Exemplo n.º 1
Specs and Algorithm of session snapshot & periodic backup system:
Notepad++ quits without asking for saving unsaved file.
It restores all the unsaved files and document as the states they left.

For existing file (c:\tmp\foo.h)
	- Open
	In the next session, Notepad++
	1. load backup\FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) if exist, otherwise load FILENAME (c:\tmp\foo.h).
	2. if backup\FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) is loaded, set it dirty (red).
	3. if backup\FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) is loaded, last modif timestamp of FILENAME (c:\tmp\foo.h), compare with tracked timestamp (in session.xml).
	4. in the case of unequal result, tell user the FILENAME (c:\tmp\foo.h) was modified. ask user if he want to reload FILENAME(c:\tmp\foo.h)

	- Editing
	when a file starts being modified, a file will be created with name: FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776)
	the Buffer object will associate with this FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP file (backup\foo.h@198776).
	1. sync: (each 3-5 second) backup file will be saved, if buffer is dirty, and modification is present (a bool on modified notificatin).
	2. sync: each save file, or close file, the backup file will be deleted (if buffer is not dirty).
	3. before switch off to another tab (or close files on exit), check 1 & 2 (sync with backup).

	- Close
	In the current session, Notepad++
	1. track FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) if exist (in session.xml).
	2. track last modified timestamp of FILENAME (c:\tmp\foo.h) if FILENAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\foo.h@198776) was tracked  (in session.xml).

For untitled document (new  4)
	- Open
	In the next session, Notepad++
	1. open file UNTITLED_NAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\new  4@198776)
	2. set label as UNTITLED_NAME (new  4) and disk icon as red.

	- Editing
	when a untitled document starts being modified, a backup file will be created with name: UNTITLED_NAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\new  4@198776)
	the Buffer object will associate with this UNTITLED_NAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP file (backup\new  4@198776).
	1. sync: (each 3-5 second) backup file will be saved, if buffer is dirty, and modification is present (a bool on modified notificatin).
	2. sync: if untitled document is saved, or closed, the backup file will be deleted.
	3. before switch off to another tab (or close documents on exit), check 1 & 2 (sync with backup).

	In the current session, Notepad++
	1. track UNTITLED_NAME@CREATION_TIMESTAMP (backup\new  4@198776) in session.xml.
bool FileManager::backupCurrentBuffer()
	LongRunningOperation op;

	Buffer* buffer = _pNotepadPlus->getCurrentBuffer();
	bool result = false;
	bool hasModifForSession = false;

	if (buffer->isDirty())
		if (buffer->isModified()) // buffer dirty and modified, write the backup file
			// Synchronization
			// This method is called from 2 differents place, so synchronization is important
			HANDLE writeEvent = ::OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
			if (!writeEvent)
				// no thread yet, create a event with non-signaled, to block all threads
				writeEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
				if (::WaitForSingleObject(writeEvent, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
					// problem!!!
					printStr(TEXT("WaitForSingleObject problem in backupCurrentBuffer()!"));
					return false;

				// unlocled here, set to non-signaled state, to block all threads

			UniMode mode = buffer->getUnicodeMode();
			if (mode == uniCookie)
				mode = uni8Bit;	//set the mode to ANSI to prevent converter from adding BOM and performing conversions, Scintilla's data can be copied directly

			Utf8_16_Write UnicodeConvertor;
			int encoding = buffer->getEncoding();

			generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
			if (backupFilePath.empty())
				// Create file
				backupFilePath = NppParameters::getInstance()->getUserPath();
				backupFilePath += TEXT("\\backup\\");

				// if "backup" folder doesn't exist, create it.
				if (!PathFileExists(backupFilePath.c_str()))
					::CreateDirectory(backupFilePath.c_str(), NULL);

				backupFilePath += buffer->getFileName();

				const int temBufLen = 32;
				TCHAR tmpbuf[temBufLen];
				time_t ltime = time(0);
				struct tm* today = localtime(&ltime);
				generic_strftime(tmpbuf, temBufLen, TEXT("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), today);

				backupFilePath += TEXT("@");
				backupFilePath += tmpbuf;

				// Set created file name in buffer

				// Session changes, save it
				hasModifForSession = true;

			TCHAR fullpath[MAX_PATH];
			::GetFullPathName(backupFilePath.c_str(), MAX_PATH, fullpath, NULL);
			::GetLongPathName(fullpath, fullpath, MAX_PATH);

			// Make sure the backup file is not read only
			DWORD dwFileAttribs = ::GetFileAttributes(fullpath);
			if (dwFileAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) // if file is read only, remove read only attribute
				::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, dwFileAttribs);

