entry, SinTableSize-1);

			Verify(sclp_table_entry >= 0 && sclp_table_entry < SinTableSize);
			difference = tabled_float - (SinIncrement * sclp_table_entry);
			percent = difference / SinIncrement;
			int lerp_to_entry = sclp_table_entry + 1;
			Max_Clamp(lerp_to_entry, SinTableSize-1);
			lerped_sin = Stuff::Lerp(Sin_Table[sclp_table_entry], Sin_Table[lerp_to_entry], percent);
			sclp = lerped_sin * SinomOverOne_Table[cos_table_entry];

			tabled_float =  (t*Omega_Table[cos_table_entry]) - MinSin;
			int sclq_table_entry = Truncate_Float_To_Word(((tabled_float*SinRangeOverOne) * SinBiggestNumber));
			Verify(sclq_table_entry >= 0 && sclq_table_entry < SinTableSize);
			difference = tabled_float - (SinIncrement * sclq_table_entry);
			percent = difference / SinIncrement;
			lerp_to_entry = sclq_table_entry + 1;
			Max_Clamp(lerp_to_entry, SinTableSize-1);
			lerped_sin = Stuff::Lerp(Sin_Table[sclq_table_entry], Sin_Table[lerp_to_entry], percent);
			sclq = lerped_sin * SinomOverOne_Table[cos_table_entry];
			// ends very close -- just lerp
			sclp = 1.0f - t;
			sclq = t;


		x = sclp*p.x + sclq*q.x;
		y = sclp*p.y + sclq*q.y;
		z = sclp*p.z + sclq*q.z;
		w = sclp*p.w + sclq*q.w;


		//SPEW(("jerryeds","SPECIAL CASE"));
		/* p and q nearly opposite on sphere-- this is a 360 degree
		   rotation, but the axis of rotation is undefined, so
		   slerp really is undefined too.  So this apparently picks 
		   an arbitrary plane of rotation. However, I think this 
		   code is incorrect.

		//really we want the shortest distance.  They are almost on top of each other.
		UnitQuaternion r;
		r.Subtract(q, p);

		Vector3D scaled_rotation;
		scaled_rotation = r;
		scaled_rotation *= t;
		UnitQuaternion scaled_quat;
		scaled_quat = scaled_rotation;

		Multiply(scaled_quat, p);




	return *this;

Exemplo n.º 2
UnitQuaternion &UnitQuaternion::Lerp(const UnitQuaternion& p, const UnitQuaternion& q, Scalar t)


	Set_Statistic(SlerpCount, SlerpCount+1);

	Scalar omega,cosom,sinom,sclp,sclq;
	//UnitQuaternion qt;

	//UnitQuaternion q = q_temp;
	//UnitQuaternion p = p_temp;

	cosom = p.x*q.x + p.y*q.y + p.z*q.z + p.w*q.w;

	if ( (1.0f + cosom) > 0.01f)
		// usual case 
		if ( (1.0f - cosom) > 0.00001f ) 
			//usual case 
			omega = Arccos(cosom);
			sinom = Sin(omega);
			//SPEW(("jerryeds","omega:%f sinom:%f", omega, sinom));

			sclp = Sin((1.0f - t)*omega) / sinom;
			sclq = Sin(t*omega) / sinom;
			//SPEW(("jerryeds", "* %f %f", sclp, sclq));
			// ends very close -- just lerp
			sclp = 1.0f - t;
			sclq = t;

			//SPEW(("jerryeds", "# %f %f", sclp, sclq));

		x = sclp*p.x + sclq*q.x;
		y = sclp*p.y + sclq*q.y;
		z = sclp*p.z + sclq*q.z;
		w = sclp*p.w + sclq*q.w;

		//SPEW(("jerryeds", "r:<%f,%f,%f,%f>",x,y,z,w));
		//SPEW(("jerryeds","SPECIAL CASE"));
		/* p and q nearly opposite on sphere-- this is a 360 degree
		   rotation, but the axis of rotation is undefined, so
		   slerp really is undefined too.  So this apparently picks 
		   an arbitrary plane of rotation. However, I think this 
		   code is incorrect.

		//really we want the shortest distance.  They are almost on top of each other.

		UnitQuaternion r;
		r.Subtract(q, p);

		Vector3D scaled_rotation;
		scaled_rotation = r;
		scaled_rotation *= t;
		UnitQuaternion scaled_quat;
		scaled_quat = scaled_rotation;

		Multiply(scaled_quat, p);



	return *this;