			FILE *fp = UnicodeConvertor.fopen(fullpath, TEXT("wb"));
			if (fp)
				int lengthDoc = _pNotepadPlus->_pEditView->getCurrentDocLen();
				char* buf = (char*)_pNotepadPlus->_pEditView->execute(SCI_GETCHARACTERPOINTER);	//to get characters directly from Scintilla buffer
				size_t items_written = 0;
				if (encoding == -1) //no special encoding; can be handled directly by Utf8_16_Write
					items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(buf, lengthDoc);
					if (lengthDoc == 0)
						items_written = 1;
					WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
					int grabSize;
					for (int i = 0; i < lengthDoc; i += grabSize)
						grabSize = lengthDoc - i;
						if (grabSize > blockSize)
							grabSize = blockSize;

						int newDataLen = 0;
						int incompleteMultibyteChar = 0;
						const char *newData = wmc->encode(SC_CP_UTF8, encoding, buf+i, grabSize, &newDataLen, &incompleteMultibyteChar);
						grabSize -= incompleteMultibyteChar;
						items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(newData, newDataLen);
					if (lengthDoc == 0)
						items_written = 1;

				// Note that fwrite() doesn't return the number of bytes written, but rather the number of ITEMS.
				if(items_written == 1) // backup file has been saved
					result = true;	//all done
			// set to signaled state
			if (::SetEvent(writeEvent) == NULL)
			// printStr(TEXT("Event released!"));
		else // buffer dirty but unmodified
			result = true;
	else // buffer not dirty, sync: delete the backup file
		generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
		if (not backupFilePath.empty())
			// delete backup file
			generic_string file2Delete = buffer->getBackupFileName();
			result = (::DeleteFile(file2Delete.c_str()) != 0);

			// Session changes, save it
			hasModifForSession = true;
		//printStr(TEXT("backup deleted in backupCurrentBuffer"));
		result = true; // no backup file to delete
	//printStr(TEXT("backup sync"));

	if (result && hasModifForSession)
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool FileManager::saveBuffer(BufferID id, const TCHAR * filename, bool isCopy, generic_string * error_msg)
	Buffer * buffer = getBufferByID(id);
	bool isHidden = false;
	bool isSys = false;
	DWORD attrib = 0;

	TCHAR fullpath[MAX_PATH];
	::GetFullPathName(filename, MAX_PATH, fullpath, NULL);
	::GetLongPathName(fullpath, fullpath, MAX_PATH);
	if (PathFileExists(fullpath))
		attrib = ::GetFileAttributes(fullpath);

			isHidden = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) != 0;
			if (isHidden)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

			isSys = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) != 0;
			if (isSys)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

	UniMode mode = buffer->getUnicodeMode();
	if (mode == uniCookie)
		mode = uni8Bit;	//set the mode to ANSI to prevent converter from adding BOM and performing conversions, Scintilla's data can be copied directly

	Utf8_16_Write UnicodeConvertor;

	int encoding = buffer->getEncoding();

	FILE *fp = UnicodeConvertor.fopen(fullpath, TEXT("wb"));
	if (fp)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, buffer->_doc); //generate new document

		int lengthDoc = _pscratchTilla->getCurrentDocLen();
		char* buf = (char*)_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETCHARACTERPOINTER); //to get characters directly from Scintilla buffer
		size_t items_written = 0;
		if (encoding == -1) //no special encoding; can be handled directly by Utf8_16_Write
			items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(buf, lengthDoc);
			if (lengthDoc == 0)
				items_written = 1;
			WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
			int grabSize;
			for (int i = 0; i < lengthDoc; i += grabSize)
				grabSize = lengthDoc - i;
				if (grabSize > blockSize)
					grabSize = blockSize;

				int newDataLen = 0;
				int incompleteMultibyteChar = 0;
				const char *newData = wmc->encode(SC_CP_UTF8, encoding, buf+i, grabSize, &newDataLen, &incompleteMultibyteChar);
				grabSize -= incompleteMultibyteChar;
				items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(newData, newDataLen);
			if (lengthDoc == 0)
				items_written = 1;

		// Error, we didn't write the entire document to disk.
		// Note that fwrite() doesn't return the number of bytes written, but rather the number of ITEMS.
		if(items_written != 1)
			if(error_msg != NULL)
				*error_msg = TEXT("Failed to save file.\nNot enough space on disk to save file?");
			return false;

		if (isHidden)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

		if (isSys)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

		if (isCopy)
			_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);
			return true; // All done

		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);

		return true;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool FileManager::saveBuffer(BufferID id, const TCHAR * filename, bool isCopy, generic_string * error_msg)
	HANDLE writeEvent = ::OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
	if (!writeEvent)
		// no thread yet, create a event with non-signaled, to block all threads
		writeEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("nppWrittingEvent"));
	{		//printStr(TEXT("Locked. I wait."));
		if (::WaitForSingleObject(writeEvent, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
			// problem!!!
			printStr(TEXT("WaitForSingleObject problem in saveBuffer()!"));
			return false;

		// unlocled here, set to non-signaled state, to block all threads

	EventReset reset(writeEvent); // Will reset event in destructor.
	Buffer* buffer = getBufferByID(id);
	bool isHidden = false;
	bool isSys = false;
	DWORD attrib = 0;

	TCHAR fullpath[MAX_PATH];
	::GetFullPathName(filename, MAX_PATH, fullpath, NULL);
	::GetLongPathName(fullpath, fullpath, MAX_PATH);
	if (PathFileExists(fullpath))
		attrib = ::GetFileAttributes(fullpath);

			isHidden = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) != 0;
			if (isHidden)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

			isSys = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) != 0;
			if (isSys)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

	UniMode mode = buffer->getUnicodeMode();
	if (mode == uniCookie)
		mode = uni8Bit;	//set the mode to ANSI to prevent converter from adding BOM and performing conversions, Scintilla's data can be copied directly

	Utf8_16_Write UnicodeConvertor;

	int encoding = buffer->getEncoding();

	FILE *fp = UnicodeConvertor.fopen(fullpath, TEXT("wb"));
	if (fp)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, buffer->_doc);	//generate new document

		int lengthDoc = _pscratchTilla->getCurrentDocLen();
		char* buf = (char*)_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_GETCHARACTERPOINTER);	//to get characters directly from Scintilla buffer
		size_t items_written = 0;
		if (encoding == -1) //no special encoding; can be handled directly by Utf8_16_Write
			items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(buf, lengthDoc);
			if (lengthDoc == 0)
				items_written = 1;
			WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
			int grabSize;
			for (int i = 0; i < lengthDoc; i += grabSize)
				grabSize = lengthDoc - i;
				if (grabSize > blockSize)
					grabSize = blockSize;

				int newDataLen = 0;
				int incompleteMultibyteChar = 0;
				const char *newData = wmc->encode(SC_CP_UTF8, encoding, buf+i, grabSize, &newDataLen, &incompleteMultibyteChar);
				grabSize -= incompleteMultibyteChar;
				items_written = UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(newData, newDataLen);
			if (lengthDoc == 0)
				items_written = 1;


		// Error, we didn't write the entire document to disk.
		// Note that fwrite() doesn't return the number of bytes written, but rather the number of ITEMS.
		if(items_written != 1)
			if(error_msg != NULL)
				*error_msg = TEXT("Failed to save file.\nNot enough space on disk to save file?");

			// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
			return false;

		if (isHidden)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

		if (isSys)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

		if (isCopy)
			_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);

			/* for saveAs it's not necessary since this action is for the "current" directory, so we let manage in SAVEPOINTREACHED event
			generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
			if (not backupFilePath.empty())
				// delete backup file
				generic_string file2Delete = buffer->getBackupFileName();

			// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
			return true;	//all done

		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);

		generic_string backupFilePath = buffer->getBackupFileName();
		if (not backupFilePath.empty())
			// delete backup file

		// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
		return true;
	// set to signaled state via destructor EventReset.
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool FileManager::saveBuffer(BufferID id, const char * filename, bool isCopy) {
	Buffer * buffer = getBufferByID(id);
	bool isHidden = false;
	bool isSys = false;
	DWORD attrib;

	char fullpath[MAX_PATH];
	::GetFullPathName(filename, MAX_PATH, fullpath, NULL);
	::GetLongPathName(fullpath, fullpath, MAX_PATH);
	if (PathFileExists(fullpath))
		attrib = ::GetFileAttributes(fullpath);

			isHidden = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) != 0;
			if (isHidden)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

			isSys = (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) != 0;
			if (isSys)
				::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

	UniMode mode = buffer->getUnicodeMode();
	if (mode == uniCookie)
		mode = uni8Bit;	//set the mode to ANSI to prevent converter from adding BOM and performing conversions, Scintilla's data can be copied directly

	Utf8_16_Write UnicodeConvertor;

	FILE *fp = UnicodeConvertor.fopen(fullpath, "wb");
	if (fp)
		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, buffer->_doc);	//generate new document

		char data[blockSize + 1];
		int lengthDoc = _pscratchTilla->getCurrentDocLen();
		for (int i = 0; i < lengthDoc; i += blockSize)
			int grabSize = lengthDoc - i;
			if (grabSize > blockSize) 
				grabSize = blockSize;
			_pscratchTilla->getText(data, i, i + grabSize);
			UnicodeConvertor.fwrite(data, grabSize);

		if (isHidden)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

		if (isSys)
			::SetFileAttributes(fullpath, attrib | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM);

		if (isCopy) {
			_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);
			return true;	//all done

		_pscratchTilla->execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, _scratchDocDefault);

		return true;
	return false;